A bunch of drabbles about Lucario/Aaron. I don't usually go for animal, or in this case pokemon, and human relationships, but this one is just undeniable.

I sadly don't own Pokemon, wish I did, but I don't.

Lay: To cause to lie down

Aaron's heart beat rose. He was starting at the brush at the stall. It was actually for horses, but why couldn't he use it on Lucario?

It wasn't like Lucario needed to brush his fur. It was short and didn't get tangled. He never found/felt a mat in it before and his fur always quickly dried after he bathed.


He really wanted to brush Lucario's fur. As silly as it felt, he had this image in his head of Lucario and him sitting somewhere, outside, under a tree, after training, and Lucario laying in front of him and Aaron slowly running the brush along his fur, his hand following. The evening sun shining on Lucario's beautiful fur.

Or the two of them in their bedroom, right before turning in for the night. They would be sitting on the bed, Lucario would have his head, maybe the upper torso, on Aaron's lap. Aaron would slowly run the brush along his back.

He could hear Lucario 'mmm'ing in pleasure.

Yes, Lucario would like it if Aaron brushed his fur.

He was going to get that brush.

Lucario stretched up as high as he could. His upper back cracked. Today was a good training day. He really felt like he was improving and making Aaron proud. He wanted his lover to be proud of him.

He heard the bedroom door open and immediately knew who it was. "Aaron!" He spun around and smiled. His human's hair was still wet from finishing his bath.

"You seem in high spirits lately, Aaron. Your aura is brighter than usual."

"How can it not be? I have you."

Lucario blushed under his fur. "Really, Aaron, that's a bit much, don't you think?"

"It's never enough." Aaron stripped to only his pants before sitting on the bed. "Lucario, come here for a second."

"Only a second?" Lucario was bemused jumping onto the bed.

"I have something for you."

"You...you do?" Lucario felt a mixture of joy and sadness. He didn't have anything for Aaron.

Aaron opened the side table drawer and pulled out the brush. "If you'd let me, I'd like to brush your fur."

Lucario stared at him. He wasn't sure what he should do. His fur had never been brushed before. "I don't fully understand. Is there something wrong with my fur?"

"No, no, nothing like that. I just want to."

"Oh...if you want to, I have no objections."

Aaron patted his lap. "Lay here."

Lucario had laid on Aaron's lap before. He made sure his chest spike was safely placed before relaxing.

Aaron's heart raced as he gently ran the brush through Lucario's yellow fur. The pokemon 'mmm'ed. This felt good and kind of tickled on his lower back.

It didn't take long, but Aaron was still a little surprised when he felt Lucario's breathing turn shallow. He leaned to the side to see Lucario had fallen asleep.

He smiled pulling the brush away. The pokemon looked so content and at peace. He put the brush away and started petting Lucario's soft fur.

Needing to be brushed or not, Lucario's fur seemed smoother and had a shine to it.

Aaron leaned back against the headboard closing his eyes as he absent mindedly continued to pet his lover.

This was perfect.