Chapter 1 - Needs

Rin and Haru had agreed to keep swimming together after the finals competition. It was their own way of keeping close without feeling the pressure of having to compete. They were there more to train and keep fit, rather than to have the old proverbial pissing contest. Rin seemed to be almost entirely over that phase. Haru appreciated it as well.

"You've got to be kidding me," Rin exclaimed as he was heading to the showers after finishing up. He looked down towards his waist and frowned.

"What is it?" Haru asked, joining him in the next shower over. No, not like that. There were dividers. They were trying to keep tension out of their friendship, remember?

"N-nothing," the crimson haired boy answered. He hadn't realised that he'd said that out loud. Rin looked back in front of him and tried to ignore it. Things got like this recently, and he hated it, naturally. What nearly fully grown man still wants to be popping half boners after swim practice? Nobody. Add that to the fact that the swimmers left absolutely nothing to the imagination, and Rin could only assume Haru was ignoring it.

"How've you been, anyway?" Haru continued. It had been a little while since their last practice and he wanted to catch up with his friend. If there was one thing they could count on needing to do, it was catching up.

"No judging?" Rin questioned back. Part of this friendship was opening up to each other, after all. It was a natural thing to occur, generally speaking, and if he didn't feel comfortable admitting it to a close friend who could he possibly tell? Haru just stared at him over the divider. Yeah, that was a stupid question to ask him. "I've been really… needy lately."

"Needy?" Haru asked, turning back to the front. He could tell by the way Rin had said it, that he was searching for a word and had settled.

"Yeah, like physically needy," Rin stated.

Haru initially had a confused look on his face, trying to figure out what he meant. It soon clicked into place. "You could have just said horny."

"Well excuse me for trying to dance around the subject while I'm having a shower next to a good friend."

"You're excused. So, that Nitori kid isn't as interested as you had initially hoped?" Haruka asked with a sly grin on his face. He was trying not to laugh. He knew that the topic of his roommate was something of out of bounds.

"How are you and Makoto going anyhow?" Rin dodged the question entirely. Haru expected as much from his friend.

"Wonderful," he replied with an airiness to his voice that he couldn't completely explain. "We're actually looking for someone to join our little arrangement."

"Oh, that's nice." Rin said, not completely hearing the second part of what Haru had said.

"Yeah, we're looking for someone who doesn't mind being a bottom or anything like that. Keen for experimenting with a few things." Haru continued. He was basically waiting for Rin to fully realise what he was actually saying.

"Wait, what?" Rin asked, turning to his friend next to him. There it was. Haru was beginning to wrap things up, reaching for his towel.

"We want to start a group relationship with someone else involved," he explained to Rin who had gotten a blush across most of his face.

"Why would you want that? Don't you two love each other?" Rin asked in genuine concern. From his own knowledge, couples only tried to do some experimental stuff when something had gone awry.

"Of course we do. That doesn't mean we can't both agree to have another person in the bedroom with us," Haru tried to calmly explain once again. Clearly Rin's mind was a bit boxed in to his own little reality. At least that reality didn't include a gay scare of sorts.

"Well it's none of my business," Rin finally said, intending to end the topic of conversation. He had a point too. It wasn't any of his business what his friends did in their private time.

"You can join us if you like," Haru suggested calmly. He was cautious about the reaction that would ensue here. He didn't think it possible, but Rin blushed even more profusely. The topic was clearly embarrassing for him. "I mean, since you seem to be needing it right now and you know us both so well. You know you can trust us."

Rin looked back to the shower before turning it off. It was really quite tempting. The look on Haru's face after a weekend with Makoto could attest to their skill with… he didn't want to think about that right now. He'd only just gotten rid of his little problem that he had before. "I'll pass. It's not really my thing."

"Suit yourself. The offer is staying open, though. In case you change your mind," Haru stated as he left for the change room to get dressed and go home. Once Rin joined him, the awkwardness in the air could be felt all round. Haru didn't bring the topic up again, only awaited for the inevitable.

As Rin headed home for the evening, he couldn't get the idea out of his head. It started with Makoto and Haru being on a bed together, then… he shook the thought from his mind the best he could. It would be seriously worrisome if something happened in public. Nevermind that, he was thinking of his friends - the people that helped him pick himself up by his bootstraps and finally be happy again - in a sexual way.

He decided to jog home, hopefully in order to get some privacy a little sooner. That, and even more hopefully nobody would notice the issue developing in the front of his pants. The second he got in the door he rushed past the living room and went straight to his bedroom. He needed some privacy, and he needed it now.

The thoughts hadn't stopped on his jog - which had soon turned into a run - home, and had gotten more and more detailed. Damn his hormones to the pits of hell, he did not particularly want to do this right now. Not when his sister was awake.

Rin quickly stripped off his jacket and track pants, sitting on his bed afterwards. He remembered to lock the door, and he was oh so grateful for it being there right now. Rin knew he shouldn't be doing this, not right now, and especially not to the thoughts he was having. But, he just couldn't help it. He needed release.

He slid his hand down to the front of his briefs, firming his grip to give his ever-hardening member a squeeze. He wasn't proud of the noise that came out of his mouth, but there was nobody else around to hear it. He palmed his length, feeling it grow even harder.

The image of Haruka lying on his back, spread eagle underneath him was unshakable from his mind. It soon turned into the image of Haru beneath Makoto, waiting eagerly as his partner kissed at his neck and chest, hand traipsing down to his waist. Teasing him mercilessly.

"Oh…" Rin let out as he slid his underwear down to his ankles, his pride long forgotten at this point. This somehow felt right, as if he were just naturally supposed to jack off to the thought of his best friends fucking. The rush of cool air on his dick was a mix of relief and extra tension, knowing that he was going whole hog on this.

His mind flew back to Haru and Makoto, thinking of how Makoto's tongue would lap around Haru's nipple while teasing the other perk nub in his hand, trying to find what would make his boyfriend scream with pleasure and only a little pain. Rin imagined the smile on Makoto's face when Haru would buck up into his hand at the first real touch of his aching member. Rin's face flushed like he saw Haru's do in his mind, not wanting to open his eyes. He'd rather his imagination go wild.

Rin gripped the base of his cock, giving it a gentle stroke to really start himself off. He began a slow but steady pace, occasionally circling his thumb around the tip. He imagined that Haru would be that playful with Makoto's own cock, giving him not only satisfaction but a heck of a show to watch. His tongue would run along the underside of his member, dipping underneath the ridge of the head. His tongue would circle around before his head would dive straight down.

He was close, he knew it. There was no mistaking that the amount of arousal he was feeling was Haru's fault for putting the idea in his head to begin with. His pace quickened, his mind going back to his fantasies. Instead of Haru and Makoto alone, this time he imagined himself caught in their midst.

Makoto laying beneath him, his hand on his lower back, gliding down slowly to grip at his buttocks. He could practically feel the hot breath on his cock, only increasing the anticipation three fold. Haruka grinding himself on his boyfriend's dick slowly, returning the earlier teasing. His hands going from stabilising his movements to carefully cup Rin's cheek. He subconsciously leaned into the touch that wasn't really there.

He imagined his cheeks parting with gentle force and the breath he once felt on his pulsing member was now near his entrance. Rin gasped at the thought of the sensation of Makoto's tongue lapping at the ring of muscle, Haru beginning to bob up and down along Makoto's cock in front of him. Rin steadied himself on his hands beside Makoto's thighs.

The thought was simply too erotic to not almost come from the image. Then, the image of Haru leant forward towards Rin, leaning in for a passionate kiss. Tongue wrapped around tongue and Rin had his eyes shut so incredibly tight, he didn't want to escape from this fantasy version of his friends ever. Makoto was still lapping at his entrance, gradually getting more forceful with his movements. He was probably losing his mind in pleasure too.

When Rin imagined how good it would feel if Makoto were to simply plunge his tongue into his entrance, he couldn't take it anymore. His body convulsed in one of the stronger waves of pleasure that he'd felt since the pop ups had started. He practically saw white, and his fantasy stopped before his eyes as they flew open. One of the interesting little muscular convulsions he had lately.

Once he had successfully calmed his body down enough, he reached for the tissues and his phone. Wiping himself off then having a shower would be the next thing on his mind, but he needed to do something else first. He text Haru with shaking fingers, still recovering from what he just did.

[R]: we practice tomorrow, yeah?

[H]: Of course, why?

[R]: is makoto coming too?

[H]: Yeah.

[R]: kay see you both then

[H]: Uhm alright.

Rin had almost chickened out once he thought about what he was trying to tell Haru. He needed to see them tomorrow in order to say it. He needed a visual response, otherwise not knowing how they would actually feel about it would kill him for the half a minute it would usually take Haru to respond to a text.