Hey everyone! Sorry for the typos in this story. This is actually the first story I have posted so please give me any reviews to help me along with my writing.

Disclaimer: I unfortunately do not own Vampire Knight or any of the characters within it. They belong to Matsuri Hino. If I did own them then Kaname and Zero would end up together.

Warning: This is a male/male story. If you don't like or are underage for this type of content then don't read. AU and major OOC involved, as well as OC.

Now onto the story!

My Pure Lilac Moon

Ch. 1 Prologue

"Are you sure about this? Once we do this there will be drastic changes." spoke the woman in the kimono. The surrounding room was filled with dead bodies of those who perished to the treacherous plot of betrayal and deceit. The woman who spoke watched the boy's reaction with sad and guilty eyes. The only other "living" beings In the room were two men, a woman in a robe dress, a little girl and the boy spoken to. The boy had hair silver as the moon and eyes the color of lilacs. He looked at the others gathered around him.

To his left there was a very serious looking man with one working eye while the other had an eye patch on it and wore a hat low over his grave-stricken face. Next to him was a gentle man with flowing hair and a feminine but motherly appearance, who had a sad smile plastered on his face while holding the hand of the serious man for comfort. To the boy's right there was a woman in a ceremonial robe dress with long black hair and lilac colored eyes set in mournful resolution. Next to her but very close to the boy was a girl with short black hair and lavender eyes filled with tears for their fallen kin. Finally, in front of him was the woman who although caused the pain, was as much a victim to the deceit as the others in the room.

"What kind of changes?" spoke the boy in a soft but deep voice.

"Even though you are originally of pure decent, the moment we seal your memories, you will lose all your powers and become the same as a Level D or E ex-human. This will slowly cause your body to be driven mad for blood. I regret what I have done and you feel you should be warned of the consequences for what will happen." The man with the gentle and kind face stepped forward and said "I would be willing to take care of you at my school, till you are ready."

The boy smiled at the man and said "It won't last forever. I just need time to get use to the state of things and give you guys a chance to come up with a plan. You'll know I'm ready when you ask me 'Do you accept being a vampire?'. If I answer 'YES', then you can give me my memories back."

Suddenly a low pained moan was heard from behind the boy and everyone looked to see the other boy with silver hair and lilac eyes breathing slowly. The others looked to each other for a solution to this new situation, but the woman in the kimono stepped up. "I will take the other child into hiding until you are ready. When the time comes, he and the girl will join you at the academy."

The boy looked to the woman and smiled in appreciation, until he realized a flaw in the plan. "Wait! Aren't the Kuran purebloods in hiding at the academy? What if they discover the truth?" The man with the gentle face spoke up again. "There is nothing to fear. We will give you a convincing cover story. We will also keep you a safe distance from them." He paused and his smile turned sly," Although we might have a problem since you have a crush on Kana-" The man was abruptly interrupted by a punch in the gut from the little girl for his rudeness.

When the decision was finally made, the more powerful elders of the group gathered in a circle around the little boy, reciting the ancient ritual. As the boy's eyes began to close, he heard someone whisper

"Good night, Zero."

Sorry if this is too short however this is my first attempt so PRETTY PLEASE review!

Also a fellow writer gave me an idea to have polls at the end of my story to see where this story can lead. So I have a few options for you as the readers to choose from. If you liked this story then please review and I will get onto publishing the next chapter as soon as possible.

The options for the polls decide what the other pairings will be. However I am steadfast on keeping the pairings I have decided for the storyline out of the poll so I can keep the flow of my writing and keep the main pairing intact. Now without further ado, here are the options.

Option #1: Yuki x Sayori; Aidou x Kain; Ruka x Rima; Takuma x Shiki; Seiren x OC

Option #2: Yuki x Aidou; Kain x Ruka; Takuma x OC; Shiki x Rima; Sayori x Ichiru

Option #3: Aidou x OC; Kain x Ruka; Rima x Seiren; Takuma x Shiki; Yuki x Sayori

Let me know which ones you like and I will get back to it as quick as I can. The faster I get reviews, the faster that pen will be put to paper and the faster I can get back to the story.