"Lan?" Hub asked as he poked his head through Lan's door. "Come on in, Hub." Lan replied as he sat up in his bed, putting the book he was reading down.

"So... ugh... the homecoming dance is in a couple days..." Hub shyly stated. "Yea! Aren't you excited?" Lan said, "This is going to be your first date!"

"Yea... well, I'm nervous." Hub said. "Isn't everybody on their first date?" Lan chuckled.

"No... I mean, REALLY nervous." Hub said as he sat down next to Lan. "What are you so nervous about?" He asked.

"Well, Roll was in a lot more relationships then me." Hub slightly mumbled as he looked towards the ground. "Aaannnddd?" Lan comedically exaggerated.

"What do I do?" Hub plainly asked, "I don't have any experience doing any of this! How do I know if I'm any good?"

"Hub," Lan placed a hand on his shoulder, "You can't really "mess up" a first date. Sure, technically you can, but for you? As long as you and Roll have a good time, you'll be fine!"

"But... when... ugh... what if at the end..." Hub stuttered. "At the end?" Lan asked sorta confused, "You mean the end of the date?"

"Yea..." Hub said as he looked back down at the ground. "Well, you both say goodbye, you hug or kiss, then you leave." Lan said.

"Yea but... how do I kiss?" Hub asked, "How do I even hug?"

"Well... kissing is something that you learn from experience." Lan explained, "While hugging is practically the same as it ever was."

"But that scares me." Hub said quietly. "Look," Lan said as he scooted his way next to Hub, "I was completely honest with Mayl when we started dating, and still am, but if you and Roll are doing something that you don't know how to do, tell her! Trust me, she's not going to break up with you if you don't know how to do something like kissing."

"Well... I'm sorry. I'm just really nervous." Hub said. "You don't have to apologize." Lan said as he lightly tapped Hub on the back, "Mayl and I have been talking about you guys for this past week, and she's told me some pretty interesting things."

"Like what?" Hub asked, curious. "Sure, Roll has been in some relationships in middle school, but you do have to remember something. It's middle school. A relationship in middle school is like being five inches short to being able to go on a roller coaster at an amusement park. You're just too young."

"And what does that have to do with us?" Hub asked. "What I'm saying is all those relationships she was in doesn't matter. This is her first 'real' relationship, and according to Mayl, she's really excited that she gets to experience that with you." Lan encouraged.

"Really...?" Hub asked. "Absolutely."

"Thanks Lan." Hub said as he stood up and headed for the door. "Remember Hub," Lan said, "Just be honest with her."

"Will certainly do, Lan!" Hub smiled as he left the room.

"Mayl?" Roll asked as she walked into the living room. "Yea Roll?" Mayl said as she turned from the TV.

"Can you tell me about when you and Lan started dating?" Roll asked as she sat down next to her on the couch. "Well..." Mayl thought, "If I remember correctly we started to date freshman year."

"Yea, I remember that." Roll informed. "Well, if you want to be technical, I asked Lan out first." Mayl said still pondering.

"Like me!" Roll smiled. "Yes Roll..." Mayl sarcastically rolled her eyes, "Just like you."

"But why did you want to stay with Lan?" Roll asked, "What made you so happy?"

"Well... I thought Lan was a great guy." Mayl said, "He was a friend and neighbor for the last 18 years of my life."

"Is that why you fell in love with him?" Roll playfully teased. "Yea." Mayl said ignoring Roll's last remark, "I guess you could say that."

"But like... how did you guys go on dates?" Roll asked, "You couldn't drive yet."

"That's why its awesome living in a small town." Mayl smiled, "You can walk anywhere."

"I think I'm just overthinking this whole thing..." Roll sighed. "At least this isn't your first relationship." Mayl explained.

"Don't remind me." Roll frowned as she looked towards the ground, "Those guys I dated were a-holes anyway."

"Believe me Roll," Mayl spoke, "I know."

"Wait... you knew?" Roll asked. "You think I didn't?" Mayl replied.

"I didn't think you really cared." Roll responded. "Are you kidding?" Mayl said with a bit of shock on her face, "I was worried sick."

"Wait..." Roll paused, "What do you mean?"

"I knew there would come a day when you would start dating." Mayl explained, "And do believe me, you're a very attractive girl."

"What does that have to do with anything?" Roll stuttered at Mayl's last comment. "I was afraid that boys would be all over you, and that meant the a-holes also." Mayl said, "You may not of known, but Lan and I, mostly me, were keeping a good eye on you."

"So why didn't you stop me?" Roll asked. "You got to live and learn." Mayl said, "How can you learn if I'm there holding your hand? Plus, you seemed to of learned from your mistakes, pointing out that you made some poor mistakes in who you dated."

"How can you blame me?" Roll said, "I was in like... sixth and seventh grade!"

"I'm not." Mayl said, "In fact, I'm proud of you."

"Really?" Roll said. "But it wasn't like made all bad decisions." Mayl speculated, "What about James? He was a nice boy."

"Yea... but... I don't know." Roll said. "Let me ask you this," Mayl said, "Why did you ask Hub to homecoming?"

"Well... I really like him." Roll answered. "Come on!" Mayl laughed, "You have to give me more reasons than that!"

"Wait... when did you start asking all the questions?" Roll asked, "You still haven't told me about you and Lan!"

"Well, answer me my question and I'll answer yours." Mayl smiled. "Is it always impossible to win against you?" Roll smiled back.

"Yep." Mayl replied. "Well... Hub's very nice." Roll said pondering.

"And?" Mayl said, "What else?"

"He's also very shy." Roll smiled, "And I find that very cute."

"Are those the only reasons?" Mayl replied. "He was also my best friend since I could remember!"

"Well, I already knew that." Mayl said, "Do you remember all of us playing outside as kids?"

"Yea!" Roll smiled joyfully, "Hub was always so quiet..." Roll recollected.

"But he is a very smart kid." Mayl added. "He would always get picked on in school too." Roll frowned.

"But you would stand up for him wouldn't you?" Mayl explained. "Yea... I would try." Roll said, "But I don't get it!" Roll started to become angry.

"Don't get what?" Mayl asked. "I don't get why Hub has to get picked on!" Roll said, "He didn't do anything to anyone!"

"People who bully others are either insecure or have been bullied themselves." Mayl informed, "Trust me, Lan and I have been trying to figure this out ever since fourth grade."

"It's just... it's just not fair..." Roll pouted. "I know Roll." Mayl agreed, "It's not. But that doesn't mean you can't do anything about it."

"I already stand up for him." Roll pointed out, "What else could I do?"

"Hub is a shy individual, and he's probably like this due to some of the bullying he's received over the years." Mayl proposed. "But he was like this even when we were kids." Roll said.

"I know." Mayl replied, "I'm just saying he may haven't of grown out of it because of the bullying."

"What are you getting at?" Roll raised an eyebrow. "If you keep dating Hub, you're going to become very close to him," Mayl said, "You can help him emotionally, and even physically."

"You mean... dealing with his bullying?" Roll asked. "Sorta." Mayl pondered, "Hub deals with his problems inward, instead of outwards. It can be bad for stress, emotion, and anxiety building up in a person like that."

"I guess you're right." Roll said, "I would love to help him with that!"

"It's getting late." Mayl said getting up and walking to the stairs, "I'm off to bed."

"I guess I should too." Roll said following suite. "But Roll," Mayl said stopping her, "I understand that I didn't answer your original question, and that we got side tracked a lot, but I just want to tell you something before I do."

"And what would that be?" Roll asked. "Even though I make it sound like you need to 'take care' of Hub, I also want you to enjoy this relationship." Mayl said, "I want both of you to be happy, and I hope it works out."

"I understand." Roll nodded. "As for when Lan and I started dating..." Mayl yawned, "I think I'll tell you in the morning."

"What!" Roll shouted as she ran up the stairs, catching up to Mayl, "You can't do that!"

"Remember what I said Roll?" Mayl smiled. "I can never win... I know." Roll smiled at Mayl before turning around, and heading for her own room.

"Are you ready to go, Hub?" Lan shouted up the stairs to Hub's room, "We got to be over at Mayl and Roll's house in about 60 seconds!"

"Coming!" Hub shouted back down the stairs. He walked down the stairs wearing his clothes for the dance, neatly worn, and perfectly clean.

"Are you ready?" Lan said wearing his own tux for the dance. "I'm nervous Lan..." Hub told him, "What if something goes wrong?"

"Nothing is going to go wrong!... Look," Lan said putting his hands on Hub's shoulders, "Remember what I told you yesterday? You'll be fine!"

"Are you sure?" Hub stuttered. "I'll be in the same dance with you." Lan said, "If anything goes wrong, or you need a little help, you can always come to me. Ok?"

"Ok..." Hub said letting out a breath. "Let's go get our dates then." Lan replied as he walked towards the front door, "Don't want to keep them waiting."

They both walked over the house next to them and knocked on the door. No answer.

"Hello?" Lan hesitantly shouted as he opened the door. "We'll be down in a second!" A voice shot down from upstairs.

"And I thought we were going to be late..." Lan mumbled to Hub. They both walked in and Lan sat down on the couch while Hub followed suite.

"Sorry for keeping you waiting." Mayl said as she walked down the stairs, "We were running a little late..."

"You're fine." Lan said, "We're a little early anyway."

"You look very nice today, Hub!" Mayl smiled. "Ugh... Thank you..." Hub scratched the back of his head. Lan stood up and walked towards Mayl.

"He's very nervous about tonight." Lan whispered to her as he gave her a hug. "I can only imagine." Mayl whispered back.

"You look great tonight Mayl!" Lan said. "You don't look half bad yourself." Mayl smiled at him. As they broke away from their hug, they heard footsteps coming from the stairway.

"There you are Roll!" Mayl smiled as she as she appeared to everyone wearing a dress. "You look very beautiful this evening." Lan complimented accordingly.

"Thanks..." Roll smiled shyly. "She's extremely nervous also." Mayl whispered to Lan.

Hub stood up from the couch as Roll walked over to him. "Welp! I think it's time we head to the car!" Lan said as he wrapped his arm around Mayl and walked towards to the door. "We'll be waiting for you." Mayl said picking up on Lan's hints to leave them alone.

"You... ugh... you look..." Hub stuttered, "You look beautiful."

Roll smiled at Hub's shyness. "You look handsome also, Mega." Roll complimented. She looked down at Hub's hands that were clenched in front of him.

"Are you nervous?" Roll said as she placed her hands on his, she could feel his hands shaking a little. Hub looked down at her hands before looking back at her. "Yea..." Hub said lowering his head.

Roll smiled at him for second, "Why?" she asked.

Hub thought to what Lan told him just the other day, 'Be honest!' Hub thought to himself, "I'm... I'm afraid that I'll screw up."

"Sc- screw up?" Roll asked, "What makes you say that?"

"I've never been out with a girl before." Hub confessed. "You don't have to be so nervous..." Roll replied as she came a little closer, "You'll do just fine."

"Really?" Hub smiled. Lan was right. He was truly going to do just fine. "Absolutely." Roll reassured.

"What are you guys doing in there?" Lan shouted from the car, "We have to go!"

"Ladies first?" Hub asked stepping aside. "How about we both go together?" Roll chuckled as they both walked to the car.

"So I set some guidelines for you guys tonight." Lan said as he got into the driver's seat, "One; You are limited one slow dance every hour. And don't overdue the touching! Two; you are only allowed one kiss! This will be when we get back home, and one of us will be there just in case so you don't end up with a child. Thr-"

"Please tell me you didn't actually create rules for them..." Mayl said as she placed a palm on her forehead. "Yea! I Have them right here." Lan said as he pulled a piece of paper from the pocket inside his tux.

"Give me that!" Mayl said as she ripped the piece of paper out from his hands, "Wait... this is just a recipe!"

"Of course it's a recipe!" Lan said taking it back, "I need this to return this tux."

"You're killin me Lan..." Mayl laughed. "To be honest," Lan said pulling out of the driveway, "I think we broke all of those rules on our first homecoming..."

"You're such a lost cause..." Mayl chuckled as she again placed her palm unto her forehead.

Roll and Hub turned and laughed at Lan and Mayl's actions on the way to the dance.

"We are here!" Lan loudly pronounced as he put the car into park. "You don't have to shout Lan..." Mayl said.

"But I need to proudly shout my presence everywhere I go!" Lan pretended to whine as he got out of the car. "Well do that when I'm NOT in the car!" Mayl pretended to whine back.

"So I hope you guys have a good night!" Lan told Hub and Roll as he got back into the drivers seat, "I'll be back at... ugh... about 10:30."

"Come on Lan!" Mayl smiled, "Let's get inside."

"Okay..." Lan said as he lost his pride and dignity. All four of them walked into the giant gymnasium that was holding the dance, and was greeted with neon lights, music, and decorations galore.

"Hey, there's Yia and Dex!" Lan pointed towards the concessions table. "Let's head over there then." Mayl replied.

"You guys have fun." Lan said to Hub and Roll, and he and Mayl started walking towards their destination.

"So..." Roll awkwardly started, "What do you want to do?"

"Umm..." Hub was cut off though, as one of Roll's friends made her way towards them with her date.

"Hey Roll!" the girl said. "Hey!" Roll replied with a smile.

"You look absolutely beautiful in that dress." the girl complimented. "You look good too!" Roll replied almost instantly.

"You don't have to say that..." she said as she looked over her outfit. Hub stood there silently. He recognized the boy that was with her, but couldn't place a name.

"You look very handsome too, Hub!" she said. "Thank you." Hub simply said as he forced a smile.

"I don't think the two of you have met." she said as she looked back to her date. "Oh right!" Roll said, "Hub, this is Angel; Angel, this is Hub!"

"Pleasure to meet you!" he said as he held out a hand. "Pleasure to meet you also." Hub replied as he shaked it.

"You've developed one hell of a reputation after that fight in the cafeteria." Roll's friend said, "The person you fought isn't too happy with you."

"What?" Hub asked. "According to some of his friends, he still has a bone to pick." she explained.

"I wouldn't be to worried about it though." Angel spoke up, "That guy is nothing but a bark with no bite."

Hub instantly remembered where he saw Angel before. It was in Sixth Grade. He was one of the kids who helped him when some bullies started to beat him up after school.

"I don't really think about it that much." Hub replied, snapping back to reality. "We should go to a table." Roll smiled.

"Sounds good to me!" Roll's friend replied as everyone started to make there way to a high table by the dance floor.

"Any of you guys hungry?" Angel asked as they all sat down, "I can get us some food."

"Sounds great sweety." Roll's friend said, "Thanks so much!"

"I'll get us some refreshments to start off." he said as he turned to walk away. "Wait!" Hub spoke up suddenly, "I'll help."

"Thanks," Angel replied, "I could use some help."

They both made their way past the dance floor to the beverage stand where they were greeted with a line.

"Can't believe there's a line..." Angel chuckled, "You would think this would be pretty quick."

"Yea." Hub smiled. They stood there silently for a couple moments before Angel broke their silence.

"Got somthing on your mind?" he asked. "What?" Hub asked breaking from his thought.

"Oh..." Angel said, "Well, it just looked like you had something you wanted to ask."

"Oh... No..." Hub replied. Another moment passed as the line slowly moved forward, "Well... actually, do I know you from somewhere?"

"Yea." Angel said, "We went to middle school together. Remember?"

"Right..." Hub pretended to smile, "Sorry."

"Don't be." Angel replied, "After a long summer, we all forget somebody."

Another moment of silence passed as the line somehow became twice as long then before.

"It's just..." Hub started. "It's just what?" Angel asked.

"Where me and you in the sixth grade together?" Hub asked. "Yea." Angel replied, "I remember..." He stopped.

"Where... where you the one who helped me after school?" Hub managed to ask.

"... I don't understand why they treated you the way they did." Angel replied quietly. "So you were the one?" Hub asked.

"Yea." Angel said, "I was walking home, and I saw all of them around you. I had to do something."

"..." Hub remained silent.

"I never understood why they treated you the way they did..." he repeated, "I'm sorry."

"Sorry?" Hub asked. "I'm sorry I never helped." Angel said, "I never told... I never stopped... I simply ignored it. Hoping that it would go away."

They were almost to the front of the line.

"But I won't ignore it anymore." Angel turned to Hub with a smile, "You can always ask me for help if someone is bothering you."

"Thank you." Hub genuinely smiled back. "Let's get these drinks back to the girls." Angel said as he took two and Hub took two, "They're probably worried about us."

"Took you guys long enough!" Roll's friend said. "Sorry!" Angel replied placing the cups on the table, "There was a huge line."

"There was a line at the concession stand?" Roll asked. "Your guess is as good as mine." Angel said.

"At least Hub was there to keep you company." Roll's friend chuckled. "That he was." Angel agreed.

"So!" Roll's friend turned to Angel, "Me and Roll were talking..."

"Oh boy..." Angel smiled, "What's the damage?"

"Well... there's an expo coming to ACDC in a couple weeks," Roll's friend explained, "And we were going to go, as a group date."

"In a couple weeks?" Angel asked. "Yea!" Roll's friend answered. Angel continued to ask specifics about the occasion.

Hub looked over at Roll and gave her a, "We're going to do what?" type look.

"It'll be fun." Roll smiled and whispered to Hub.

"What do you think Hub?" Angel asked, bringing Hub and Roll out of their mini-discussion. "Ugh..." Hub said as he tried to recompile himself, "It sounds fun."

"So its a date!" Roll smiled at everyone. "I'm so excited!" Roll's friend said, "I always wanted to go to an expo!"

"I wanted my wallet to feel empty anyways..." Angel smiled teasingly, "Like you have any money!" Roll's friend replied teasingly back.

"How about we take our disagreements down to the dance floor?" Angel suggested as he wrapped his arm around her. "That sounds great!" Roll's friend smiled, "You guys have a good time!"

"You too!" Roll said as her friend disappeared into the crowd of people.

There was a moment of silence.

"So..." Roll spoke up, "I guess we're back to square one."

"Yea..." Hub replied. He turned to look at the dance floor. It wasn't packed, but there were a good amount of people on it.

"How are you guys doing tonight?" the DJ's voice, sounding strikingly similar to Tory's, announced over the intercom. The vast majority of the people cheered in delight.

"What do you guys think about changing the music over to a more... slower dance?" the mysterious DJ asked. Another vast majority of the people cheered.

Hub looked over at Roll who was shyly looking down at the ground. She didn't seem to look to happy. "As long as you and Roll have a good time, you'll be fine!" Lan's words echoed through Hub's head.

He looked back to the dance floor to see numerous couples, in each other's arms, rocking rhythmically to the song that was playing. Hub turned back to face Roll, and spoke up.

"Roll?" He asked, "Do you want to dance?"

"Really?" Roll's face brightened up with a tint of disbelief. "Of course." Hub gave her a heart warming smile as he held out his hand, "How can we come to a dance and not... well... dance!"

"I would love to..." Roll blushed as she placed her hand in his. They both got up and made their way to the dance floor.

"I should warn you..." Hub said, "I don't know how to dance."

"That's ok." Roll smiled, "I can easily teach you."

"Ok..." Hub shyly blushed as Roll took hold of his hands. "So I'll hold on to your right hand," Roll said as she folded her hand into his, "And your left hand goes on my waist." Roll guided Hub's hand to where it needed to be placed.

"Ok..." Hub awkwardly repeated. "And I put my left hand on your shoulder." Roll said as she followed through with her own instruction.

The two stood there for a moment so they could get used to this position. Roll chuckled seeing Hub blush madly.

"And now we simply move our feet." Roll explained. She lead Hub, moving forward in back.

"I think I'm getting this!" Hub smiled as he got the timing down for each step. "We always go to the rhythm of the song." Roll said, "So just remember that."

Hub looked up from the ground at Roll as they silently moved to the rhythm of the song. Moving up and down, left and right, and even diagonally.

"I hope I didn't force you into going to the expo with us..." Roll broke the silence. "You didn't force me." Hub said, a little confused.

"Oh... well..." Roll said, "It's just that I sorta brought it unto you unexpectedly."

"Just like you told me," Hub smiled, "I think we're going to have a lot of fun."

"You think so?" Roll smiled back. "Remember going to Cyber City's expo?" Hub asked.

"I remember!" Roll said, "That was a lot of fun..."

"There was so much stuff to see there, too!" Hub replied. "Now you're just making me even more excited to go!" Roll chuckled.

They continued to look into each other's eyes as the slow dance continued. Hub slowly taking lead. The dance was practically silent. Everybody was dancing with their partners. Hub let go of Roll's hand and placed it on her waist, while Roll brought her's up to his shoulder, bringing them closer together.

"You look beautiful tonight." Hub said, still looking into her eyes. "Thank you..." Roll blushed, "You look very handsome yourself."

The two remained silent for a moment.

"Are you still afraid of screwing up?" Roll asked quietly. "Not as much as before." Hub replied with a whisper, "Are you having a good time?"

"I'm having the best time of my life." Roll closed her eyes as she leaned unto Hub, "I wouldn't trade it for the world..."

Hub smiled as he held Roll in his arms. His vision started to survey the area, seeing if he could spot Lan and Mayl's presence. After some searching, he found them on the dance floor, in almost the same position he was in. He continued to survey the surrounding area to also spot Angel and his date, also in a similar position.

They stood there in another moment of silence. Holding each other in their arms. It was the most peaceful thing Hub had ever experienced in his life. His stress, anxiety, shyness, all that was no where to be found. The only thing that would be found is the romance between two young lovers.

"Thank you all for attending this year's annual Homecoming Prom!" The DJ announced, "Time to start packing up and heading out!"

Roll and Hub made their way around the dance floor to find Lan and Mayl, who were sitting at a table.

"There you guys are!" Lan said, "Did you have a good time?"

"I had an amazing time!" Roll smiled brightly as she looked back to Hub, holding hands. "What about you, Hub?" Mayl asked, "Did you also enjoy tonight?"

"I enjoyed it also." Hub smiled at Roll, "Would do it again anytime of the week."

"Well I'm glad you guys enjoyed it!" Lan said as he and Mayl stood up from the table, "I do believe it is time to head home."

Mayl grabbed on to one of Lan's hands, and the group started making their way to the car.

"Can't you believe that's our last Homecoming?" Lan asked. "It's crazy, I know." Mayl replied.

They all got into the car, and started making their way home. Lan and Mayl made chit-chat in the car, while Hub and Roll remained mostly silent.

"We're home guys!" Lan said as he parked the car into their driveway. They all got out of the car, and Lan and Hub escorted their dates to their house.

"Have a good night Lan!" Mayl gave Lan a kiss on the porch before she went inside. "You too!" Lan replied, "Don't take long Hub!"

The couple stood on the porch awkwardly for a moment, not knowing what to do.

"Did you have a good night?" Hub asked, breaking the silence. "I had a fabulous night." Roll replied.

Hub looked down and saw Roll with her hands clenched together in front of her.

"Are you nervous, Roll?" Hub asked as he grabbed hold of her hands. "A little bit..." Roll blushed.

"What are you so nervous about?" Hub asked. "That I'll screw this up..." Roll replied as she turned away from Hub.

"You're to perfect to mess anything up." Hub smiled. "Oh Mega..." Roll blushed as she hugged him, "You always know just what to say."

"I only speak the truth." Hub replied as he returned the hug, "I hope you have a great night."

"I hope you have a great night also." Roll replied. They both stood there, not knowing exactly what to do.

As if out of nowhere, Roll kissed Hub. "I'll see you tomorrow!" She smiled and went inside her house.

Hub was awestruck at what just happened. He recovered quickly and smiled as he turned to go back to his own home.

Hope you enjoyed that very long chapter! Took about three, four weekends to finish!

Thanks to Ghost501 who helped "beta" this chapter, and not punch me after all of my "GHOST! IS THIS GOOD!?" type messages I sent him.

The story is still not officially finished. A third Chapter will be made sometime in the future!