Long time no see, my wonderful readers! Thank you for your patience, for waiting 7 months for this chapter. I can't thank you enough, since real life has been horrible for my creative writing.

Side note: There will be No major OC's in my fic. I really hate using OC's and so I try to do so whenever I can. When I am forced to use one I can assure you their role will be VERY minor and their appearances will be brief. If you are unfamiliar with names that DO pop up a lot then rest assured that they are part of the One Piece universe, so if you don't know them just look them up (though you will probably come across spoilers)!

Now without further ado, to the new chapter!

Chapter 5

Grand Line - White Soil Island, Baltigo – Revolutionary Army HQ

Luffy, Sabo and Ace stared at what had to be the largest man that they had ever seen. Even though Bartholomew Kuma sat cross legged in front of the three siblings he still towered over them like a mountain. Despite being still wrapped in bandages, as soon as Luffy saw the giant man she had started climbing up him like a tree until she was comfortably sat on one of his huge shoulders. To Kuma's right stood the Fishman Karate instructor, Hack. Though Luffy was happy and comfortable from her high perch Ace and Sabo were much more cautious.

Both of the men that stood before the brothers more much more intimidating and had an air of authority and power that they had never encounter before when fighting the thugs in Grey Terminal. Even though Bluejam had scared Ace, the black haired youth knew that in a fight either one of the men in front of him would easily wipe the floor with the pirate that had terrorised the slums of Goa Kingdom. What made Ace I more anxious was that all three siblings were injured, and had been wrapped in large amounts of bandages by Ivankov. Glancing to his right Ace saw the large piece of gauze that covered most of Sabo's left eye and the thick layer of bandages that were wrapped around his head. They were not, Ace concluded, ready to fight two very strong and intimidating men.

Sabo alternated in glancing between Luffy and Ace and the two revolutionaries that Dragon had told him would be teaching combat skills to the three of them. Like Ace he could sense that the giant and the fishman in front of him and Ace were not people who they could beat. His sole consolation to his strained nerves was that Luffy was being openly friendly to them, her uncanny intuition about who they could trust and couldn't had saved their skins more than once while they had sold crocodile and other animal skins and fought in the slums.

After ten minutes of awkward silence, with the exception of Luffy who was giggling while rocking back and forth while on Kuma's shoulder Hack decided to finally break the ice with his new charges with a loud cough.

"A-hem." Hack's cough draws the attention to himself from all occupant of the large training room. "I believe you know that you are here to train. My name is Hack and to my left is my associate Bartholomew Kuma. Dragon has asked me to teach you fishman karate as well as other various forms of hand to hand combat. May I have your names."

Sabo gave a small bow, "Please excuse my manners, I'm Sabo. This is my brother younger Ace," Sabo waved his hand in Ace's direction who gave a grunt of recognition, Sabo then pointed to Luffy who was happily sitting on Kuma's shoulder "and our little sister Luffy."

Ace jerked his head to where Kuma and Luffy sat, "Why is the big guy here?"

Kuma spoke up for the first time since he had entered the room, "Your sister obviously possess a rare Devil Fruit, since I am also a Devil Fruit user I will be teacher her how to use her abilities."

All eyes turned to Luffy who had completely ignored the conversation as she continued to rock back and forth with a wide grin on her face, all the while quietly humming to herself. Hack couldn't help but sigh in resignation at the child's lack of attention. Sabo meanwhile had been lost in thought about Kuma's revelation about himself and Luffy. Devil Fruits were mythical objects that where practically unheard in East Blue, being able to meet another Devil Fruit user piqued his interest since his knowledge had been limited to the few rare sections in books that he had scavenged from his former family's library.

Sabo half raised his hand, "Urm…Can you explain what Devil Fruit you have and why Luffy's Devil Fruit is rare? Aren't all Devil Fruit rare since they're mythical items?"

Hack glanced at his comrade, waiting for him to answer.

"Devil Fruits are mystical fruits that can only be found on the Grand Line." Kuma answer after several moments of silence. "These fruits can be separated into three categories. The first is Paramecia, which is the most common of the three classes. The users gain superhuman physical abilities or traits, other fruits can alter features of the body such as a rubber physique, or change the people, objects, and environment around the user. There are some users that can manipulate and generate some kinds of substances."

Kuma paused taking in the expressions of the two boys in front of him, Sabo stared into spaced with a thoughtful expression while Ace frowned at the floor as he tried to process what he had been told.

A sudden thought occurred to Ace, lifting his head he asked "You said you were a Devil Fruit user, which one are you?" Sabo was jolted out of his thoughts at the sudden question and he look up at the huge man, curiosity shining in his eyes.

With a small inaudible sigh Kuma placed his bible on the floor and slowly took off one of his gloves. Once the glove was fully removed he showed the palm of his hand to the two boys. "I ate a Paramecia type Devil Fruit, the Nikyu Nikyu no Mi, I am a Paw Human. I gained the ability to repel everything I touch"

Sabo's eyes were practically sparkling, he had always been interested in Devil Fruits especially after meeting Luffy. What had frustrated him the most was that what little information he had gained were from old forgotten books that had been left to rot in the back of his family's library. His knowledge of Devil Fruits mainly came from Luffy as he had watched her experiment with her powers. Sabo knew that Luffy's intuition was so accurate it was scary, from a single glance she could tell whether someone was trustworthy or if they were lying. On numerous occasions during their sparring sessions that had served as training Luffy had teleported herself from one place to another, though her accuracy left a lot to be desired after the last time she had teleported herself over the crocodile infest river while trying to teleport herself to the other side. With an internal sigh Sabo realised that despite being able to always land on her feet, and having heightened senses much better than his own or Ace's, Luffy was impossibly clumsy.

To Ace, Luffy sounded like she had eaten a Paramecia fruit, but something didn't quite seem right, "You said Luffy's fruit was rare, what kind was it?" he questioned.

It seemed to Ace that Kuma's gaze narrowed on him but it was hard to tell since his eyes were hidden under his spotted hat, "Your sister's Devil Fruit was a Zoan class. Users of Zoan class Devil Fruits gain the ability to transform into an animal and acquire every trait affiliated with said animal. More specifically in Luffy case she is a Mythical Zoan, the rarest of all Devil Fruit users. Unlike the other types of Zoan Devil Fruits, this type of fruit may be the only one considered impressive, owing to its rarity and the unique powers it bestows upon the user. Currently there are only two known Mythical Zoan users, the first is Whitebeard's 1st division commander, Marco "The Phoenix" and Fleet Admiral Sengoku with his Hito Hito no Mi, Model: Daibutsu, he also known as "Sengoku the Budda""

At the end of Kuma's explanation, all eyes turned to Luffy who had at some point curled up into a ball and fallen asleep. Both Ace and Sabo were shaken at the news, they had known that Devil Fruits were rare, practically unheard of in East Blue, but to hear that their own sister was the third of her kind in the whole world was something else entirely. Ace looked at Sabo with wide eyes, "Did Luffy ever tell us what kind of Devil Fruit she had eaten?" he asked with a shaking voice.

Sabo frowned, "She said that she got it from the pirate, Shanks remember?"

Ace nodded enthusiastically, "Anything else?"

Sabo's frown deepened as he shook his head, "She said that Shanks told her that the fruit was from some kind of book, but she couldn't remember which book."

Both boys turned back to the sleeping girl, Ace felt a vein pop in his temple that Luffy had the nerve to sleep while her brothers had just been shocked speechless. Taking off his shoe Ace carefully measured where it was going to land before throwing it with all his power at Luffy, knocking her off her perch with a loud yelp.

Luffy stood up scowling from where she had landed in a crouch after falling off Kuma's shoulder, she rubbed her side from where the shoe had hit her as she jammed her straw hat back on her head. "What was that for?" she snarled, stalking towards Ace with a furious expression.

"Why did you tell us your Devil Fruit was super rare?" Ace growled back. Soon Ace and Luffy were nose to nose glaring at each other.

Sabo looked nervously between his two siblings before placing his hand on each of their chests and gently forced them apart. "Alright calm down." Sabo turned to Luffy, "Luffy do you know what kind of Devil Fruit you have?" he asked gently.

Luffy cocked her head to one side and puckered her lips as she thought, "Ah!" she exclaimed, Ace and Sabo who had been watching her with baited breath couldn't help but jump a little at her sudden shout. "I remember! Shanks told me! I'm a cat!"

Twin veins popped in Ace's and Sabo's temple's as they simultaneously punched Luffy's head, "We already know that!" they shouted in unison.

Lufy scowled through tears at her brothers as she clutched the quickly forming bump on her head. Sabo quickly saw how close Luffy was to crying and tried to calm her down.

"Luffy, we already know you're some kind of cat, the ears and tail are kind of obvious. What we want to know is what kind of cat you are since ordinary cats can't teleport like you can." He reasoned

Ace snorted, "Even though you have horrible aim, and never actually succeed in teleporting to where you want to go."

Sabo gave Ace a reprimanding glare and turned back to Luffy. Gently he took off her hat and let it hang by its string from her neck and massaged Luffy's cat ears in an effort to get her to calm down ad cooperate with answering their questions. "Luffy what we want to know is if Shanks told you the name of the Fruit that you ate. Do you remember?" he asked her softly.

Luffy nodded and sniffed, fighting back tears. "Neko Neko no Mi Model: Cheshire."

Sabo paused in rubbing Luffy's ears, "Cheshire?" he questioned with a frown, "As in the Cheshire Cat, from the book 'Alice in Wonderland'?"

Luffy nodded again as she rubbed her head against Sabo's hands trying to get him to continue petting her.

Kuma hummed to himself, "You will have to research and experiment to find out the full capabilities of your Devil Fruit. What do you usually do to train?" he asked the three siblings.

"We sparred." Ace answered him shortly.

Hack rubs his chin while he thinks, "What did you do while sparring, did you use any sort of weapon?" he asks after a few moments of silence.

Ace and Sabo looked at each other for a second before Sabo answered the fishman, "We used pipes." He told their new instructor.

Hack hummed to himself before crossing the wide training room and opening one of the weapon storage rooms, stepping inside he switched on the light revealing the contents of the room. Every weapon imaginable were stored on the walls, and in boxes. Swords of all kinds, pistols and rifles, whips, spears, knives, spiked gauntlets were only a few of the weapons that were closest to the door. Looking round Hack spotted what he was looking for leaning against the wall, ignoring the three-section staff, also known as 'sansetsukon' Hack pick up half of the dozen plain metal staffs that were next to them. He careful checked the balance, weight and measured the length of each on until he was satisfied with the three staff that he had picked. With the three staffs in hand Hack once left the room and returned to the three children that he would be teach for the next few years.

Hack crouched down holding out the staffs to the three siblings, "Here, you will be using these for your training session."

Ace was the first to pick up one of the staffs, offered. He carefully ran his hands over the metal, it weighed the same as his old pipe, spinning it slowly in his hands Ace allowed a small curl of his lips. This staff was much better than his old pipe. Seeing that Ace was happy with his new weapon Sabo took the remaining two staffs, handing Luffy hers. While Sabo conducted his own inspection he couldn't help but feel a small sense of relief that he finally had a weapon, even though he knew that the members of the revolutionary army could easily beat him he felt better just having something that could be used to protect himself and his siblings.

Hack stepped back, "Please show me how you have trained so far."

Ace looked at Sabo as the two separated and took battle stances holding their staffs, "What's the score so far?" he asked.

Sabo held his chin in his hand as he pondered for a few moments, "Out of 100 matches from our last sparring session: Ace, 48 wins. Me, 43 wins and it's been a draw 9 times."

Hack raised an eyebrow at Sabo's precise memory of their scores, "What about Luffy-kun?" he asked.

"Zero wins and 100 losses." Sabo told the fishman with a cheeky grin causing luffy to pout and Hack to raise an eyebrow. He would have thought that with Luffy's feline reflexes and improved senses she would have beaten her two brothers easily.

The two stood facing off before Ace made his first move. Running up to Sabo Ace brought his staff straight down, aiming for Sabo's head, Sabo counted this by blocking the attack with his own staff. Sabo twisted his staff to his right side so that Ace's staff slid along his, making the Ace loose his balance. Sabo spun and round house kicked Ace in the back making him fall over. However Ace didn't stay down for long, he shot up again and began a relentless attack aiming mostly for Sabo's blind left side, where he couldn't see the strikes coming, forcing the blonde to stay on the defensive.

Hack, Kuma and Luffy watched the two brothers going at each other with everything thing they had.

"Even though both of them are heavily injured they have incredible strength and speed for children their age." Hack murmured to himself.

"I heard from Luffy that Garp trained them." Kuma told his comrade softly. Both men glanced at Kuma's knee where Luffy was perched, intently watching her brothers. The young girl was grinning wildly as tip of her tail flicked back and forth at every strike.

"That would explain a few things." Hack muttered. Garp was renowned for his eccentric ways as well as being strong enough to go toe to toe with the old pirate king Gold Roger and Whitebeard. "Ace-kun relies mostly on speed and power when fighting while Sabo-kun uses his intelligence to his advantage."

Both men came to attention when Ace delivered a powerful kick to Sabo stomach fending him flying for several feet before he landed coughing and hacking.

"I win." Ace told a winded Sabo with a large grin.

"You could have held back a bit." Sabo growled between coughs, "I got blown up, remember?"

Ace grimaced, and walked over to Sabo holding out his hand to help him up, "Sorry." He muttered.

Sabo took Ace's hand with a smile and let his brother pull him to his feet "No problem, just try to remember next time we're sparring."

Luffy bounced up and down on Kuma's knee, "My turn, my turn! Ace-nii fight me next!" Luffy jumped to her feet and sprung forward swinging her staff in excitement. However, Kuma caught the back of her shirt between his thumb and forefinger, effectively hold her in mid-air.

Luffy wriggled like crazy as she tried to free herself from Kuma's grip, "Let me go!" she yelled, "It's my turn to spar with Ace-nii!"

Kuma's grip never faltered as he gently placed Luffy back on his knee, "While it is important for you to gain combat experience, what takes precedence is that you learn how to properly use your Devil Fruit and release yourself from your current half state."

At Kuma's words Luffy stopped squirming at looked up at Kuma, "Half state?" she asked with her head cocked to one side.

Kuma internally sighed, somehow he had the feeling that teaching Luffy how to use her Devil Fruit would be a lot more stressful than teaching her how to fight. "Tell me what happened when you ate your Devil Fruit." He ordered quietly.

Luffy furrowed her brows, "Well Shanks got really mad when he found out that I had eaten his fruit, I really don't know why though. It tasted really bad, why would he want to eat that?"

"Luffy." Ace growled, "Stop getting distracted and tell him what happened next."

Luffy pouted at Ace but continued, "Urm...What happened next? Oh yeah, Shanks started shaking me by my ankles and kept yelling at me to 'spit it out'. I didn't know what was going on and I was getting really scared and then the next thing I know Shanks dropped me. That really hurt you know, but when I was going to tell him that I couldn't stand up normally and Shanks and his crew had these really weird faces. I kept asking them what was wrong but no one was answering me and then I saw my reflection in a shard of glass that was on the floor from when that bastard mountain bandit smashed a bottle on Shank's head. I was a cat, with fur and ears and tail and four legs and everything."

"Wait!" Ace interrupted with a shout. "Was that the mountain bandit that Shanks saved you from, when he-?" However before Ace could finish Sabo slapped his hand over Ace's mouth so that Luffy would get distracted, and if Luffy got distracted it would be almost impossible to get her to still again to carry on her story.

"What happened then?" Hack questioned, he was interested since it wasn't every day that he got to hear a firsthand account of what happed to a Devil Fruit user right after they had eaten their fruit.

"Well, after staring at me with this really silly face for ages, Shanks started hugging me. He was squealing about how I was 'so cute' and 'absolutely adorable' and then his crew members joined in with petting me and stroking my tail. I was really weird." Luffy ended her small rant with a pout.

"But how did you turn back?" Sabo questioned, "You're not a cat anymore despite a few extra additions that obviously stayed after your transformed back."

Luffy nodded, "After Shanks and everyone finally stopped petting me Shanks told me that to turn back I would have to imagine myself as being human again. I tried but it was really hard and when I finally did manage to go back to being human again I messed up. I still had my cat ears and tail. After that everyone but Makino and the Mayor kept looking at me weirdly and the other kids in the village made fun of me, because I kept tripping over my own tail and stuff." At the last part the mentioned appendages drooped, hanging loosely off Luffy.

Seeing his sister's pitiful state Sabo walked over to the young girl and once again started petting her. "Hey don't worry about it." He told her in a comforting manner. "You'll be able to fix that now you finally have a proper teacher who can show you how to properly transform and use your powers. And you won't have to worry about getting hit with the crazy old man's 'fist of love' if you do something wrong."

Luffy looked up at her brother with watery eyes before wordlessly tackling her brother into a hug, landing them both on the floor. Ace watched his two siblings rolling around on the mat covered floor before jumping in and belly flopping onto the both of them making Luffy and Sabo groan in pain.

"Very well let's get started." Kuma told them in his quiet but commanding voice as he watched the three siblings on the floor.

Luffy instantly jumped onto her feet with an excited shout and dashed forward until she was just a few short feet away from Kuma's crossed legs.

"Do you mind if we watch?" Sabo cautiously asked Hack, "I've always been interested in Devil Fruits and the abilities their users gain."

"Just this once, then you'll start with your own training." Hack grunted out earning a glare from Ace.

Kuma's gaze focused on Luffy, "Imagine what it felt like, the first time you transformed." He told her, "Close your eyes and remember what it felt like to have fur, to stand on four legs and to see the world through a cat's eyes."

Luffy did as she was instructed. She remembered how she felt when she had transformed all those long months ago. The ripple of her muscles as she had walked was still burned into her minds as she recalled the feeling of power and grace. Without realising Luffy's mouth stretched into a large grin causing a shudder to go down the spines of Ace and Sabo. Luffy's teeth weren't human, instead they were filled with large sharp looking canines. The young girl's skin rippled and shifted. Ace and Sabo watched in amazement as thick black fur sprung up covered Luffy's entire body, she leaned forward standing on all fours as her hands and feet changed to paws. Finally after many agonising seconds Luffy's transformation was complete and in the place the brother's human sister was a kitten that was the same height and size of Luffy.

Ace and Sabo were just about to dash forward to check to see whether their sister was alright when Luffy looked over her shoulder to stare at her tail. The brother's paused at Luffy's strange behaviour, however the cause of Luffy's gaze soon became apparent. Slowly a pale grey strip of fur began to spiral around luffy's tail, making its way to the base of her tail to then envelope her body until it came to a stop after it had wrapped around her feline face. All the men in the room stared at the large kitten, what had been a pure black cat was now a stripped grey and black cat, Kuma and Hack suddenly understood the feelings of the red haired Yonko.

Even full grown men like them, who were veterans on the battlefield and were hardened with seeing death and the cruelty of the world, felt their heart melting at the adorable sight before them. Luffy cocked her head to one side, wondering if she had done something wrong since everyone was staring at her strangely, it took everything the two revolutionaries had not to dash forward and hug the living daylights out of the kitten when they saw her cock her head. The only things that held them back were their reputations and the knowledge that they would feel humiliated if they acted in such a way in front of their new students.

Ace and Sabo however, had no such reservations, dashing forward they hugged Luffy tightly. Sabo stroked Luffy's face and whiskers, marvelling at the soft, downy feeling of her fur while Ace picked up one of her paws to inspect the pads on the bottom.

"Incredible." Sabo murmured as he continued to inspect Luffy stripped body.

"Yeah." Ace agreed, "Not too shabby." He added as he ruffled Luffy's ears.

Luffy giggled as her two brother continued to inspect her new appearance, "Shi shi shi! Ace-nii, Sabo-nii that tickles!"

"Impressive, indeed." A new voice echoed across the training hall, making the eyes of the two revolutionaries, the two children and one kitten turn towards the speaker.

Dragon stood in the doorway of the training hall with his typical blank expression however for Luffy with her improved eyesight and senses could definitely see that her father's eyes shone with pride.

"Papa!" Luffy cried out with happiness and without a single thought, Luffy pounced at Dragon. Her legs spread out as her feline body prepared to land into her father's arms.

Dragon's eyes widened fractionally as Luffy jumped at him but they continued to grow as Luffy descended her body got bigger and bigger until Dragon was forced to jump to one side as the kitten the size of Bartholomew Kuma landed where Dragon had been standing not even seconds ago.

Dragon couldn't help a small shudder go down his spine as he saw small craters under Luffy's paws, caused by the force and the weight of her landing. Death by being crushed by an oversized kitten was not the way Dragon wanted to die. Even if said kitten was unbelievably cute and happened to be his daughter. He could only image how the World Government would laugh themselves stupid if they found out that the most dangerous and wanted man in the world had been killed in such a way.

The rest of the occupants stared bug eyed at Luffy's giant form, even Kuma stared wide eyed at the huge kitten that was currently rubbing her head against their leader often making him stumble with the force that she used. Luffy's loud purring echoed across the training hall amplifying the sound.

"Luffy!" Ace yelled as soon as he had regained his senses, "What the hell?! Why in the name of the four blue seas are you so huge?"

Luffy paused from her enthusiastic face rubbing against Dragon (who was awkwardly trying to fend her off) to look at her infuriated brother, "Huge?" she questioned, cocking her head to the side again. Looking around the young girl turned kitten noticed her considerably different size and a large wide grin spread across her face displaying the row of sharp teeth as her green eyes sparkled with mirth and mischief.

The overall sight was quite unnerving. "Shi shi shi, I'm big!" Luffy giggled happily, padding forward Luffy dropped down until she was almost nose to nose with Ace and right in front of the still stupefied Sabo. "Hey Ace-nii, Sabo-nii. If I fought with the Tiger Lord right now, do you think I would win?"

A tick appeared in Ace's temple, "How would I know, idiot!" he yelled and smacked Luffy on the nose for asking him a stupid question.

Luffy reeled back from the blow and the grey stripe of fur started to unravel from around Luffy. The stripe twisted around Luffy's feline body at a dizzying speed before it disappeared leaving a small and very naked, human Luffy sitting on the floor pouting at Ace.

"Ace-nii is mean. You didn't have to hit me." She whined, "I just wanted to see if you knew."

Sabo had finally come to his senses and shrugged off his jacket so that he could give it to Luffy, "Ace didn't mean to hit you." he told her gently, "You just surprised by growing so big then getting so close all of a sudden. It was almost like being nose to nose with the Tiger Lord back home, and you know how scary that was."

Luffy giggled again, "Shi shi shi. Ace-nii is a scaredy cat." She teased with a wide grin.

Ace opened his mouth to retort but was cut off by Sabo before he could, "Luffy! Your cat ears and tail are gone!"

"Zoan Devil Fruit users can transform into three forms. Their original form, the hybrid form and the full form." Kuma explained, he knew that the three children, especially his new student needed to know what Zoan Devil Fruit users were capable of.

He continued with his explanation, "The full transformed cat that you just saw was Luffy's full form, it uses the nature and powers of the animal that the Devil Fruit transforms the user into. The full form is often the most powerful but has the drawback of the user being unable to fight with conventional means that their human body allows. The hybrid forms lets the user stay in human form but they strongly resemble their full form, in Luffy's case she would stand on two legs but her feet and hands would be paws and she could be covered completely in fur as well as having feline ears and a tail. The original for takes some characteristics from the full form of the Devil Fruit but the user remains mostly human, it is also the easiest transformations for Zoan users since it is the closest form to their human appearance."

Sabo hummed in thought while he processed the information as Ace and Luffy looked slightly dazed, "Then why did Luffy only have cat ears and tail?" he questioned the War Lord sitting in front of them.

"Luffy was stuck in the phase between her human form and her original form. With no one to explain how to either go back or forward in her transformations there was nothing she could do." Kuma answered. "However, as a plus since she spent so much time in her half state transforming into her three forms will be easier for her."

Ace and Luffy nodded in understanding, Sabo looked at his palm as he reviewed what they had been taught so far, "So basically what we've learn today is that there are three types of Devil Fruits. Paramecia, Zoan, Mythical Zoan which is a sub-category of Zoan Devil Fruits and...wait what's the third?"

Instead of Kuma answering Hack spoke up after sighing deeply, "It's Logia. We went off track talking about Luffy-kun's Devil Fruit but the third class of Devil Fruits is Logia. They are the rarest types of fruits and generally their users are considered the strongest. A Logia's body is made of a single element, the three Marine admirals are all Logia Devil Fruit users, they are ice, magma and light. Other elements that have existed in the past are smoke, fire, snow, lightning and poison gas."

"Does a water Logia Devil Fruit exist?" Sabo questioned excitedly, all three siblings faces shone with childish curiosity.

All three revolutionaries looked at each other with completive expressions and after several moments silence Dragon answered the boy's question. "If there is a water Logia then it would the greatest contradiction of all the Devil Fruits. Their users are rejected by the sea and their inability to swim is the bigest weakness that all users have. A water Logia user would bypass this weakness completely and they probably will be one of the strongest Devil Fruits to exist."

The group fell into their own thoughts when the silence was broken by three loud growling stomachs that came from Luffy, Sabo and Ace. The three sibling each showed different reactions to their bodies very loud displays of hunger, Luffy laughed, Sabo blushed and rubbed the back of his head in embarrassment with Ace gave a scowl that would have made any mafia boss proud.

"Papa, I'm hungry." Luffy whined looking up at Dragon with big eyes. It wasn't as effective as before since her eyes were obsidian instead of green and she no longer had any feline feature but Dragon let out a small sigh as he internally conceded defeat.

Taking off his cloak he stooped down and picked up Luffy's straw hat and her previously discarded clothes. Wrapping up his daughter in his large green cloak he pick her and her clothes up while depositing her hat on her head earning him a huge grin in return.

He turned to the remaining two boys, "Let's go to the dining hall where you can get something to eat." With a small nod at Kuma and Hack Dragon walked out of the training hall followed by two very hungry pre-teens who were ready to jump the nearest person who might have something edible on them.

Several minutes of silence as the two revolutionaries stood in silence before Hack spoke up.

"Wait. What did Luffy-kun mean by papa?!"

Advance apology to my readers if this chapter had a lot of information in it and not much action. It was basically ASL learning about Devil Fruits and showing a bit of Luffy powers.

To my amazing and patient readers I am so sorry to have kept you waiting for so many long months. Real life has been...quite bluntly put, absolute shit. Real life happened to me, then writers block happened to me and finally I happened to me! So my creative writing has taken on many critical hits this past half year or so.

To make up for this fic's long absence I wrote an extra long chapter for you! A total of 5,772 words! YAY! I do hope you will keep reading in the future!