Thanks to those who have read/reviewed/favorited/followed this fanfiction of mine! I hope that you'll continue to be able to enjoy it!
Also, SORRY FOR THE EXTRA LONG DELAY! Please give my one-shot 'The Doctor and His Nurse' as well as my new story 'Blind but Bold' a read and leave a review to tell me what you think!

Disclaimer: I DO NOT OWN Kuroko no Basuke.

Chapter 15: After the Kiss

Aida was the one who had knocked on the captains door, unintentionally breaking up Akashi and Kuroko's second kiss. Though when she listened closely she could hear her captain panting.

"Wait, why is Akashi in there again? Oh right! Captain wanted to talk to him for a bit…about what though? Oh well…wait…why is captain breathing irregularly? What is Akashi saying?! WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO OUR PURE KUROKO-CHAN?!"

Knocking once on the door, she shivered when she heard Akashi say, "Leave us alone if you wish to live, Aida Riko-san. We'll be out shortly."

Aida could've sworn that Akashi was smirking as he said that. Grumbling but wanting to keep her life, she decided to leave, but not without a plan in mind. "As soon as he comes up on the deck- no, before he can even reach the deck- our crew will ambush him and then-," Her train of thought stopped as she felt a shiver go up and down her spine.

"Indeed, Akashi Seijuro is a frightening person…he is not one to be messed with…"

After Kuroko and Akashi broke apart their lips for the third time that day, they left Kuroko's room to go to the deck. After all, the crewmates can't decide where to go without their captain. Just before they reached the stairs to go up, Kuroko hugged Akashi from behind. A little surprised at the sudden show of affection, Akashi could only place his hands on top of Kuroko's. Then he got an idea and spun her around so that they'd face each other.

Not expecting to be pulled forward suddenly, Kuroko tripped over her own two feet, expecting herself to fall. Akashi was quick to embrace her though. Feeling her face heat up, Kuroko couldn't face Akashi- she could only bury her head in his chest, sneakily inhaling his scent as well.

Akashi, feeling his face heat up at the audible sound of Kuroko sniffing him, decided that he wouldn't be the only embarrassed one. Nope. So the most logical answer was to sniff her back, right?

EH! WRONG! Especially when her crewmates are coming down the stairs! Swiftly picking her up, he ran back to her room, opened and locked the door before closing it- with Kuroko still in his arms.

Sighing in relief- wait, relief? He had absolutely nothing to fear! In fact, everything and everyone feared him! Well, except Tetsuki. Tetsuki? Where is she…gyah! I'm still holding her…and princess style nonetheless!

Seeing the usually composed Akashi Seijuro as red as his hair, with steam coming from his ears, Kuroko felt her body move on its own. Without even realizing it, she had pulled Akashi's face closer to her own and…kissed him! It was a light yet loving kiss.

Akashi was left speechless. "My Tetsuki…kissed me…on her own…aww, she's blushing. I…really do like her, don't I? Maybe even…love. Well, I'll deal with it when I get there! For now, I need to respond to her affection!"

With that thought in mind, Akashi kissed Kuroko back, but with a bit more force than she had exerted. "Ah…if I don't love her, I wouldn't do this with her…so that's it…"

"I love you, Tetsuki," Akashi stated.

Feeling her freeze up in his grasp, he quickly carried her over to her bed, settling her down but unable to get back up. She was hugging him- tightly at that. "Hm? What's that sound?...Is she crying? Why?! What did I do?! Did she not want me to say that?!"

"…e too…Me too, Akashi-kun! I love you! I don't know how or why, but I love you!" Kuroko blurted out while sniffling.

Not really knowing what to do, Akashi did the only thing that he thought would bring her even a bit of comfort- not that she needed any, but maybe she'd stop crying. Pressing a soft kiss to her forehead, he hugged her to his body, sharing some of his body warmth that she had snuggled up to back when she was first injured.

Feeling her own tears stop immediately, Kuroko hugged Akashi back- fiercer than he had though. "I love you. I love you. I love you! I LOVE YOU!"

"I LOVE YOU, SEIJURO!" Kuroko shouted.

"Did she just call me by my name? Finally! I want to kiss her again…I will!" Akashi thought.

Backing up from her a bit, Akashi took Kuroko's chin in his hand and pressed a light and quick kiss to her pink, soft and warm lips. Pulling back from the short-lived kiss slowly, Akashi quickly kissed her again, enjoying the way their lips melded together. Putting her arms around his neck, Kuroko allowed for their bodies to be as close as possible. Pulling back every other minute to take in a quick breather, they would immediately join their lips together once more, pushing on each other's lips' harder than before.

Not getting enough oxygen in, Kuroko tried to open her mouth. This resulted in Akashi trying something new. Wondering what Kuroko would do, he gently nibbled on her bottom lip, eliciting a soft, whimpering moan from her. Of course, he would never go any farther than this- he wanted to save everything for their honeymoon. Yes, their honeymoon was already decided upon- ever since they both said 'I love you', that is.

Deciding that it would be better to let her rest, Akashi pulled back.

"Tetsuki, get some rest. I know that you're feeling just fine, but get some more rest, okay?"

Only able to nod her head, Kuroko- rather quickly- fell into a deep slumber. Admiring her serene sleeping form, Akashi tucked Kuroko into her bed after removing her shoes. Getting up, he pressed one last kiss to her forehead, whispering something into her ear so that only she'd ever hear it.

"I love you, Tetsuki. Sleep well."

And with that, he made his way back to the top deck.


As you may have noticed, I changed the rating on this…mainly cause of their kiss scenes. ./. I hope that it wasn't a big disappointment or anything- this chapter that is. Also, sorry for its shortness! I haven't written for this story for quite a while, but I didn't want to leave it alone! Please tell me what you thought of it and Please review!