Final Chapter guys and girls, i hope you enjoy, a one shot sequel will be out shortly and I have begun working on the main sequel to this story as we speak, no promise on when it will be out but with subdelbubz help it shouldn't be much more than a week before it starts.
A week had passed since they had destroyed the underground facility used to create toxic chemical weapons, Zuko had meet with Long Feng, giving him the chemical and his debt had been paid. The relief Zuko felt being able to leave the apartment freely, he hadn't been to a shop in weeks, he hadn't visited his uncle or participated in his martial arts classes, it over joyed him to regain his life. Hakoda had reached Omashu a week before and was working with Governor Bumi to get a force together to retake Ba sing se in the near future, a force led by Toph's father. The fire nation generals had retreated out of Ba Sing Se and only Sozin remained in the city. Long Feng and his men ambushed the fire nation headquarters in the city and the four story building came crashing down in the middle of the night. Since then the last three days had been filled with all out warfare in the lower ring. A few civilians died in the combat and the local news used helicopters to record the battle.

"Zuko, can you pass me that roll of tape?" Katara called as she placed the last of the plates into the box. They had found a new apartment in the higher density parts of the middle ring, closer to Aang's family's house.

Zuko slid the tape across the table top and picked up the box of cutlery and cups. He and Katara were packing the kitchen while Suki and Aang got everything he needed from his house. "I'm going to take this down to the truck, need me to take anything else now?"

Katara shook her head and Zuko picked up the keys to the rental truck. He placed the box in the back with all the other stuff. As Zuko was pulling the door down again Sokka parked beside the truck, "Hey man; thought you could use a hand." Sokka stepped out and shook Zuko's hand.

"That would be great, going to need some help getting the fridge and beds down here." Zuko mentioned. "Aang and Suki are at his house getting all of his stuff. Sucks that the police emptied out my apartment while I was here, going to have to buy a new bed now."

They started walking towards the elevator. "Yeah that's real unfortunate, going to be able to afford the furniture for the house and the rent and everything?"

"It should be fine, rent is cheaper now that there is four of is paying. And Long Feng gave me a little over a thousand for those guns we brought back." Zuko pressed the button taking them to the floor.

"Speaking of which, we should go to a firing range sometime."

"That would be fun." Zuko said, the elevator door opened and an elderly couple stepped inside. It moved up another floor and Zuko and Sokka stepped out.

"Much to be taken out?" Sokka asked referring to the apartment.

"Basically the entire lounge room is still in there, and all your sister's clothes." Zuko sighed thinking of the stacks of boxes that sat in the corner of Katara's room.

"You're going to need a few trips for all of that." Sokka laughed remembering his sister's shopping habits.

"We took Suki and Katara's bed frames and the rest of their furniture yesterday, but we need to get the matrices there tonight, and preferably the fridge." Zuko went through a mental list of everything he had to get into the new house. "Oh and we need to get Aang's bed over there."

"Then let's get started." Sokka encouraged opening the door to the apartment, "Good morning Katara." Sokka called to his sister who was stacking movies into a box in front of the TV.

"Hey Sokka." Katara called back.

"I think there is just enough room for half the couch." Zuko said, "So let's start with that."

"On it capn'" Sokka replied walking over to the couch.

"Hey Aang, do you want this?" Suki called from his room, she was holding up a box she had got from under his bed.

Aang walked out of the bathroom, a small bag of his bathroom supplies in hand. "Ah, I would prefer you put that down." Aang replied; his face flustered.

Suki blushed in embarrassment. "I didn't know you were into… uh… magazines." Suki replied placing the box on the bed.

"They aren't magazines, it's just personal." Aang said picking up the box and placing it in the hall way with the others.

"Sure thing Aang, what about this?" Suki asked picking up his baseball bat. "Hasn't it been at least two years since you played?

"Memories I would rather forget, chuck it in the junk pile." Aang replied. "You up for a break? I would like to go get some coffee and something for lunch."

"Sure, let me get my bag." Suki replied.

They left the house and got into Aang's car. "So; you and Zuko?" Aang asked, he glanced across at Suki to look at her reaction.

Suki blushed and looked away. "What do you mean?"

"Don't act like you don't know Suki, you're in love with him." Aang accused, already reversing out of the drive way in the direction of his favourite café.

"Katara told you." Suki said half asking half stating.

"No, you did." Aang replied and Suki blushed again. "I've known for a few weeks now."

"Oh." Suki muttered smiling now, happy she could finally speak openly about how she felt for her housemate.

"Don't worry, I won't say anything to him. But I think you should, Zuko at least deserves to know if we are all going to be living together. And honestly, I believe he feels the same." Aang turned the corner onto a main road.

Suki sighed, "It's much harder than that. What if he rejects me?"

"Then things would be awkward. But I've seen how hard it is for you to be around him but not be with him." Aang looked at her again as the pain flashed across her face. "Could admitting your love for him be much worse?"

"I guess not." Suki was thinking about all the times she had almost admitted how she felt for Zuko. "It's still hard though."

"Would you like to make a deal?" Suki looked at him questioning what he meant.

"What do you mean?"

"If you tell Zuko, I'll tell Katara?" Aang asked.

"I knew you stilled loved her. And I know she still loves you." Suki smiled, "Sure Aang, that sounds like a good plan."

"Shake on it."

"Aang, you're driving." Suki replied shaking her head.

"Oh shit, you're right." Aang replied and focused on the road once more. "We'll continue this over lunch."

It was this moment that the friendship of Suki and Aang really began.

"Put that piece of the couch over there and I'll give you a tour." Zuko said helping Sokka carry the last piece of the large brown couch. Once the couch was down Sokka looked around the lounge room.

From the front door there was a short hall way, a door on the left leading into the bathroom right beside the front door. At the end of the short hall way was the lounge room with a connected kitchen, a kitchen island in the middle. Left of the hall way was a stair case that lead to two bedrooms and a bathroom above the downstairs bathroom and part of the lounge room, an indoor balcony of sorts covering half of the large lounge room being used as an entertainment room, with a glass support railing. Two doors under the stairs lead to the last two bed rooms of the large apartment. The apartment wasn't quite a penthouse; there were two of them on the top floor of the three story building, opposite each other.

"This place is huge." Sokka said, he stood at the kitchen island staring up at the indoor balcony.

"Yeah it's great, best thing is that if you live here for a year. A third of your rent begins to go towards buying the place, after another year and a half it's yours to keep." Zuko said looking around the place.

"No extra cost?" Sokka was now looking through the boxes placed on the counter, they had missed lunch while they were moving.

Zuko walked up the steps, a box of books in hand. "Nope."

"Good deal." Sokka called up to him, pulling a bag of chips from a box. "Want me to grab the bookshelf?" Sokka asked.

"I'll come down and give you a hand." Zuko replied.

*Two Days Later*

"The place looks great." Katara said, her legs up to her chest, sitting beside Aang on the couch, Suki and Zuko sitting at the dining table behind them.

"Yeah guys, you did a great job setting this place up." Suki said gesturing to Zuko and Aang. The U shaped couch sat in the centre of the lounge room, the TV against the wall under the balcony, a coffee table in the middle of the two. As well as a few other pieces of furniture in the room. There was a pool table they had taken from Aang's house on the balcony above, with a two seated couch and two book cases filled with the group's fictional book collection. Aang and Zuko took the upstairs bed rooms while the girls took the two downstairs rooms.

"Only took us three days." Zuko replied nonchalantly. "We just need a few paintings for the walls to liven the place up."

"It does look a little empty." Aang noticed looking around. "But it will do for now."

"What are we going to do for food, I'm starving." Suki asked. Aang and herself had decided that tonight was the night they would admit their feelings.

"Let's order some pizza; I don't really want to cook anything." Katara replied, looking around to see if everyone agreed.

After dinner and a couple house warming drinks Suki took Zuko by the hand and lead him into her room, while Aang and Katara were putting the leftover food into the fridge.

"Sit down on the bed." Suki said and went over to her cd player. She pressed play and soft music started playing.

Zuko wasn't drunk, only tipsy as Suki removed her coat and placed it on her draws across from the bed, she turned to him, only wearing tight black leggings and a green tank top. "What's up Suki?" Zuko asked, he moved to the back of the bed, his neck resting against the headboard.

"There is something I need to tell you." Suki sat at the other end of the bed, directly in front of Zuko. "Ever since our senior year back in high school I've…" Suki's cheeks turned a deep crimson, she thanked the spirits the only light was coming from the small lamp in the room, and Zuko wouldn't be able to notice the colour in her cheeks. She took a moment to calm down, and Zuko sat patiently, waiting until she was ready. "Ever since our final year at Ba Sing Se High, I have been in love with you." Suki momentarily hid her face, her heart pounded and her breath hitched in her throat. She looked back up at Zuko, he was closer now, right in front of her, returning her gaze. "Zuko…" Suki began but was cut off as their lips met.

Moments later Zuko regained his composure and pulled back from the brunette, her eyes dancing with joy. "Suki, I have wanted to hear you say that for as long as I can remember." They kissed again, praying Katara would spend the night with Aang.

"Where did they get off too?" Katara asked looking back at Aang who stepped out of the kitchen, another glass of alcohol in hand.

Aang smiled, remembering his deal with Suki. "Probably watching a movie or something." Aang said playing it off in case things didn't go well. He sat down on the couch and Katara sat beside him, a little closer than he expected but didn't think twice of it, it was probably the action of the alcohol.

The TV played in the back ground as Katara ran her hands across Aang's chest, he looked at her quizzically, but she continued. She stood up, her hands never leaving Aang's chest. She sat back down on his lap, positioning herself so her lips were inches from his own. "Katara…" Aang panted.

She smiled at how her simple touch made him flustered, and she knew he felt the same for her. "How about we go up to your room?" Katara said smiling, her hand trailing down his abdomen. "Suki doesn't like it when I make a mess on the couch." She bit her lip seductively, her hand stopping above the waistband of Aang's jeans. She stood up, taking Aang by the hand and leading him up the stairs and into the bedroom on the right.

Aang's room wasn't very big, his double bed was pushed against the back wall and the right wall, his desk against the left. There was a large window running from one end of the back wall to the other and a small in wall wardrobe on the left, beside the door. Aang had various figurines on display around the room and posters of his favourite bands and tv shows up on the wall. "Maybe we should close this." Katara said walking over to the window, from there, directly across only fifteen feet was the window of the other apartment on the third level, the apartment with the same floor plan only opposite. The sun had set four hours ago and the cool air came in through the open window. Katara closed the window, followed by the blinds, she had heard from the owner of the apartment complex that the other apartment was housing a family of four and she didn't want them to see what she was about to do.

Aang sat at the end of the bed, unsure of what was about to come. It wasn't until he looked up and saw Katara removing her blue top that he realized.

*Next Morning – Roughly 2pm*

Aang awoke to the sound of Katara's light breathing, she lay completely naked beside him, her lower region covered by the blanket but her sizeable chest exposed to him, her chest gently moving up and down with every breath. Aang smiled, memories of the night before coming back to him. He looked up at the fan and saw Katara's bra hanging from it after she threw it off during their make out session. His own underwear lay at the end of the bed after she teasingly removed it and kicked it off. Her underwear was lost in the mess of clothing.

Aang stepped out of the bed and looked at Katara, silently thanking the gods that she still loved him. He pulled on a clean pair of underwear as well as some shorts and his white t shirt from the day before off the floor. He opened the door and walked down the stairs into the kitchen, Suki was sitting on a stool at the kitchen island drinking coffee, he hadn't seen Zuko but if he and Suki had done what he and Katara had than Aang was sure Zuko was still sleeping. "Morning Suki." Aang called quietly as he walked past her and made his own coffee, her hair was still a mess and she wore Zuko's t shirt from the night before over her underwear.

"Afternoon Aang." Suki responded, making sure to use the right time.

Aang looked at the clock, "Whoa, its late." He smiled, remembering how exhausted he and Katara had been when they finally finished.

"I told Zuko." Suki said quietly but proudly.

"I see he reacted well." Aang said pinching the shoulder of the top she was wearing as he walked past.

"Very well." Suki said and smiled, Aang realized what she meant and high fived her from across the island as he sat down. "Did you tell Katara?"

Aang blushed a little, remembering the sound of Katara's pleasure. "Do you want the whole truth?"

"I don't need details Aang, but sure." Suki said, she sipped her coffee and waited for Aang to continue.

"I didn't need to tell her." He noticed the puzzled look across Suki's face and he smiled. "When she realized you guys weren't coming back any time soon she kind of took charge."

Suki's face widened in shock and slight anger. "All over the couch?" She half shouted half whispered.

"No, back in my room." Aang replied and watched the relief fly over her face.

"Wait, she made the first move?" Suki asked, shocked once again as she realized what Aang meant, he nodded and smiled. "How?"

"I thought you didn't want details?" Aang smiled as he teased her.

"Oh come on, I know you're dying to share."

"Fine, well after she touched my chest on the couch, she led me back to my room, and once the door was closed." Aang blushed, "You know what came next, but it didn't involve her wearing clothes."

"Whoa, go Katara." Suki took another sip of her coffee, "She must really love you. You know it wasn't until three months after her and Haru started dating that they had sex."

"I really don't need to talk about her and her ex's the day after we got together." Aang replied.

"So you two are together now?" Suki asked, she had finished her coffee but stayed seated, interested in her conversation with Aang, also to make sure she didn't show too much of her body due to the short length of the shirt.

Aang sighed, "I don't actually know. We kind of fell asleep when everything was finished."

"Same thing happened with Zuko and I, I'm hoping last night didn't happen just because of the alcohol." Suki worried out loud.

"I know the start of last night did, Katara wouldn't have taken control like that, with so much at risk unless she was tipsy, but I know how she feels." Aang shook his head, clearing his thoughts. "I'm going to go back to bed. See you later Suki." He placed his cup in the sink and walked to the base of the stairs. "Thank you Suki, for listening and everything."

Suki smiled, "You're welcome Aang." As soon as she heard Aang's door close Suki stood up and placed her cup beside Aang's. She walked to her door, removing Zuko's top as she opened the door and stepped inside.

Suki closed the door behind her, her chest completely exposed as she climbed into bed with Zuko who was starting to stir awake. "Afternoon sleepy head." Suki said seductively, crawling on top of the older male, slowly moving her head down his body.