Sorry for such a along wait. I'm now back into D gray man and have completed my manga collection for it. Woop. Please enjoy this one.
I never thought I would want to go on a journey
Now that I am, I could never imagine not going
please take me with you wherever you go.
A blanket of blue and white was spread before me. The Stars sparkled in their billions as we traversed the galaxy in this strange ship. My pups were clutched in my arms as I sat on a console Klaude said was safe to sit upon.
Tim was nuzzled alongside Noelle, his round face pushed up against her little chest as they all snoozed serenely.
I had begun to get acquainted with the ship. My ability to change was not only physical, but mental as well. Komui was amazed at how quickly I adapted to my new surroundings, as if I was born to travel through space.
It was a marvellous world. The stars past by in their droves and the inky black stretched forever on. It was a strange new concept; before all I had ever known was a few rooms within a locked up facility. Even the lush grass within its grounds couldn't compare to what was truly out there. Although, I did miss the wind blowing through my hair.
"What are you doing here Moyashi?"
I turned abruptly to see the owner of that voice. It was Kanda. How did I not sense him?
"I was watching the stars. Never before had I been allowed to gaze upon them. Their beauty and distance amazes me."
The man was quiet, like a wraith as he walked up to stand beside the console. He leaned against it, his arms crossed. "They are just balls of gas. I get sick of seeing the same thing over and over."
I smiled. "Ah, but when you don't have them within your sights you cannot help but miss them. I was never allowed to look."
Kanda just made a strange sound with his tongue. I turned suddenly, wondering what it was. He looked at me, slightly confused by the abrupt action. His dark blue eyes narrowed. I blushed and turned back without a word of explanation.
Thankfully one of the pups began to whine. Mercury was squirming, his eyes watching Kanda.
Kanda raised his brow at the sight as they gazed at each other. "Che, what does the little scrap want?"
I frowned. "Scrap?"
"Idiot Moyashi." Kanda turned and left with a swish of long dark hair.
"Moyashi!?" I gushed.
Once I heard the doors close I turned to my pups with a scowl marring my features. "Remind me to ask Komui what those words meant," I asked them even though they wouldn't understand. I didn't care, I simply nuzzled my nose into the little group of furry beings. My joy.
I continued to gaze upon the blankets of starlight. I could have remained where I was for a long time, except my stomach started to growl like an angry Tiger.
I got up, needing nourishment.
"I hope Jerry will make more of those sweet rolls," I said as I walked back out the way I came in.
I soon learnt about everyone that operated on this ship. About how Lavi likes to bounce around the halls and annoy Kanda, who was often seeking solitude. Lavi always made me laugh and feel welcome and at home. I found out later that Lavi was actually the ships pilot; even though he kept one eye covered up constantly. Bookman was well read and often encouraged the others to pick up a book or journal so that they had a hope of breaking away from their supposed illiterate imbecilic selves. He was also the ships medic. Both also operated as the ships linguistics officers.
Klaude was thoughtful and mature; a real captain through and through. She was just and didn't tolerate any monkey business on her ship; so Lavi was often being scolded. Jerry was chipper and always smiling. He reminded me of both Lenalee and Komui. He would always lend an ear and listen, and listen well he did. He was the ship's cook; and the best ever!
Then there was Johnny and Reever, the science geeks; Johnny was an engineer whilst Reever was the science officer. It appears Reever was a good friend of Komui's, along with Jerry. Reever took no nonsense and was a very hardworking individual; unfortunately he always looked tired. Johnny had a really cool collection of books that primarily held images. I adored them; they were so colourful and energetic, with characters who never seemed to feel pulled under when faced with a difficult situation.
And then there was Kanda. He was probably the most mysterious of the whole crew. He often insulted the others, was rude and appeared uncaring, but he was the man that derived a huge portion of respect from the others. Kanda, as it turns out, was the second in command. No wonder he didn't appreciate Lavi constantly annoying him.
I had to stay with Bookman and Johnny when we docked on the planet Mars. That was an interesting experience, even though I couldn't leave the ship. They kept me entertained whilst we docked on the red planet. We were underground, deep in the planets crust where a subterranean world containing amazing water features, lakes and rivers sprawled through vast caverns. I really wanted to get out and explore, but was told it was too dangerous. I needed to stay with my children.
"We can come back another time, I promise!" Komui said as he left with everyone else. It was odd when Kanda stayed behind.
"Che," he scowled as he stood back in a grumpy manner, "someone has to protect your asses if something happens." I noted the long sword he kept strapped to his back for the first time.
Bookman brought out a pack of cards. I didn't know what purpose they served until he and Johnny began to teach me to play. I was sapped into the games with great joy. Kanda simply sat and watched, never joining in but never actually indifferent to it.
Once the others returned I could see the sheer amount of items they carried. They came back at different times. Lavi came back with Reever, carrying what appeared to be machine parts and odd metal implements. Johnny was most pleased when Reever handed over a different sack, one that looked strangely soft and didn't clank with metal.
Komui, Lenalee and Klaude returned after with many medical implements, items that looked like towels and also a moderate sized basin of a bright blue colour. It was a bath for my pups. "We also got the little ones some toys, and some books and games for you too Allen." I was overjoyed by what they brought back. There was a funny little device about the size of a standard novel, with a screen that allowed me to play games and watch things. I also got a couple of soft plush toys. One was a green snake with an extraordinary long body; which I could wrap around myself, and the other was an animal I was told was an otter. It was small, brown and fuzzy.
Not only that, I got a few more books to get engrossed in; one about space, one about the different creatures of Earth and other hotspots within the solar system and a couple of picture books with colourful images.
Jerry turned up last, heaving a huge sack of food. I had my snake wrapped around my shoulders when he arrived. He laughed when he saw me and patted my head. "Such a little cutie~" He chirped. I helped him heave the huge bag back to the galley.
"He looks like a child." Kanda said meanly just as I turned to leave with Jerry. My cheeks puffed up in anger. 'What did he know? I wasn't that old.'
"After that was my first taste of those sweet dumplings." I licked my lips at the thought of them.
Mercury wriggled about, his moony eyes watching me with curiosity. "You are a little too young to have any right now darling, but you will be in time. I promise you can try some then."
Once I entered the galley I was met by the sight of Jerry hard at work, likely preparing the evening meal for the rest of the crew. He was singing a cheerful song to himself as he cut away with a photon knife.
"Hi Jerry," I announced. The man turned.
"Hello there Allen, how are things~?" Jerry sang. He placed the vegetables he had been chopping into a massive pot, ready for cooking. He then placed everything down and came over to stand close. "How are the little guys doing?"
"I'm good. They are doing well too," I smiled. "Do you need any help?"
"Sure thing cutie. You can place the little guys in that lidless container over there. I have a blanket somewhere around here.
Whilst Jerry fished out a blanket I moved over to the box in question. It was a discarded plastic material packaging for some kind of fruit. At least it wouldn't be too cold on them.
"Here you go sweetie." Jerry had a green blanket harbouring pale blue stars illustrating the fabric. It was lovely, plush and warm. I placed my little guys on it, where they proceeded to stay asleep. Tim settled his tail over Mercury so that he would settle down. He too was asleep in no time at all.
I helped Jerry carry things, cop and mix. It was lots of fun and I learnt many new things from him. He was a joy to be around as he made me feel safe and happy.
At the end of it all he rewarded me with a cookie half the size of my head. It was gooey, yummy and all round amazing.
By the time dinnertime had rolled around my pups were stirring, and whatever Timcanpy was trying to do to calm them down was folly. They were hungry.
I settled inside the container. Luckily I could just about fit, so I shifted back into my dog form so that the little ones could nurse. They suckled greedily.
"That is such an adorable sight~" I looked up to see an abundance of red in my vision. Even though I was a dog now I could still see colours the same as in my human form; it was a plus of being the Origin I supposed. That book on animals Komui gave me was sure interesting.
I blinked up at Lavi. He was squatting about a foot away from my bed, watching but not touching. "How you doing Allen? It has been a whole day since I saw you last."
I nodded at him before turning back to look at my pups. They were still suckling with gusto. I must have left their feeds with a too large gap in between. I must be more careful.
Lavi turned away when Bookman arrived. "Idiot pupil, you didn't finish transcribing that section before coming here."
"Give over gramps, I wanted to see Allen. I will finish it later."
Bookman grumbled but sat down anyway. The galley was set up with comfortable wooden benches that sat two on either side. It was far more welcoming than the metal chairs and tables of the Ark.
The others filed in later. By then my pups had finished and I returned back to human form. I was starving now myself and I eagerly sat next to Lenalee as Jerry came around with the massive pot of delicious smelling meat and vegetable broth. He gave me a generous helping.
As I tucked in I didn't acknowledge the presence of Kanda as he swept in later with Klaude. Lau Jimin was chattering away in his funny monkey chirrups as the duo sat opposite Lenalee and me.
Jerry came back over and served the two some of the broth with a smile on his face.
"Thank you Jerry," Klaude said as Lau jumped from her shoulder onto the table. Jerry had placed a pear for the little monkey down on the table.
"Tough day?" Jerry observed.
"You could say that." Klaude replied without really elaborating.
I had looked up then, wondering what was wrong. I noticed when Kanda looked up from his own food with a knowing smirk on his face. I looked back down, embarrassed about my curiosity.
"I plotted that new course for you captain," Lavi said, turned around in his seat with his mouth half full.
Klaude acknowledged Lavi, "Thank you Lavi, but do please swallow before you talk."
Lavi swallowed and then grinned. "Aye captain."
"Baka Usagi." Kanda cursed. More of that strange language I didn't understand.
There was silence for a while longer. We simply enjoyed our meals, the clink of cutlery the only sounds to permeate the homey room. I was just about finished when I felt something nudge my foot.
I looked down to see one of my pups staring up at me. The eyes were open, but they didn't belong to Mercury.
"Noelle!" I said rather loudly, in shock. I picked her up and regarded her curiously. She had one gold eye and one silver eye; like a sun and a moon were placed next to each other within her tiny skull. Her little tail was wagging happily at the sight of me.
I didn't have time to bring her back down to my lap before I felt more nudges by my feet. Mercury was there, his silver gaze boring into me. I picked him up as well and nuzzled his little face.
"My, they are growing so quickly!" Lenalee smiled. I gave Mercury and Noelle over to her to cuddle whilst I left my seat to check on Everett. The little pup was still sleeping; Tim still had his tail and wings wrapped around his little body.
I bent over and picked him up, knowing that the little pup would get cold without the warmth of his siblings to help him. Tim was made of metal after all.
When I returned to my seat Komui was looking them over. He was gently manoeuvring Noelle, looking at her eyes to check if they were healthy. He shined a light into each one. The little pup kept trying to turn her head due to the discomfort, but Komui was tenacious and kept going until his task was complete.
"All good here Allen. She has a set of beautiful eyes." I sighed in relief. He then nuzzled his own nose against hers before giving her back to me. "How are the feeds coming along?" He asked, picking a cup of coffee back up off the table. I noticed that the coffee cup was covered in an image of a weird pink bunny.
"It's going well. The only problem is that I struggle to keep them regular."
"I guess that would be a problem. After all, there aren't any clocks on this ship. Would it be beneficial if I set you up with a device that could remind you?"
I smiled, feeling happy at the thought. In all honesty, the fact that I naturally look to the levels of light from outside the windows to check the time, it was difficult on a ship flying through space. My natural body clock was still not used to it. "Thank you Komui."
"No problem Allen. I will get Johnny to help out; he is the best gearhead around here. See you later." He waved at both me and Lenalee before leaving the galley.
I relaxed back into my seat. Jerry came back over to serve me a nice slice of cherry pie. I had to sit back a little so that I wouldn't squish my pups against the table, so I leant over them as I spooned pie into my mouth.
I finished in record time. The pie was scrumptious and I rubbed my belly in delight.
"I wonder if I could hold one of your pups Allen."
I looked up suddenly. Klaude was gazing at me with expectation in her eyes. She asked me nicely, but I still felt nervous about people holding them. The only people I permitted to hold them thus far was Lenalee, Komui and Jerry. I still remember when Lavi tried to pick one up when I was still in dog form and I growled threating at him. Lavi was smart enough to back off, although I was glad he didn't take it to heart; I still adored Lavi.
I looked down, unsure.
"It's alright if you don't want to Allen. I understand that you wish to keep them safe and near."
I shook my head, feeling silly. Klaude was a good person. She welcomed me onto her ship with open arms and took me into her family. I owed her a lot.
"Of course you can ma'am." I handed Noelle over to her. The little girl was still waggling her tail and wasn't at all phased when Klaude gently held her aloft. By now Kanda was also watching, albeit with his arms crossed and a stoic expression on his face.
"She is beautiful Allen, much like her mother." I felt my cheeks heat up. Lenalee rubbed my shoulder.
"She is right Allen. You guys make such a cute family."
I nodded and couldn't help a small and proud smile forming on my face. Klaude handed her back to me, where I continued to cuddle them.
Lavi then took that time to bounce over. "Hey Allen, would you like to play a game with me? You too Lenalee."
We both nodded, wondering what game Lavi had in mind.
Turns out it was a game called hide and go seek. Lavi explained that I had to experience the childhood nostalgic game sometime in my life before I got too old.
I left my pups with Jerry to care for whilst I went off to play. It was tonnes of fun. I was it at first and I had to traverse the ship as I searched for both Lavi and Lenalee.
It was also a good chance to explore. The only places we agreed on not going to were the individual rooms of the crew.
As I searched I found Lavi first, who had kneeled down behind a work console on the bridge. I had pounced on him, startling the red-head. We had a little tumble around and laughed, getting scolded by Kanda, who had wondered on sometime during our play fight.
We ran off laughing.
Next we both set off to find Lenalee. Lavi and I split up to look. Soon enough I wondered into the engineering and science brig, where I saw Komui seemingly talking to an old leather sofa placed between two other work consoles. It was a dead giveaway and I laughed when Lenalee started to moan at her older brother as she emerged from behind.
It was even better when it was my turn to hide. Lavi was now 'it' as I found him first. I turned into my little canary form and fluttered around trying to find a place to hide. I flew down the small corridors, opening door switches with my beak and entered rooms. I settled in the med bay. Bookman was in there, shifting jars around in a cabinet. He didn't notice me as I sat upon the top of it.
Later on both Lavi and Lenalee wondered in. Bookman rose a questionable eyebrow at the sight of the two of them. But then he pointed to my place on the cabinet; darn it, he did know I was there. The two started to giggle happily at the sight of me. I fluttered down and landed on Lenalee's outstretched finger. My toes curling around the slim digit.
I started to sing. This was one of the best moments of my short life thus far.
It was all ruined when we all fell to the ground after the ship was rocked aggressively.