Disclaimer: See Chapter 1.
A/N: I said I'd update again this month, though the 10th was a bit too optimistic. I won't say that I'm back, fully, but I am trying to get back into the swing of writing on a more regular basis.
I've been kept busy with an assortment of stuff, most games and such, immersing myself in different stories. Nothing revolutionary, but both enjoyable and memorable. I've got a few new ideas, though they'll likely not be implemented into this. Omamori is bloated enough as it is.
Speaking of that, this chapter was a pain to write, considering all the characters that I needed to keep track of. Still, it was a necessity, so it had to be done. Regardless, though, I still hope you all like this chapter.
The Bloodstained Omamori
Chapter Forty-Eight
No More Secrets
The body is filled with ambient energy when it's not fully active. In a way, it acts as a defense mechanism to prevent too much magical damage within the body. It's always present, regardless of what's happening within the body. It's a constant, passive protection that encompasses the entirety of the interior of the individual. For those who are proficient in magic use, it is even stronger.
People like Rin and I, who are trained Magicians, magically gifted with large magical reserves, have an exceptionally strong internal, passive protection. Because of that, we're capable of taking more magical damage than others and feel less of it. At the same time, though, if we're too tired to fight, we're unable to take in foreign energy to refuel our reserves. It is a double-edged sword in our line of work. On one hand, we're capable of passively fighting off magical attacks, but we're unable to fully take in foreign magic, even if it could save our lives.
Granted, I've figured out a get around for the foreign magic stipulation, but my absorption seal runs off a loss. A large portion of the magic that I absorb with my seal is siphoned off to help with the cost for the spell, so I'm only able to take in a small portion of it. At the same time, however, it's not 'taking in foreign magic'. My absorption seal converts the magic of the attack it blocks into magic that's more like my own, thus allowing me to somewhat replenish my reserves, though consistent use would eventually lead to diminishing returns.
There's another avenue, though, to which I've never put much thought. The tantric ritual…
I blinked at her question, somewhat taken aback by her abrupt question. Then, after letting her words sink in, my expression turned deadpan. "Rin, I was a fifteen-year-old at one point. Of course, I've done research on tantric rituals."
Rin huffed, crossing her arms. "Well, I suppose underestimating a pubescent boy's sexual curiosity was a mistake. You'll have to forgive me." She then glanced to the side, her eyes narrowing at the gem sitting on her workbench. "Daisuke, would you be able to fill the gem on your own?"
I regarded the gem contemplatively. "My knowledge on Jewelcraft is close to nonexistent, so I wouldn't know how to properly regulate the amount of energy to flood into it without breaking it." I paused and walked over to it. Giving her a questioning look, I motioned to the gem and she nodded. Picking it up, I hefted it and closed my eyes as I carefully probed it with my senses. "Yeah, I could." I answered as I opened my eyes. "I'd need help regulating the energy, but I could fill it with relative ease." I didn't boast, simply stating a fact, and replaced the gem onto the table.
Then I turned to face Rin fully. "When you bring up 'tantric ritual' are you honestly serious?"
She looked me in the eye for a few moments, before turning away. "To fill the gem, there are only two options available to me. I can either sacrifice all of my remaining gems to supply the needed energy or…get the magical energy from another source, outside of my own." Rin blushed lightly, eyes trailing along the far wall.
I frowned at her words, looking to her workbench, where what appeared to be a jewelry box was sitting, closed. "How to do you know that filling the gem will use up your entire stock?"
"Because I told Otou-sama how many I had left."
I gave her a surprised look. "Why?"
"He asked and if I wanted this chance, I had to tell him the truth." Rin turned towards me and frowned, both at me and her circumstances. "The reason I know it'll use up my whole stock is because he rigged the gem with a small enchantment that would bleed off a certain amount of magical energy until a threshold was met." She scowled. "If I sacrifice my gems, then I'll be without a significant portion of my skills until I can restock."
I paused and looked to the gem, then back to her. "You were cut off from the family treasury then?"
Rin nodded, "The moment I left home, I had to assert my independence in some manner. The gems I have now are those that I've saved up from over the years, aside from the ones I've ordered while here…"
"I can get you more."
Rin shook her head, looking put off by my words. "No. I refuse to accept charity, especially from you." Her words were harsh and left me feeling a little hurt. My expression must've shown it, because her own softened. "You've already done so much for me. It wouldn't feel right to accept more until I've done something to earn it or obtained it myself."
I released a breath and palmed my face. "Is…a tantric ritual the only other option?"
"Yes." She blushed at how quickly she answered. "The ritual will allow you pass some of your magical energy into me and I could use it as my own to bypass the bleeding enchantment and fill the gem fully." Her face darkened as she explained her intentions to me.
I crossed my arms and frowned. "I don't like this…"
Rin glared at me through her blush. "Why? Am I not goo-"
"Don't you dare." I snarled at her, surprising her with my harsh denial. "Whether you're 'good enough' or not has no bearing on my resistance to this plan. You're far more than 'good enough', worth far more than you ever give yourself credit. Rin Tohsaka is one of the most beautiful, and intelligent, women I've ever known and anyone who claims different needs a swift kick to the ass. Even if it's herself."
The young woman flushed a very healthy red at my words, clearly surprised at both my words and the emotion I put behind them. She opened her mouth to respond, but I cut her off before she could speak. "What you're asking me is not only insulting to yourself, but also to me." I gave her an intense stare. "Make no mistake, Rin, I care about you. Perhaps more than I should, considering the other circumstances in my life, but I can't help but care about you as an individual. I respect you too much to let you debase yourself to nothing more than the subject of a carnal ritual." I snorted and crossed my arms.
"Rin, I want to know you. I want to know more about you." I walked towards her until I was standing directly in front of her, leaning down so that we were nose to nose. I practically feel the heat from her flushed face. "I won't lie, I'm a man of different sins. I'm lustful, wrathful and envious. There are moments when I look at you that I want nothing than to press you against the wall and kiss you hard enough to take your breath away. There are times when I want to wrap you in my arms and simply bask in your warmth."
"Daisuke…" Rin said breathlessly, face still flushed with color.
I continued, ignoring her interruption. "But I don't. I fight my every instinct, my every desire, because we are not in that type of relationships. We're friends, comrades. Nothing more and I respect that. I respect you. So, when you start talking about a ritual that's essentially fucking my magic inside of you and how it's your only plausible path to succeed in a pointless test your dick of a father is forcing you to undertake, you'll have to forgive me when I get obstinate, because it pisses me off."
Rin was silent after I finished, simply studying me as we stood in front of one another. After a few seconds of a rather comfortable silence, she lifted a hand and carefully placed it on my chest. "Thank you…" She said faintly before she pushed me away with a breath of exertion. I went with her push and took a pair of steps back, giving her some space. She blushed a somewhat darker red as she looked at her hand, then to the side. "I…appreciate your words, Daisuke. Really…" She murmured…then she glared halfheartedly. "I only wish you didn't say them so easily."
I just offered her an amused smile, getting her glared to deepen, before she closed her eyes and sighed. Rin then shook her head. "Unfortunately, I still only have the two options and you're the only one I…trust that much when it comes to the ritual." She sighed. "I have until tomorrow evening to fulfill this task, so I have to know soon whether you'll help me with it…"
I paused and regarded her seriously. Then I closed my eyes and pinched the bridge of my nose. After a few seconds of silent deliberation, I let my hand fall and sighed. Offering Rin a smile, I finally replied, "Well, I did say I'd help you with anything you needed me for. When and where?"
Rin froze at my words, before her own shoulders fell in relief even as her cheeks darkened. "You're…actually going to go along with it?"
"I gave you my word that I'd help… Though, this was not how I'd imagine our first time would happen…"
"Oh?" Rin asked dangerously, her brow twitching. "You imagined something like that then?"
"Well, I am half Fallen Angel. Thoughts like that are par for the course."
Rin remained silent, simply glaring at me, then lifted her hand as a black orb began to form on the tips of two of her fingers. "Tomorrow, after school, here. Now, get out of my Workshop." Before I could even think of moving, she pointed her hand at me and fired her Gandr.
I cursed and dodged the ball, racing towards the door. As I opened it and dived out, the door was slammed shut, though I did hear a faint 'thank you' at the very last second.
I sighed heavily and shook my head. This girl…if I'm not careful, then she may very well end up the death of me…
"No Tohsaka-san today?" Sona asked the next day as we were in the Student Council room, doing our preparatory work for the Biblical Factions' sports festival. Currently, it was the just the two of us, as the others were all out on errands on which she had sent them.
I shook my head in the negative. "No. She's in the middle of preparing a solution to a personal problem of hers."
She frowned as she looked up from the paper she was reading over and glanced over to me. "Is that why you seemed so out of it on the way here?"
I paused at her question, offering her an apologetic smile. "Ah, yeah. I'm sorry if it looked like I wasn't paying you any attention. I've just got a lot on my mind with what's just happened…"
"Beyond Tohsaka-san's personal situation, did anything else happen?"
I paused as I considering my next words. I had yet to tell anyone else about my previous interactions with Sora and the other two. Hell, with what Rin just told me, I didn't get the chance to inform her of the meeting. Now, though, how to bring it with Sona at the very least…
"Sona, you recall meeting with Soralynn the other day, yeah?"
My fiancée scowled and pinched the bridge of her nose. "How can I not? The arrogant girl…"
"I'm fairly certain she's older than us right now." I deadpanned at her, getting a glare from Sona.
"Her numerical age means very little if her overall attitude is like that of a child. Even Onee-sama knows when to be serious at any given moment." Sona retorted fiercely, giving me a searching look. "Why are you…" Her eyes widened, before narrowing. "You met with them again, didn't you? When you were with Tohsaka-san?"
"Yes. Rin and I met with Takashi, who was…quite agreeable in telling us who he and they were." At Sona's intense regard and silent demand, I let out an amused snort. Instead of answering directly, I asked, "When you think of our future, what comes to mind?"
Giving me a surprised look, Sona then furrowed her brow at my question. "Why do you ask?"
"Please, just tell me."
She frowned minutely, but leaned back in her seat. "I don't know why you'd ask me this out of the blue but… depending on when you reach High Class, we'd be married relatively soon. Otou-sama would then pass the leadership of the Pillar to me after I finished University. With that, you and I would take on the responsibility of the Sitri holdings." Sona paused and crossed her arms. "Amid that, I would be furthering my ambition to create the Rating Game school for all classes of Devils. It would be difficult at first, but as I gain more influence with Rating Games and all our contracts, it would become easier to fulfill." Her gaze met mine. "Even with that going on, it would be expected of us to sire an heir…" She nodded at that, her face flushed with color as she looked down to her paper.
After a few moments of silence, Sona frowned to me. "What does that have to do with meeting Soralynn?"
I paused as I regarded her seriously, trying to think of a way to tell her the truth and have her believe it. Then, with a decisive nod, I stood up from my desk and walked over to Sona's desk. Grabbing a chair, I put it in front of her desk and sat down with an exhale. "I would never lie to you, you know that, right?"
Sona frowned severely at me. "What are you getting at, Daisuke? Get to the point."
"Soralynn and the others mean us no harm." I snorted and reached forward, gently taking her hand with one of my own. "Hell, the thought of it seemed to be so anathema to them, that when I implied it to Sora, she damn near bit my head off."
"Daisuke…" Sona said with warning, then she frowned. "'Sora'?"
I rolled my eyes with a small smile. "She told me her full name. First and last. Also, who her parents are."
"Then tell me and stop beating around the bush."
"Her name is Soralynn Sitri."
Sona's eyes narrowed in thought. "I suppose it makes sense. She does exhibit physical traits resembling that of my family." She hummed, placing her other hand on her chin and glancing the side. "She could be the child of a missing member of my Pillar, or a lost bastard child…" At that, I squeezed her hand, feeling a mix of amusement and annoyance at her reasonable deduction. "What is it?"
I shook my head, smiling faintly. "Believe me, she is no bastard."
Sona hummed, narrowing her eyes contemplatively. "Then who are her parents? I can cross-reference the names with the family registry for the Sitri Pillar."
"Sona Sitri and Daisuke Shizuka." I said with a wide, playful grin.
Sona blinked at my words, eyes suddenly widening. For a few seconds, painfully long seconds, Sona didn't react to my words. Violet eyes locked with mine as she searched my gaze, disbelief warring with realization. Her lips pursed as she leaned forward, brow furrowing ever so lightly. "You're not lying…" She murmured, both to me and to herself. "You wouldn't have been deceived, especially considering Tohsaka-san was with you…" Her eyes narrowed even more until they were slits. "How could this be real…? Time travel?" She scoffed. "Ridiculous… Or is it?"
"We live in a world where gods can, and will, mingle with mortals. Where people can carry the power to reshape maps, and possibly the world. Is something as incredible as time travel too fantastic to believe?" I paused and allowed a grin to appear on my face. "After all, I'm half Fallen Angel and you're a pureblooded Devil. We're both evidence of an unbelievable world."
Sona didn't respond to my words, instead squeezing my hand with hers and closing her eyes. "So…that's why you asked me about the future…" She sighed heavily.
"You believe me, then?"
"I've no reason not to." Sona opened her eyes and gave me a dry look. "Though, it does explain Soralynn's irreverence. I've no doubt that it's a trait she picked up from you. Though I'm curious if she has any…siblings." Her cheeks turned a faint pink at the thought.
I couldn't help the laugh that escaped me. "You'll have to ask her yourself when you meet. She's expressed a desire to meet."
Sona frowned in thought. "Hmm. You've met with others who traveled with…Soralynn, right?" At my nod, she continued, "Whose children were they?"
I paused, wondering if I should honestly give my predictions. Granted, I wasn't worried that I would be wrong. In hindsight, I could see who was from whom with how similar they appeared. Regardless… "I don't think we should attempt to discern this on our own. Things like that are better to discover within the moment, don't you think?"
She frowned in thought, as if carefully considering everything, then nodded. "I understand. However, I still want to meet with her, if only to hash out a proper way for her and the others to move about Kuoh. This city is Gremory territory as well."
I smiled at her words. "That's funny, because she's expressed an interest in organizing a meeting." I reached into my jacket and pulled out my cell phone. "Hell, Makkuro gave me a number to call for such a reason."
Sona's eyes widened and she smiled triumphantly. "Good. Whe-"
"So-chan! Onee-chan's here to visit!" The door to the Student Council room was thrown open and Serafall skipped inside. Her gaze found mine as her smile lit up even more and she quickly walked over to Sona's desk and dropped down onto my lap. "Hehe, my two most favorite people in one place! Levia-tan is soo happy!"
Sona's eye twitched dangerously as she glared at her sister. "O-Onee-sama…"
"Ah… I saw Leviathan-sama on the way here." I looked over my shoulder to see Tsubaki and the rest of the Student Council, except for Reya and Momo, returning. Tsubaki was looking subtly apologetic. "I tried to get here sooner to warn you, Kaichou, but…Maou-sama was quite fast."
"It's fine, Tsubaki…" Sona pinched the bridge of her nose.
I peeked around the clingy Sera and asked. "Where are Fate and Ravel?"
Momo replied as everyone else returned to their stations. "They were called on contracts. It was sudden, but I remember Fate-senpai saying it was an important one. Ravel-san, too."
Before I could reply, I felt my phone vibrate. Lifting my hand, I looked to the screen and felt my eyes widen.
[Give the phone to Sona. -Kuro]
"Hmm? Who's 'Kuro'? Does Kuroka want to talk with So-chan?" Serafall asked as she peeked over my shoulder at my phone.
Sona frowned, "Kuroka's on the phone?"
I shook my head and held it out to her. "Wrong Nekoshou." I said with a faint smirk.
Her eyes widened as she quickly took the phone just as it began to ring. Placing to her ear, she asked, "What is it?" Sona's eyes widened as she quickly stood and said, "I'll be right back. I need to take this call." Without waiting for an answer, she strode out of the room, speaking softly.
Tomoe hummed audibly, narrowing her eyes playfully after Sona's retreating form. "I wonder what that was about… Daisuke-senpai, who was that on your phone?"
"You could call him…an old friend."
"Why does he want to speak with Kaichou?" Ruruko asked.
"He screwed up and got on Sona's bad side." I answered truthfully. "He was too afraid to get to approach her directly, so decided to go through me."
Ruruko giggled. "Of course. Of the two of you, Daisuke-senpai is the more approachable." She paused and cocked her head to the side. "Though, I am curious, how did he get Kaichou angry?"
"Do you know, Daisuke-chan?" Serafall asked me, pressing her cheek against mine, much to everyone else's amusement.
"Yes, I do. And no I won't say. That's between Sona and her victims." I deadpanned to them, causing the Maou to grin widely at my tone. Looking around slowly, I couldn't help but ask. "Tsubaki, Sona's been doing extra work with you all on the Sport's Festival, right? How is that going?" As I asked that, Sera perked up and looked right to Tsubaki.
"Organizing the events is coming along nicely, since they're considerably like the regular school function. However, considering the people who are going to take part, we have to tweak a few of them in order get them to work properly."
Tsubasa smiled faintly. "Imagining centuries old Angels, Devils and Fallen biting hanging bread off a line does seem like it'd be pretty funny." She let out a small giggle, holding a hand over her mouth.
Serafall let out a hum, arms wrapping around my neck. "We're already organizing two major teams for each of the three Factions." She grinned widely, "There are seven of us on each team and we've already decided on ours."
Ruruko's eyes widened, "Really, Leviathan-sama? Who do you have planned for our teams?"
The Maou cocked her head to the side, liberally pressing her cheek against mine. "We tried to put together people of different generations, to show unity amongst us. Our first team will be led by Sirzechs-tan and the second will have me as its leader, and both will alternate, depending on the major team events will occur." Serafall looked to each of us for a moment, then shook her head. "I can't tell you who's on each team specifically, but they're all capable of being substituted out for others if needed." She then leaned away from my face and offered me wide grin. "Of course, I chose you to be on my team, Daisuke-chan. Sirzechs-tan wanted to recruit you, but I managed to convince him otherwise!"
"Well, I'm glad that you di-"
"W-Wait! You can't go in there!" I was cut off by Momo's surprised voice from outside of the door.
"Come on! We're going to be expected! Any minute now! Tell 'em, Sora!" An unfamiliar woman's voice replied excitedly. I twitched lightly at the name, feeling exasperation rise within me.
"'Going to be expected'? That doesn't make any sense… I'm afraid that we still can't let you inside." Reya replied evenly, keeping her own tone under control.
With that, a familiar male voice broke into the conversation. "Seren, calm down. I'm sure…Sona-san will be along soon to explain things."
"Feh, Hayate. Do you have to be so serious?" The first voice retorted with a harrumph.
At that, Tsubaki's eyes widened in disbelief. She frowned and turned, striding purposefully towards the door. Within moments, she reached the door and opened it to reveal Sora, Hayate and a third young woman.
It was the third young woman that caught my attention instantly, as I tried to discern who her mother was from her appearance. Petite, barely an inch or two shorter than Sora, but with more pronounced curves, either from more physical training or a twist of genetic luck. Her hair was a black that seemed to drink in the light and was long enough to reach her waist, but it was tied into a single tight braid with a large pink and blue ribbon on the end. She wore a short sleeve, dark pink shirt with a peculiar crest on the shoulder, one that caught my attention, but I moved on from it instead as I felt a chill at its sight. She also wore a short, black skirt that fell to mid-thigh, with a pair of black leggings with faded depictions of cartoonish wings, like one would find on cartoon chibi angels.
As I studied her, I couldn't help but see an uncanny resemblance… The teasing smile, the mischievous twinkle in the eye and the deceptively childish way she carried herself, even from what little I've seen and heard from Seren.
Then there's that crest she had on her shirt, the one that I couldn't help but feel my eyes being drawn to every few second. A profile of an unsheathed katana with two pairs of angel wings protruding out from the point I the sword where the blade met the guard…
Odd thing was… It seemed that both Sora and Hayate had one as well; with Sora's on the left, front of her cardigan and Hayate's being on the left breast pocket of his jacket…
"What are you doing here?" Tsubaki's voice pulled me from my silent musings, even as I felt Serafall shift from her spot on my lap, also seemingly studying the three newcomers.
Hayate fidgeted lightly at her sudden appearance, rubbing the back of his head with uncertainty. Before he could reply, Sora cleared her throat. "The three of us have come to offer both apologies and a willingness to extend an explanation for our sudden, and painfully unexpected, appearance." Her gaze flickered over to me, eyes filling with a playful amusement, before she turned back to Tsubaki with a serious countenance.
Tsubaki narrowed her eyes, but before she could reply, Seren spoke. "Whoa, Hayate! You were right! She really doesn't look all that different… Though, the way she carries herself seems a bit…off, from what we're used to." It happened in an instant. One moment, Seren was standing a little behind Sora, in a manner like a subordinate behind a commanding officer, but the span of a single blink, she was standing directly in front of Tsubaki. Inquisitive violet eyes were narrowed at Tsubaki, moving up and down her body with a measuring hum. A small displacement of wind from her sudden speed caused Sora's and Tsubaki's bangs to flutter, but the former didn't react beyond a simple smirk, while the latter's eyes widened in shock.
Seren placed a hand on her chin as she hummed and her gaze homed in on… "Hmm, it seems she grows a little over the years, too. A centimeter or two if my guess is right." Her eyes were focusing on Tsubaki's bust, studying them closely. I had to fight off an urge to facepalm.
"Seren! You have to be kidding me!?" Hayate Shinra snarled at her, his own cheeks flamed with both embarrassment and disbelief, before shifting to frustrated anger.
It seemed Hayate took after both Tsubaki and I greatly, considering his words mirrored my deadpan thoughts and his expression was essentially a male reflection of Tsubaki's own.
Tsubaki didn't reply immediately, simply turning a look of restrained anger at the shorter girl. "You're far too close. Please step back…Seren-san." She must be adversely affected by Seren's actions for some reason, because her normal composure was falling apart… Could she be affected by the presence of the children from the future like I am?
Seren either didn't notice Tsubaki's words or simply didn't care, because she just turned her head to look towards Hayate with a grin. "Haya-"
Before she could say anything more, Seren was forced to freeze as someone suddenly stood between her and Hayate. Serafall was standing next to her with curiously narrowed eyes studying her. The Leviathan Maou was no longer sitting on my lap, but instead in front of Seren, leaving me free to slowly get to my feet. "Who…are you?" Serafall asked her with a tone that left no room for jest. "Why do you feel so…important?" There was a sudden drop in the temperature as the Maou's eyes narrowed slowly.
Seren didn't respond to the demands, just blinking in disbelief and faint confusion. Her smile slowly shrunk until her lips fell into a line, her expression masking itself. Even as the temperature fell, causing our breaths to become visible, Seren didn't seem effected. In the end, she did not respond to Serafall's subtle demands.
"I will not ask you again. Who are yo -" Serafall quickly cut herself off to duck under the lightning quick snap kick that Seren had thrown at her head, allowing the force of the blow to displace the very air around us.
Tsubaki staggered back, caught unawares, but quickly righted herself. She looked forward with worry, her hands twitching open and close, as it waiting to call on either her Sacred Gear or the Tonbokiri.
Tomoe jumped back to create distance, nearly bumping into the back wall of the Student Council room. She glanced over her shoulder and I could see her expression blanch as she looked out the window she very nearly broke through.
Tsubasa held strong from the sudden blast wind, but took a few shaky steps back. A faint gulp was heard from her as she lifted her arms and tensed her legs beneath her, whether to run or leap aside.
Ruruko was thrown off her feet, but before she could go too far, I was right behind her, catching her. Setting her on her feet, I slid an arm in front of her and offered a reassuring smile, though it did little to assuage her obvious worry.
Momo and Reya were unaffected by the wind because Sora lifted her hand and swiped it to the side, dispelling it with ease. Though, they were still shocked by what just happened.
Sora, on the other hand, looked like a cross between furious and resigned, all jest gone from her mien.
Hayate was simply incensed, looking like he was seconds away from jumping into the fray, if the way he furrowed his brow and the faint snarl he had was any indication.
Uncaring of what was happening around her, Seren grinned haughtily, excitedly, at Serafall. "I'm like you, but better." She said in a childishly eager manner, planting her foot back on the ground. She then lashed out with another sudden attack, this time a punch aimed at Serafall's side.
It was almost too fast for my eyes to track, but it seemed to be no problem for Serafall, who caught it by the wrist without looking away from Seren's gaze. The punch stopped cold, not even twitching, as the Maou held her impromptu opponent by the wrist, already causing ice to branch out and cover it. "Either start making sense, or you'll regret attacking me." She spoke diplomatically, but her voice was already cold and unyielding. It seemed she already planned on making Seren regret it.
Perhaps…I should step in before either one does something they come to regret…
Seren rolled her eyes playfully, not paying her predicament any worry. "I'll start making sense when you stop being dense." She bared her teeth at the Maou in challenge. "You know who I am, Serafall Sitri." Seren leaned forward and let out an exhale, easily seen due to the cold atmosphere. "And if I must beat you to make you realize it, then I'll do just that." Suddenly, she ripped her hand free and quickly opened her hand, audibly cracking the ice.
Hayate called out to her as he stepped around Sora and ran towards his sister. "Dammit, Seren! Stop!"
He was promptly ignored as Seren abruptly clenched her fist, causing the ice to shatter and temporarily blind Serafall with the fragments. Then, with even more speed and strength than before, she grabbed the Maou by the collar of her cosplay and violently threw her towards the window.
Hayate snarled out a curse before he threw his hand forward, causing a trio of Light Spears to shoot passed them and hit the window before Serafall hit it. The glass shattered, causing shards to shoot everywhere.
"You're making things worse!" Sora said caustically as she pointed an open hand at the shards, causing them to essentially blink out of existence just as Serafall was sent rocketing out of the now open winder, Seren following her out with a grin.
As soon as they were out of the window, I stepped forward and began doling out orders. "Momo, Reya, get to bringing up a barrier to keep noncombatants out. Sora, you help them." The pair hesitated at the inclusion of Sora, but nodded and raced out of the doorway. Sora paused and regarded me with a hint of remorse and hesitance, before she too nodded and followed them. "Tomoe, find Sona and get her outside. She'll have information that'll help us." She replied with a shaky 'yeah' before she used her enhanced speed to vanish from sight. "Tsubasa, Ruruko, find any and all humans who have seen them outside, get them out and erase their memory." They replied in affirmative and raced out. I looked to the remaining two. "Tsubaki, Hayate, you're both with me. We'll stop this foolishness at the source." I paused and narrowed my eyes. "No gets hurt, am I clear?"
Tsubaki and Hayate… Future mother and son, said to me with mirrored nods.
With that, we raced to the open window.
The first thing I noticed upon stepping foot outside was that Seren was laughing. It was the laugh of someone who was…enjoying themselves. The sound of her laughter was the closest thing to music to my ears and sent shivers down my spine. Flashes of memory I know I for a fact that I should not have shot through my mind, nearly causing me to fall to my knees after jumping out of the window.
Just as her laugh affected me, I could see from the way that Serafall evaded Seren's unrelenting, precise strikes, that she too was being affected…
It was like a dance, the way the two of them fought on the front lawn of Kuoh Academy. The way Serafall limberly avoided Seren's punches and kicks; the way every one of Seren's strikes flowed into one another. She was a whirlwind of attacks, punches and elbows, kicks and knees. The way she went from striking high to attacking low; from jumping to sliding to twisting, her entire body was a nonstop flow of momentum that would have overwhelmed even the most experienced of combatants.
But Serafall was an entirely different beast. She flowed around her easily, evading every blow as if she already knew from where they were coming. I could easily tell that Serafall's own combat experience lent well to her in this bout, if it could even be called that. Even during Seren's relentless assault, she was able to attack with her own ice attacks, sending concentrated blasts of cold that would have crippled the most powerful of opponents.
Seren was ready for every single one. Physical attacks were met with an explosion of brute strength, shattering entire blocks with a single concentrated strike; magical attacks were avoided with a practiced movement, with no wasted momentum. Seren lashed out with a single-minded determination that would've shocked all but those who didn't know her. But even as I watched her, I couldn't help but feel as though I were watching…myself when I challenged Griselda when I was younger.
Attacking with everything I had, although I knew I would inevitably lose.
"Daisuke, snap out of it!" A combination of Tsubaki's voice and her shaking my arm pulled me out of my stupor. "We need to stop them. Can you get in Leviathan-sama's way without getting yourself, or her, hurt?" She asked me, clearly taking charge as I temporarily lost myself, though I saw the concern in her eyes.
I gulped and nodded as I tried to gather my wits once more. "Yeah. I'll stop Serafall while you and Hayate get a hold of Seren."
Before she could reply, Hayate spoke up, "Let me take the lead on that end. I know how Seren fights, so I should be able to find an opening for us."
Tsubaki paused and frowned at him for a moment, narrowing her eyes in thought. Then, after a moment, she nodded.
"On my mark." I stated as I turned back to the 'fight', gathering my strength for the inevitable interference.
Amid our impromptu planning, Seren let out a joyous laugh. "This is so fun! Sacha never lets me cut loose like this anymore!" She suddenly planted her left foot and threw a right punch forward, causing the air around her to distort from its force.
Serafall arched ached a brow as she leaned to the side, pushing the punch aside. "Sacha? Who-" She then frowned and threw her own hand forward, sending a wave of cold that flash froze the air and ground in front of her.
Seren kicked up and over the blast, twisting midair to attempt a downwards axe kick on the Maou's skull. She caught her by the ankle and encased the woman's leg in ice, then threw her powerfully the side. The young woman flipped herself so that she landed on her feet. With a slow exhale, she slammed her frozen limb on the ground, freeing her leg without harming it. Seren dropped into a sprinter's crouch and grinned towards Serafall, her expression excited. "C'mon, Mom, you can do better than that! Sacha's not here to interfere this time!" She bent her legs and shot forwards, cratering the ground beneath her with the sudden released force.
Serafall gathered magic into her hand, but upon hearing Seren's words, felt her eyes widen. "What? 'Mom'?!" As if let off its leash, the power she had gathered in her hands was suddenly released. A wave of power unlike anything she had released earlier erupted outwards. The strength of that latest blast literally froze the air itself and turned the ground a pure white as each individual blade of grass turned brittle and broke en masse. Serafall staggered and let out a sudden gasp, placing a hand on her head.
"Now!" I cried out and vanished into the wind. Reappearing in the path of Serafall's ice blast, I lifted my hand and called upon Zenith Tempest. An icy chill spread through my body from my Sacred Gear as Serafall's magic crashed into my open hand and began to wrap around it and travel up my arm. The extreme cold tried to crush me with its biting chill, but I brushed aside the wintry entropy with an exertion of will. My arm gained an icy film up to the shoulder, but it did not affect me beyond an uncomfortable bite. Though it did turn my sleeve into a solid, brittle ice, that promptly shattered.
Behind me, I heard a sudden grunt, followed by a crash. Glancing over my shoulder, I saw that Tsubaki and Hayate had restrained Seren by holding her on the ground. The latter had a knee on her back and restrained by the arm. Tsubaki was holding her by her legs, clearly remembering the raw strength the young woman had exerted earlier. Seren didn't struggle, though she did look resigned.
I released a breath, relaxing ever so lightly.
"Daisuke-chan…did she just…call me 'mom'?" Serafall's sudden question caused me to freeze…metaphorically obviously.
I looked over to Serafall to see her not looking to me, but to Seren, with a look that could only be confusion warring with realization. Before I could answer, though, someone cut into the middle of the chaos.
"What in the world is happening?" Sona said darkly, narrowed eyes scanning the surrounding area. Next to her was Rias, who looked absolutely bewildered as she looked at the destruction in the area. Behind them was my father, Azazel, who was watching the proceeds as though he was missing a bowl of popcorn.
Finally, leaning against the doorway was Makkuro, who was holding his head in his hand, shaking it with reluctant embarrassment and amusement.
Currently, after fixing up the mess in the front courtyard, we were in the Occult Research Clubroom. The Student Council Room was still damaged from the beginning of Seren's impromptu rampage and Rias practically demanded answers for what just happened. Considering this involved quite a few people in her Peerage, as well as mine, I felt it fair that she also knew what was happening. Regardless of the potential embarrassment that I would no doubt have to shoulder.
So, with the inclusion of Rias and her Peerage, Sona and hers, my Peerage, Irina, Serafall and my father who had heard the commotion, I had Sora and Makkuro explain to everyone everything they had told me.
We had then managed to squeeze everyone into the clubroom. Fate and Ravel had returned from their contracts, clearly worried, and had also demanded to know about what just happened. The rest of my Peerage, minus Rin, had followed suit after them, also wanting to know what happened. With their appearance, and that of everyone else in the room, we had to pull in a third couch for everyone to have a place to sit. While Azazel had commandeered Rias's desk, much to her consternation, each King had one couch, that others had joined. Though I had Himari and Kuroka sitting on either side of me, Fate and Rossweisse were taking posts behind me, while Moka sat on the right arm and Ena sat next to Himari, while Kunou sat next to Kuroka. On my lap sat Ravel. Koneko, Xenovia and Akeno looked a bit put off by the situation, but it was universally agreed by everyone that each Peerage would stay with their own to keep things simple.
All in all, it was a quiet affair within the clubroom. Sora and the other three were by the door, with the eldest doing the talking, while Makkuro chipping in regarding the intricacies of time travel when asked by Azazel. I didn't really pay attention to that specifically, just studying the group in front of me, the children that I would help bring into the world in the future, that I would help raise.
It didn't take long, all things considered, for the explanation to occur. Sora took after Sona, as she held all our attention with her presence. Even the way she regarded Seren with irritation and the girl's casual irreverence to her fury was reminiscent of Sona and Serafall's occasional one-sided spats.
"That's as much as I can tell you, without causing the both of us too many problems." Soralynn said with finality, crossing her arms as she looked to each of us, Rias, Sona, Azazel and myself, with challenge.
"That's fair." Azazel said with a wave of a hand. "While I am curious about the specifics of what you and Kuro told me, I remember the Old Man telling us that Time isn't something one should toy with." Then he smirked lightly as he leaned back in his chair. "I'm curious, though, how many of you came back?"
"Yes." Sona spoke up evenly, offering Soralynn a studying gaze. "I have to admit that I'm curious as well. Daisuke said that he picked up sixteen presences the day we defeated Loki, but I don't doubt that some of you are able to hide yourselves exceptionally well." He gaze flickered to Makkuro for a split second, before she looked back to Sora.
"Tou-chan's senses were on point. There are sixteen of us right now." Sora offered a small smile as she looked over to Makkuro. "The second group? Were you able to help them arrive?"
He rolled his eyes at her faint excitement, but nodded nonetheless. "Yeah. Caelius had to help with the temporal beacon, but the secondary group was able to arrive without too much trouble."
That caused Sona and I to jerk in surprise. I coughed lightly, covering my mouth with a hand. "Are they…?" I motioned to myself.
"More of your future brats, Tou-chan?" Makkuro's amused question caused everyone's gaze to hone in on me, especially the future mothers of the four in front of us, but I staunchly ignored them. "No, we're all that came back; so don't worry about more of your spawn coming back to stir up chaos." He then pointed to Issei, his grin widening in amusement at the teen's own blush. "They're his brats from the future."
"I get a big harem, too?!" Issei asked excitedly, very nearly jumping out of his seat.
"Issei-kun!" Irina looked a cross between embarrassed and cross with him.
"Issei-san…" Asia pouted at him.
"Issei…" Rias shook her head with a small smile.
Hayate rolled his eyes. "You ask that now?" His expression was deadpan as he shook his head and looked to Sona once more. "The second group arrived because the threat we're here to stop not only wants to remove Tou-san, but also Hyoudou-san."
Issei frowned, "Why me?"
"Because the bitch wants to kill the two of you for different reasons." Sora scowled as she looked over to the window. I was honestly surprised at the vitriol in her voice. "She wants Tou-chan dead because it's personal and wants Ise-ji dead because he's a threat to her plans." Issei blinked at her words, clearly surprised at the suffix added to his name.
"Who is 'she'?" Fate asked, her knuckles turning white as she squeezed the back of the couch.
"We can't say because that foreknowledge would put too much risk on the timeline." Makkuro said as he pulled out a tablet, swiping it's screen a few times. "We're already pushing things simply by allowing you to know we're here." He gave Sora the stink eye. "It's only because of the sentimentality of a Daddy's Girl that we're even doing this much."
Sora didn't seem to care in the least as all she offered him was a wide grin.
"Can we…meet all of you?" Surprisingly, it was Koneko who asked that, causing everyone to hone in on her. Her gaze was focused solely on Makkuro, much like Kuroka.
The eldest Nekoshou regarded her carefully, clearly thinking to himself as he looked to Sora. Though, since she too was looking to him, it seemed like she was deferring to him. "Not all at once." He started off carefully. "And no more than four of us at a time. The strain of our very presence is already pushing things as it is." Makkuro scowled as he took in Koneko's faint pout, causing him to let out a frustrated breath. "Look, technically, none of us should even exist at this point in time. Aside from the basic connection by blood, there is nothing in this current time that is us, which is what's allowing us to even set foot in this time. The sperm and egg that eventually becomes us hasn't even been created yet. We're essentially nonexistent, according the current reality. That is precisely why we're capable of coming back."
That brought forth an uncomfortable silence from all of us as we took in what he just said. Makkuro flushed lightly at the reaction to his words and looked away sheepishly, rubbing the back of his head.
Thankfully, before things got too heavy, my father decided to lighten things up. "How about some introductions from the four of you?" That caught surprised looks from them, as well as us. "C'mon, we know your names, but your mothers?" He grinned and leaned forward on the desk, resting his head on a hand. "I wouldn't mind having fun guessing, but I think you should just drop the bomb."
Sora's eyes gained a light that made her seemed years younger much to the horror of her two brothers, the playful joy of her sister and the confusion of everyone else here. She turned towards them and grinned. "Let's-"
"No." Hayate cut her off.
"Hell no." Makkuro asserted his brother's rebuttal.
Sora pouted, "Come one, guys! Seren'll do it."
"Yeah I will." She offered them a grin.
"You'll do anything and look where that got us." Hayate retorted to her, causing Seren to pout and glare at him, her breath coming out chilled.
Makkuro placed a hand on their shoulders and pushed them apart as he stepped between them. "We already stopped one fight, I'd rather not be forced to stop you both again." He gave them both a warning look. "I don't think Rias-oba and Sona-kaa want the school destroyed even more than it already is."
Rias and Sona blinked in surprise at the suffixes to their names.
Seren huffed, crossed her arms and jerked away. "You never let me have any fun…"
"When your fun involves fighting Maou and destroying the surrounding area, then I consider it my job to get in your way." Hayate deadpanned at her, getting a small smile from his shorter sister.
"Do it." The two brothers stiffened at my words, both looking to me with betrayal in their eyes, Makkuro especially. "It's not for your sake, not for my sake. But for theirs." That caused the girls connected to me to react lightly, especially the four who could now tell whose each were.
Hayate and Makkuro fell slack at my words, giving me sullen glares even as Sora and Seren grinned in triumph. Hayate released a breath. "You honestly don't change much… You've pulled the same things when we were younger, too…" He walked forward, taking a spot next to Seren.
"You and Seren fight more often than any of us." Sora mused with a smile as she slid herself to the side, making space between her and Hayate.
"Hayate's too much of a killjoy." Seren crossed her arms turned away from him. "I just want to have a little fun…"
"As Hayate said, you're 'fun' involves political nightmares and wanton destruction." Makkuro muttered as he stepped between Sora and Hayate.
Sora simply watched and listened to her younger siblings, smiling faintly. After letting them mutter in discontent for a few moments, she cleared her throat. "Okay, everyone, let's do this!" She grinned widely, much to everyone's amusement. Sora then closed her eyes and exhaled, as if balancing herself. When she opened her eyes, she gave off an aura of professionalism that made even Sona pause. "I am called Soralynn Sitri, daughter of Sona Sitri and Daisuke Shizuka. Heiress to the Pillar of Sitri, Rank Prince, and eldest child of the Cabal of the Storm." That caused a few of the people here to suck in a breath of surprise.
Makkuro squared his shoulders and gave off an aura of professional disinterest. "I am called Makkuro Shizuka, son of Kuroka and Daisuke Shizuka. Master of Time and Space and second child of the Cabal of the Storm." A faint breath escaped Kuroka as her gaze homed in on Makkuro.
Hayate regarded the group with an intensity. "I am called Hayate Shinra, son of Tsubaki Shinra and Daisuke Shizuka. Master of Martial Arms and third child of the Cabal of the Storm." More reactions from others, slight disbelief and realization from Tsubaki as she regarded him.
Seren grinned widely as she curtsied. "I am called Seren Sitri, daughter of Serafall Leviathan and Daisuke Shizuka. One half of the Bearers of Cocytus and the sixth child of the Cabal of the Storm." Serafall's eyes widened as she looked to Seren.
"'Bearers of Cocytus'?" She asked her softly.
Seren's grin turned mysterious as her knuckles cracked when she clenched. "Let's just say that your glacial affinity runs strong within Sacha and I."
Before anyone else could say anything, Kuroka was no longer by my side, but instead circling around a resigned Makkuro. Her hazel gaze studied him with excitedly and she suddenly grinned. "Master of Time and Space, nya?"
Makkuro jerkily shrugged, his cheeks colored a faint pink. "Someone had to master Time. I figured it was simple enough for me to do it."
Kuroka's two tails waved proudly as she turned towards me. "We're gonna do good, nya."
I rolled my eyes at her, ignoring my own flushed expression. "Yes, yes. Of course. How about we move these conversations to a different room, for the sake of those involved?" I looked around slowly, seeing everyone's various reactions, though I focused on the embarrassment of Sona and Tsubaki. "They may want to talk for a bit and it'll be less awkward for everyone involved…"
Sona jerkily nodded as she stood. "Sounds good." She looked towards Rias.
Rias offered her a small smile, cross between amused and sympathetic. "You all can use the one down the hall. Take as long as you need."
Tsubaki hesitated as she looked towards Hayate, before she walked over to him.
Seren didn't hesitate as she grinned as she basically skipped over to Serafall. "Don't worry, I won't attack you again. I was just curious how strong you were in this time." She then reached down and took Serafall by her hand, pulling the slightly catatonic Maou onto her feet.
Hayate snorted as he heard Seren's words. "Yes. It's ideas like that which led to Alfr taking Brynn's place."
Makkuro let out an exaggerated exasperated groan, placing a hand on his face. "Thank the Storm that Brynn wasn't the one to come back. She'd have caused a bigger mess than Seren by a frighteningly large margin."
Sora grimaced as well. "Don't remind me…"
Sona frowned, "Who's this 'Brynn'?"
"Ask Alfr. He'll tell you everything. With great relish." Sora deadpanned, though her eyes weren't on Sona, but Rossweisse. Then she cleared her throat. "C'mon, let's go. We don't have long. If we leave Alfr and Caelius alone too long without Kuro or me there, then we won't have an intact place to stay."
Makkuro snorted as he turned towards the door.
"What about Daisuke-chan?" Serafall asked, coming to her senses.
"I'll let you all get your time on your own. If you want me, then just call me, otherwise I'll be at home." They nodded at my answer and left the room.
Not too long after the door shut, Fate spoke up. "So…those two that were with Soralynn, Chrono and Alfr are…?" Even Rossweisse straightened, her cheeks darkening.
"A trend I've noticed since looking back to the fight with Loki is that they tend to appear before me when I happen to be with their respective…mother."
"So…" Ena spoke up, a finger resting on her chin. "The day we went to resolve the Tonbokiri, the one we met, Haruki…?" She pointed to herself. "He's Ena's future son?"
"I would assume so…" I answered her carefully.
She grinned widely as she pumped her fist, though her cheeks were a light pink. "He didn't hesitate when Ena had the Murakumo pointed at him. Mama Ena must be so proud!"
"You're so weird." Moka deadpanned at her, though there was a small smile on her lips. Then glanced over to Fate and Rossweisse. "Didn't the two of you say that you ran into some unique individuals?"
Fate nodded as she glanced to me, her own cheeks flushed, though that did little to take away the small smile she had. "Yes, I did… Chrono." Then she rolled her eyes, "I wonder how we thought of the name?"
I paused as I considered her words. Chrono means Time; Fate is another word for Destiny. Then me…? Oh, yeah. The Storm is an aspect of Weather. I snorted, "Yeah, makes sense, I suppose."
"It's definitely your doing, Daisuke." Fate said softly.
Rossweisse, however, was mumbling frantically to herself. "I'm a Valkyrie who hasn't had a boyfriend for as many years as I've been alive, yet I've seen proof that I inevitably have a son. What could…" She then continued to murmur to herself.
"Okay… It seems that we're not all here." I tapped Ravel on the side, getting her to turn her head to face me. "I'm planning on heading back early. Come on." She nodded and slipped forward, getting to her feet she walked forward and gave me the room to get to my feet. Walking over to Rossweisse, I gently took her by the shoulder to catch her attention. She looked to me in surprise and her cheeks flushed. "Let's get home, it's been an exciting day." Rossweisse blinked at me, but she nodded.
"Yeah. Yeah… Let's get back…" Her gaze focused on my face intently, before her cheeks darkened as she looked away quickly.
I then looked over to Momo and the others. "I'm going to be heading back. Do you all need me for anything?"
They looked amongst one another, before Momo shook her head. "We can handle the rest. You, Kaichou and Fukukaichou have enough on your plates today, so we'll take care of everything."
Tomoe lifted a hand and grinned. "I hope to meet more of the family, Senpai."
I rolled my eyes at her, smiling faintly at her as Rossweisse and I approached the door, with Ravel at my flank. As I turned around to see who else was following, I heard Akeno speak up, "Buchou?"
Rias smiled faintly, "I think I can say that we're done here." Her gaze rolled over to Issei fondly, before she gave me amused look. "It's been a hectic day, so we can call it here." Akeno offered her a wide smile and nodded her thanks, before she walked over to us. The redhead then looked to the others, "I can officially say that we're all done for the day so you're all free to go." With that, Koneko and Xenovia did the same, following Akeno over to us.
The walk back home was a quiet one, though the others did speak amongst themselves. We strode down the sidewalk amid the residential district. Passing by the various houses, we went by the various homes and beneath the occasional tree. Beneath the slowly darkening late afternoon sky, we all walked to our home.
I was in the middle of the group, simply walking in my own thoughts. I couldn't get my mind fully wrapped around the idea of a future family to call my own. A family with those for whom that I care. Even with the comforting words of my future children, I can't help by wonder if I will really become a good father. I mean, doesn't a father somewhat take after his own? He learns the mistakes that his own father made with him and tries not to make the same… But… I had no father-figure in my life growing up.
Could I…
Would I…
"Senpai? Are you alright?" Xenovia's concerned voice pulled me from my thoughts. I looked over to her, my brown meeting her dark yellow.
I opened my mouth to reply, before I paused to consider my words. Truthfully, I'd considered lying to spare her my worries but… This isn't just my life anymore… She, and the other girls in my life, more than deserve to know exactly what I'm thinking. I'd want to know if they were hurting too, after all…
"Not really." I said with an exhale, no doubt causing the stall in conversation around me. Xenovia frowned in concern at me, so I continued. "I'm…I'm afraid." I paused again, letting my shoulders fall as I let out a helpless laugh. "It's stupid to worry about something like this, but I just can't help it…"
She simply studied me for a moment. "What are you afraid of?"
"Of being a parent. Of being responsible for a life that I help bring into this world." I looked to her, feeling strangely helpless. A faint, breathless laugh escaped me as I gave her a tired smile. "It's stupid, I know. I talked to Sora and she said that she isn't born for another ten years and some change, but it's still…fucking terrifying. I have enough trouble taking care of myself, but someone else? But a child? My child?" I paused and blinked away a few tears that threatened to come forth. "You saw how I was when we were younger. Proud, stubborn and driven by emotion. Talented, yeah, but that didn't amount to anything when everyone who wanted me dead had centuries of experience. The only reason I survived, before meeting you and the others, was because Griselda-sama didn't take any of my shit and forced me to heel, time and time again." I released a shaky breath and offered her a grin, though it was only half-hearted. "Plus, there's the fact that I still end up beaten half to death in every other fight. If I'm incapable of taking care of myself, then how can I expect to look after someone else?"
Xenovia didn't reply at first, simply studying me for a moment. Then she scowled at me, her gaze turning angry. "That is all true, Senpai. When you were younger, when we were all younger, you were a bundle of self-contained anger and high-functioning narcissism." That got a surprised, frustrated look from me, as that sounded like something Moka would call me. As I thought that, though, I heard that very person snort in amusement. "But you've grown, as we all have, and become something, someone, more. But…you still haven't changed in one particular way." Her scowl darkened as she glared at me.
I blinked at her, a little surprised at her vehemence. Before I could ask her what that way was, however, Fate answered my silent question as she walked ahead of me, looking over her shoulder to me. "You still try to shoulder everything on your own. You try to make things easier on others by making things more difficult for yourself. It's admirable, but…" Fate paused and smiled kindly. "We're a family, aren't we? Family supports one another."
Akeno grasped my hand with hers, pulling my arm against her chest. "All of us are a family, because of circumstances that brought us together, because it's something that we want." She smiled as she pressed her body against mine as walked. "Whatever comes from that, whoever comes from that, then we'll all pitch in and raise them, together."
Koneko grabbed my other hand, squeezing it. "Senpai shouldn't fight his battles or worry alone anymore."
Ravel sniffed as she glare at our entwined hands. "Indeed, the Cat speaks the truth, Daisuke-sama. Those of who've joined you did so of their own will. We're more than capable of shouldering your burdens along with you."
"'Cat', huh?" Himari offered her a dry look, getting a flustered apology from the Phenex. She then smiled widely, clearly amused with Ravel, much to the younger teen's exasperation. "I know you're hard-headed, Daisuke-sama, but this is absolutely ridiculous." She gave me the stink eye. "I have told you countless times, I, like everyone else here, am here to stand at your side. Not in front of you or behind you, but as equals."
Ena hummed in assent. "That was what you told Ena, Heir-sama. That Ena was to be your comrade, a friend on the field of battle." She then offered me a challenging smile. "And who better to carry a burden than a fellow comrade?"
Moka placed a hand on my shoulder, reaching over Koneko to give a gentle squeeze. "You're a fighter, I get it. We get it. We're fighter's too. Trust us just as we trust you." She smiled lightly. "After all, we're what's left of each other's family."
"You're like Okaa-sama, Nii-sama." Kunou said softly, looking up to me through her bangs. "Whenever she must do something difficult, she almost always tries to do it on her own. She calls it a burden that she has to carry alone so that the people she cares about can live happily." She looked down, her fists bunching up her skirt as she clenched them. "She thinks I don't know, but I can see it weigh on her… I can see it and I don't like it." Kunou looked over to me with determination in her gaze. "I don't want to see either of you hurt anymore, not because of your own sense of duty. I'm…I'm not strong enough to help you yet, but I will be soon. So…just wait for me to grow and I'll be there to support you like everyone else!"
"You already do…" I found myself saying, even as I felt at a loss for words.
"I…" Rossweisse started off as she crossed her arms. Then she sighed. "I've found a place that I can't help but like, thanks to all of you." She paused again, then she cleared her throat. "In Asgard, I couldn't help but feel a little jealous of how other teams worked well together. Of the comradery, the almost familial bond they carried." She smiled faintly. "Working with all of you, in the skirmish against the Old Maou Faction and the battle against Loki, I couldn't help but feel…comfortable fighting alongside all of you." She looked to me, blushed faintly, then looked to everyone else. "I'm with you, all of you. Your burdens are my burdens and I hope it'll become vice versa as time goes on, even as I hope it doesn't come to that." She sighed and nodded once, then once more. "So, I'm here to stay, no matter what. We're…a family." Her blushed darkened at her words.
Taking in all their words, I couldn't help but feel…horrible for hiding something important from them. They trusted me, enough to put their lives on the line for my sake, or that of those I wished to aid. As I took in their words, their reassurances, I came to a quick resolution.
"There is something I need to tell all of you. Something vitally important." I paused as I came to a stop and looked to each of them, locking eyes before continuing. "We'll have to wait for Sona and the others, but this is something you all need to know."
"What is it?" Akeno asked worriedly, squeezing my hand.
I closed my eyes tightly as I exhaled through my nose. "We'll wait until we get home. I'll get Rin and the others, then we'll talk. But I refuse say what it is until we're all together. It's what you all deserve."
"Fine." Fate answered, looking me straight in the eyes. "Whatever it is you have to say, we'll listen. No matter what."
I paused as I heard her say that, feeling my shoulders relax, even as I never realized I was tense to begin with. "I don't deserve any of you; I hope you all know that… Really…"