Charmy, "I told you I'd do it! I hope you enjoy! If you were a reader to Unbreakable you get a cookie! And Cake! Everyone gets cookies though."

Leo," Spirits strike me down…'

Unbreakable Short Stories

(if you have a better name, please tell me. its a working progress)

Family ties

A soft breeze across his cheek, like the whisper of a kiss. The warm sun developing him like a blanket. He let out a breath before refolding his hands under his head.

He hoped Nirvana was a bit as blissful as this-


His eyes popped open like a miyagi oyster. A weight slammed him in the chest . All warm breath bursting from his lips, followed by a bombardment of, "LEOITSALMOSTTIMEIVEBEENWAITINGFORTHISALLYEARLONGAREYOUEXCITED!?I'MEXCITED-"

"Mikey! Mikey-" the weight was suddenly lifted off his chest. Leo sucked in the precious oxygen. The blurring of his eyes finally clearing out. He saw the form of Usagi standing, His arms tight around Mikey's chest, his toes just barely touching the ground as Mikey turned his head up in confusion, "Hey! Usagi-"

"I don't think Leonardo appreciates having his chest caved in by a enthusiastic Orenji-chan."

"Aww, " a pout sagging his face so it more resembled a Inui then a kame. Leo couldn't' help but smile, moving up to his knees.

Because Mikey was the youngest in there three brotherhood, he could get away with pouts and arm crossing. It was the quickest way for a 12 year old to get what he wanted. It also helped to have a 17 year old brother named Leonardo. Who tended to do whatever he wanted anyway. Or atleast manipulate him to think he was getting what he wanted.

Leo moved up to his feet, patting the dirt off his blue hakamas before straightening up, "Mikey why don't you go on and meet up with Dorinbo-sama? He might want help with the horses."

Bingo. Mikey's light blue eyes lit up behind the his orange mask. His shot attention immediately redirected as he was set back on his feet. Running off in direction of the stables with wild laughter. Usagi looking over him, "Do you share my concern over his short attention span?"

"He'll be fine. Its not like he runs after bright things," though he found himself adding under his breath , "anymore."

He loved his aka-chan

But Leo worried about him "Lets just head on back." Are you packed too?"

"Indeed, I was packed a week ago. It is hard to soothe an excitement like this. " a smile over to him from Usagi, "It is rare our father is able to find time for our camping trips."

"I know, I was packing right next to you. Every year it touches me that your father still invites us along-" a forearm to his chest to block his path. Stopping him in his steps., Usagi's 'dark eyes almost glaring at him, "Usagi-"

"you might have been adopted, but that doesn't make you any less my fathers son or my brother. You or Michelangelo."

OH crap, why did he keep doing that?

It had been 9 years since Dorinbo had found them, he had indeed been their father. Kind , considerate but firm. He felt a eternal gratitude for such a act of kindness. There weren't' a lot of people who would take in abandoned children found laying the meadow as their own. It was a kindness he could never repay.

"I'm sorry Usagi. You're right, he's' my father too."

That seemed to satisfy him, he nodded in approval before putting his arm down. The setting off again. Leo found himself rediscovering a old tune in his throat when Usagi's' voice came back, "Leonardo?"

"Yeah Ani?"

"Do you ever miss your family? Your birth family?"

"Why would I? I have no memory of them. Here, I have a good job. . A father who cares about me and 2 brothers. Even if my birth family was still alive, they obviously didn't care enough about us to search for us. My life and my family is here. I have no desire to find them."

Usagi's' face lifted up. If Leo didn't know any better he would of thought that it was in relief. In the distance he could see Three horses right by the house they called home. A village surrounding their feeble home, you never would of suspected that the headmen of the village lived there. But in fact he did. At the moment he was with the horses, the form of Mikey, wearing bright orange yukata and white hakamas, bouncing around happily. Leo couldn't' help but smile, slinging his arm over Usagi's shoulder.

This was home


The sound of a swooshing curtain caught Donnie's ear from the back room. He turned away from the table he was working at. He hoped it wasn't Keiko, her father's order wasn't' ready yet, ""I'll be right there!" he called lightly. He reached behind him and retired his apron. Situated over a white samue with a white long sleeved shirt under it. The hood hanging off the back for warmth over his frail form. He quickly ducked under the curtain that separated the 'prescription' room from the rest of the shop. A Neko stood in front of the counter. Rubbing his arms despite his black cloak, looking around with tense eyes. But Donnie took no alarm, he smiled and walked over, stepping up on the 'lift' that allowed him to have more height over the counter, "Konbawa Tomadachi, how may I help you?"

"I-I-I was lukin' for sumtin."

"Alright. Are you here to pick something up for a family member?" that wasn't uncommon. Sometimes his patients couldn't make it out of their house,

"N-Nah man. I-I was told I could g-get ssu-umthing Here. "

"WE are the best in healing." He offered a smile. Donnie was used to being patient.

The Neko leaned over the counter lightly, eyes shooting from side to side as though he was expecting someone to burst in. Donnie almost wished that Leatherhead would comeback from the market already. He put his arm on the counter, he knew better then to lean in too close. He had been on th receiving end of too many knifes for that.

"A-Are you the Yakubutsu-ko?"

The smile all but melted off of Don's face. A rare frown returning. He pulled away from the counter, "You're 'mistaken sir. We don't do that kind of service here."

"Y_You're him. I-I know you are!" his voice was desperate, "D-dey said it was a w-weird guy with gr=green sk-skin and a rock on his b-b-ack. Y-you know how to ma-ma-ke Obito's' mixture. Y-you're his only apprentice!"

"I don't know a Obito. And I know nothing about his drugs. I'm going to have to ask you to leave-"

"Yes you do. Dam it I can see it in your eyes. Please man I just need a little bit." the desperation was all but pouring out of his mouth. Now Donnie could see it, what he had been trying to ignore

The Neko was a drug addict.

"If you don't leave I'm going to make you leave." a threat from a 13 year old. The Neko's' eyes darken. His hand shooting to the inside of his cloak. Before Donnie could react. The Neko's' head was slammed against the counter. The sound of cracking wood sent Donnie jumping back. A black leather covered hand pressed to the back of his scalp. The large form of a black garbed man stood right behind the Neko, one hand on the back of his scalp and the other twisting his arm up his back. His face covered by a weird almost triangle helmet with a strange black material over the eyes. Though Donnie had no doubt the NightWatcher's eyes were glaring yellow by now, all but bending over the Neko. Whose face was bleeding as this point, eyes shaking with terror, "Listen here, buddy. My friend has no idea what the hell you're' talking about. And if you ever want to walk again, or hell if you want to live through the next 4 seconds, you will walk out of here and never come back again."

"H-hey I -I just ne-need a b-bit-"

"You aint going to find it HERE. You freaking druggie," a twist of his wrist sent a painful crack through the air. Donnie couldn't help but flinched at the Neko's cry, "GOT IT?!"

"Ok man yes I get it!"

Without another breath, the NightWatcher yanked the Neko to his feet. A grip on the back of his hakamas. All but flinging him out of the shop, ducking his head out. Donnie could just see the Neko fall flat on his face in the middle of the passing ground before scrambling away. The NightWatcher ducking back in. Reaching next to the door, A screeching sound filled the air as a metal slab was drug infront of the door securely, turning , "Come on we're leaving."


"NOW." he grabbed a piece of paper off the counter, grabbing a piece of lead and scribbling down in that chicken scratch he called writing. Before Donnie could react, the NightWatcher's hand grabbed his. All but dragging him out the back door. His arm looping around his shoulder.

Before Donnie knew it he was being shoved into the dojo that marked the entrance of the Tsukino Dojo. His foot catching something and sending him off the ground. Their mother obviously wasn't' there or she would have been at his side. Donnie could vaguely hear the sound of something heavy and metal hitting the floor and a hand grabbing his shoulder, flipping him over onto his shell and yanking him into a sitting position. His shell leaning against The NightWatcher's knee and hands going over his face, holding it tightly in his hands as Raphael's mask less face bore into his , "are you aright!? Did that bastard hurt you!?"


"You sure?! Can you breath ok!? Do you need me to get your medicine?"

"I-I'm fine.-" His sleeves were suddenly yanked up, fingers running over his bandaged arms. Inspecting for stress injury or blood. A giant sigh marked his inspection done. Arms wrapped around him and squeezed him tightly. He could just barely feel Raph's cheek on his scalp. It was all but drowned by his panicked breathing. Donnie reached up and hugged Raph back the best he could. Trying to bring out comfort words. But his face was all but smothered by Raph's chest.

His big brother

His protector

His Kuma-ni


"Come on Otouto, you need to wake up."

Donnie whined lightly. He felt a soft hand rub his forehead lightly. Pushing his head back in forth as gently as the disturber could. Another shake made him whine louder, a attempt to show his contempt to the person trying to stir him, "Anikiiii."

"Just for a little bit," Without so much as a please, he felt a arm curl around his shoulder and lifting off of his warm futon. Dons lip twitched in a attempt to mirror Raph's growling lip. But he just heard Leo chuckle softly. Atleast he pulled up Don's blanket with him. Otherwise he would have been frozen. He felt the brim of a yunomi being pressed to his mouth. Despite the disgusting medicine, he allowed Leo to pour it down his throat. Finally the yunomi was pulled from his lips. He felt Leos' other hand rub his opposite arm gently, "You feeling better Donnie?"

"C-c-cold." he forced out, pressing his face into the bicep holding him, "c-cold."

"Raph's getting another blanket." Leos' voice was gentle, almost as motherly as his own mothers. Considering his mother was out right now, that's probably where the connection came from.

Then again, it did seem to be in his nature.

Donnie felt a painful shiver go over him. He knew he was heading for another fever sleep. The mere thought made him want to cry. He turned his head to nuzzle Leos bicep again, "st-stay?" another chuckle reached his ears. He felt his form being lowered back to the futon, the blanket tucked around him. Donnie could vaguely feel Leo sliding down next to him, his scalp fitting under Leos' chin and a arm wrapped around him to hold him close. Donnie couldn't help but sigh in relief, sleep threatening to come back over him. But he knew Leo wasn't far behind him. He had been the one who took care of him after all, in midst of this latest fever

"I love you Aniki,"

"I love you too Otouto."



Yakubutsu-ko/ drug child

yup! i decided i wanna do stories before and after the events of Unbreakable! so sue me, also review if you please

Don,"We've tried suing her, it doesn't work."