Well, this came to me like, just a few seconds ago…I know that I said that I was going to wait until AFTER I had finished my first story, Sweet and Subtle, to make up those MidoKuro stories and I DEFINITELY WILL, but it seems like I just can't give this up! Well, anyways, onto the new story!

Kuroko Tetsuya- Kuroko Tetsuki

Kuroko is a female in this story and looks the same as in my other story. Petite for her age, pale skin, light blue hair and eyes and her hair stops just above her butt. Her main outfit for this story will be a light blue tank-top, a white long sleeve shirt over the tank-top with a light blue bandana on her head. She'll have a pair of white pants for at night and white shorts during the day due to the temperature changes. She'll also mainly wear white knee-length boots with her shorts and white sandals, not flip-flops, during the night. Both the boots and sandals will have a bit of a heel since they are shoes for girls. (If anyone wants to draw her for me and send me the link, then I'll put it as this stories picture…if not, well, we'll just have to wait and see.)

I don't really know if I'll have any pairing for this sto- GASP! I JUST THOUGHT OF THE PAIRING FOR THIS STORY!

The pairing for this story will be Akashi x FemKuroko! Most likely Akashi and Kuroko and everybody else will experience some sort of OOCness…just saying.


Chapter 1: Prologue

Many, many years ago- no, not in a land far, far away and not in a different universe. A-HEM. Many, many years ago, there was a sudden outburst that took the entire world-A.K.A. planet Earth- by storm! People thought them to be extinct, nonexistent, fairytales even. But in that moment, in that era, those people were proven wrong. They do indeed exist. And it was precisely because they existed and were forgotten about, that someone's descendant decided to remind the world that people like them exist.


Nobody could have seen it coming. Like I said, this sudden outburst of pirates took the world by storm. Now what do you think of when you hear the term pirates?

No, not the word pirates, but the term. People quickly started referring to people that sail ships with cross-bones on black flags as such. 'Pirates' used to be just a word, but now that they have come back into existence, they are making sure that everybody on Earth knows that they are real and not just imaginary, made-up beings that used to taunt the minds of many.

One pirate crew in particular was feared by all the rest. If you haven't guessed by now, then let me tell you. That fear inspiring pirate crew was none other than Teikou. People from all different parts of the world knew of it. The most distinguishing feature of this pirate crew was its mother ship which had a multicolored cross-bones flag. The colors that it sported were a bright yellow; a deep, dark blue; a dark green; a bright pink; a dark purple and an extremely vibrant red.

Nobody dared to go against them. However, there was one and only one pirate crew that came out of hiding, more than willing to go against the mighty Teikou. That brave crew was of the name Seirin. While Teikou was formed once again by the last existing pirates' descendant, Akashi Seijuro, Seirin was only formed about three years after Teikou made itself known.

However, do not underestimate them. While the Seirin crew seems harmless, all of the other pirate crews that ever went against them were never heard from again. Those crew members always ended up reappearing on some random uninhabited island and they considered that they were shown mercy by Seirin, which they were. They just had it beat into them that they should never ever mention anything of their fight and encounter with the little known crew, unless they wish to see the bottom of the sea personally.

But before we can get to the discovery of the century, let's just follow them around on one of their ordinary-turned-not-so-ordinary days.


PLEASE DON'T HIT ME! Seriously, I haven't forgotten the whole MidoKuro fanfics that I have in mind and neither have I forgotten Sweet and Subtle, just wanna write this story! Hope you guys liked the first chapter! Please review!