Once again, only one person got the trivia right. And once again that person is The Fanfiction Master! Bluefur was afraid of water because Goosefeather told her to fear water because she was fire.

Shadowpaw's fur was clumped and messy, leaves and thorns sticking to it. She ran up to the tree and jumped up to Blossomheart's branch. "She's telling the truth!" Shadowpaw began. "I did not want to be a part of ShadowClan and their evil, fox-hearted ways."

"And how about you give us an example how evil we are?" Wolfstar hissed.

Shadowpaw glared at her ex-leader. "You were going to let Blossomheart, Pebblestone, and Wildwind kill RiverClan warriors, for no reason!"

"They killed two of our warriors!" Wolfstar shot back.

"No they didn't… I heard you talking to the senior warriors. You told them RiverClan did no such thing and that you just wanted Blossomheart prove her loyalty to the Clan!"

"Shadowpaw," Willowfur hissed. "Get down here now!"

Shadowpaw looked at her mother sadly. "No! ThunderClan is my new home!"

Willowfur lashed her tail. "If you don't get down here right now, you are no longer my daughter!"

Shadowpaw closed her eyes for a second, and then opened them again. "So be it…"

Willowfur gasped. "Shadowpaw…"

"Traitor!" Wolfstar yowled. The leader launched herself at Shadowpaw, claws unsheathed. Before she could reach the apprentice, clouds filled the sky, a loud burst of thunder shot through the air, and rain poured down upon the clearing.

"The gathering is over!" Brindlestar announced. "We will all go back to our Clans! StarClan be with you all!"

Wolfstar snarled, "This isn't over, Brindlestar!" before jumping down and heading off with ShadowClan.

Brindlestar sighed. "I know…"

When the group reached the camp, the rain had stopped and the clouds were moving to reveal the full moon once again. Shadowpaw saw Mistkit, Flamekit, and Foxkit run out of the nursery and sit in front of Stonestripe and Sparkpaw.

"We stole the missing catmint…" they all muttered.

Not wanting to listen to the conversation, Shadowpaw went and sat in the far corner of the hollow.

"You alright?" Blossomheart asked as she padded over to her.

Shadowpaw nodded. "I'm fine…"

"How did you find the island? How did you know I was in trouble?"

Shadowpaw looked at Blossomheart. "I just followed your scent."

"Okay, but how did you know I needed your help?"

I can't tell her about the voice, she'll think I'm crazy!

"Uhh… Just a feeling." Shadowpaw answered lamely.

Blossomheart narrowed her eyes. "A feeling?"

Shadowpaw nodded. Seeing that Blossomheart wasn't going to leave, she spotted Rainpaw heading into the apprentices' den. "Oh hey, there's Rainpaw! See ya!" Before her mentor could respond, Shadowpaw rushed over to Rainpaw.

Rainpaw looked at her friend. "I'm sorry about your mom…" she whispered.

Shadowpaw shrugged. "I-It's no big deal."

Rainpaw sighed. "If you say so."

"All cats old enough to catch their own prey, gather around the high ledge for a Clan meeting!" Brindlestar's voice rang out in the hollow. All the cats gathered around. Rainpaw and Shadowpaw stayed in the back.

"Hailpaw has finished his assessment and shall earn his warrior name." Brindlestar looked down at the apprentice. "Hailpaw, come forward."

Hailpaw padded up to the leader, his head and tail held high.

"I, Brindlestar, leader of ThunderClan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on this apprentice. He has worked hard to understand the ways of your noble code, and I commend him to you as a warrior in his turn. Hailpaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code, and to protect and defend your Clan, even at the cost of your life?"

Hailpaw nodded. "I do."

"Then by the power of StarClan, I give you your warrior name," Brindlestar announced. "Hailpaw, from this moment, you will be known as Hailcloud. StarClan honors your strength and skill, and we welcome you as a full warrior of ThunderClan." Brindlestar rests his muzzled on the new warrior's head.

"Hailcloud! Hailcloud! Hailcloud!" The camp cheered his name.

"Hailcloud will sit vigil tonight," Brindlestar announced when the cheering died down. "Meeting dismissed."

Shadowpaw was on hunting patrol, stalking a squirrel. It had been two sunrises since the gathering but the events that had happened would not leave her mind. Willowfur's words rang in her head.
If you don't get down here right now, you are no longer my daughter! When Shadowpaw refused, though Willowfur never said it, her gaze spoke the words for her.
You are not my daughter!
As Shadowpaw dug her claws into the earth, a dead leaf crunched under them; the squirrel bolted.

"Mouse-dung!" Shadowpaw muttered, giving chase. When she caught up to it, she pounced but landed a kitten step away from its tail. She cursed under her breath as the squirrel ran up a tree. She tried to climb up the tree but her claws slipped from the bark, making her plummet to the ground.

"What was that?" a voice hissed behind her.

"I just miss-judged the pounce," Shadowpaw replied through gritted teeth, recognizing the voice.

"I'm talking about you falling down the tree!" the young warrior hissed. "Aren't ThunderClan cat's supposed to be the best at climbing trees? Oh wait," he added bitterly. "You're not ThunderClan."

Shadowpaw got to her paws and swirled around. "Why do you have to be a bossy warrior, mousebrain?" she hissed, her neck fur bristling.

Hailcloud unsheathed his claws. "Why do you have to be a lousy hunter, Half-Clan cat?" he shot back.

Shadowpaw barred her teeth. "You want a fight? Let's fight!"

"Gladly!" Hailcloud growled.

"Stop it!" Silvernight ran in between the two of them; she looked at Hailcloud. "Shadowpaw is a part of our Clan, like it or not!"

Hailcloud muttered something Shadowpaw couldn't catch as he sheathed his claws.

Shadowpaw snickered.

"And you," Silvernight turned to the apprentice. "You should have been able to pounce farther than that and catch that squirrel. Is everything alright?" she added, her voice softer. "You've seemed distracted lately. Is it because of what your mother said at the gathering?"

Shadowpaw twitched her tail in frustration. "She's not my mother!" she snapped. "I'm sorry," Shadowpaw apologized almost immediately. "I just can't get her out of my head."

Silvernight sighed. "Grab some prey and head back to camp," she ordered.

Shadowpaw sighed, but nodded before running off.
Stupid Hailcloud. She thought as she ran through the forest. Stupid squirrel. Stupid trees. Stupid ShadowClan!
Shadowpaw stopped when she heard a scuffling noise. She jerked her head to the side and saw a mouse behind a tree root, nibbling on a nut. Shadowpaw went into the hunters crouch. She slowly inched toward the mouse. When she was close enough, she wriggled her haunches and pounced. Catching the mouse by surprise, Shadowpaw easily trapped it in her claws, killing it with a bite to the neck. Satisfied with her catch, she padded back to camp.
I may be Half-Clan by blood, but I'm full ThunderClan by heart!

Question #8:

Who killed Ashfur?