Stiles – February 14th 2014 – Coffee shop

"No Scott I don't know what flowers Allison would like."


"Scott, you guys have been dating for years, you can describe in detail the colour of her eyes but not her favourite flowers?"

"I do know her favourite flowers."

"Okay then, can I guess what happened, okay you were supposed to pick up the flowers yesterday but you got distracted by Allison and now you want me to drive to all of the florists in Beacon Hills and find her favourite flowers."

"Is that so much to ask?"

"Yes. Now go make her breakfast in bed, exchange presents and have V-day sex and then like every year you'll no doubt call me and like the best best friend I am, I will listen to your crap poetry about Allison's legs or hair or fingernails. And you haven't been listening to me for a good 5 minutes so I'm assuming Allison is there now."

"Your right Stiles, I don't need the flowers."

"Of course you don't buddy."

"I'll call you later with the details."

"Awesome." Stiles pocketed his phone and pushed the door open to his usual coffee house. God he loved the smell of coffee in the morning. He waved to Erica and walked over to his usual seat at the back of the shop. It was right in the corner and provided the most privacy so Stiles could people watch when he took a break from writing. He dropped his bag and just as he set up his laptop Erica dropped down across from him with a cup of coffee.

"Don't you have plans with Boyd today?"

"He's working at the garage so I took a morning shift, houses aren't cheap ya know?"

"I know. Believe me they aren't any cheaper in New York."

"What's it like coming home from the big city to little old beacon hills?"

"You know I love both places. I just wish my dad getting shot wasn't the reason I was back."

"How's he doing?"

"He's fine, he got shot in the shoulder and he won't be out in the field anytime soon but he's powering through the paperwork like a machine."

"Wait I thought he was on bed rest?"

"He's supposed to be. He's getting the deputies to sneak him all the paperwork and think's I don't know he's hiding it under the covers when I come in."

"Clearly the injury is making him a crappy cop."

"Ya think? Honestly I'm pretty sure this is what it was like when I was a teenager trying to hide my porn collection. Oh god my dad's paperwork is his porn collection." Stiles smiled as Erica threw her head back and laughed startling a couple near them but he didn't care much it was nice to see Erica smile.

"When do you go back?"

"Two days. I couldn't really get that much time off from NYU."

"But your dad was shot surely they understand."

"No they do. They offered me an extra week off but my dad forbid me and actually bought my ticket for me."

"Wow that was nice of him."

"It's okay. Melissa is gonna look after him and call me every day."

"Unless she's helping him in other ways…"

"Oh ew Erica that's my dad."

"What? You and Scott talk about your parent's getting together all of the time!"

"We avoid the sex part! They're two adults who will not be engaging in any sex."

"Whatever helps you sleep at night Stiles." Erica stood up as the bell above the door jingled and she ruffled Stiles's hair as she left the table. Stiles scowled at her back and then turned to his laptop, he'd currently wrote 13 words for his new book, and 8 of those where the title, his name and the title of chapter one. Good progress Stiles. Stiles stayed for another couple of hours before he decided that he was seriously done for the day. He'd progressed to 56 words and that was all he was really going to get through today. He started packing his things away when his phone rang.

"Hey Dad."

"Stiles where's all the burgers?"

"Me and Scott ate them. Don't worry there's turkey burgers in there."

"I don't want turkey burgers. Get me some real burgers."

"But dad your diet!"

"I was shot Stiles get me a damn burger."

"Fine. But you're not allowed to use the 'I was shot' excuse anymore or I'm taking your paperwork of you!"

"What paperwork?"

"Come on Dad!"

"Okay fine. Just bring the burgers."

"Alright. Love ya Dad."

"Love ya kid."

Stiles rolled his eyes at his dad's need for burgers and pulled his laptop bag strap over his shoulder. He walked over to the counter and waited for Erica to be finished with her customer. She threw a flirty smile at the customer and he dropped a 5 in the tip jar, probably has his number on it.

"So that's how you make so many tips."

"Oh please like you didn't know. Besides Danny's worse than me!"

"Yeah that's very true."

"You know how he likes to use those dimples to his advantage."

"Well why not Danny's dimples could defeat an army."

"Yes yes, your crush on Danny is cute."

"Hey I got over that crush years ago!"

"Sure, do you want your usual?"

"Yes." Erica smiled as she moved around behind the counter and handed Stiles a cup of coffee.

"Do you want whipped cream?"




"I'm just kidding I know what you like." Erica topped off his drink and placed it in front of him with a big smile. He handed over the money and made a show of dropping a 5 in to the tip jar. He gave her a little bow as she smiled at him and then she started to laugh as Stiles phone rang and he jerked in to a customer.

"Sorry." He pulled his phone out off his pocket and put it up to his ear.




"Okay, so I need the flowers." Stiles threw his head back and wondered what his life was.

"Okay, fine." He threw a wave over his shoulder to Erica and headed for the door. He fell in to the door a little as someone from the other side pulled it open. Stiles righted himself and threw a quick thanks to the man as he held the door open for him. The door closed and Stiles continued on his day as usual.

That was the first time Stiles met Derek.