Puppeteer: The 536th Hunger Games

Chapter Four: Do You Remember?

Reapings: Districts 5-8

District Five:

Verion sat quietly in the dim-lit room, overturning the pathetic excuse of a spear. It was dulling and every now and then he would whittle it with the small pocket knife he carried around. How else would it stick in his even more pathetic excuse of a dummy? What once was a bag of bug-infested flour was turned into a makeshift dummy. He was sure Jenise couldn't care less.

His grip tightened as a scream echoed in the room. He looked around but saw nothing and he sighed shakily. "It's not real." he mumbled quietly to himself.

"Yes it is!" the voice was oddly happy and sharp, right next to his ear.

"No." he grumbled, his grip tightening even more. He could feel the rough wood digging into his palms, marking him. Verion felt what only he could describe as anxious.

He was anxious for more than one reason, in fact, it was many. Whenever Kayla came to mind he felt intense, suffocating anxiety. He always felt his heart pick up speed uncomfortably and all of his thoughts began to run together. The one phrase he could always hear was 'She'll know.' and he hated it.


Ariana didn't feel any safer in the back, as May predicted she would. Why she would even trust what May suggested in the first place was beyond her. Yeah, she loved the girl like a sister but really? Trusting that May was correct on that? Ludicrous.

Ariana shifted uncomfortably as the eighteen year olds swarmed around her, all of them nervous. She waited another moment and looked back at the check-in, seeing the line was shortening. She then gave a small sigh and pushed through the crowd, earning several 'watch where you're going's' and got to the fourteen year olds looking for May. When she found May she gave a breath of relief.

"Ariana!" May smiled nervously, placing a clammy hand on her best friend's wrist. "You didn't see my dad on your way in, did you?"

Ariana cocked an eyebrow and shook her head. May's hand loosened and she became less tense, obviously happy to hear that. May continued, "Do you think we'll get this over with soon? It's cold and standing here isn't fun. I want to go home."

Giving a small laugh, Ariana spoke. "Yes, our lovely little cottage which consists of pieces of scrap metal and old mattresses." May gave a wry smile and shivered.

As if aware of May's plea, a bumbling woman appeared and took the microphone. "Hello, District Five! Today is a lovely day, don't you know? I'm here to pick two lucky teens to go fight for their districts honor in the battle we call..." the escort paused dramatically, her shoulders hunched forward as if she was telling a scary story to children. "The Hunger Games!" she threw her arms up in the air, and got a polite applause from the mayor, and several scattered ones from the crowd in front of her.

Giving a childish sigh and looking like she'd start a tantrum any minute, she walked over to the males bowl before returning with a slip. "Our male tribute, ladies and gentleman, is Kieran Rittlin."

"I volunteer." a voice rang out, the crowd parting to make room for the boy with fair brown skin who carried a look bordering on insane in his eyes.

"You fucker!" a scream erupted from somewhere in the girl's section when he finally was on the stage. Ariana could see a look of fear and confusion flit across his face before it returned to what it was before.

The escort gave a frown at the choice of language the woman used and continued to the female bowl, plucking out a slip. When she again returned it was like she was suddenly aware of the male before her. "Oh, yes! Your name, young man?"

The boy's dark eyes scanned the crowd before settling on the escort. Without saying much, he yanked the microphone from her hands and spoke quietly. "Verion Calamen... and Kayla I just couldn't-" the escort nearly smacked the boy, but instead just yanked the microphone away. He turned to glare at her but she wasn't paying him any attention.

"And this years female tribute is a miss May O'Neill."

May froze and stumbled back, her hand searching for Ariana's wrist again. When a girl behind them gave May a nudge, a blood curdling scream erupted. "No, no, no-" the small girl continued, saying it like a mantra. Like it would somehow reverse time.

All the meanwhile Ariana just watched with her mouth slightly agape. May? Her May? The one who gently reminded her that her nightmares weren't real and that her parents death wasn't her fault? The one who she saved from her abusive father? The one who couldn't bring herself so much to pick up loose change off the street in case someone was looking for it?

'She won't make it'. a dissonant thought. 'She won't make it!' it was a bit louder this time. Ariana watched as May was literally being dragged up, her voice hoarse as she continued her mantra. "No, no, no-"

'Look at her, Ariana! She won't make it!' Ariana quickly snapped back as the anxiety in her heart began to increase. 'What are you doing, you stupid idiot?! SHE WON'T-'

"I VOLUNTEER!" she yelled with eyes wide, and shoulders heaving. Completely unlike herself she clambered toward May, nearly tripping. When she got to the girl who was like a sister to her, she asked, "Are you okay? They didn't do anything did they?" she wasn't done speaking and felt strong hands pick her up and bring her squirming self to the stage.

"What's your name, miss?" the escort asked, off put by the display she had witnessed.

"Ariana Winters." she replied numbly while trying to straighten her back. She at least had to seem put together.

"District Five, this years lucky competitors!" with a brief gesture she signaled for the two to shake hands, which they both took their time doing.

District Six:

"Stop it.." King muttered, gripping his left arm tightly. As if it was the only thing keeping him grounded.

The boy just gave a scoff and a mock bow. "Whatever the King wants." the boy gave one last glare before turning to leave. When the heel of his shoes turned the corner, that's when King finally broke down. He was surprised he managed to keep his tears at bay for that long. King just wanted to curl up on the dirty ground and let himself rot away. He wanted the heaviness of his heart to finally swallow him whole, so he could live without thought.

Goodness, he hated his thoughts. They all raced and clashed together in some twisted version of a song. They repeated and repeated and repeated and repeated until he couldn't take it anymore and he bashed his own head against his wall. Which resulted in more teasing which caused more racing thoughts. He hated it all.


The air was thick with self-loathing. Or maybe it was the smog.

Whatever it was, it didn't matter much to Aura. It was just the way life was for them all in district six. Her best friend, Selina, would argue that it didn't have to be that way, that if they all just could unite they could lessen the amount of people dying from some lung related ailment. And even though Aura wasn't always the brightest person, she knew that couldn't possibly be true. Her grandmother had told her that the people could never come together because of everything pushing them apart.

And so, Selina had to be wrong.

Aura turned to look at her tall friend and gave a friendly smile, despite the girl looking nervously ahead.

"Look! She's here!" Selina exclaimed with a hint of horror in her voice.

Aura's eyes snapped to the stage as a heavily jeweled woman cloaked in furs took the microphone. "Good morning, District Five. Today is your annual reaping and as ordinary I will be choosing the female first." she sounded just like she looked. "Our female tribute this year will be a..." she opened the slip, "A miss Aura Counter."

Aura felt disbelief bubbling up. It couldn't be her, no... that was impossible. It had to have been read wrong or at least there was someone else in her district with her name. Yet despite this, Selina turned around with pity on her face and sadness in her eyes.

"Aura? Aura Counter? 16?"

And then she was being pushed up by dozens of other girls glad it wasn't them. Glad they would survive another day, in poverty. Aura wanted to push against them and run away, but she couldn't do anything like that. Not with all of Panem watching her now.

'I'm dreaming, aren't I?'

"Our male tribute this year will a... mister King Brennus."

A loud wail was the response. Peacekeepers moved forward to get the boy, and soon a sobbing, frail, blond boy was set down on the stage. It was oddly gentle. The boy just laid in a pathetic heap, obviously sobbing and scared.

Aura just watched with pity and confusion.

District Seven:

Olivia rolled her eyes as she came down the stairs. Sage wasn't there... again. It wasn't so much that she was angry, which she was starting to feel, but it was mostly the light disappointment she felt no matter how hard she tried not to.

She didn't blame her sister, but she didn't get why Sage avoided everyone in their family like the plague. They weren't the ones who did anything so it didn't make sense to ignore them. When Olivia sat down her grandfather gave her a knowing smile and waited.

"When did you get here?" Olivia asked, tugging on her light red dress awkwardly.

"I got here about half an hour ago, your sister actually let me in." Pine replied and looked behind him. "Where is Tatiana?" he asked loudly, not expecting a response.

Simply ignoring the old man, she gave a huffy sigh. "I'm guessing you think it's a step in the right direction, right?" she asked her grandfather, her tone giving away nothing.

His reply surprised her. "Not really, Liv."

"Don't call me that, it's weird."

Pine just raised an eyebrow and sighed. Her mother soon walked in with a big bowl of what Olivia could only describe as mush. Her mother called it oatmeal.

"Olivia, nice to see you already dressed." Tatiana smiled, setting down the bowl. "Make sure to save room, after the reapings we're heading to your grandfather's for lunch."

"I'm not that hungry anyway so that won't be a problem." Olivia responded as she gave herself a spoonful. "This stuff looks like shit, though."

Tatiana rolled her eyes and called for her husband.

"You need to be kinder with your words." her grandfather told her quietly. Olivia rolled her eyes at that.

"That's just stupid, this stuff literally looks like it went through someones digestive system."

Pine opened his mouth as if to respond but immediately closed it and shook his head. Olivia looked at him for a brief moment, but just shook her own head.

"Linden, hurry up and eat we have to leave in less than ten minutes."


"Yo, Quill. Do you remember where that little creek is?"

Quill nearly rolled his eyes at his friend. Who did Ferris think he was? Of course he remembered! "Yes." he said simply, crossing his arms.

"With the big rock and all those tiny rocks?"

Quill gave a sigh. "Ferris, I just said yes."

A wide smile appeared on his good friend's face. "Right, right. Anyway, I brought that hot girl, Olivia, down there. Hoping to get some action, you know?" he paused and looked at Quill expectantly. When Quill didn't respond, only looked at him blankly, he rolled his eyes and continued. "So like, we were just chilling on the rock and she was being all flirtatious. Giving me the go signs and all, but when I went in to cup a feel she smacked my hands away!"

Quill stifled a scoff and briefly looked away from his hurt looking friend. "As expected, you pervert."

Ferris' brown eyes widened in mock scandal. He gripped his heart. "Me? Why, I've never been so.. so.. enraged in my life! I am literally the poster child of innocence."


Ferris frowned, "Okay, whatever Q. But, get this, alright? She threatened me. Something about chopping off my hands and groping me or some weird shit."

"Kinky." a buff looking male to the left of them commented. Ferris scowled.

"Yo, this is an A and B conversation, C your way out of it!"

"Hey, hey, hey! What a cloudy, cloudy day!" a high pitched voice interrupted them, causing Ferris' scowl to deepen.

"Oh, joy." Quill deadpanned.

"Olivia Bane!" the escort exclaimed loudly, not even using the microphone.

"When did he find time to pick one..." Ferris grumbled.

Quill watched as a girl with tanned skin, who seemed to be trying to reason with herself over something, climbed up the stairs while shooting peacekeepers death glares.

"Pleased to meet you, young lady!" the escort said with a wide smile.

She just raised an eyebrow.

"That's her!" Ferris harshly whispered to Quill.

"Her?" he asked.

"I just said that!"

"Quill Grove!"

Quill couldn't help but freeze momentarily as an onslaught of emotions coursed through his body. Was that anger? He took a deep sigh, in attempt to ground himself. Nobody had any right to see him react. With that in mind he made his way to the stage and made awkward eye contact with the bowtie wearing escort.

"What a pleasure to meet you too, young man!" he smiled. Quill only gave an awkward nod.

Turning to face his new district partner he was met with a long, but calloused hand. He didn't catch on at first but when his hand did meet hers, she gave him a wink.

District Eight:

"I'm really not sure about the vermilion though, Indi." Dimitria said, tapping her fingers lightly. A light frown appeared on India's face as she nodded.

"I think you're right, Mom."

Dimitria gave a light smile to her youngest daughter. "Of course I am, honey." India suppressed the urge to roll her eyes and let out a light laugh instead. Dimi smiled knowingly and gave a happy sigh.

A moment passed before India spoke again. "I don't know why I even thought vermilion would go with this, it looks... odd."

"Maybe because the reapings are later today and the color can mean life and eternity." Dimitria suggested as she placed a pin to hold two pieces of fabric together.

"Maybe..." India trailed off. "Uh, mom? Is Cora going to attend the reaping with you?" she asked, changing the subject.

Dimitria grimaced. "I don't think so, last I checked she was with the mayor's son."

"Not surprised." India replied with pursed lips.

"Neither am I." Dimitria said softly. India felt a rush of regret and wanted to take back her words. As if aware, her mother gave her a reassuring smile.

"We should really finish this." Dimitria gestured to the textile in front of her.

"I think I'll take it from here." India replied.


Kiran Wolde, to the outsider, always seemed to have it together. He walked and talked like he belonged in the upper class and moved with an effeminate grace even some women couldn't achieve.

Yet, Kiran, on the inside, was a boiling mess of rage and self destruction, ready to spill over at any moment.

The only person truly aware of what was going on with him was his mother, Shirin. Though he would never listen to her, he had lost all trust.

They both stood side by side as one of several supervisors walked by and wrote something down on their paper. This specific supervisor kept on looking at them like they had killed his wife as he passed by. When he had finished, all of the factory workers were allowed to head to the reaping.

When they had gotten changed into their reaping clothes they walked awkwardly side by side, neither of them saying a word. Shirin wanted to, but recently it was becoming more difficult to even be in his presence. She blamed it on who he was friends with, though she didn't know much of them. Or about them.

She could confidently say she know of their existence.

She watched with a fear nearly every parent knew as he got his finger pricked and he went to his section. It was known by so many and even when the games weren't happening, parents were scared. Children were scared.

After what felt like at least half an hour, the district eight escort appeared. Shirin liked him well enough, mostly because of his choice of dress. Not to mention the fact that normally their pathetic excuse of a mayor normally had to take over, because the escort wore a gas mask as to keep the smog out.

"Wel-me di-r-t -ght!" within seconds the mayor, yet again, took the microphone away from the reluctant escort.

"This is ridiculous." the mayor muttered, visibly rolling his eyes. The escort, meanwhile, picked a slip of paper from the girls bowl and handed it off to the mayor with contempt.

"Okay, this year it is India Blair." he said hurriedly. The man obviously wanted nothing to do with this.

Shirin watched as a girl with what appeared to be creamy white skin and dark hair climb the stairs. Her smile, which was close to radiating confidence, was obviously fake. Shirin pitied the parents.

"Our male this year is Kiran Wolde."

Shirin felt sick. Her heart felt like it had fallen to the pit of her stomach and an overwhelming sense of responsibility overcame her. She had to do something, surely she could do something, right? It was a parents job to protect their children.

She couldn't move and her mouth felt dry. She could only watch as the only relative she had made his way to the stage, his face stony. Although she knew he was angry. She could feel it radiating from him as he shook the girls hand, in the way he moved. She knew it was all forced, and others didn't.

He was angry and upset at the world... but most of all, at her. And she couldn't blame him, it was, after all, something she could've prevented.

Finally, after who knows how long, I've updated. :)

I'm really sorry it took this long. I had to get some mental health things in order(exciting, right?) still am, honestly but it's all good now. Anyway, I'm extremely sorry about this :c

I'm thankful you all stayed with me though, I really appreciate it. I'm not saying it that well, damn. Just know I really appreciate it :)

Parts of this, personally, feel a bit rushed to me. I dunno though. Oh! Here's a link to the blog(le on the bottom) c: You know what's annoying though? The links aren't working :c


Did any tributes catch your interest? If so, who and why?

puppeterthe536thgames blogspot [damnit all! Where the space is, a dot goes. And of course the other dot with the com]

Because I don't even know anymore.