Hey people of the internet. Guess who got bit by the writer's bug!

I love that bug, I have so many stories swirling around in my head I'm getting dizzy from it all.

Anyway, here is the next chapter of Seven Years Later. And I am upgrading the rating.


You have been warned.


"So, what were those questions again?" Butch sighed. Buttercup didn't know how she was able to convince him to answer; kissing him like she had done couldn't have changed his mind that much. But she was glad she did it, whatever she had done. It took a few moments to get her mind out of the fog. When it was as clear as it was going to get with a gorgeous shirtless man still kissing her and sending shivers up and down her spine, she started her questions.

"Why did we not tell our families about us?" Buttercup didn't know how many questions Butch was going to answer so she wanted to know the more important things first. For some reason Buttercup felt that he was going to clam up a little after each question until he didn't let anything out.

"We were enemies. I am evil, and you are good. You had a crush on a villain before and since then your sisters have always been worried about you. They thought you were going to become evil if you were with someone who was evil, not a bad idea but it didn't happen. You just said you weren't ready to go through all their annoying behaviors. I really didn't care if anyone knew about us. I actually wanted to tell people you were mine, but I knew that would not work for you and I wanted you happy so we kept it a secret." Butch explained, not looking at her face. "Although, on the last day we were together, also the day I left, you said we would be open about it when I got back?" Butch was glad that they were able to keep that promise, whether she knew it or not. He had told her sisters and considering Brick had called Buttercup his girlfriend, meant that she had told at least Brick who would in turn tell Boomer as well. Everyone that was important to them knew what they shared.

Buttercup thought about what he had said. She was 'dating the enemy' so it would make sense to keep it a secret but she didn't get why she would start dating him to begin with. Was she that much of a rebel as her sisters said she was to go out with her enemy? If that was the case, what were Butch's motives in the relationship? Butch didn't seem like the kind of guy who would let himself be used. Even if he was being used, after three years he should have figured it out. Maybe it had started out like that, but eventually the feelings became real. That would be sweet if that is what truly happened. "If we were enemies, how did we get together? Who made the first move?" Buttercup asked. Butch almost regretted his decision to answer these questions now. Was it all completely gone for here? She had lost her memoires but wasn't it possible to get the memories back if that person comes into contact with something they were around a lot?

"Well, it was actually an accident. We were fighting, you and your sisters were trying to get my brother and me out of the city, protect the people for the destruction of the fight. The three of you split up and I followed you. We were the toughest fighters; we always fought each other because we never held back on our strength. My brothers didn't hold back either but I am the strongest of the three of us." Butch said getting off the couch. He was feeling confused in all this. He did expect to explain this to their siblings but he thought Buttercup would be able to explain it with him. He felt so alone right now and it was pissing him off. Buttercup watched him pace around the room, trying to keep her eyes on his face and not on his drop dead gorgeous body. She could also see he was getting mad and she hoped that he wasn't going to stop telling her about the past. He was her only link to the relationship and she would die if she couldn't learn about it more. "So I was chasing you, and for some reason or another, you stopped short and turned. I couldn't stop fast enough and ended up running into you and kissing you." Buttercup blushed at the thought. She knew that couldn't be the end of the story so she waited patiently for Butch to continue. Butch hoped he wouldn't have to tell her every little thing about their relationship that would just take too long and would just piss him off more than he already was.

"After the fight was over, we went our separate ways. No matter what I did after that or where I was, I couldn't stop thinking about you and it fucking pissed me off. We were enemies, I shouldn't be constantly thinking about you unless I was trying to defeat you and I was thinking of you in the exact opposite way. My only plan to get you off my mind was to kill you, and being evil like I am, I was willing to do it." Butch chuckled uncomfortably. He never though he would tell his girl that he planned on killing her once. That just seemed really weird that he actually had the thoughts to live without her at one time. "It took about a month after our original fight until I found you when you were alone. We fought each other. Well I fought, you didn't fight me back and I almost did kill you. I was so close to doing it to, but… I don't know. There was just something that didn't seem right about you, so I just couldn't take your life. Instead I actually kissed you again. I told you how I couldn't get you off my mind and you said I was on her mind the whole time as well, which is why you couldn't fight me back because you didn't want to hurt me. We really didn't know what we should do, and in a last minute idea we decided to try and see where it went. I'm not going to lie, it was terrible at first. We were constantly fighting, yelling at each other, you would never think we were in a relationship together. But after a few months or so, we got over the fact that we were enemies and the relationship took a turn for the better. We were happy together." Buttercup wanted to squeal in happiness over what she had just heard. It seemed romantic, a kiss that was never supposed to happen bringing together two bitter enemies. It was almost like Romeo and Juliet. It was everything a girl could want in a relationship. They only problem now was that she had forgotten about it.

"We still can be." Buttercup said, getting off the couch. Butch just looked at her as she fixed her hair and her clothes. How could they when she had forgotten everything? Was she thinking of a way to get her memories back somehow? Could her creator do something to get them back? Boomer had gotten better with his healing ability; maybe Boomer could fix her head. Buttercup walked over to him and pressed her upper body against his and wrapped her arms around his neck. "True I lost my old memories, but can't we make new ones. I just need to ask one more question, and we can start where we left off." Butch raised his eye brow, wondering what could make them able to stay together. Buttercup had a bright blush on her cheeks, and she was really worried about Butch's response to her question. His answer to the question would change everything. "How…" Buttercup took a deep breath trying to calm her nerves. "How physical did we get?" Butch's eyes widened in shock. Was she really thinking that this knowledge could keep them together? He smirked at the girl in front of him. When he saw that she was actually serious about it and was waiting for an answer, Butch pulled Buttercup flat against his body, making sure she felt what she had caused. He wanted her to know how his body was reacting to her.

"Let's just say no man will touch you unless he is gay. Does that answer your question?" Buttercup didn't know how to feel about this information. She knew she had to expect it when she first asked the question but it was totally different actually hearing it. Butch then kissed her aggressively, moving his body against hers. Buttercup knew that this is where her question would lead whether they had done it before or not. Although this was something that had never crossed her mind in the seven years since she lost her memories, she wasn't truthfully against this outcome. Buttercup was going to use this to show Butch exactly how she felt about him. If it was their first time then this would be a big step in the relationship. However, they had done it before, and neither one was going to complain. Buttercup kissed back as she started to feel the fog starting to drag her mind back into its depths.

Flashes started to pop in Buttercup's head the more she spent connected to Butch. She couldn't remember exactly what they were about but she felt so angry. She felt like someone had made her so angry, angry enough to kill, and now all she wanted to do was be with Butch, he always made her happy. Butch picked her up and moved them to his bed, laying down his girl never breaking the kiss. As Buttercup lay on the bed, Butch kissing her deeply and leaving a burning heat every place he touched, she let her anger go. She knew she didn't need to be mad at anyone or anything anymore, not that she knew why she was mad in the first place. She knew as long as she had Butch at her side, there was nothing to worry about. Butch was starting to get annoyed with the pieces of clothing that were between him and Buttercup's bare skin. His hands made quick work of Buttercup's tee shirt, ripping it in half before tossing the pieces somewhere around his room. He didn't care that much to know where they had landed; it wasn't like she could wear the stupid shirt again anyway. Butch started to kiss down her jaw line and neck, biting and making marks as he went. Buttercup moaned lightly at his actions.

Butch had missed that sound; the sound of his beautiful girl's enjoying their intimacy, he missed it more than he realized or wanted to know. His hands roamed over her naked flesh. It was softer than he remembered it to be. He still left a few old scares on his finger tips from fights from her past, and he couldn't help but smirk when his hands ran over a sensitive spot, making her whole body shiver. She hadn't changed at all. Her body still reacted to the same way towards him, and she still loved him, whether that was up front in her mind or not. Buttercup arched her back as Butch's hands slid behind her, heading towards her bra. Buttercup's heart beat increased as Butch tossed her newly removed piece of clothing away. She gasped as the air of Butch's room hit her fully bare torso; she didn't realize it was so cold in here until she was wearing nothing. She knew she loved Butch, she didn't need her memories to tell her that, but she did wish she had them to tell her what she was actually getting herself into. Butch stared at her body, a victorious smirk on his face. Buttercup was his prize: the beauty of her naked body under him, the raw power she didn't even know she had, even the way her eyes looked when they were fogged up with lust. She was a first place metal and Butch was the all-time champion. Buttercup covered her face, embarrassed to be stared at by Butch's strong gaze.

"Hey," Butch said gently. He should have stopped himself sooner than this. It didn't matter that she had in a way asked to do this. It didn't matter that this was not her body's first time with him, but it was for her mind. It was her mind that was getting over whelmed by these new experiences and the involuntary movement her body did. "I'm sorry. I got a little carried away. We don't have to do this now. True, we have done it before but I will wait until you're ready for it." Butch said, looking around his room, trying to find her bra. He saw it next to the couch and was going to grab it, but Buttercup grabbed his arm, stopping him.

"I remember…" she started, hesitantly trying to find the right words. She didn't know how she could describe what she was remembering, it was a just a mix of feelings and snap shots of time. Butch looked at her with wide eyes, could this really be happening or was she just lying to make him feel better about the situation. "It's not all clear, and I don't really know much more then what I have seen, but I do remember bits and pieces of things. I remember us kissing, and getting mad at you for taking pictures of us. I remember being worried that someone would see them and find out about us. I remember trying to get your phone so I can delete the pictures. Then there are other things and things I had done with my sisters and the Professor." Buttercup had a passing thought about her family. Would they accept what she was going to be doing with Butch right now? She didn't think they would with how they reacted when they found out she was going out with him. Butch was in shocked silence. She had remembered part of their last day together. Could she really remember more if they continued their actions? Apparently Buttercup had the same idea because she pulled Butch back down to her, kissing him deeply. "Fuck me, Butchie boy." She whispered, and Butch chuckled darkly. He had almost missed that irritating nickname, not that he was going to tell her anything about it.

"Whatever you want, Butterbabe." Butch smashed his lips on her as he grabbed her chest in one of his hands, playing with the ball of flesh. Buttercup wrapped her arms around his neck, keeping him as close to her as possible, running her nails all across his back. Butch took his mouth away from hers and attacked her chest with it. He nipped and played with the hard nipple with his tongue. He enjoyed her staggered breath and load moans of pleasure. Buttercup ran her hands all over Butch's chest and back, but it wasn't enough. She wanted to touch him more, feel ever bit of him. She tugged lightly at his pants, trying to undo the button of his jeans without being about to see the dame thing. Butch smirked at her attempts to disrobe him. "Having trouble there, Cupcake?" He mused. She looked at him in anger. "If you ask nicely like a good girl, I might just help you."

"Please fucking gets your pants off your fucking body." Buttercup demanded. Butch chuckled at her attitude. That was the girl he knew seven years ago, the impatient girl that just as feisty as a cat in heat. Butch quickly helped his pants, and helped her remove her own. She lay completely naked under him and he enjoyed the view. Buttercup looked at the naked man above her, and knew something good was about to happen. She didn't know whether it was getting her memories back or just the fact that she would have just saved her relationship with Butch, or even if it was something else entirely. Butch took her other boob into his mouth and slid one hand down her body, rubbing her already wet entrance. He wondered if he would even need anything else before he was inside. Buttercup moaned and arched her back as Butch slid a single finger inside her, pumping slowly.

"I guess you weren't the only one who missed me, Butterbabe." He growled as he kissed her skin. "You're tight from being without me for seven years. Don't worry I can fix that." Butch added another finger into her and started to stretch her lightly. He didn't want to hurt her. He wanted this to be the best time she will ever have so she never forget him, never again. Butch growled and looked down to see her hands around his hardened member. She was stroking it, and when he returned his gaze to her face she was smirking at him.

"I don't want to be the only one who is pleasured here." She said slyly. Butch smirked back at her and kissing her lips deeply, forcing his tongue into her mouth and adding a third finger. Their hands continued to move as they kissed, feeling the heat and pressure inside their body grew. Butch pulled away from the kiss and took his fingers out of her. Buttercup looked at him a little confused. She was trying to understand what his motives were in stopping. He pulled her hand off of him and held her hands on either side of her head, intertwined in his. He didn't waste time in talking, lined himself up and plunged into her depths. Buttercup screamed as her eyes rolled back into her head and she arched his back. Butch stayed still while she adjusted to him, it shouldn't have hurt like the first time, but it was still a long time between their activities. She had tears in her eyes, and Butch kissed them away. "I'm fine. Move." Buttercup commanded and Butch listened. He started off easy but as Buttercup called for him to go harder and faster he couldn't do anything else but listen to her pleas for more. He toyed with her, slowing down and almost pulling all the way out only to crash into her again. He kept thrusting into her as he had done before he had gone training, but now he could do it harder and for longer.

Buttercup didn't know she could feel as much as she was at one moment in time. She felt pain from having Butch inside her, but it felt like a good pain. She was feeling happy and sad and pleasured and every other emotion all at once. She wondered if this is what people referred to as cloud nine. She did indeed as if she was floating above everyone. A pressure was starting to build in her lower abdomen and she wondered how long she could last before the pressure broke. Butch was also feeling his climax approaching but he was going to make her go before he did. It wasn't a long wait as a Buttercup arched her back and screamed out as she went over the edge, and with a few more thrusts Butch did to. Buttercup felt his warm seed inside her and almost chocked on her breath as her eyes went wide. Butch stayed above her, catching his breath as well.

"Butch, I… I remember." Buttercup whispered, her breath was also heavy. She took large gulps of air, trying to get it back to a normal steady rate. "I remember everything." Butch stared at her. She wouldn't lie about this but could it really be true. Had this act between them really brought back all her memories?

"Prove it. What did I tell you about the pictures before I left?" Butch asked. He had to know this wasn't a lie. She wasn't going to get his hopes up for absolutely no reason.

"You told me, I can't delete the pictures, you won't delete them, and I can't make you delete them." Butch's eyes went wide. That was his exact words. He crashed his lips down on her and she kissed him back. Butch couldn't describe how happy he was. He had his girl, she had her memories and they were together. Nothing was going to ruin this moment for him. "True a few things are a little blurry still, but I think I know how to fix that. Do you think you can help me remember more, Butchi boy?" Buttercup smirked up at him, and he knew exactly what she was talking about.

"Are you sure you are ready for round two?" He asked between kisses to her neck. She nodded and Butch smirked. This was going to be a fun night.


Butch woke up first, Buttercup still wrapped tightly in his arms. He was glade she remembered everything now. He would've done anything to get her memories back, and he had gotten them back, and he wasn't the only one who had enjoyed it. He got off the bed, careful not to wake his girl even if it was already noon. She deserved her sleep right now. She needed her sleep, and Butch was not going to deny her of that. He quickly slipped on some boxers and a pair of sweat pants before heading downstairs. He almost regretted the decision when he saw his brothers smirking at him. They had been there the whole night, and Buttercup wasn't exactly quiet last night, although he didn't really care either way. They could have left if they wanted to, no one was keeping them there. "You okay now that you got our sexual frustrations out?" Boomer snickered. Brick held back his laughter and continued to stare at his green brother. Butch would have punched his idiotic brother through the wall if he hadn't been so right about the situation, even though he didn't know it. Butch shock his head and smirked right back.

"Remind me to kill you for that one later." Butch glared at his blue brother but all three boys knew it wasn't a menacing glare and probably not a threat that Butch would keep. He was just about to say something else when two woman burst into the room. They stopped before the three boys, and stared at them angrily. "You don't have to break down the door to get it. You could always just knock. That would be the polite thing to do, wouldn't it?" Butch said, staring at them. The girls glared at him but ignored his statement.

"Where's Buttercup?" Blossom asked, looking around the room as if Buttercup was just going to show herself. When she did not find her sister, she started to talk again. "She left a note saying that she had gone to the volcano. And since she didn't come home last night that has to mean she is here. If she had gone anywhere else she would have let us know about it. What did you do to our sister?" Butch fought the erg to hit her. Not only would Buttercup be mad at him for it, Buttercup was also old enough to take care of herself. Besides, she was his girl and she had every right to be here with him, whether her sisters wanted her to be or not. Boomer was unable to hold back a chuckle that he and Brick shared. Blossom shot her counterpart an unamused glare.

"We are only going to say this, Pinky. She had one hell of a fucking time." Brick said, smirking at Butch. Butch let himself laugh on that one. It was a fucking good time for him as well. He wondered if he should go and see if Buttercup was awake yet. He doubted she would want to wake up completely alone, with her memories back or not.

"What!" Pigtails yelled at the top of her lungs. The pink sister seemed too shocked by the information to think let alone speak. "That better not mean what I think that means!" Bubbles had gone red in the face, she just couldn't imagine her sister doing those sort of activities. Of course Buttercup was always more rebellious before she lost her memories but that was back then. She would never do such unspeakable things with a guy if she wasn't forced to do them. Had Buttercup been forced to do those sort of activities? Bubbles didn't even want to think of the effects after something like that. Before anyone could say anything else, Buttercup came floating down in one of Butch's shirts. She wrapped her arms around Butch's neck and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek. He smiled at her and she smiled back.

"Why did you leave?" She whispered close to his ear, but everyone heard it. It wasn't like she was trying to keep it between the two of them. Besides there were so secrets in a family of super powered adults with super hearing. "The bed was cold without you." She looked around the room and as her eyes landed on her shocked sisters, she let go of Butch and stood next to him. She willed down a blush so no one saw how embarrassed she really way. Butch's brothers were one thing; before they had left for training, Buttercup had seen them bring home girls of their own. It was nothing out of the normal for them to see the after sex desire to be closer, it was a completely different thing for her sisters. She knew they never even thought about having sex in the first place. "Blossom, Bubbles, what are you doing here?" She asked. Her sisters were still too shocked about what they were seeing to even hear the question their sister had asked. "Great news, I got all my memories back along with all my powers." Buttercup tried. She wished she had taken the time to find the clothes she had hidden in Butch's room from seven years ago, because now all she had was Butch's shirt. She had been too enthralled with the scent of him; she didn't want to wear her own clothes. She could have at least put on a pair of his pants as well. They would have been too big for her but they were something that kept her covered.

"I wish you had something else that you lost." Blossom almost growled. Buttercup looked at her sister, confused about what she was talking about. She had lost her memories and her powers, she hadn't lost anything else. Besides she was obviously angry when she should have been happy that both Bubbles and she had their old sister back. Isn't that what they wanted in the first place? Thinking back on her attitude of the past seven years made her want to throw up, she hated being that girly and she never wanted to a dress again for the rest of her life. She was glad that she had sex with Butch so she could get her memories and powers back. That is when it clicked in Buttercup's mind what Blossom was talking about and it totally pissed her off. Blossom had been talking about her virginity.

"First of all, you are not my mother, so don't fucking act like you are, okay? We never had and we will never have a mother, unless the Professor grows some balls and finally tells Miss. Keane that he loves her and we all know she loves him back. Second, I'm twenty two years old, Blossom, I can handle myself just fine. I will take the consequences of my actions on so don't think I will blame someone else for something I did. And lastly, Butch is my fucking boyfriend. If I want to fuck him, then hell I will fuck him and you fucking can't say a dame thing about it. Besides last night wasn't out first time having sex, and I can sure as hell tell you that it won't be our last, not that it matters to you at all." Buttercup was fuming and no one wanted to say anything, not wanting to have her temper set on them next.

"Hey babe, I'm just wondering since we didn't really talk much after you got your memories back, how did you lose your memories in the first place?" Butch asked, wrapping his arms around Buttercup's waist, pulling her flat against his body. She seemed to calm down at his action but no one knew if she would stay calm. Buttercup put her arms over his and stared at them as she though back to it.

"Well, all I did was I went back into your room after you three left." Buttercup said hesitantly. There was not much to tell and she didn't want to leave out something that was the key in the whole problem. "I told you I would steal one of your shirts, and I planned to. I would have grabbed it before I left but I didn't know if your brothers would actually come into your room while I was still there. There is nothing much to tell. I was picking a shirt when red smoke started to surround me. I couldn't see through it, I couldn't breathe. I was just about to leave when I passed out. Next thing that I know is that I'm in the park, clutching one of your shirts, without my any of memories. I thought Brick had installed a security system, but judging by your reactions, I'm going to say I was wrong." Buttercup stared at everyone.

"We live at the top of a volcano, that's a security system by itself." Brick said, trying to think of what the red smoke could have been. No one was able to think of what it was and where is could have come from. There was no one who came to mind that used smoke as an attack. That is when Buttercup held onto Butch tightly, as she stared up in horror at the area above Boomer and Brick's head. There was a swirling red cloud of smoke. The smoke covered the floor of the whole room. It didn't get any higher than their ankles but it didn't make Buttercup feel safe. She just got her memories back; she feared she would lose them again. Although, having sex with Butch to get them back wasn't really a bad price to pay and she would happily do it again if she had to, but she didn't want to go through it all again.

"My boys! I have given you a good time to rest, but now it is time to put those seven years of training to evil use. We will finally be able to defeat those annoying girls." HIM's voice echoed in the same high pitch voice he always used before his body came out of the swirling smoke. His eyes went immediately went to Buttercup and Butch. The lights started to flicker as HIM got angry. He noticed the other two girls as well and you could tell shit just got real. "Why hello girls, what brings you three here today?" No one responded to his question. Butch looked at his girl in his arms, he could feel her shaking. Buttercup didn't know what to do. She was the toughest fighter, but right now she was scared out of her wits. "I ask again, what are you doing here? You were supposed to forget everything about Butch, isn't that why you wanted me to take your memories away?" The smile he wore was no good, but what other smile does an ultimate evil demon wear?

"You wanted to forget me?" Butch asked looking at Buttercup. Everyone looked at Buttercup confused.

"Yes, of course she did. I believe her exact thoughts were, 'I wish I had forgotten him. I wish we were still enemies'. That's why I took her memories away from her, because she wanted me to." HIM chuckled at his own words. Butch felt his heart being crushed worse than when he found out she did not remember him. It was one thing to get into an accident and get amnesia, or even have them stolen, but to physically wish them away was something totally different. If she had wished them away why was she so happy the night before to get them back, and to be with him? She must have regretted losing them, but why would she want them taken in the first place. Her sister's were also trying to figure out why she had made a deal with HIM to have her memories removed. Even if Buttercup was a rebel from the start, she would never make a deal with HIM, would she? She was dating Butch after all and he was one of their biggest enemies. Buttercup struggled out of Butch's hold and before anyone saw what was happening, flew over and punched HIM right in the face. He fell to the grown and she floated above him.

"That's for fucking stealing my fucking memories, you fucking asshole. I may have thought that forgetting him would have been best but there was no fucking way in hell that I would actually want to forget Butch. So listen here you son of a bitch, you are going to fucking stay in that fucking crazy as shit dimension you call home for the rest of your life or you are going to have six pissed off super powered attackers up your ass until you decided to go back. Do you understand me, you bastard?" Buttercup shouted. She knew she would have everyone on board with that threat. If she wanted to wage war with HIM, Butch would have her back no doubt. Then of course her sisters would do at all possible to keep the world safe for his evil, and Brick and Boomer wouldn't want to be left out of a fight. HIM knew all this too and snarled at the green girl that floated above him, before he slipped back into his red smoke. Buttercup turned back to everyone else in the room, not really knowing what do say or do. Butch, however, did have something on his mind.

"You wanted to forget me?" Butch asked again. Buttercup sighed in agitation. She was going to kill that bastard of a demon. Did he really think anything that son of a bitch said was the truth, at least not the full truth. He couldn't actually think that of her, could he?

"Butch, you were fucking leaving." Buttercup said, landing on the ground and crossing her arms over her chest. "You weren't just leaving Townsville or this house, you were leaving me. Neither one of us fucking knew where the hell you were going, or for how fucking long you would be gone. For the whole two weeks before you left, when told me you were leaving, I had nightmares of you getting hurt, or killed. I know Boomer can heal but what if he couldn't get to you in time. What if he couldn't use his power for some fucking reason? What if you were separated from him? What if you were never put on a team and you had to fight for yourself?" Butch didn't want to mention how right she was. He had been separated from his brothers but he knew now was not the time to mention it. He could hear Buttercup's voice going weak, as if she was about to start crying. "I tried so hard not to show it and even harder trying not to think about you coming back majorly hurt or dead or even with s… some…" Buttercup couldn't finish her sentence, but everyone knew what she had meant. Buttercup pressed the heel of her hands into her eyes, trying to keep tears for spilling over. She was not the girl who cried, she was strong and she would never show her weak side. She took a deep breath in trying to keep her voice even as she spoke.

"I thought that if I forgot you I would be happy, not having to worry about you constantly and everything that you might be doing. If HIM sent you somewhere it could have been anywhere and the possibilities of you getting hurt were just…" Butch flew to her side and held her in his arms and she cried lightly into his chest. She didn't want to be weak like this. This was not the toughest fighter of the Power Puff Girls, but she could be weak if she had Butch there beside her to be strong.

"Buttercup," Her sisters sighed. They rarely saw Buttercup, the true Buttercup like this, which made this even more heart aching to see her like this. Everyone was silent as Buttercup cried. Butch stroked her hair gently, calming and soothing her with his words.

"I can't lose you." Buttercup said when her tears finally stopped flowing. Butch raised her chin with his hand so that she looked at him. Her eyes were red from crying but Butch still found her incredibly strong and beautiful.

"You will never lose me." He said with a smirk. He would never put her through that much worrying again or that much hurt. He loved her and he was never going to let anyone, not even HIM come between them again.

"You can bet your fucking ass on that one Butchy Boy." Buttercup said, wrapping her arms around his neck and pulling him into a deep kiss. Butch didn't hesitate to return it, kissing her and loving her was the best fucking thing in the world to him. He slid his hands under the shirt she was wearing so she could feel his skin on hers. They ignored their siblings' presence as they continued to see who could go the longest without air. Brick and Bloomer slowly made their way over to the other two, trying to best ignore the sounds that were coming from their bother and his lover.

"Well, I had enough of them last night, and I don't want to hear anymore ever again, in my life." Brick started, turning his gaze to his pink counterpart. "Anyone against leaving the happy couple to do whatever the fuck they want to go get a burger?"

"I'm a vegetarian." Bubbles said, as the four of them headed out of the house.

"Well you can get a salad." Boomer's voice was faint to the green couple's ears as their sibling flew away. Butch was glad that they left. He wanted to be alone with his girl. Buttercup broke the kiss and looked up at Butch with a playful twinkle in her eyes.

"Excuse me sir, I seem to have lost my memoires do you think you can help me remember?" Buttercup asked, lightly pulling Butch in the direction of his room. Butch only laughed before he picked her up in his arms bridal style and carried her to his room.

"I love you Buttercup." He whispered, barring his face into her apple smelling hair.

"I love you too, Butch." Buttercup said back, smiling. She didn't know how she was able to live without Butch for seven fucking long years. But she was sure as hell never going to fucking do it again.


So there you go. Again I would like to apologize for the long delay.

I hope everyone was okay with my first attempt at a sex scene.

Well, that was the final chapter so thank you for reading the whole story and please review.

Also I am writing the story behind "Last Night" so that will be coming soon. It's called "The Diary of Buttercup"

Peace out \\/