AN: FINAL CHAPTER FOLKS! Thank you all for reading and reviewing and all that good stuff, I really appreciate it! I am sorry it is so short. Please enjoy!

1 month later

It had taken far too long for Greg to find a house-warming gift for his sister. This perhaps was related to the fact that she hadn't mentioned anything that she particularly wanted or needed for her flat. Her offer had been accepted and she left Greg's home in an ecstatic mood. He had given up on finding any substantial gift and decided to get her a grocery card and some flowers. He was now on his way to the little flat. She had quietly moved in with the help of friends from her old day center and people she had met through London's artist community a week ago. Greg had not known she was moving in until she called to tell him how much she detested taking all of her things from their parents house to her new flat. When asked why she hadn't asked for his help she said calmly that she didn't want to upset his work schedule. Greg could not decide whether he was offended or not. He arrived at Violet's flat shortly after getting her gift and was let in almost immediately. He walked up to the second floor of the building complex and knocked on Violet's door. She answered beaming.

"Hello Greg!" she said pleasantly wrapping him in one of her usual hugs.

"Hi Vi, these are for you." He said after she finished hugging him handing her the flowers and card.

"Thank you, would you like to come in?" She asked taking them and then gesturing into the neat little apartment.

"Yes I would," He said stepping in and then looking around "Woo this is a lovely place Vi!"

The apartment had huge windows and was decorated in Vi's art and what he could assume was other people's. It was very clean and very nice looking. You could tell that Violet had put a lot of effort into making the flat a comfortable space for herself.

"Thank you, shoes off please." she said walking into the kitchen to get a vase for her flowers.

"So do I have the pleasure of being the first one to enter your lovely home?" Greg took off his shoes.

"No actually, Sherlock stopped by yesterday to help me unpack some things." Violet said grinning "He got me these!"she gestured to a container of sugar violets and four mugs, which appeared to have the beginnings of some paintings on them.

"Oh Sherlock gets invited over before me now, does he?" he said trying to sound playful, but probably not succeeding.

"Not really, he called my cellular and asked when I was moving in and then asked if I need help is all." she said as she prepared some tea.

"Oh," Greg said feeling a little better "How do you like it here so far?"

Violet turned and beamed at him.

"I love it, all the people in the complex seem really friendly and they don't give me funny looks, and there is just enough noise that it isn't boring..." Violet said continuing to talk with an immense air of enthusiasm, that made him smile.

Violet hadn't been this enthusiastic for such a long period without the use of medication in a long time. She seemed less pale and all around healthier. She just gave off an overwhelming sense of happiness.

As Violet finished making the pot of tea and finished explaining what she liked best about London, Greg looked up at his sister.

"How are you feeling Vi?" he asked casually.

His sister paused.

"A bit peckish but I should be able to wait till lunch time." she said with a curt nod pouring out the tea.

Greg laughed a bit.

"I meant emotionally, not physically." he said still laughing a little.

"Oh," Violet said pausing then beaming at her brother "I feel very, very happy!"

Greg smiled, and he knew. He knew that all the years of worry over Violet's future hadn't culminated to much, because his sweet,frail little sister was a resilient little thing especially when happy. Violet ,like her namesake, could thrive anywhere as long as she had a little footing