Hi, um, I made a story pretty similar to this a long time ago, but it was horrible, so I deleted but, uh, this one is the remake and should be a lot better. If you want me to send you the horrible original, just let me know, either PM me or review on the story. I don't see why you'd want the horrible version though.

Chapter 1

"No! I won't let you touch him!" A woman shouted. A man with a knife was coming closer.

"I will ask you one more time, wife, where is he?" The man had said, slowly advancing to the woman he called a wife. He had looked angry at his wife.

"Like I'd give up my son's life for my own. He's your son too. Why do you want to kill him?" The woman asked.

"You know exactly why." She did know, but didn't want to face the truth.

"You were different when I met you." She was backing away from her husband who was slowly advancing. "You were always so nice and caring."

"That was before I awoken. I need to kill that brat before he awakens as the Hero." A scream broke through the night. You know what happened, Nick?



"Huh? What?" I suddenly sit up. I fell asleep listening to my friend's story. She's going to kill me.

"Ugh, you fell asleep again!" She yelled. She slapped the back of my head, not harshly, just playfully.

"S-Sorry, Mattie." I said, I'm the only one who can get away with calling her Mattie.

"You're a little sleepy-head, Nick. What time did you go to bed last night?" She asked. I know she won't like the answer.

"I actually fell asleep on the couch reading probably around nine or something. Then Crystal woke me up at 6 so I could take a shower." I said.

"That's ten hours! That's plenty of sleep! You're so hopeless." She said, we have fake fights like these a lot. It's pretty fun I must say. It never gets too far where we're actually fighting.

"Sorry, I can't sleep well when I sleep on the couch. I keep having nightmares." Though, I feel like I can tell her anything. She's always supported me and was there for me when my parents would fight and threaten to divorce eachother.

"Nightmares? Like what?" She asks. I'm surprised she's curious. Normally she'd say I was always dreaming when I wasn't asleep.

"Well, I keep seeing this scary face. He's all green and he's approaching me. I have nothing to fight back with. Then, for some reason, I see flashes of a field, with a blue light floating around my head. There's a drawbridge in front of me, then that's it."

"Maybe you've watched something with creepy green men? Watch a Mars documentary?" She says with that smile she wears so well when messing with me.

"Matt, I'm serious. I don't know why, but I feel like I've seen that man before."

"Maybe it's a past life thing." She is a fanatic of reincarnation.

"You and reincarnation." I tell her and roll my eyes.

"Hey, it's possible."

"It could be, but there's no way to know."

"Yes there is. They say, if someone reincarnates, they lose all memory of their past life. I don't think so though. From time to time, one can see visions of what their past life did." She always makes theories like that. "Like, maybe your past life was at a disco and got alcohol poisoning and died." I raised an eyebrow at my friend.

"You make no sense sometimes."

"And neither do you. That's why we're such great friends." There was the ringing of a bell and the students collected their book bags and left for their next class. "So, what's it today?"

"Behind the wheel." I hate behind the wheel. My teacher is awesome and all, but I always get so stiff and scared. Matt is more brave than I am by a long shot. I can't even kill a spider.

"You're so lucky. I have stupid simulator. I swear, that thing has something against me." She's so funny.

"Maybe you're just a bad driver."

"Shush!" She lightly punched my arm. I smiled.

"There's no way I can drive so tired."

"Here, come here." Matt grabbed my arm and led me over to the water fountain.

"I already had water during lunch." She ignored me and pressed the on button with her knee while cupping her hands under the water. Instantly, I know what she's going to do. "Don't you-" Too late, she splashed water on my face.

"Are you awake yet?"


"Aw, darn."

"Nothing can wake me up."


"Ew, no! Coffee tastes like it came out of a sewer."

"And how would you know that?"

"I'm only guessing." You can guess by the smell. Sometimes things smell like they taste, like cat food. When I was little I might have tried a bit of cat food… don't judge me! I was curious!

"Uh huh, sure."

"We need to get to class." Matt and I went to the simulator room. I set down my bag and found my permit. "Well, wish me luck."

"Nope! Break a leg. Just not literally." She lightly slaps my arm and smiles.

"Ha ha, very funny. Gotta go, see ya."

"Bye." I left the classroom and waited out in the hall for the rest of the behind the wheel people.

I am just a normal kid with dark brown hair, almost black, and dark green eyes. My adoptive mom told me that I was found on the streets and they took me, at first, to the sheriff's office to see if anyone would claim me, but nobody did, so they were going to send me to an orphanage when Mom said she'd take me in as her son. I have a great family, even though we aren't blood related. There's mom, dad, and my sister Crystal. I tended to get bullied a lot when I was little, that was, until Matt became my friend. She was the school's toughest bully, and became my friend. Nobody even came close to me after I met her.

Mattie, or Matt, is a full out tomboy, the only thing girly about her is her long blond hair, which she puts up in a ponytail. Both her parents died when she was three and was taken in by her aunt. Now, she lives in one house with 2 older sisters, 3 younger brothers, 5 cousins, her aunt, and her grandma. They get by in this economy though, that's a good thing. Mattie and her sisters have part time jobs to help get them through. She's kind of like an older sister.

Classes were soon over for the day. Since it was Friday, it was finally the weekend. Usually, my adopted sister walks home with me after school, but I had a meeting after school, so I was stuck walking home alone. It was only a ten minute walk if I took the short cut. 20 minutes without the short cut. I decided to take the short cut. I hear a snap behind me and turn around. I don't see anybody. I turn and keep walking. I'm nearly out of the shortcut, I feel an arm wrap around my chest, then something sharp on my neck. My heart is racing. I'm so scared.

"This is what you get." A voice whispers in my ear. The sharp object slides across my throat and I'm tossed down. I'm kicked so I'm on my side. My book bag is lying right next to me. I feel a sharp object stab into my side, then the person walks away. I try reaching for my bag, which has my cell phone. I'm losing ability to see and move quickly. I pull out my cell phone and push the speed dial for Matt. I put it on speaker so I can hold it in my hand.

-Matt's Pov-

I get a call while I'm at the shopping line at work. It's Nick's ringtone I set, which is a very classical song, because Nick has always been the more classy type. I pick it up.

"Hello?" The lady I'm trying to help gives me a weird looks.

"M-Ma-tt, h-help… in the shortcut…" He sounds hurt.

"Ahem, I'm kind of in a rush here." I take the phone away from my ear

"Hold on a minute lady!" I put it back to my ear. "Nick, what's wrong?"

"In-jure, help…" My eyes widen. This can't be happening.

"Nick, hang on, I'll be right there. Don't you dare die on me, I'll kill you if you die." I run to the door. I stop at the cart puller. "Kyle! Take over for me!"

"What's going on?" He asks.

"My friend needs me!" I don't bother explaining all that's going on. I run out of the store and hop on my bike. I pedal as fast as I can. I didn't think this would happen so soon! I should have skipped work today and walked with him! I make it to the short cut and I run in, leaving my bike. I spot him. He's lying on his side, a dagger in his side. I cover my mouth with my hand and run over to him. I turn him on his back. There's a large cut on his neck. His eyes are glazed over and lifeless, his mouth is ajar. I quickly pull out my cell phone and call 9-1-1.

"Hello, you've reac-" I interrupt the lady on the other line. There's no time to be formal or anything right now.

"I need an ambulance here. My friend is bleeding to death or has bled to death, I don't know." I said, trying to be as calm as possible.

"Stay calm, miss. What is your location?" She asks.

"Near the high school in Carol Stream, there's a short cut near the school. Look for a blue bike, that's where the short cut starts."

"We will have a paramedic unit to you quickly, Miss. Stay calm." She hangs up and I shut my cell. I look at Nick. He's still alive, I know it. He won't die that easily. His chest is slightly moving, so that's a good sign. I use my jacket to stop the bleeding on his neck. I don't dare take out the dagger, he'll definitely bleed to death if I do that; also, they need to trace the fingerprints. The paramedics show up soon and get Nick into an ambulance and straight to the ER. I'm trying my best not to cry. I need to remain strong for him. I know he wouldn't like it if I cried for him, especially when he wakes up. I can't call Crystal's cell, she is getting hers repaired. I don't know Trisha and Kevin's numbers for work. I guess my only option is for the hospital to call Nick's foster parents. They won't let me into Nick's room until they know he's stable. I'm pretty sure the hospital called Nick's parents because they're rushing over.

"How is he?" Trisha asks.

"I think he'll be alright. I hope so anyway. They won't let anyone in until he's stable." I couldn't bear to look at them, I know that if I look up at them, I'd probably start crying. I know who did it too. I really hope Nick wakes up soon. I don't want something like this to happen again. I'll prevent it if I can.

Well, that's the first chapter done, please leave a review if you liked it or PM me if you want. Also, ask me questions if you have any. I'd be happy to answer them. I'm working on this story with about two hours of sleep, then going through an entire school day. I'm so tired. I'm going to bed after this. goodnight people of fanfiction!

Over and out,
