Authors Note: Hello everyone! So, I had this plot bunny in my head for at least a year now. This is going to be my first published work, so don't hold back on the criticism! But, please, be mature about it. Also, I know everything in this story will not be as accurate or just not even real, but this is fiction after all! I hope you will all enjoy and that this story will keep you on the edge of your seat!

They say that when you become king is when you become the most revered and respected man of all mankind. Your name will not just be a name, but a name that people will shout in honor and gratefulness for generations to come. Your past, present, and future will not just be your story, but it will be the story that will be passed down in stories and making history.

A marvelous event such as this was going to happen in Ancient Mesopotamia where a young man has come of age to accept his long-awaited mark in history, a young twenty-one year old man by the name of Gilgamesh.

The Palace in Uruk was as majestic and airy as ever on that day. The palace was filled with festivities that involved drunken laughter and bells tinkling off of dancers' hips. The kids ran around with mischievous grins as they plucked yet another hair off of a drunken fool who is slumped and sleeping on an attractive young woman's lap.

The guards playing around with the dancers' bells and as they pulled them in dark corners, you could hear the giggles around the room. The food was abundant and the dancing was as hearty as ever.

Up in the highest point of the palace, a young man was out on the balcony overlooking all of his kingdom-to-be as they celebrated his crowning that was about to take place. Taking another casual sip of his wine in his gold cup, the man smirked at the commotion.

Ah, it was almost time.

He walked back inside and placed the cup on a table and turned to look at his reflection in his gold-plated mirror.

Gilgamesh, son of King Lugalbanda and the goddess, Ninsun, was about to be crowned King of Uruk. He placed a hand under his chin and began to inspect his proud face.

He was a good-looking man. No woman or man could deny this fact. Blonde, almost golden, hair which was perfectly groomed and stuck up in some sort of regal fashion framed his chiseled face. His eyes were the color of freshly bloomed blood red colored roses where you would see in his most famous royal gardens and they were narrowed in such a form that reflected strength and mystery. His face was perfectly structured and so was his body which was the pure example of what a King's training and experience on the battlefield would look like, powerful and muscled. He was the epitome of what a perfect king would look like. His raging aura and haughty stance also reflected that.

The sound of doors slamming shut caught his attention and disrupted his thoughts. "Done admiring yourself yet?" a voice questioned in a teasing manner.

Gilgamesh smirked at the sound of his best friend's voice. "Not even close, Enkidu." He responded as he adjusted the golden jewelry that adorned his wrists and neck.

Enkidu was the soon-to-be king's only closest friend in the kingdom. An interesting green-haired fellow this man was. His clothes were plain and simple just like any commoner in Uruk, but no one could compare to the beauty of this man that women were always attracted to, yet jealous of. He had long green hair and wide green eyes and his personality was revered and gentle. No woman could deny him and even one look from him would already be enough for a woman to jump into bed with him.

It was a wonder that Gilgamesh and Enkidu were even cordial with each other after their long, complicated past.

Such a past, it was. It will always be one of Uruk's most curious cases.

"Hurry! I want to bed this woman that was as kind as ever to invite me to her place tonight." Enkidu said, aggravated at his friend's usual egotistical behavior.

Gilgamesh chuckled. "She can wait. For now, it is time to celebrate me, my friend!" He announced as he walked outside on the balcony once more with widespread arms. Enkidu sighed and fell on the luxurious couch on the balcony in a dramatic exasperation.

"Fine, the woman can wait, but I have other news," Enkidu's aggravated tone turned into a grave one which caught Gilgamesh's attention, "The gods want to bless your crowning day, but for a price, they want you to turn the people towards them as you thank them for the honor to be king." Enkidu closed his eyes in a tired fashion as soon as he finished announcing the news. When it was too quiet, Enkidu opened one eye and watched his friend place his hands on opposite sides of the banister and lean a little to face the sky. Gilgamesh's body began to tremble and laughter began to sound.

"Oh? They dare try to interfere once more? Not only interfering, but also to interfere with MY crowning?" Gilgamesh asked after his laughing fit died down.

Enkidu silently waited for his friend to answer. "Let the gods be damned." Gilgamesh answered, facing Enkidu with a smug smirk.

Heading towards the doors to attend his crowning, Gilgamesh turned to Enkidu, "Tell them that they are welcome to attend and bring the King of all Mesopotamia, gifts."

Enkidu smiled at his friend's sarcastic answer and answered, "With pleasure, my lord."

"He can't be serious."

"This is getting out of hand!"

"I demand satisfaction!"

Up in the heavens, the gods had just received the answer of the young king. Angry was an understatement at the great table of the gods.

Their leader, Anu, held up his hand for silence. With a sigh, Anu said, "Enkidu has a plan of some sort. We just have to be patient." Angry screams rose again.

"Patient?! Enkidu was supposed to tame the best, not becoming the beast! The drinking, the sex with virgins and wives, and the love of himself and materialistic possessions is preposterous!" one of the gods roared.

"We all knew that it was going to take some time, Anu, but to not tell his people to respect us, the ones who govern over them, is where I draw the line." Another one complained.

"Enkidu is being influenced by Gilgamesh! We need to replace Enkidu with someone else—"

Anu slammed his right hand on the table and put up his left hand, commanding for silence. The table of gods stopped talking and yelling and focused their attention on him.

"I know we are having problems, but you also forget that we need to focus on the one main problem in order to fix the others." He announced, softly. The gods began to suggest who or what the main problem may be.

"Enkidu is the main problem, my lord!" one suggested. The head elder glanced at him and asked, "How? Explain this to me. We sent Enkidu to tame Gilgamesh because the humans cried out to us. Is this not what he has done?"

The gods were silent for a moment, but one stood up and said, "But, we are the gods, not Gilgamesh. Gilgamesh should be answering to us and not to himself! We gave him this right to power. He did not obtain it by himself."

Anu acknowledged this answer and gave a slow nod, "So, what do you think the solution should be?"

"Anu, Enkidu has a sister." Someone quietly suggested. Everyone at the table turned to look at the goddess who boldly suggested this. Anu looked at her and widened his eyes in realization. "Ishtar..."

The goddess bowed her head, "Father, I think we should send her down to Enkidu so she can talk some sense into his head. They are very close."

Anu began to think on this, "Ah, Aria. Yes, yes! She would listen to justice and our orders. If speaking to her brother would bring everything to justice, she would do it!" Anu exclaimed. The excitement of a plan began to spread around the table.

"It's decided! We'll send down Aria, my lord!" one cried out. Anu didn't answer, but he stood up and looked down into the foretelling well which reflected Gilgamesh accepting his crown in smugness with Enkidu by his side.

"Our goal is for Gilgamesh to announce that the gods are the ones to be praised and not a mere Halfling like him," Anu said, softly", we are the ones to lead. It is time to remind him that.

A young messenger boy began to run his important errand: to track down a woman named, Aria, and to bring her to Anu. He stopped in front of a waterfall where he was told was Aria's most spotted spot. He began his trek towards the waterfall until he heard the sound of what was metal clanging into something.

Curious, he decided to approach the sound while hiding in the bushes to see what was going on. What he saw made his eyes widen and take his breath away. A strong, beautiful woman was swinging a sword around in some sort of fighting fashion and a tree trunk was her target.

The boy was mostly taken aback by the woman's beauty. She had platinum, almost white, hair which was tied in a long, loose side braid. The loose pieces of hair framed her delicate heart-shaped face. Her eyes were the color of the water which would reflect various shades of blues. Her nose was turned up in an almost regal way and her cheekbones were as high and proud as her form and stance. She carried herself in a frighteningly calm manner as she swung her brilliant sword around. Her full, rosy lips were parted as she took her deep breaths. Sweat formed on her brows and trickled down her long, ivory neck. Her attire was white, the color that the virgins wear, and loose. The dress had a deep cut which showed a little of what the boy, blushing, really wanted to see. It was snug on her waist, but it draped down her toned, slender body, perfectly, like it was made for her. The only setback was that she was tiny and petite which surprised the boy more, knowing that the sword must weigh heavier than her.

The boy tried to get a little closer, but the bush he was hiding in, rustled. The woman threw her sword in the bush, managing to cut off a piece of the boy's hair.

"Who's there?" the woman demanded. The boy ran out of the bush and knelt down in front of her.

"I'm sorry, goddess! I didn't want to interrupt your beautiful sword play." He apologized, sheepishly.

The woman simply nodded to acknowledge the apology, "What is it you want?" She questioned, as she picked up her sword.

"I am looking for a woman by the name of Aria." The boy answered.

"I am Aria." The woman answered back, the boy's eyes widened.

"Anu is calling for you." The boy said. Aria stopped moving for a second and looked at the boy.

"What does Anu want?" Aria asked, curiously. The boy shrugged in response.

"Where is he?" Aria asked. The boy pointed to the high mountain of the gods. Aria nodded and gave the boy her thanks, who sheepishly just grinned and ran off. As the boy ran off, Aria glanced at the mountain and began to make her way there.

A: N/ End of Chapter One! I know it's a little slow, but I want to make sure everything makes sense right now because it gets a little crazy after. AHHH! I wish I could tell you what happens next because it's so juicy! EEEEEEP.