Disclaimer: *sniff* *tear* this might be my final disclaimer for this story...I'll tell you why later if you haven't figured it out yet.

Never Again: Chapter 18 (just say it's chapter 18 for the sake of our sanity even if the last chapter wasn't really a chapter)

Fires everywhere eating everything. Fires started from the rage of an angry soul. Fires intent on killing. The reds, oranges, and yellows licking up in every direction, were a nice change to eerie blue color the atmosphere usually possessed even if the new color meant destruction to whatever it touched. They young man smiled mischievously, happy to be the only thing in the room not engulfed in flames. His smile grew wider every time a page from the book he held was torn off and fed to the fire.

It was then when an older gray-haired man, who was currently walking the streets, stopped in his tracks and gasped at the sight before him. "Kuja! What do you think you're doing?" he man, Garland, said as he snatched the book away from the other's hand.

"Cleaning," Kuja said simply. Garland gave him an estranged look. "Cleaning up your mess, Garland. What's all this I'm hearing about a reprogramming? What are you expecting me...no...programming me to do in Gaia?"

"That's none of your business."

"What do you mean it's none of my business?! It's MY mind you're trying manipulate! It's MY memories you're trying to erase! It's MY life you're trying to control!" Kuja said on the edge of hysterics.

"Yes, well, you are MY gnome, MY creation, and that soul of yours, with all its precious memories, also belongs to ME."

"I'm not your little gnome, excuse me...puppet, anymore!"

"A new wardrobe and a different haircut doesn't change the inevitable..." the man replied smugly.

"Yeah, maybe you're right, but a little bit of my own reprogramming and a whole new list of spells just might do the trick," Kuja laughed back, gaining him another stare from Garland. "If you need me, I'll be in Gaia...trying to find what you can't."

"Do you even know what it is that you are looking for?"

"You didn't really specify in your works here...they're toasting quite nicely, by the way...but I bet I'll know when I find him. Then I'll kill him...and there goes your plan."

"So you really don't remember?" Garland asked quickly before Kuja got a chance to walk off.

"Remember what?"

"What happened last time you went to Gaia."

"I've never been to Gaia, Garland," Kuja sighed in annoyance.

"Yes you have, and you'll be happy to hear that you're the reason why I'm looking for someone in Gaia." Kuja rolled his eyes at Galand's supposed lies. "And I'm happy to hear that some of my reprogramming must've worked. You obviously don't remember a thing."

"Reprogram this!" Kuja yelled while casting flare on his unsuspecting adversary. Unfortunately, Garland easily deflected it. Kuja seemed a little peeved.

"But not all of the reprogramming worked. You're still as brash as you ever were, and your soul is still way to temperamental...weak little thing. I'll congratulate you on your new list of spells, however. They were a little more powerful than your usual firecrackers that you call bombs."

"Shut up, Garland! I'm a lot more powerful than you think!" Kuja said, storming away. "By the way, that flare spell wasn't supposed to hurt you. It just signals the silver dragons where to attack."

Garland turned around when he heard the screech of a silver dragon, only to find a multitude of dragons hovering over him with their fangs bared and smoke seeping out of their mouths. One of the dragons decided to ignore Garland and flew right past him, landing just inches away from Kuja.

"Just so you know, this is the end. When I go to Gaia, the days of you controlling me will be over, the days of you being more powerful than me will be over, and the days of you even living will be over. Then I will finally be free because this is never going to happen again. NEVER AGAIN. Got that?" The obedient silver dragon offered Kuja its head it which Kuja gave it a slight pat before he climbed up onto his back. He then readied himself into a comfortable position, so the dragon could spread his wings and lift off, but not before giving Garland a final wave "goodbye".

"Have fun, Garland!" Kuja laughed mockingly when the dragon was a few good feet off the ground. In return, Garland tried to give Kuja an angry glare, but it looked more like a pouting face from Kuja's point of view. Garland turned back toward the task at hand to come face to face with one of the many silver dragons.

"This is going to be a long night."

Author's Note: I know it's kinda depressing, but this is the end of my fic. It's even more depressing since the ending's so short, but at least Kuja was able to go out with a bang (I just wanted to spite Garland). I'm planning on doing a sequel of this fic that's a sequel to the game too, so look for that when I finally stop being so lazy and write it. Until next time...
