Hello everyone! Even though my OTP is UsUk, the person making me write this is Team UsCan, so there's going to be a mix of the two, plus a little 3 way relationship in there. Plus other ships. Prepare yourselves.
"Yes, yes, what it is, Matthew?" Alfred asked as Matthew ran into his bedroom.
"Artie won't give me any candy!" the boy yelled, throwing himself on the sitting blonde.
"He bought a bag of candy, and he won't give me anymore!" Matthew cried.
"It's not that I wont give him anymore," Arthur appeared, holding a bag in his hand. "He just wont take it!"
Alfred looked down at the now blushing boy in his lap. "That's because your methods are embarrassing!" Matthew protested.
"Methods? I'm confused. What's going on, Arthur?"
"I was giving him candy, and I told him if he wanted anymore, he'd have to take it out my mouth." Arthur shrugged like it was no big deal.
"Take it...out your...mouth?"
"Yeah, like this." Arthur took a piece of candy out the bag and placed it between his teeth. He leaned down so he was face to face with Alfred.
"Take it." He ordered. Matthew watched as Alfred leaned in and took the candy between his teeth, slowly eating it as Arthur returned upright.
"See, I told you it was embarrassing!" the blonde grabbed fistfuls of Alfred's shirt.
"It's not, really. Just sharing candy." The blonde shrugged, moving the boy in his lap with the action.
"If you love me, you'd do it." Arthur teased.
"That's not fair! You know I love you!"
"Well then prove it." Arthur said, placing another pink piece of candy in between his teeth.
Matthew blushed before standing up to face the waiting man. Hesitantly, he leaned in and grabbed the other half of the square candy with his teeth. He yanked it away from the smiling blonde before eating it.
"That wasn't so bad..." Matthew whispered.
The trio didn't have any problems sharing candy for the rest of the evening.
So...that was really short. I couldn't think of anything else, okay?!
Like it? Hate it? LOVE IT? Leave a review!
This could be called a real world AU I guess. *shrugs*
You can PM me if you have any questions or comments! I'm almost always online so...yeah...
I have no life.
Until next time, Darlings!