Stiles woke up to Derek staring at him with his hazel eyes. They were in Derek's little nest, lying side by side. Stiles was lying on his side, his arm wrapped around Derek's waist, holding him tightly. Stiles had brought him back to the den after his Dad had arrested the hunters.

Erica was back at her house with Boyd, and Isaac had slept round Scott's house. They had all agreed that Derek and Stiles needed some time alone.

So Stiles had brought Derek back and had watched over him until Stiles had finally fallen asleep.

"I had missed this," Derek mumbled as Stiles looked at him.

"Missed what?" Stiles asked.

"Waking up beside you," Derek answered, reaching up and stroking Stiles' cheek. Stiles closed his eyes and bit his lip. It felt nice to be this close to him. Amazing really. Everything smelt of Derek.

"I'm really sorry," Stiles cried, tears wailing in his eyes, escaping through his closed eyelids.

"What for?" Derek asked softly, catching the tears with his thumb.

"I ruined everything because I was so God damn stubborn," Stiles told him, curling his body into a ball so that Derek couldn't see his face.

"I've wasted so much time," Stiles cried, thick tears falling from his eyes.

"No," Derek told him, his voice smoothing as he ran a hand down Stiles' arm, "You needed this time to heal, to decide what you wanted."

"No, I shouldn't have been so hot headed and stupid," Stiles sobbed, "I know it was an accident, right from the start but I was angry."

"I hurt you Stiles," Derek told him, his voice breaking as he said it. It shocked Stiles enough for him to look up at the alpha. Derek had tears in his eyes, making the green shine and glisten. He took Stiles' hand, lacing their hands together.

"I hurt you and that is killing me slowly every day," Derek told him, bring their hands up to his lips, kissing Stiles' knuckles, "It is all I think about, how I ruined that perfect moment and how we can never have that moment again and how you will hate me for the rest of your life."

"No," Stiles told him as a tear rolled down Derek's cheek. Stiles wiped it away, his hands shaking as he stroked along Derek's cheek and to his stubbled jaw line. Derek's breath hitched and his heartbeat picked up. He smelt desperate and sad. Really sad, like it was seared onto his heart.

"I can't hate you," Stiles told him, "I could never hate you because you're my mate."

They both stopped breathing then. Just for a split second before their lips were pressed together and they were a mess of limbs and tears. Derek had always seemed so in control when they were kissing but now he was clumsy and desperate and it was the most open he had ever been with Stiles. They clung to each other; Derek cupping Stiles' face, wiping tears away as they kept on falling. Stiles ran one hand through Derek's hair and one head running down the Alpha's back.

"I'm so sorry," Stiles wept as Derek held his face in his hands.

"Stop," Derek begged, "You should be mad at me."

"No, no," Stiles told him and then looked up at his green eyes, a watery smile on his lips, "You're my mate Derek."

Derek laughed and it was a wonderful sound. He pulled Stiles against him and held him tightly. Stiles relaxed completely against him, his head on Derek's chest. Stiles listened to the steady beating of Derek's heart, counting each beat.

Stiles was tired as he leant against Derek, who smelt happy and content. Stiles was happy too. He had finally accepted that Derek was his mate and the wolf inside of him was calm for the first time ever. He smiled and closed his eyes, his nose nuzzling against Derek's warm chest.

They stayed like that for a very long time, curled up in Derek's nest, warm and safe.

Stiles was just dozing off when Derek said,

"You should go home."

And with that all of Stiles' happiness went. His wolf started whimpering and he sat up, feeling defeated. He didn't even want to argue with the rejection; he was too tired and use to being hurt. Derek must have smelt his depression because he reached forward and grabbed Stiles' wrist.

"I didn't mean it like that," he said, almost begging Stiles to understand.

"Its fine," Stiles mumbled, the sleepless night and the terror of the night before making him exhausted and sensitive.

"No, Stiles, listen to me," Derek told him, pulling Stiles back against him. Stiles was not quite awake as Derek kissed his temple and continued to talk.

"I want us to start over."

"Why? I thought we were fine now," Stiles mumbled, looking at Derek's chest which was now healed.

"We are but we can't just go back to where we were because that is where all the hurt and hate began," Derek explained, "the way we started off was all wrong as well, you deserve better than a few meaningless kisses and desperate get-togethers," he said this as he stroked Stiles' back gently.

"What are you saying?" Stiles asked, not looking at Derek.

"I'm saying that you should go home and get some sleep, and, if you want, I'll pick you up at seven tonight and we will go for our first date."

Stiles laughed, short but happy. He looked up at Derek and shook his head.

"You don't have to do that."

"Of course I do," Derek replied, "I want you to experience everything a normal teenager should experience, including first dates and cheesy theatre dates and going to restaurants and most of all I want to experience it all with you."

"So what will it be tonight?" Stiles asked, a sleepy, happy smile on his face, "A cheesy theatre date or an uncomfortable dinner date or something else?"

"I haven't decided yet," Derek confessed, looking sheepish.

"OK," Stiles smiled, slowly standing up, his limbs feeling like lead, "But you will have to take me home because I'll probably fall asleep behind the wheel."

Derek chuckled and got up, stroking a hand down Stiles' arm as he stood.

The drove home was quiet but comfortable. Stiles dozed on the passenger sweat and Derek placed his hand on Stiles' leg, stroking his thumb in circles.

When they arrived at Stiles' house, Stiles woke and stretched his stiff muscles.

Derek caught him unaware by stealing a kiss. It was quick and sweet and left Stiles with a dopey smile. Derek chuckled, his eyes soft.

"Go get some sleep."

Stiles nodded and obeyed slowly. He didn't want to leave Derek but his bed was calling him.

"Seven, yeah?" Stiles asked as he stepped out of the car.

"Seven," Derek smiled. Stiles nodded and then tore himself away from Derek and finally answered his bed's voice.

It took Stiles an hour to decide what to wear. He didn't know where they were going so he wasn't sure what to wear. Casual, semi-formal or full blown suit and tie? He groaned, feeling embarrassed about how conscious he felt about this. He and Derek had been...together, is that the right word? Well, whatever it was, they had known each other for ages and had been through so much and had seen each other at the worst, and now Stiles was worried about what he was going to wear in front of him.

In the end he decided to wear a blue buttoned shirt with dark jeans and smart back shoes. He was putting on his black blazer when he heard Derek's car pull up outside. Stiles quickly checked his hair before running down the stairs. By the door, Derek was talking to his Dad, and handing him a box.

"What's that?" Stiles asked, coming up to them.

"Wolf bane bullets," Derek answered.

"What?!" Stiles asked, looking up at him. Derek was dressed in a white pin striped shirt with a dark red tie. He had black trousers on and dark shoes. He looked very handsome.

"I want your Dad to be able to keep his promise of shooting me if I ever hurt you again," Derek told him.

"Are you planning on hurting my son again?" The Sheriff asked, his eyebrows raised.

"No, I will try everything in my power to make sure Stiles never gets hurt again," Derek promised and Stiles chuckled at the satisfied look on his Dad's face.

"Well, have fun tonight," he said and Stiles gave him a quick hug before walking out the house.

"So..." he said as Derek smiled at him, "where are we going?"

"Il Carafino's," Derek told him as they walked towards Derek's car.

"Wow, posh," Stiles said, feeling self-conscious again, "Should I go put on a tie or something?"

"No," Derek laughed and then tagged off his own tie and unbuttoned his top button. He looked hot. Stiles just wanted to run his hand across Derek's jaw line and kiss along his neck. Stiles shook his head as Derek opened the car door for Stiles to get in. The teenager smiled at him and got in. Derek got in the other side and looked at Stiles.

"You ready?"

Stiles nodded and smiled as Derek took his hand and rested their entangled hands on Stiles' lap as they drove off. Stiles could smell that Derek was nervous and this made him very amused. It made all of Stiles' nerves disappear as he watched the Alpha blush.

"What?" Derek asked, sensing Stiles' eyes on him.

"You look very handsome tonight," Stiles told him and Derek smiled, squeezing his hand. There was a soft twinkle in his eyes as he briefly looked at Stiles.

"As do you," Derek told him seriously. Stiles chuckled softly.

There was a comfortable silence as they approached the restaurant, as both of them just absorbed the feeling of being together again. It felt amazing and the wolf inside of Stiles was calm and content. He just wanted to cuddle up to Derek and pretend that the last couple of months didn't happen because nothing was worth losing his mate over. He knew that now. He knew that Derek was his mate and what he did was just instinct. It hadn't been his fault. Stiles had known that for ages but he hadn't wanted to admit it. He wanted to cling to a part of him that didn't even exist. Scott had been right; his mum would have forgiven Derek, so by not forgiving him, Stiles had been pushing his mother away by being angry but now he could feel her smiling down in him again.

They stopped at the restaurant and Derek went out of his way to be all gentlemanly; opening the car door for him and pushing his chair in and paying for the dinner, despite Stiles' protests. It felt weird but wonderful. It was Stiles' first date and it went great. Derek's eyes shone the whole night, obviously happy. Stiles had never seen him that happy before. It was like a massive weight had been lifted from Derek's shoulders and Stiles felt bad for putting that weight there in the first place.

It was dark when they left the restaurant and the stars were shining brightly. The moon was only half out and it looked beautiful in that form; posing no threat to them. When they got back to Stiles' house, they sat on the pouch for a little while. Stiles' dad was at work so it was quiet in the house.

"Thanks for tonight," Stiles smiled as they sat side by side on the pouch sofa. No one really sat out here anymore, but this used to be Stiles' mum favourite spot. It made Stiles feel comfortable and safe as he leant against Derek.

"I want to give you something," Derek told him, sounding serious.

"You're already brought dinner," Stiles sighed, "I buy the next one by the way, there is no way I'm ending up as the girl in this relationship."

"I owe you a million dinners," Derek smiled, before taking something out of his pocket and giving it to Stiles. It was a pocket watch. A silver one with a wolf engraved on the case and a long chain. It looked old and worn, but the loved worn, not the uncared for worn.

"It was my Grandfather's," Derek explained, "It was the only thing that survived the fire."

"I can't have this," Stiles whispered, running a thumb over the wolf and smelling the sadness that had come with those words.

"I want you to have it," Derek told him, holding Stiles' hands and closing his hands around the watch, "my grandmother gave it to my grandfather and I want to give it to you; you're my mate, my family."

Derek cupped Stiles' cheek and lifted his face gently so they were looking at each other. Derek had a serious look on his face and Stiles frowned.

"I am giving it to you with a promise," Derek told him, "I promise that I will never hurt you again and I will spend the rest of my life trying to be the person you deserve to be with."

Stiles blushed and shook his head.

"You don't need to do that."

"No, I do," Derek urged, "You deserve so much better than I have ever given you."

"So do you," Stiles told him and then leant forward and wrapped his arms around Derek's shoulders and buried his nose into Derek's neck.

"You worry so much about me, but you forget that you deserve love as well," Stiles told him, "You deserve love and happiness and forgiveness, and you haven't had these things in so long that you have forgotten that."

Derek bite his lip and wrapped his arms around Stiles, hugging him tightly, rubbing a thumb on the back of his neck.

"I have found all of these things with you," Derek mumbled. Stiles laughed and pulled away, catching Derek's lips as he did so. It was a soft and slow and if Stiles shed a tear, well, no one said anything.

"I don't want us to be apart again," Stiles whispered, his forehead against Derek's.

"Don't worry," Derek smiled, kissing his temple, "I'm never leaving you again."

"How much paint did you need?" Stiles groaned as he lugged in the tenth pot into the new flat. They weren't heavy, with Stiles' new strength. He just liked to complain.

"It all needs to be painted," Derek told him, coming in behind him with a step ladder and a bagful of brushes. The rest of the pack was doted around the flat, setting up paint trays and rolling out sheets of white fabric. Stiles paused for a moment and looked around the flat. Derek had brought it recently, fed up of always sleeping in a rundown train. It was small, with only two bedrooms and an open kitchen and living room, but it was warm and bright with the windows open to let fresh air in. Scott and Isaac was already rolling blue paint onto the living room walls, flickering each other as they did so. Jackson was moving the fridge into the kitchen with the help of Boyd, and with Lydia telling them where it should go, and Erica was making sure that the whole floor was covered. Stiles watched them for a moment, feeling a sense of pride.

"Stop slacking," Derek told him, smirking at him. Stiles shook his head and stuck his tongue out at the alpha. Derek winked and put the bags down. They got started on the painting.

The pack worked together all day to get the flat decorated. The smell of paint made Stiles' nose sting but he didn't care. He felt happy that the pack was together and that they were fixing up the flat so they could have somewhere legal to hang out.

Night fall and Derek made a pizza run. They all sat on the floor together in a circle and chatted freely.

"How did you get that covered in paint, Isaac?" Lydia laughed as Isaac tried to remove some from his blue covered hands.

"It was Scott!" Isaac moaned, giving up and throwing his hands up in the air.

"Don't blame me because you don't know how to paint," Scott told him. Isaac pushed at his face and left a blue hand print on his cheek. Everyone laughed and Scott wiped at his face, just smearing it more.

Stiles chucked, leaning against Derek and eating the pizza. Everyone smelt happy. Everything felt fine.

He and Derek had got so much closer since they had got back together. Closer than they had ever been before. They went on a date at least once a week and they hanged out nearly every day. Stiles' dad insisted that Derek came over for dinner every Sunday and they ate like a family. Stiles and Derek texted each other every night and Stiles had even got Derek some flowers. Every other Friday they went to the grave yard and de-weeded their families' graves. They spent nights lying next to each other in the forest just talking.

And now, Stiles was leaning against Derek, his head against Derek's cheek. They were watching their pups tuck into the pizza and joke around. There was a sense of excitement in the air that came with the new flat and everyone being together. Stiles sighed, relaxing.

"Are you ok?" Derek mumbled, his lips against his skin.

"Yeah," Stiles smiled, putting his hand on Derek's leg and squeezing it slightly. He felt a smile on his skin.

A couple of hours later and Derek and Stiles was lying in one of the bedrooms on a mattress. Everyone else had left and they were left on their own.

"What do you think of the flat?" Derek asked, running a hand down Stiles' arm. His hand found its way to the bottom of Stiles' t-shirt and underneath. Stiles squirmed slightly as Derek's hand ran over his stomach, tickling him slightly.

"I love it," Stiles smiled, "It is going to look so good once it is done."

Derek smiled, small and sly, as he leant down and kissed Stiles, which was just as slow. Stiles was lying on his back, and his hand went up to run his hand through Derek's soft hair. He pulled down so Derek's body was against his.

They hadn't had sex since the incident in the woods during Stiles' first full moon. As Derek had promised, they had started over and taken things slow, but Stiles felt ready. So he pulled at Derek's t-shirt, pulling off him, breaking their kiss for only a second.

"Wait," Derek said, putting a hand on his chest and leaning up slightly, looking away and biting his lip.

"What's wrong?" Stiles asked, leaning up and resting his cheek against Derek's arm. Stiles could smell sadness coming from Derek.

"I'm…scared," Derek mumbled, sounding ashamed. Stiles smiled, kissing his skin and leaning up even further. He trailed kisses along Derek's skin until he reached his lips. He paused, looking Derek in the eye and sounding as serious as possible.

"I'm not," he told Derek. Derek looked back at him for a moment, as if checking that Stiles wasn't lying. He nodded before leaning forward and capturing Stiles' lips. It was desperate but loving. Stiles smiled and wrapped his arms around Derek's neck, before pulling him down onto the mattress. Stiles pulled his shirt off and he heard Derek give a low growl at it.

However, Derek still seemed hesitate. So Stiles used his strength to throw Derek to the other side of the bed and straddled him. Derek looked shocked and he growled again as Stiles pressed down and kissed him along his neck. He just wanted to be close to Derek. To feel every inch of him. To feel Derek inside him.

Derek ran his hands down Stile's body, running fingers through his hair. It felt good and right and Stiles just wanted more. He reached down and undid Derek's trousers, and Derek did the same with clumsy fingers. Stiles chuckled, feeling light and free as Derek moved to pull them off. They were soon naked, their bodies completely touching.

Stiles stopped and looking down at Derek, who was fingers were still curled in his hair. Stiles stroked along his chin, liking the rough stubble.

"Are you sure about this?" Derek asked, stroking his hair.

"I've never been more sure about anything," Stiles mumbled, a smile playing on his lip. Derek smiled up at him and then they kissed, slow and sure.

Stiles ran his hand down Derek's body until he was touching Derek's hand length. He slowly wrapped his hand around Derek and moved his hand up and down, feeling Derek moan under him. Derek's hand found Stile's member and they were soon moving with each other. Shivers of pleasure went through Stiles as he crushed his lips with Derek's.

"Derek," Stiles moaned, and Derek took the hint and moved his hand along Stile's back to his entrance. Stiles sighed as Derek pushed against it. Stiles bit Derek's lip as he pushed past the entrance and into Stiles.

"I've…got…lube in my bag," Stiles panted, his whole body feeling alive with electricity. The bag wasn't too far from the bed so Derek was able to reach over and grab the small bottle of lube.

"More," Stiles moaned, pushing down onto Derek's finger. Derek groaned, the smell of arousal pulsing from him. He ran the lube over his fingers and then pressed another into Stiles. Stiles' hips were burking on their own, as he bit down into Derek's shoulder, his hands still working on Derek's length.

"Derek," Stiles moaned, his hips rubbed against Derek's, "Derek, please."

Derek didn't say a word as he removed his fingers and got the lube. He poured it onto his member, Stiles covering it for him. Stiles then sat up and positioned himself above Derek. They locked eyes, as Derek guided Stiles down onto him. Stiles' eyes closed as Derek entered him, a groan escaping his mouth. He could feel Derek shaking beneath him and Stiles leant down and kissed him.

"I trust you," Stiles whispered and then Derek started to move. Slow at first but it picked up as they kissed. It felt wonderful and Stiles' wolf was howling in pleasure; the noises Stiles was making was almost similar. They clutched at each other, their hands everywhere. Stiles' couldn't think. All he could feel was Derek and mate. Mate.

The release was quick and sudden and Stiles arched up, moaning as he came all over Derek's chest. Derek came a second later, his eyes flying open to reveal red orbs. They were gentle though as he looked at Stiles.

"Your eyes," Derek said, frowning. He sat up as Stiles asked;


"They're red," Derek answered, stroking a thumb under his eye. Stiles turned around and looked into the mirror that was leant against the wall. His eyes were no longer orange, but a deep red, exactly like Derek's.

"You're an alpha now," Derek mumbled against his ear, a smile on his face.

"Yeah," Stiles whispered, feeling a bit speechless. His eyes faded back to brown and he looked back at Derek.

"Does that mean we are wolf married?" Stiles asked. Derek laughed, rubbing his nose against Stile's cheek.

"Pretty much."

Stiles smiled, big and wide and goofy.

"Good," he said, before capturing another kiss.

Yeah finished. Please review if you liked it.