Derek – 9th March 2014 – The Pub

This was literally the worst day in existence. Like no person had ever had such a bad day in the existence of mankind. Okay so maybe he was being a tiny bit dramatic but come on it was such a bad day. Like everything that could go wrong, went wrong. This is how his day went.

First his favourite watch broke. And not just the strap or stopped but the strap broke, the glass face shattered when it hit the floor and the minute hand fell out.

Then some asshole at the coffee shop spilt coffee all over him and he'd had to go home and change. Not to mention he'd been wearing his lucky shirt.

Due to the changing of the shirt he was then late for a meeting. Any other person probably wouldn't have minded the ten minutes he was late, or they would have understood his excuse but no it was the hell beast. Laura. Castrating him in front of everyone would have been less painful.

And now here he is, sprawled out on his apartment floor trying to figure out where his life went wrong. And why is he sprawled on the floor you ask. Because when he dropped in to his favourite chair and leaned back the whole thing just decided fuck it. So here he is, his back cushioned by the top of his chair and his legs still hanging over the seat. He's sure he looks fucking ridiculous but if his chair can say fuck it then so can he.

The door to his apartment door swings open and he rolls his head to see which hell beast it is. Jennifer. Fantastic. They'd been dating for two weeks, and what a two weeks it had been. In a bad way, in like a 100% what was I thinking way. It was his own fault really, he should have known she was crazy when she called him. Only she'd seemed so nice and sympathetic about the guy not wanting to take his number, had only called him to let him know. Then they were having dinner, on his card, buying jewellery, on his card, making her a key to his apartment, he was out of his mind.

But everything was going to be okay because he had a plan. It was a great plan and Derek didn't usually make plans but he had one. Alright it wasn't his plan per say, more like he was there when the plan was made. By Cora. So yeah he definitely hadn't made the plan but there was one and that is what's important.

"What are you doing?"

"My chair broke."

"So you thought you'd die with it?"

"I could have broken my back in the fall. I hit the floor pretty hard and figured I'd check I could still move everything."

"Well don't worry if anything happens to you I'm always here to take care of you."

"Oh yeah I know. That's so sweet of you." Yep, she'd take complete care of him right before her knife pierced his chest, or her poison slid down his throat.

"Love you."

"You too." He never said it, would never say it because she was crazy and sometimes when he woke up she was already awake. And she'd just be there smiling at him like it wasn't totally weird that she'd been watching him sleep for god knows how long. God he really needed a good night sleep.

"When's your next long flight?"

"Oh I don't have any."

"Whaddya mean?"

"Well now that I have you I asked my boss to put me on short flights. And since the other hostess's didn't want to go to Texas and back, or Washington and back, he was only happy to do it."

"That is just…great." The knife and the poison were looking really great right now. She dropped her jacket over the back of the couch and smiled at him as she passed. That smile would haunt his nightmares for the rest of his life. Or what was left of his life if the smile was anything to go by.

"Do you want to go out tonight?"

"I can't. I've got plans with my sister."

"Cancel them I've barely seen you all week."

"You saw me this morning and yesterday and the day before that and the day before that and the day before that and do you see where I'm going with this?"

"Of course I do baby. We've only seen each other 5 days this week." Derek rolled over on to his hands and knees and pushed back till he was sitting on his legs. Jennifer was searching through the mail, his mail, on the table.

"Anything interesting?"

"Just bills."

"Look about my sister, I haven't seen Cora in a few days and I really want to go out with her."

"Fine you can go but please be home by midnight. I need my beauty sleep."

"Will do." Not like it will help anyway, no amount of sleep is gonna make you a better person. He got to his feet and stared down at his broken chair. It was such a perfect chair, the cushions were just the right balance of soft and hard. Oh my gods he's devastated over a chair, could he get anymore pathetic. This is his life, mourning a broken chair.

"And try not to drink too much."

Maybe he is the chair.

"And wear that blue shirt I don't want you attracting too much attention."

A broken man.

"And don't spend over $20."

"Yes dear." God he really needed to break up with this woman. Hopefully Cora would put this plan in to place soon.

"Which tie looks better?" He hated wearing ties but Cora had insisted on him wearing it. It didn't really seem like a good idea considering they were going to a bar.

"The striped one."


"Where are you going exactly?"

"Dinner. We have reservations at Basil." They didn't. But Cora had told him to tell her that. So far her plan really didn't make much sense.

"The new place?"



Derek didn't really want to waste much time with Jennifer so he'd gotten dressed as quick as he could, grabbed his glasses and raced out the door. Jennifer had obviously been confused but she hadn't called him out on it, just shouted goodbye as the door closed.

The Pub was filled with people. Not that that was strange or anything, it was attached to an apartment building and often the residents were in there for a drink or just grabbing something to eat. Derek loved it, the atmosphere was always comfortable and the chatter from everyone made the place feel warmer. Cora was waving at him from a table right in the corner and he waded through the people till he got to her.

"You look terrible. Why are you wearing that shirt?"

"Jennifer wants to make sure I don't attract any attention."

"She realises that she'd have to put a bag on your head for that, right?"

"Shut up."

"It's not my fault we're all genetically gifted."

"I know that but you don't need to mention it."

"You're so weird Derek. You'll happily use your looks to get people in to bed but the minute I mention that you're good looking you get all shy and weird about it."

"I just don't want you to point it out."

"Ooookay. Oh give me your tie."

"Why?" Cora heaves a heavy sigh and reaches over the table to grab his tie. After growing up with Cora he knew better than to fight her on something like this. The tie was undone and stuffed in Cora's bag in a suspiciously fast amount of time.

"How often do you take of men's ties?"

"That is a question you never want to know the answer to." She smirked at him and pulled out a tube of bright purple lipstick from her bag. The lipstick was bright against her skin as it dried and then before he could register she was pulling him across the table and pushing her lips against his neck. The lipstick smeared against the collar of his shirt and his skin.

"What the hell Cora!"

"It's part of my plan Derek. We are gonna drive Jennifer crazy…crazier."


"By making her think you're having an affair. First she'll call Basil to check the reservations and then she'll notice the tie missing. Which you're gonna pretend you never wore by the way. And then she'll notice the lipstick mark and how flushed you are."

"I'm not flushed."

"Yeah but once we get enough alcohol in to you ya will be. Now go order a cosmo and a beer and get me a plate of wings will ya."

"Your bottle is still full."

"It's not for me. You are gonna mix drinks because you get drunk so fast when you mix."

"No I don't!"

"Yes you do. And it's okay. Now go order my food."

"Uurgh fine." He fought his way back through the crowd to the bar and tried to rub against as many people as possible. There was no harm in helping along the cheating story, it would definitely help if he came home smelling like other women. There was a space open next to the bar so he jumped in to and leaned against the bar. It was sticky against his arms and the bartender was changing out some of the empty spirit bottles. He waited till she was finished and smiled at her when she noticed him waiting.

"What can I get you hun?"

"I'll have a cosmopolitan, a beer and can I get a plate of chicken wings please."

"Of course you can. Would you like the drinks with the food or the drinks now?"

"Actually yeah can I get them with the food please."

"And the name?"

"Derek Hale."

"Alright Derek you can pay when you pick up."

"Thanks." The wings would be ten to fifteen minutes so he made his way back to the table and cleared his throat, loudly, when he noticed the guy hitting on Cora. His sister obviously wasn't interested, her face blank and shoulders tense, but the guy just wasn't getting it.

"Can I help you?"

"I was here first. Go find someone else to hit on."

"Actually since I was sat there just 10 minutes ago I think you would find I was here first."

"And who are you exactly?"

"Her older brother." The line of the guys shoulders tensed as he looked over Derek. His eyes flicked down his arms and across his chest, obviously sizing him up to see if he could win a fight against him. "Maybe you should go back to your friends."

"Whatever. She looks like a stuck up bitch anyway." A small smirk raced his lips and the guy probably thought he was going to get away with calling his sister. The guy kept his eyes on his face as though challenging him and he watched as Cora tapped him on the shoulder and kneed him in the balls when he turned around.

"Well this stuck up bitch really hates people like you." The guy bent over at the waist and Derek grabbed the back of his shirt and pulled him towards a group of guys. They had watched the entire exchange and were now reduced to laughing.

"Is he yours?"

"Yeah man thanks. Tell your sister we're all in love with her."

"Will do." He leaves the guy at the table and heads to the bathroom he really needs to wash his arm, it's still sticky from the bar.

When he gets back to the table Cora is on the phone. He goes to sit down but she waves her hand at him and he lifts his eyebrow.


"They called your name."


"Like 5 maybe possibly 10 minutes ago."

"Why didn't you go?"

"Derek I am on the phone." He rolled his eyes at her but still made his way over to the bar he was such a pushover when it came to his family. He made his way to the collection point and smiled at the guy manning it.

"Hey I'm picking up an order."


"Derek Hale. It was a cosmo, beer and wings."

"Someone has already picked up your order."


"The pair over there."

"The red-head and the guy who looks like he's dying."

"That would be them sir."

"Right." The man smiled at him and he returned it before turning towards the couple. The woman noticed him first, her eyes widening and body tensing. Her friend looked concerned until she gestured towards him and then the guy was grabbing her hand and yanking her away from the table. They were not getting away, he was going to catch them and give them a piece of his mind. They burst through the door and he was close behind them but once he was outside he couldn't see them anywhere. He tried to see if he could see the woman's bright hair or the less visible ass of the guy. He may be mad but he can still appreciate a great ass running away from him. He stepped back inside and headed over to the table they'd been sat at, a scarf was wrapped around the bar at the back of the chair and he pulled it free. The guy had probably left it, wouldn't have even noticed he had, Derek had left scarves, hats and gloves all over New York. Well if the guy took his wings then Derek was taking the scarf. He made his way back to the bar to re-order his food.

"Derek Hale."


"Here you go." The bartender slid a tray towards him and it had a plate of wings, a cosmo and a beer on it.

"That was fast."

"Well we realised what had happened. Mr Stilinski and Miss Martin took your order and this is there's. You both ordered the same."

"Well thanks a lot."

"It's not a problem sir, if you just want to move down the bar to pay."

"Yeah thanks." Well that was dealt with a lot faster than he thought it would be. Stilinski? The name sounded familiar to him he just couldn't figure out why.

This was kind of ridiculous he was stood outside of his own apartment, new scarf wrapped around his neck, lipstick smeared against his collar and Cora's perfume clinging to his clothes. This is his apartment all he has to do is walk through the door and face the wrath of Jennifer. He slips the key in to the lock and pushes the door open as usual Jennifer is waiting on the couch for him. The smile slips from her face when she takes in his appearance.

"Whose scarf is that?"


"You didn't leave with it."

"Of course I did."

"And the perfume. It's rather strong, don't you think?"

"Oh Cora sprayed it near me." He turned his back to her and unzipped his jacket; he knew it was going to be the lipstick that set her off. He shrugged it off and threw it over a chair. The moment he turned back around he watched as Jennifer's eyes drifted down to his neck, her mouth set in a tight line.

"Where's your tie."

"Er I wasn't wearing one."

"Yes you were. You asked me which one looked better."

"Jen I don't know what you're talking about."

"And I suppose you don't know what that lipstick mark is either!"

"It's from Cora."

"You want me to believe that your sister kissed your neck! Your sister! I know you weren't out with her Derek. You told me you had reservations but I called them and they said that no-one with that name was booked in."

"Yeah we just decided to go somewhere else."

"Are you serious right now?"

"Jen I'm telling you the truth. We simply decided that we didn't want to go to a place filled with a bunch of snobs."

"You're lying to me. And I know you're lying to me Derek! I think I'm gonna go to my apartment tonight."

"Jennifer please don't do this."

"No Derek. I just need to go home."

"Okay I'll respect your wishes."

"Good." She picked up her bag and coat and walked to the front door. "Maybe you need to think about how serious you are about us." He nodded his head and walked over to her.

"I'll talk to you later."

"I love you."

"Goodbye…" The door closed behind her and Derek dropped his head forward to meet the wood "you psycho." He locked his door and slid the chain in to place. It was time for him to go to sleep, oh my god he could finally get a full night's sleep. It was going to be great, a full night's sleep in his queen size bed, with no one getting in the way of him rolling over. It may have been the worst day of his life and he broke his favourite chair but with his bed to look forward to the day didn't seem too bad.