Chapter 1

"Kagami-kun" questioned Kuroko after a while of was too busy eating about 30 hamburgers to even start a conversation with his shadow.

Kagami looked up at Kuroko with his mouth stuffed and two hamburgers in his hands. Kuroko sipped at his milkshake trying to stop a laugh at seeing Kagami's ringed out the front door bell of the burger shop. Kagami having heard that bell a million of times didn't turn around as he continued on eating. Kuroko did however look up just in time to get a good look at whoever had just walked through the watched as Kuroko eyes widened and he stopped drinking his shake as he stared behind Kagami at whoever had just walked in. Kagami wanting to get a look at whoever had surprised Kuroko this much turned around. He watched as a man around his height or taller walked in. He had dark black hair kinda like Aomine but a bit longer like Takao. The man eyes where black as well and he was lightly tanned like Kagami himself. The man had a straight face on as he looked over the counter at the menu on the board above. He was wearing a dark grey sweater and a pair of dark blue jeans. He really reminded Kagami of Aomine.

"Kei-kun" questions Kuroko out of the blue not only scaring Kagami but the said person they where staring at.

WAAAHH rang out through the shop. As Kagami turned towards Kuroko and hit him in the head and yelled out loudly.

"Don't ever do that again baka".

"Kuroko" questioned Kei who had just noticed who was sitting at a table not far away with some tall red-head guy.

Kei walked towards them with a smirk on his face. "Hey there Kuroko" he says as he sits down next to the boy.

"Wait how do you know Kuroko" asks the red-head across from them.

" His an old friend of mine" says Kei without looking at the red-head.

Kagami got a nike of aggravation on his face from the guy that didn't even turn towards him when he answered him.

"Kei-kun this is Kagami-kun" introduced Kuroko silently.

"Sup" says Kei as he finally looked towards Kagami with a bored smirk as he finally noticed how aggravated the red-head was with him.

"Don't mind him Kagami-kun he is just like Aomine" says Kuroko as he sips at his shake once again.

"Hey" says Kei as he looks back towards Kuroko like he was offended by that comparison. "I'm nothing like that idiot" he says with a huff.

Kagami was about to laugh at his expression really this guy was just too much like Aomine it was ridiculously.

"Kei-kun um where is Hino-chan" questions Kuroko as he noticed a certain presence was nowhere to be found around Kei.

"Hino-chan" questions Kagami not knowing who they where talking about.

He was about to know thought Kuroko. He knew that Kei would never leave anywhere without Hino-chan near by him safe.

"Hino-chan" questions Kei like he didn't know she was even missing.

"HINO" he says loudly as he looks all around him scanning for a mess of white hair and a loud voice. DING goes the bell of the store as the three of them turn around to see. Kise, Aomine, Midorima walk in arguing about something stupid like always.

"Hey baka" greets out Aomine loudly when they walk over towards them.

"Kurokocchi, Kagamicchi ! " great out Kise with wide smile of happiness. Midorima just slightly bows. When the other three generation of miracles finally notice who was sitting next to Kuroko here is what their personal reactions where. Kise- KEICCHI. Aomine- Stupid bakas back. Midorima-Stares him down as his face scrunched up horribly. Hey greets Kei who had forgotten about the Hino-chan thing...for now. Aomine moves to sit next to Kagami as he moves him over forcefully and Midorima follows suit quickly so the three of them share one seat. Kise being Kise just moves over a chair and smiles at them.

"Kei-kun" questions Kuroko once again.

"Uhh" asks Kei as he looked back to Kuroko next to him.

"Hino-chan" was the only thing Kuroko said. Hino thought everyone.

"Wait you mean Hinocchi, Keicchi sister" questions Kise with the tilt of his head as he tried to remember the little girl who was back in middle school.

"Is she hotter than before" asks Aomine with a wolf grin which Kei gladly gave him a hit on the head and a devil glare for.

"Where is she" asks Midorima also remembering how Kei and Hino never was separated in Middle School as well.

"I don't know" whines out Kei as he hit his head on the table with a sigh of frustration. Thinking about all the bad things that could be going on with his pure little sister.

"Kei-kun you shouldn't hit your head like that it will cause brain damage" says Kuroko as he and the rest of them watched Kei repeatedly bang his head off the table.

Meanwhile, Kagami was still trying to figure out what the heck had happened. Just a minute ago it was only him and Kuroko, but now he had the Generation of Miracles and this strange guy to deal with. Kagami just watched as Kise did his best to stop Kei from hitting his head again. Great more idiots thought Kagami .

Sorry about this being a really bad story and chapter :) This is really my first time publishing something and I just started to write and this is what my brain came up with. So I just wanted to apologize if I got anything wrong and I wanted to ask for some slack. (Remember this is my first time) !

Hope you review !