A/N: So first chapter of the first story( my sister is amazing!:D). An I'm just here as decoration:'(...
No No just kidding it's equal collaboration Now you know what has to happen:
Disclaimer: I Do NOT own Harry Potter. Or Draco. Or the Weasley Twins. Or Neville. Yeah Apparently I don't own any hot guys.. yea I know it's tragic... and pathetic.
I jumped as high as I could trying to see the front of the train. But I got distracted by how my ringlets moved and started twirling to watch how they engulf my vision. "Bye Gran." I heard Neville say for the umpteenth time. I stopped twirling and watched, amused, as the world tilted along with Neville and Gran. Gran finally stopped hugging Neville and handed Trevor's cage to him. I grabbed Jadis' cage and made sure the sheet covered it. I found out the hard way that Jadis hates crowds.
After Neville grabbed his baggage I grabbed his wrist and ran for the train. "Bye Gran!" I called over my shoulder and giggled. I've been waiting all summer to be rid of her. I stumbled into an empty compartment, but Neville had the misfortune to trip over my luggage. Trevor's cage crashed to the floor with him and broke open. "Oops." I whispered. "Trevor!" Neville yelled scaring the poor frog. He hopped away and Neville chased after him. Which left Neville's baggage in the middle of the isle.
I pulled Neville's things into the compartment as the train took off. "Is it going to be this loud the whole way?" I heard the guy in the compartment across the hall complain. I looked over and saw the door to his compartment was open. "It's quieter if you close the door." I offered helpfully. The blonde boy glared his gray eyes at me. A Malfoy if I ever saw one. "And who are you?" he sneered. "I'm Nadia. What's you name?" I replied pleasantly. "Why should I tell you?" Malfoy replied.
I shrugged and peeked under the sheet on Jadis' cage to check on her. "What's in there?" Malfoy demanded. "If you want to your welcome to come see her." I invited. Malfoy didn't reply and after awhile I was starting to worry about Neville. But the sudden closing of the compartment door brought me back to Malfoy. I smiled at him and pulled the cover off of Jadis' cage. Jadis is a large black puffball of a cat, but the weird thing about her is the white and gray feathered wings protruding from her back.
Malfoy just stood there staring at her. "Well?" I pushed. "It's hideous!" Malfoy replied in disgust. "She. Is. Beautiful." I insisted. Something about my face caused Malfoy not to argue with me."Anything from the trolley?" called an old lady with a trolley pilled high with every candy a young witch could dream of. "I didn't think to bring any money." I told her as I stared down the pile of rainbow licorice. "One chocolate frog and two rainbow licorices." ordered Malfoy.
I waited to see if Malfoy ate the licorices just to spite me. Once the trolley lady was well out of sight Malfoy tossed the rainbow licorices on my lap. "Here", he said as he sat across from me,"feed it to your cat-thing or something." I smiled at him. "Her name is Jadis." I told Malfoy. He nodded slightly. I feed a bite of the black colored licorice to Jadis like Malfoy said and watched in amusement as her mouth turned red, then orange, then yellow, then green, then blue, then purple then the mystery color which turned out to be white. I look up at Malfoy and saw that he was amused too. "Better eat that frog before it hops away." I teased. Malfoy smirked as he ate the chocolate frog's legs off. He then set in back in the box. "It isn't going anywhere now."
For the rest of the train ride Malfoy watched in amusement as Jadis and I ate the rest of the rainbow licorice. Malfoy changed into his robes before we pulled into the station. I left the train and looked for my brother. "First years follow me." called a booming voice. I struggled to push my way to the voice. "Is that all o' yeh?" I heard him ask. "Wait!" I yelled. I tried to push harder, but got knocked down by a older boy in green robes. Bloody Slytherin. A giant of a man made his way to me and picked me up. He carried me close to the other first year and then let me walk the rest of the way. "Right, to the boats!" he called and led the way. I contemplated finding Neville, but got distracted by the nervous chatter about the sorting.
I squirmed nervously in my seat causing our boat to rock more then necessary. The ones calm enough to notice our swaying boat glared at we got there an older witch, with graying hair styled in a bun, collected us. I was to busy looking around to hear anything she said. But what I did pick up on was Malfoy's voice, insulting a Weasley.
I pushed my way to the front of the crowd. Fellow first years are much easier to push then kids from the older years. When I finally pushed through I saw a boy with glasses stepping up about to fight Malfoy. "Hey, you never told me your name." I accused. It's true, I'd let it go 'cause I already knew he was a Malfoy. Both boys turned to me. "Well?" I pushed as I put my hands on my hips.
"They're ready for you." the old witch interrupted unaware of what almost went down. When we got inside the great hall I saw the older students staring up at us. I smiled and waved to them all. The old witch, who one kid called Professor Mcgonagall, started calling names off a piece of parchment. She made them sit on a stool and put a hat on their head. The hat called out a house name and the corresponding table burst into cheers. It was fun trying to guess which table would burst into cheers next. Neville elbowed me.
"Its your turn." he whispered. Oh, suddenly all the nerves from the boat ride came flooding back to me. I tried to stay calm, but when I went to walk toward the stool I got hit with a tripping hex and I was bloody pissed. I looked over to the Slytherin table and saw the boy who pushed me down at the station had his wand out and was laughing with his friends. No one else was laughing as I sat on the stool and the hat was put over my head.
"Well, well, well, aren't you difficult?" said a voice in my head. "Not really." I thought to it. "Oh but you are: Hufflepuff's friendliness, Ravenclaw's intellect, Slytherin's power, but that temper. Yes, that temper. Where to place it? Hm, I think I'll go with-" "Gryffindor!" the hat shouted. The Gryffindor table burst into applause while the Slytherin table booed. I skipped to my house before remembering my brother hasn't been placed yet. I turned in my seat and watched as the hat was placed on Neville's head.
"Please be Gryffindor." I whispered. "Gryffindor!" the hat shouted. I clapped harder then anyone as my brother made his way to the Gryffindor table. Several more names were called before Mcgonagall got to the boy with the glasses. The one who was going to fight Malfoy. "Harry Potter." The room burst into excited whispers. He looked terrified. But I had more important concerns: Like if Malfoy was going to follow in his family's footsteps and become a Slytherin.
Sure enough the hat barely touched his head before the hat yell "Slytherin!". The Headmaster who's name I didn't quiet catch gave a warning to the first years about a forest of some kind. Dummy-door then waved his hands and a feast appeared. I filled my plate higher then I could see over and started eating. "Damn, she has a bigger appetite the you Weasleys do!" an older boy with dreads told the identical gingers sitting next to him. The two of them glanced at me before smiling at each other and returning to their meal.
A prefect who introduced himself as Percy gathered us first years to show us the Gryffindor dorms. I hopped off the bench seat, but instead of seeing the golden blonde color of my ringlets I saw blue. Not gold, blue. I slowly looked down at my hair and saw that my beautiful ringlet curls were died a particular shade blue up to my chin. I glared at the Gryffindor table. "Who. Did. This." I growled.
"Come along." Percy insisted. "No." I growled at him as I continued to glare down the Gryffindor table. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Percy's face turn bright red. "I am a prefect and you will do as I say." he insisted. I turned my glare to Percy. "Well, prefect, why don't you do your job and find the person responsible for my hair?" I demanded. Percy leaned away before regaining his composure. "I'll make sure they're punished if you do as I say." he insisted. I forced myself to walk away and stand by Neville.
I spent the tour trying to scrub the blue out with my robes. When I finally gave up we were standing in a room decorated with red and gold. Percy pointed out which stairwell went to the boys dorms and which went to the girls. Without letting him finish I stormed to the girls stairwell. "If you don't find and punish the person who did this I will." I warned Percy before disappearing up the stairwell.