Ohiya! This is my first HunterxHunter so I hope it's good! Please leave a review and tell me if I should continue! Thank you! Farewell and Enjoy!
-Let there be midnight
Me No Own HunterxHunter
Ghostly Friends
The Boy at the Top of the Stairs
"Killua!" Gon shouted as he entered the empty house. He closed the wooden door behind him and set his backpack down at the base of the stairs, looking around and trying to find his friend through the sunlight that filtered into the house. "Killua!" he shouted once more, looking up the stairs to see if his friend was in the darkness that hid anything else from view at the top.
"Oh, hi Gon." said a voice behind him. Gon jumped up in surprised, a hand over his heart as he stared at his white haired friend in surprise. Killua raised an eyebrow at this, a small smirk on his face from scaring his spiky haired friend.
"Killua!" he whined when he overcame his shock. "I told you never to do that! Where were you anyway?" Gon asked him as they both started walk up the stairs, the steps creaking underneath their feet. Killua shrugged, shoving his hands into his pockets as they walked.
"I was upstairs in the attic looking outside. I saw you come in but I was too busy watching the people next door fawn over their new dog." he explained casually, looking at Gon slightly. "It's a golden retriever and it seems pretty stupid too. It kept running into the fence and door, plus it tripped over the lawn Nome and hose, and even tried to climb the tree." Gon laughed at this as they reached the door at the far end of the dark upstairs hallway, opening it and walking in with Killua behind him.
"Is that all you do when I'm at school?" he asked curiously as he sat on a chair, moving the plastic that covered it away before he did so. Killua sat on the wooden floor before him crossed legged, a bored expression on his face.
"There's nothing else I can do! I can't exactly leave the house all the time, it takes up too much energy!" he complained, crossing his arms. "The only source of entertainment I do have is watching the stupid neighbors or weird things that happen in this crazy neighborhood!" he told Gon in annoyance.
"That sounds so boring!" Gon commented, leaning forward in his chair as the springs creaked underneath him, moving to life. Killua smiled.
"Eh, it's better than sleeping all day." he replied. Gon only frowned at that, only for his eyes to catch something on the wall behind Killua.
"Ne Killua, what's that?" he asked, pointing to the picture that leant against the wall. Killua turned his head around to look at what had caught Gon's attention.
It was an old picture of a man and a woman frowning at the camera, a young man with shoulder length black hair and emotionless eyes standing in front of the older man, and fat man who looked to be younger than the other man standing on the side of the woman. In front of the fat man was a boy with long black hair and a joyful smile who waved at the camera and in front of the other man was another boy, younger than the other one with pink eyes and black chin-length hair staring at the camera in boredom. In the middle of the whole family was a white haired kid who was younger than the two men and older than the two children. He had white messy hair and bright blue eyes that refused to look at the camera and instead looked at the ground.
"Oh that? I found it in the attic. It's a picture of me and my family." Killua explained as he watched Gon get up and pick the dusty picture up with delicate hands.
"Who are they?" he asked as he turned the picture towards his friend so he could see. Killua got up with a sigh and walked towards Gon.
"That's my mother and father," he said pointing at the two adults in the back. "My oldest brother Illumi," He pointed to the shoulder length black haired male this time. "My second oldest brother Milluki," He pointed towards the fat one who scowled at the camera. "My younger brother Alluka," He point out the joyful looking boy in front of Milluki. "And my youngest brother Kalluto," And lastly he pointed at the boy with pink eyes and chin-length black hair. Gon stared at the picture in wonder.
"Wow! I didn't know you had four brothers!" Gon said in amazement as Killua sighed, his arms behind his head as he closed his eyes.
"Yeah, well Kalluto is probably 40 by now, so you won't be able to recognize him if you ever do see him." Killua drawled, plopping himself back on the floor as he watch Gon examine the picture with one eye opened.
"What were they like?" Gon asked eagerly, looking down at Killua.
"Well, father was the most important man in the mafia so a lot of people looked up to him and mother sometimes helped him with his work when she felt like it. Illumi was a spy for my father and Milluki just ate up all the food in our house. Alluka would get in trouble with mother because he had a tendency for picking flowers in the garden outside and Kalluto… well I don't know what Kalluto did since he was always with mother. All in all our family was dysfunctional and we didn't really communicate with each other unless needed." Killua said. Gon gently set the picture frame down against the wall like it was before he had picked it up and sat in front of Killua with crossed legs, looking at him with large honey-like eyes.
"What did you normally do?" he asked curious. Killua rolled his eyes, flicking Gon on the forehead for the questions he was asking.
"I just skated around town and did my own thing." he said. Gon held a hand to his forehead, eyes watering.
"Ow! That really hurt Killua!" he complained. Killua stuck his tongue out at him playfully, jumping up and bouncing from foot to foot.
"It's payback for all the annoying questions you asked!" he said as he ran around Gon and out into the hallway. Gon yelped in protest and ran after Killua.
"Killua!" he shouted as he watched his friend exit through the back door. "Killua wait up!" The screen door slammed shut behind Gon as he ran as fast as he could towards his friend. Killua turned his head around to look at Gon, a cat-like smile on his face as he disappeared into the woods behind the old house. "Killua, you'll strain yourself if you stay out too long in the woods!" Gon frowned, worried for the white haired boy as he entered the woods behind him.
He known the boy for a year since he moved here and heard about the haunted house at the end of the street and soon became worried for him when he would step off his property once he figured out that it strained him and made him tired to do so the longer he was away from the house. He remembered their first meeting quiet clearly in his head as if it was just yesterday.
It was midnight when Gon opened the door of the abandoned house at the end of his street. It was the only house that bordered the forest and the road ended just before it. Earlier that day a kid around his age had told him the legend surrounding the house.
"Thirty years ago a family that was associated with the mafia lived there," the boy had said. "One day the middle son of the family was with his oldest brother when someone who wanted revenge on the family shot him. He was carried to the house by his brother where they called a doctor to save him. When the doctor finally reached the house, the boy was barely alive. Throughout the night the doctor tried desperately to save the boy, but nothing he did work and the boy died the next morning. Since the boy was supposed to become the heir of the family, they were upset and killed the man who had killed their son, moving out of town two months later with everything they owned still in the house. Ever since then people have seen a pale boy with white hair and bright blue eyes peer out of the window of the attic and down at them, watching their every move. When they searched the house, there was no boy in there. It was completely empty. Some say they hear loud noises coming from within the house, and one said they even saw the boy standing in front of the house, transparent.
"Rumors say that whenever anyone walks into the house, bad stuff happens to them because the boy wants revenge for his death, so he tries to kill them wanting to find the one who had killed him. He only ever succeeded once when a teenager was found at the base of the stairs with a broken neck and a look of terror all over his face. Ever since then, no one has dared to take even one step on the property."
Gon turned on his flashlight, shining it in front of him. Old pictures hung on the wall, covered by inches and inches of dust and spider webs. The wood creaked eerily underneath Gon as walked and the house rattled as the wind blew against it. Slowly he made his way up the stairs, shining his light into the darkness above.
"Oh?" a voice at the top of the stair case said curiously. Quickly, Gon shined his light to the top of the steps were a young boy around his age stood. He had white hair, pale porcelain skin, and bright blue eyes just like the kid earlier that day had told him, but he wasn't transparent, he was very much solid as Gon could see. "It's been a while since anyone has decided to visit me. I was starting to get bored." he drawled board, staring at Gon with his hands behind his head casually. Gon was rooted to the spot in terror, eyes wide as they stared at the ghost boy in front of him. "What? Cat got your tongue?" the boy asked, tilting his head to the side.
"A-a-a-a-a-a-?" the boy mocked with a smirk at Gon's stuttering.
"A-a-are you-you a g-g-g-g-g-g—"
"A-a-a ghost?" he taunted as he leaned forward. Gon moved back instantly, only to miss a step and fall down the stairs, landing at the bottom on his butt. His flashlight dropped from his hands and clanked noisily till it reached its stop on the third step to the bottom, its light shining into the living room beside the stairs.
"Owiee…" Gon whined as he rubbed his stinging butt. The ghost boy casually walked down the stairs and picked up the flashlight curiously, shinning it into his face, only to blink and shine it elsewhere.
"Hmm, I haven't seen this type of flashlight before." he observed with wide eyes. He looked over the flashlight and at Gon who sat paralyzed at the bottom of the stairs. "Oh, by the way, I'm Killua Zoldyck."