Welcome back everyone. This is the final chapter of this story. Next week I will take a break before the next Balor story with "Gard's Greatest Deed." Enjoy and review.
Coming into Respect of His Own
When Balor had come back down to the banquet hall, the sun had begun to rise. To the surprise of Anet, he saw Balor still living. This vision he had not forgotten. There were some things he could remember others not so well.
"You still live!" the elephant exclaimed in shock. "But my vision…"
"First time for everything." Was Balor's response! A vision could only come true if the one it involved believed in it. Lion-O had believed in a vision about him but had interpreted it the wrong way. Balor, being an Evabon, did not believe in predestination but free will. To them fate did not exist as they knew it was just an illusion.
Indra had since returned to his senses. Half of that had been thanks to Brigid bringing her grandfather's love to the surface. The other half had been Wodanaz appearing to Indra in his mind and reigniting the flame of their long extinguished friendship.
Friends had become enemies and were friends once more.
"Where is Grune? Indra looked around. Sitting upon a chair he looked at the comatose form of Lion-O.
"He is dead…" stated Balor.
"Dead?" Brigid gasped, placing a hand over her mouth. "You don't mean you had to…"
"No." Balor shook his head. "I jumped, he didn't stop."
Indra nodded. Brigid ran to her fiancé and hugged him. As for Balor he gave Brigid a kiss.
"Balor…" Balor looked at Indra. "You are a pacifist and you stuck to your beliefs. That is something to be respected… Anyone else would have taken Grune's life, you merely avoided him and let his own foolishness take him!" Looking to the comatose Lion-O, Indra stood up and raised a hand. "Give them an hour! They will all revive then. They will not be zombies for they did not receive the second half of the toxin."