Hey guys! I don't know if any of you read chapter six, cause I replaced the author's note with the chapter so go back and read ch 6 if you haven't already. Also to those who read Forever With Me I plan to put it on a temporary HIATUS so I can catch up with Crave Me Philippines. And I also can't update that much anymore, I am extremely busy and getting on FanFiction takes up too much of my time. Hell I can't even read on here because of how busy I am, I plan to update periodically but other than that I'm sorry.

I don't own Hetalia.

Blonde hair gleamed brilliantly as the sun rained on the solitary figure, he was standing all by himself. The lone wind was his only companion as he ventured away from the restaurant the other nations were eating at. He was always forgotten, but not by Italy and the Philippines.

Canada sighed as he thought of his past infatuation with the Italian, he couldn't help but to let out a rueful chuckle at his own luck. He just had to have a thing for brunettes, didn't he? Canada knew that he and Italy would never work out, so he had forgotten about her and opted to look elsewhere in the world. It was just his luck that the next person he crushed on held the object of the world's affection in her hands like Italy once had.

It had started out well, he once occupied one of the seats in that place. Though it went downhill when Russia accidentally sat on him, he didn't really blame him. He was sitting at a table meant for four, and to the small family it looked as if it was vacant. When Russia had gotten up to help Italy get food for Forte Canada had slipped out of the restaurant.

Now with his faithful polar bear at his side he did his best to flag down a taxi, for he had came with America and his brother was still eating. But when the fifth cab passed him he looked to Kumajirou and sighed, " Looks like when won't get a ride to the hotel eh?"

" Who are you?"

" I'm your owner Canada."

The fluffy bear only cocked his head before jumping on the blonde's shoulders, Canada laughed at this and began walking to their hotel. Japan really was a beautiful country in his opinion and he was glad that they were spending New Year's here. His tan coat fluttered gracefully as he walked against the wind, and he could hear some girls talk about his hair.

Strange, not many people noticed him.

From the average passerby, well one that could notice him, they would see a handsome young man walk down the street with a stuffed animal in his military uniform. A few girls sighed as he walked by, each getting their phones out of their respective bags but when they looked up he was gone. Well to them he was, but he was just walking away.

All Canada ever wanted was to be noticed by somebody, it wasn't to much to ask was it? Not even his bloody polar bear remembered his name, granted the few people who knew his name were already busy. Such as England, France, Italy, and the Philippines; all were too busy eating lunch to notice that the blonde had left. As he walked past people he couldn't help but to think about his relationship with the Philippines.

Of course she is a beautiful woman, so it was natural that she would hardly notice him. He would guess that they were acquantences but nothing more, no matter how desperatetly he wanted to change that. It would be a god send if they would grow to be friend, and to be honest that was all he expected them to ever be. Walking down the busy streets he could see that his hotel was close by, Canada loved the Hotel Okura the people there were extremely friendly. And some even talked to him as he passed them, but he had to say he couldn't get the hang of Japanese. Seeing as he was more fluent in European languages more than Asian ones.

" Canada! Wait up!", he heard a melodic voice call out to him as he turned a corner, and being the gentleman he was Canada paused and waited for the person to catch up with him. He got the surprise of his life when he saw the brunnette that had captured his affections round the corner, she leaned against the cool glass of a building to catch her breath. " You know you're really fast right?", she asked as she went to his side and the two began walking to the Hotel.

" Sorry," he mumbled under his breath," I didn't mean for you to exert yourself for me."

" Its fine, I left the restaurant shortly after you did. Greece fell asleep on the floor and some poor server tripped over him and spilled hot soup and Italy and Castiel. Russia had started to get angry when I booked it out of the place. I saw you and Kumajirou and decided to join you two," she told him as the Japanese Lunch crowd rolled through Downtown Kyoto. The Philippines grabbed onto his hand as not to lose him in the sea of people, she smiled at him as they walked hand in hand to the Hotel.

The Hotel Okura had been the place where the Nations would reserve their rooms for years, and ever since Forte di Girasole was born they had a permanent room for Italy and Russia. Complete with a kitchenette and a nursery, which the two would forever be grateful for. Since then the Hotel's reputation boomed greatly, and went up the Hotel chain in Japan as one fo the top ten.

" Did you get to eat anything?", he asked her in his soft voice. She shook her head no, and Canada sighed; then, he plucked up his courage and lead her to a nearby sweet shop. " I know its not much but you can go get anything you want and I'll pay," he suggested as he nudged her in the direction of the bright shop. Her face brightened and she dragged both of them into the shop; once inside Canada was in awe. There were sweets and treats he had never seen, albiet he was not much of a fan of anything other than his beloved Maple Syrup.

The real kind, not the American syrup.

He watched happily as the Philippines went off in search of the perfect confection she could find, and after five minutes of waiting Kumajirou began to hunt down something he wanted. A blush spread across his face when he heard his stomach growl in protest, the delicious treats were enticing him to their sugary delights. Canada sighed before he too joined the hunt for food, and he was surprised what the small shop had to offer, the dango looked ready for consumption and by the looks of it the Philippines looked ready to order.

The sheer variety of sweets also bowled him over, no wonder she took so long looking through them.

" Are you ready Philippines?", he asked her kindly, the huge smile he got in return was infectious and he smiled back. The spacious shop was set for relaxation, many couches lined the wall with coffee tables in front of it were people already begun to occupy. A wall to the far right was filled with tables and outlets were people could charged their electronics with ease. All in all it was like the Starbucks America was so fond off, enough to talk Canada into going there when he visited his brother nation.

" Hello, what can I get for you two?", a young teen asked as Kumajirou rejoined them, the fuzzy bear climbing onto his owner's shoulders.

" Umm, can I have five sticks of Mitarashi Dango and a glass of green tea? What do you want Canada? Kuma?", she asked the two standing next to her. When Canada made his decision he asked the cashier," Can I have some Kashiwa Mochi? And a cup of green tea as well? And Kumajirou wants Taiyaki." They watched as she wrote everything down onto a piece of paper before getting a number from under the counter.

" Hai, that will be 1500 Yen. Kiyo, I need five Mitarashi Dango and a plate of Kashiwa Mochi! Also include a couple Taiyaki!", she called out to the kitchen in the back. A young man replied with a 'Hai!' before getting their plates ready. " Here is your number, we'll call you when we're done," she chirped before heading off to the back. Canada lead the Philippines to a window seat and pulled her a chair from underneath the table, when he pushed her in he went to his seat and sat down. Mindful of the polar bear hanging off his back.

" I'm sorry if this cost you, but don't worry I'll pay it back later," she promised, but Canada shook his head before giving her a beautiful smile.

" Its no problem, this is a thank you for not forgetting me."

If her blush was any indication, Canada knew that sometime in the nearby future they could be seeing each other more and more.

" He's fucking smooth, that's for sure," Lutz noted as he leaned against the wall of a nearby building. He was compiling a list of information on the Pearl of the Orient Seas and so far he got one thing for sure. The other nations were crazy for her, literally doing anything to be close to the petite nation. " Eh, not bad. Though I would go for someone with a bigger chest and ass," he commented lazily before pushing himself off the wall.

This was why Lutz hated doing these little assignments, he hated infringing on other's privacy but he had to do it. He thought that he was done with this type of business a long time ago, when he was ready to start a new chapter in his life. But no, fucking Garret had to get involved in some heavy meth and cause him to go back to his old life of assassinations just to clear his debt.

As far as he knew he had three targets: the Philippines, Russia, and Italy.

Apparently his boss needed the little brat of the last two alive for him to still have a job, though he could understand the rudge against the two parents a little Lutz had yet to figure out why the boss wanted to kill off the Philippines. Hell, he didn't know what to do anymore; let his suicidal brother die or kill the nations. His brother was always depressing everybody with his spiels about how useless life is if your just going to die in the end.

But nonehteless he loved him;so here he was, trying to keep his brother alive.

Lutz shoved his hands into his pockets and walked on, leaving the cute little scene behind him. It was only fate that he happened to pass Hungary and Liechtenstein and his way. " Germany?", the small girl asked as he brushed by them, he did not stop walking away from them; instead he increased his pace.

" Germany! Wait where are you going? You said that you were going to find the Philippines, she's right over there!", Liechtenstein yelled as she chased after him. She grabbed his arm and spun him around, time to put all the preparation he did into effect. For months he spent time learning how to speak different languages so that if he was ever caught he could throw them off guard. Maybe Swedish could confuse her.

" Vad vill du lilla flicka? ", he asked patiently as he looked down on her with menacing eyes. She squeaked in surprise and embarrassment and muttered a 'Sorry' before running back to Hungary. With a smirk on his face, Lutz went back to the shitty motel room he was staying to organize his information.

" I thought that was Germany, he turned out to be Norwegian instead!", she told the older woman. Hungary only sighed and reminded her why her brother taught her Stranger Danger. " I'm sorry Miss Hungary," she murmured the apology for leaving the brunnette's side.

" No problem, let's just go and find your brother. Before heading off to go shopping, alright?"

" Yeah!"

Hungary smiled as she lead the blonde towards Hotel Okura where her brother was at, he and Roderich saw no point in spending money at a restaurant when they knew for a fact a fight was going to break out. They were smart to do so since it happened the time before that, and the time before that time. Hell someone always managed to start a fight, no matter where they were. " Miss Hungary! Look over there its Canada and the Philippines!", she called out to Hungary, effectivwly breaking her out of the little trance she was in.

" Oh my God," she frantically looked in her bag for her camera. Hungary could hardly believe that the two were interacting, and she could basically feel the obliviousness the Philippines was radiating off of her as Canada talked to her. Of course she wouldn't be able to tell if someone actually liked her, the girl had been in her own little world for too long in the last couple decades. Always focused around trying to stablize her economy as much as she could, and for that many nations respected her for trying so hard.

Sometimes she couldn't help but feel that the Philippines had been forgotten within that time span, since Russia's birthday overshadowed hers every year. The tall Eurasian didn't know that her birthday was the same day as his until recently, since she liked to spend the day by herself. The Philippines never told anyone about her birthday, nor did she want to remind those who knew. Spain, Romano, and Italy sent presents to the Asian every year, and every year they asked if she wanted a party. Everytime though she would respectfully decline their offers and did what she enjoyed doing.

Helping others.

So for many years she stayed in her own little bubble, and because of such she had no clue when people were obviously head over heels for her. Just as the Canadian was right now for her, ahh Hungary could see it in his cerulean eyes. The unadultered love he held was waiting for someone to bestow it upon, so she was going to do the America look-a-like a favor and try her hardest to get the two together.

She snapped a quick picture of the two eating together and ushered Liech with her to the Hotel.

" What are you thinking about Miss Hungary?"

With a gleam in her eye she looked at Liechtenstein and said," We'll get the Philippines hooked up with Canada if that's the last thing we do!" Liechtenstein shook her head in disapproval.

" We should get Big Brother and her together, he really needs to pamper someone else than me all the time."

Hungary pulled the girl to her side and gave her a half hug, " I like where your head is going. Anyways, when we're done maybe all the nations will have someone to spend our long time with."

" Who knows? Maybe you and Mr. Austria will get together."

It was a blushing Hungary we escorted Liechtenstein back to the Hotel, and all the while in her head she couldn't help but to think of a plan to get the Philippines together with someone.

" Thanks for taking me out to eat Canada," the Philippines said as he opened the Hotel doors for her. His face was brighter than it had been when he started the day, and so far he could care less if someone tried to dampen it. " No problem Philippines", he whispered as they walked to the elevator together. Throughout the afternoon he had taken her to see arcades and by more snacks for her. It was almost like a date, but if he wanted it to end like on he had to pull the world's biggest cliche move ever.

It was embarrassing just thinking about it.

He punched in the number for Floor Eight and settled in as the elevator began its ascent to the designated floor, Kumajirou slept soundly on his back as the soft music played in the background. The Philippines looked equally as happy as he did, for today was supposed to be a stressful day of meetings. Though it all changed when Germany canceled the rest of the meeting as an early Christmas present for all the nations. She was thoughtful enough to bring a heavy coat with her because she was currently freezing in her boots.

In her arms was a giant Naruto plushie that Canada had won for her at the arcade, it was one of her favorite characters from anime.

When the ding ripped through the silence thay engulfed the two, they both were startled and grinned at each other. He grabbed her hand and lead her to her room down the hall, he could hear the other nations in their respective rooms. Being loud per usual, that part was not surprising.

He stopped at her room and then and there he made up his mind, " Goodnight belle." Canada quickly pressed a kiss to her cheek before retiring to his own room, he was so embarrassed that he didn't bother to stay and see her reaction. Once she heard the click of his door closing she put a hand to her cheek and mentally squealed in happinness.

The Philippines opened her door and immediately flooped onto her bed, holding the plushie she looked up at the ceiling in awe. " Oh my God, he called me beautiful!", she cried out as she rolled around on her bed. A blush adorned her face as she sighed," Best day ever!"

And to think that mere hours ago she had been in a meeting room, working in silence as choas surrounded her. Maybe she had to get to know Canada more than she had previously tried to.

Vad vill du lilla flicka? - What do you want little girl?

Remember to check out the chapter before this one, because I replaced it and it didn't show that it updated. I replaced it around the middle of June around the tenth, and it never shown date I updated so its not a loss.

