Disclaimer: I do not own Final Fantasy IX. I do not own Final Fantasy IX. I do not own Final Fantasy IX. I do not own Final Fantasy IX...I think I might have to write this about fifty more times before it's convincing to me. If only they had this on CD or something (sigh...I love subliminal messages).

Never Again: Chapter 1

"Kuja?" A young fair-haired boy quietly entered the room, his tail swishing behind him. He stood next to his older brother and looked up at him. He was relatively young (about 6 years old) compared to his older brother who was in his early teens. "What are you doing, Kuja?"

"Nothing," Kuja answered dryly while shoving another piece of equipment into his bag. His hand brushed a few wandering strands of white hair out of his face and back behind his ears. Then he continued to fill the small bag next to him.

"It looks like you're going somewhere. Can I come too?" His bright blue eyes twinkled as he looked up at him, but Kuja didn't seem to notice him. He was still fixed on packing. "Kuja..." he whined-more persistently this time. Failing to get his attention, he gave Kuja's tail a quick yank.

"Zidane!" he scolded quietly while taking his tail back. "You should be in bed by now! Now go!"

"You shouldn't be up either," Zidane sneered. "Can I come with you? Pleeease!"

"I'm not going anywhere, and you can't come with me."

With that, Zidane left the room with his head hanging, his tail drooping, and his heals clicking all the way down the darkened hallway. Those footsteps were all that he could hear while walking down the corridor, but they weren't just his footsteps. He stopped walking and held his breath. Someone was definitely coming. He quickly ducked behind a corner and squinted to see what the sound was coming from. A very peeved Garland was heading in his direction.

Zidane hurried back down the hallway, not the least bit inconspicuous, toward Kuja to warn him. It would be useless to try and sneak all the way back; he could tell that Garland had already seen him. Upon entering the room, he saw that Kuja was still busy packing. "Kuja!" he panted. Kuja gave him an annoyed look and went back to packing without saying a word. "Kuja, Garland is coming! If you're planning on leaving, you'd better hurry."

"What?" Kuja focused on him closely. At least Zidane finally got a reaction out of his brother, but the reaction was under circumstances that he'd rather not have to face.

"Garland is..." He was cut off by the sound of the door opening. Kuja quickly stiffened up, and Zidane turned around slowly to face the old man who was clad entirely in black.

"What's all this?" Garland spoke. Zidane and Kuja stood silent. "Were you planning on going somewhere, Kuja?" No answer. Garland, completely ignoring Zidane, took another step toward Kuja. "I asked you a question, and I expect an answer." Still no answer from Kuja. Before Zidane knew it, Kuja was smoldering on the ground from Garland's blast aimed squarely at his stomach.

In shock, Zidane sprang up to help him. He kneeled down next to him and saw that he was out cold. Before Zidane was able to stand up again, Garland was pulling him away from Kuja. His grasp was icy cold despite the gloves he was wearing. "Go Zidane," Garland said to him without turning his glance away from Kuja's unmoving body. "Kuja has been a bad influence on you. He needs some alone time now." He shooed Zidane out the door and back to his room.

Zidane sat down on his bed and waited. "I can't stand this," he thought to himself. "What's Garland gonna do to Kuja? Was Kuja really planning on running away?" The young boy laid back and looked up at the ceiling. "I wanna run away too, Kuja."

Zidane pretended to be asleep when he saw Garland walking by his door. "Garland is so mean..." he thought to himself again. Zidane lied in his room for about a half an hour before leaving again. But before he visited Kuja, he took the precaution of going to Garland's room to make sure that he was asleep. That way, he could be sure he wasn't creeping around and watching them.

He opened the door of the room that Kuja was in. He was sitting up and conscious now, but he still didn't look very good. "Kuja, are you ok?" He walked over and sat down next to him. "Kuja?"

"Zidane, go back to bed," Kuja said while staring off into space.

"No, I'm coming with you. Remember?"

"I'm not going anywhere. I've already been caught once tonight and I don't plan on having that happen again."

"Of course it won't happen again! Garland's fast asleep. If we leave now, we'll be long gone before Garland wakes up again."

Kuja stood up. "Zidane, let's go to bed."

"How come you never listen to me? I just told you that we can leave and you completely ignore me."

"What makes you think I want to leave?" Kuja answered. Zidane could see that Kuja was trying to use reverse psychology on him.

"Because Garland's a jack ass," Zidane laughed.

"Yeah, but he was right about one thing...I have been a bad influence on you."

Author's Note: So whadduya think? Please tell me what you think. I'm not a mind reader, so I can't figure out what you think about it unless you review. If you want my opinion (which you probably don't or just don't care), I think Zidane sounds like Eiko (oh well). And Kuja...he's not evil, but he has teenage hormones, which is about the same thing as being a being of pure evil. If you have teenagers in your house (I pitty you) you know what I'm talking about. If you are one (like me :) he he he) you'll take advantage of the fact that you have control over your elders because they find you irritating...or send me hate mail for my teenager crack. *Takes a deep breath and ponders whether to check her mailbox or not*
