Chapter 1

Freddie knows that if he tells Lindsey about his feelings for her then their relationship will never be the same again, His heart is telling him to tell her but his head is telling him not to. At the moment Lindsey and him are very close, He understands that she see's him as a younger brother but he see's her as much more than a sister. He would take a bullet for her; he would do anything for her. He's questioned himself many times if he just has a crush on her but do crushes really last 8 years?

Lindsey is happily married to Joe, Freddie's heart aches as he see's how happy they are together, he doesn't mean to be jealous but he can't help it, he doesn't want to betray Joe as he has been a good brother to him and the others, Sandy would hate for her two oldest boys t fall out as that would most probably be the case if Freddie revealed all. At the moment Freddie was with his girlfriend Sinead at her flat who she shared with her baby daughter Katie, Freddie adores Sinead and Katie but he knows where his heart belongs. "Watch Katie for me would ya, I've gotta go and meet me mum for a coffee" Sinead said quickly snapping Freddie out of his thoughts. "Urm yeah okay, don't be long though yeah" He says as he takes Katie from Sinead's arms. "You're a life saver, I won't. Don't forget to put her down for a nap and give her a bottle" Sinead said as she got her bag and left Katie and Freddie to it.

Freddie looked at Katie and thought to himself how he wished him and Lindsey could have a child together one day. He knew how stupid he was being think anything of this sort but he couldn't get the thought out of his head. Earlier in the year Joe and Lindsey were expecting a child together, Before Lindsey even told Joe she confided in Freddie and he went with her for two of her scans. Sadly a couple of months into the pregnancy there was an accident involving Lindsey and she lost the baby, Freddie hated seeing her so broken, he tried to comfort her in the best way possible but deep down he knew that only Joe could do that.

3 hours later Sinead came through the door pretty drunk, he knew she had lied about meeting Dianne for coffee, he felt sorry for poor Katie, Sinead should have been spending the day with Freddie and her not spending it getting wasted. She didn't even thank him or acknowledge her baby; she just went straight to bed. Freddie had had enough so he decided to leave a note telling Sinead that he had dropped off Katie at Dianne's house and he was spending the night back home with his family.

Once he had dropped Katie off Freddie made his way home. The house as quite empty for a Sunday afternoon, he gathered that everyone was either out or in their rooms. He sat on the sofa and switched on the TV. "Alright Fred" Lindsey beamed as she walked into the living room and sat beside him. "Not so bad thanks, yourself, where is everyone" He asked. His heart fluttered as he looked into her eyes. "I'm good thanks, Ziggy's out with Ruby, Robbie's at Finn's, Jason, Joe and Sandy are upstairs sorting the sink out, Robbie bloody blocked it didn't he" Lindsey informed. "Typical Rob, he does the deed then runs off" he said with a slight giggle in his voice. Lindsey nodded in agreement. "What are you doing home anyway, I thought you'll be all loved up with Sinead" Lindsey teased. " So did I but she decided to dump baby Katie on me while she went and got wasted, not even a word of thanks she just went straight to bed when she got in" Freddie announced. "You deserve better than her you know Freddie" Lindsey sighed. Freddie didn't answer he just stared into space.

"There's someone better than her out there for you, I know it's not my place to say" she added. "There is someone else, but I know for certain that she wont have the same feeling as I do for her" He began. "Do you really love her" Lindsey took Freddie's hand as she could see it in his eyes how hard this conversation was for him. Freddie nodded "Yes, I'd do anything for her; I would cook her meals, look after her whenever she fell ill. I would make her feel like the most special and beautiful woman that she is all day everyday, I would never raise my voice to her no matter how frustrated she ever made me feel, I would hold her and comfort her whenever she needed it. Seeing her with someone else just rips my heart in two" Freddie had tears rolling down his cheeks. Lindsey gently pulled him into a hug "Then tell her Fred, that's all you can do, if she feels the same about you then she will leave the other guy for you" Lindsey advised. "I can't do it Linds, it'll rip lives apart and I can't do that" Freddie fretted "Do it for me yeah" Lindsey said smiling. Freddie nodded. Freddie couldn't believe how he had just told Lindsey indirectly that he has fallen in love with her. She was completely oblivious to the situation yet she gave such fantastic advice.

As the day drew to a close Freddie spent the rest of it in his room, thinking about his relationship with Sinead and over thinking his recent conversation with Lindsey. Was he one step closer to finally having a chance of being with the woman of his dreams? Or was he a million miles away?