Hey guise! Sorry for the late update! I'm trying to motivate myself to write but blahhhh….dammit it my exclamation point doesn't work at the moment…anyways(exclamation point) feel free to say anything positive or negative through the reviews(exclamation point)

Chapter two:

Lucy began to open her eyes, but then she realize Levy's face was up close to lucy's.



Levy squeal and jump on Lucy bed excitedly.


Lucy face turn beet red, and she swings her arms to reject the idea.

"Levy! Noooo! He just want someone to go to his cooking convention thing since he had no one to go! Besides! I don't think I'm ready to date anyone since I got out a four year relationship with my last boyfriend."

Levy stop jumping, and sat down next to Lucy. Her face turn serious.

"Really? Who? What happen?" Levy ask with a concern face.

Lucy look down. "I used to date this boy named Loke. We were high school sweethearts. Though, I knew he wasn't THE one, but I thought along the way I will eventually fall in love with him. The good thing is that I didn't love him. Or else the whole break up would be harder for me to handle. Anyways, he decided to cheat on me with this girl named Aries. I kinda expect that to happen, but I don't know. I sound like an idiot huh?"

Levy smiles softly. "It's okay Lu-chan. I mean, I have no idea what you're going through, but you know what? I know that you're just confuse because you're still young to know what love is. Well, in my honest opinion you will know what love is until you meet THE one. It will be so unexpected and tough, but it will definitely be precious and beautiful.

Lucy feel the warm feeling inside from hearing those lovely words from Levy.

"LEVY!" Lucy throw her arms around Levy for a hug. "Thank you" Lucy whisper.

Levy smiles and hugs her back. Then she turn to Lucy and put her hand on her shoulder.

"If you want to hear any of my awesome words, just talk to me any time. I have your back lu-chan!"

Levy winks. Lucy smiles. "Same goes for you Levy…..wait….HOW THE HELL YOU GET IN?!"

Levy eyes pop open. "OH! You left the stupid door unlock! I bet you were too busy thinking about Natus, haha."

Now Lucy eyes pop open, and refresh her memory when Natsu dropped her off yesterday. Lucy giggles. "Well, he is very attractive, but I want to know him more before I claim that I do like him."

Levy squeal. "OMG! LU-CHAN! GWAHHH! I can't wait till you do know him! You guys are so cute together! When is he going to pick you up, hmmm?"

Lucy blushes slightly. "Ahhh…hmm… 6?"

Before Lucy can speak out a word, Levy ran to Lucy closet to help her get ready for Lucy date.

"I will help you get ready for your date!"

Lucy sweat drop. "Levy, I don't mind if you want to help me get ready, but it's early in the morning! Let me eat breakfast first and organize my room a bit before school starts. I still have plenty of time till then."

Levy sigh. "Okay but I'm helping you around. I have nothing else to do today."

Lucy was surprise.

"Hey, how about your boyfriend?"

"He have plans with his brother today"

"Ahh, okay. I don't mind if you help around."


"lip stick?"


"Cell phone?"


"Breath mint?"



"Che- LEVY!)"

"HAHA! lu-chan! cmon now!?"


Levy pouts. "FINE! I'm just trying to prevent you from getting pregnant okay?

Lucy sigh but smiles.

"shut up levy. I think im set to go and it's alread-"

Knock knock


Lucy tries to quiet levy down, but levy was too busy fangirling over the date. Levy ran to the door to answer Natsu.


"Haha yeah, I would get here earlier, but I had a snack before I came here."

Natsu gave his toothy, shy smile as he rub the back of his head. Lucy couldn't stop staring at him. He had a red button, long sleeve dress shirt tuck in with his black, skinny dress pants. He look HANDSOME to Lucy. She felt a slight blush on her cheeks, and a wild heartbeat.


Natsu gave a chuckle, and he look at Lucy. Lucy felt her heart skip a beat.

"You look gorgeous, Lucy. Everyone there will be jealous to see me with you as my date, haha."

Lucy face turn beat red at his comment while Levy squeal like a girl.


Just like that, Levy left. Lucy just couldn't believe her. Don't worry, she will get Levy back. Before Lucy can start thinking about revenges against levy, Natsu clear his throat.

"So…uhh…want to leave now before Levy change her mind and end up going with us?"

Lucy giggles. "Sure, let's go."

During the car ride, Natsu and Lucy talked about EVERYTHING! First, they talked about the unusual hot weather during fall season. Then it shifted to alien theories to explain why the weather felt too hot. Natsu idea was that aliens was targeting enemies with atomic bomb with a high heat concentration in space. Lucy idea was that the aliens was throwing stars at each other which explains why there's a shooting star. Obviously, both theories are wrong, but they love to talking nonsense. Lucy just love how they can't seem to stop talking. They either have to comment on something they see or think or crack up a joke. Lucy felt please with her conversation with Natsu. Natsu couldn't help grinning at her either as she can't stop smiling at him. She never felt like this with anybody.

Once they arrive at the convention, Lucy stood there with awe! Natsu chuckles at her expression.

"Cmon Lucy! There more to see!"

"Okayy!" Lucy hold natsu arm as they walk EVERYWHERE! They try different foreign food from professional chiefs, and they receive a ton of coupons to the most restaurants. Natsu promise her that she will take her to all of them. Lucy giggles at his determine statement. As they keep walking around, Natsu spot someone familiar with white hair.

"NATSUUUU!" a pair of arms was wrap around Natsu. He felt uneasy.


"Well! Elfman and I are chief too, silly! We want to see if there's anybody better than us."


"Yeah sure sure." Mira wave him off. Natsu gave her a dirty look. Mira shine once she realize Lucy was holding his arm.


"Gahh, she's my date tonight. Lucy, this is Mira. Mira, this is Lucy. Mira and I use to go to high school together."

Lucy wonders why Natsu sounds odd, but Mira clasp her hands together which distract Lucy to think deeper to this.

"That's right! AND ELEMENTRY!"

"WOW! How come I didn't see you at the cook out yesterday?"

"Ahhh, well I used to be out of state to visit my sister. She go to edolas. It's her first year of college. An elder sibling must help their younger siblings, you know?"

"What major is she studying?" Natsu asked.

"She plan to become an animal doctor."

"Ahh you mean a-"



"Sup natsu?!"

A big muscular man with white hair give Natsu a hand shake.


"I KNOW RIGHT! How you been?"

"GREAT! How's you? OH! This is Lucy my date tonght. Lucy, this is Elfman. We used to go to elementary and high school together.

"Hello" Lucy shyly greet Elfman as Elfman shakes Lucy hand.

"Nice to meet you." He turns to Mira. "Yo, Mira we have to go." Then he turns to Natsu. "Sorry man. We have an emergency to take care of."

"Wait what happen?" Natsu ask with concern.

"Don't worry about it. I'll text you later. Seriously. Mira let's go."

Mira gave a sweet smile. "BYE NATSU AND LUCY!"

Natsu and Lucy wave good bye as they left.

"Geez, I wonder what's with them."

"Yeah, you want to go and walk around the park nearby?"


Natsu tries to avoid what happen with Mira and Elfman. He have lots of questions in his head. Lucy notice it. She would try to make him talk, but he starts talking about the convention like how some food need extra salt and stuff. Once he was finish, silence fell between them. Lucy sigh and looks up the twinkling stars in the sky.

"I always imagine myself touching those stars, but I know I would burn myself in this reality. In my dreams, it was different. Those stars felt like a big cheese."

Natsu laughs. "If that's the case, there wouldn't be any stars in the sky because I would eat them all."

Lucy giggles. She walk ahead away from natsu and ran to the lake nearby. Natsu ran after her. "Hey! Where you're going?" Lucy ignore him, and sat down on the edge of the lake. She took off her flat shoes, and she place her feet in the water.

"It's pretty relaxing to have your feet in the water in this humidity."

Natsu chuckles, and joins with her.'

"You know Luce, you're pretty weird."


"But I like that."

Lucy blush slightly and smiles at him.

"I mean, when I get upset about something no one can actually make me smile during that moment like now."

"Are you upset over what happen with Elfman and Mira?"

Natsu nods. "I remember we were so close. I mean, Elfman and I. Mira used to be mean with me back when we were kids. She used to tease me over something I struggle or cry about. But she change, when her sister Lisanna had a car accident. It wasn't something so serious that she permanently lost a body part or anything. God no. But she was conscious with her head. I was scared that day. That was the day when I confess my feelings with her. After that, we became a couple for the entire high school years. Mira got closer with me. Elfman was closer with me than before. But the thing is I felt bad because they thought we would get marry and have kids in the future. But I don't see it. Maybe because I'm not in love with her. I don't know. It's weird huh?"

Lucy smiles. She remember she had this same talk with Levy.

"I know exactly how you feel. I used to have a boyfriend, and we were high school sweethearts. He decided to cheat on me with his best friend. I expected it to happen one day, but I don't know why I didn't break up with him earlier. I just want to stay with him. I want to see if I can fall in love with him. But nothing. It's hard to explain. We're basically in the same boat. But a wise friend told me, it's okay to feel this way. We're just too young to understand what love is. There will be a day when you will realize that you're in love with THE one. It will be tough and unexpected, but in the same time it will be pure and beautiful."

Natsu chuckles and smiles. "You got that from Levy huh?"

Lucy eyes pop open. "HOW DID YOU KNO-"

"I told her once because she force it out me. But I like it better when I hear it from you."

Lucy blushes, but then she remembers something. "Wait…why Elfman and Mira aren't close to you anymore?"

"Because I broke lisanna heart. It was hard to have people against you just because you don't want to be with someone that you don't love. For that, I took her to prom, and ask her to marry me. She rejects me in front of everyone!"

Lucy laughs. "I thought you don't love her?'

"haha I don't! But that was embarrassing! Later that day, she explains to me that I shouldn't feel pressure to marry her just because people were against me. So, I apologize to her. She decided to go to a different university away from me. She doesn't want to see me with anybody. It been 4 month since."

"Well, you think something was happening with lisanna today? Maybe that's why Elfman and Mira couldn't tell you?"

"Most likely. I may not be in love with her, but I do care about her. She's still my best friend. It stills concern me."

Lucy smiles. "I'm sure things will get settle between you and her."

Natsu smiles. "Thanks. Soooo what happen with you and your ex-boyfriend?"

Lucy laughs. "Well, he have to repeat senior year. He have to struggle to deal with his academics and his economics status. Both of his parents pass away. He used to live in an orphanage, but now that he's 18 he's working and taking care of himself which is pretty tough."

"That sucks. Im lucky that I have foster parents."

"WHAA-? Really? What happen to your parents?"

Natsu shrugs. Lucy felt bad.

"Don't worry. My mom died of illness when I was 8, and my father barely lay eyes on me. His business is much more important than me"

"I'm sorry"

"Don't be. No one choose to live in a bad life!"

Natsu smiles. "I'm really impress with your positive attitude. I can't stop feeling much more confident when I'm around you."

Lucy blushes and giggles.
"I feel lively and hopeful when I'm with you, Natsu."

Natsu looks deeply in her eyes. He love the color of chocolate brown eyes on Lucy. She looks so beautiful with her silky, blonde hair and her bright, pink lips. He just want to taste her sweet lips, but he can't. He doesn't think Lucy is interest in him. So he tries to cut this off. He coughs.

"We should get going."

Lucy feels upset now. She wants to have more moment like this with him. But she knows that she shouldn't complain. She feels that she isn't good enough for him. Or maybe he's trying to respect lisanna over the break up. Who knows? She prefer to stay friends with Natsu either way. She just can't live her life without Natsu anymore even though they just met yesterday, but it felt like an eternity.