This epilogue is dedicated to E.E.G.; for better or worse, some encounters are no accidents or a mere whim of chance.
Diana stared out the windows of her embassy. Metropolis had already started to experience a rather warm thaw in the early March. No sign of snow remained on the streets around the embassy. In the background, she could hear Erik and Shayera talking. Unconsciously, she looked at her now healed right arm and hand. Twice it had been damaged and twice it had been healed. Yet, she thought she could still feel the pain from Zara's fires and Cyber's attacks.
"So Human Magazine wants to do another profile of you two?" Shayera asked with masked amusement.
"Yes," Erik said smugly. "They've been trying to get a hold of us for a month."
"So has everybody," Shayera noted. "Every journalist, politician, and celebrity has been tripping over themselves to act like they always supported you guys, despite throwing both of you to the wolves back in January."
"That's why Diana and I have been quiet the last month. Let them sweat it out."
Erik was right. Diana didn't know how long it would take to recover from her injuries, so she decided to remain in the embassy. The only people she kept in contact with were her friends on the League, Lois, and Erik of course. She declined to go out in the public, attend any meetings, or even have lunch with anyone. Diana wasn't in a hurry to reconnect with a bunch of people who had abandoned her. Even the UN issuing a public apology didn't really register with her.
"Di?" Erik asked, as if he just noticed she had ignored the conversation for the most part. "Are you-"
"Fine," Diana said with a sigh. She turned around to face Erik and Shayera. The winged woman's belly had grown more pronounced now and she would be due within a month or two. Erik had Anya in his lap. The child remained fast asleep. Diana eyes briefly darted to Shayera, who gave her an understanding look.
"For what it's worth," Shayera began. "I finally managed to track down Etta's-er, the former King of Kasnia. He's still paralyzed and an invalid under a different name in a hospital in Central City."
Erik didn't say anything and just stared at Diana with uncertainty. Diana nodded to Shayera.
"Thank you Shayera," Diana replied. "I'll see that the hospital receives a generous donation from me and that they make sure he continues to get adequate care and treatment until he dies."
"I still don't understand why?" Erik admitted bluntly. "You never even really met him personally."
"Audrey, even when she became Etta, still made sure her father was taken care of the last fifteen years. Whether out of familial loyalty, love, or spite, I'm not sure. Without her support and with her assets seized, he will probably die or be discharged sooner or later. I'm not going to let someone else die because of Audrey."
Neither Shayera, nor Erik, said anything and the room remained in an uncomfortably awkward silence. Erik than started to talk again.
"Speaking of people eager to get on our good side, we should take advantage of that. We can probably elicit a lot of donations for my next fundraiser. Think of the money that could go to building more hospitals or helping environmental activist groups. Hell, you might be able to get a better environmental treaty from the UN, Diana. People will probably be more willing to support it now as an attempt to suck up."
"And most of them will still be unauthentic in their support," Diana countered. "I don't really care for the opinions or backings of phonies anymore."
"Then screw them," Erik acquiesced. "But I still think you should try to exploit the good political capital you have Diana. You could probably do something even greater at the UN."
"Perhaps…" Diana replied in an apathetic tone. She then glanced at the clock and realized she had lost track of time.
"I have my interview with Lois soon," she pointed out. Diana and Erik had refused to talk to the press the past month and instead had their proxies release brief statements while the League and U.S. government published most of the details about the Crimson Flame, Audrey, and the Lotus Eater. The entire public now knew about Audrey being alive and that she orchestrated Vox's assassination and the attacks done by Crimson Flame. Most of Audrey's allies had already been apprehended by authorities in Kasnia and were admitting to the conspiracy. The Kasnian government however, remained surprisingly resilient. Dragovic had already resigned in disgrace, and the Kasnians seemed to have quickly moved on from him without any bloodshed. Godfrey didn't fare any better. Not only did he lose his popularity, the network had canned him in fear they could be liable for a libel lawsuit. Not that Diana would follow through on it. Godfrey wasn't worth any of her time or attention ever again.
However, no one in the public seemed to care about that stuff lately. Everyone was eager or apprehensive over what Diana had to say once she went public again. That was why Diana elected to have Lois be the one to receive her first public interview since the incident at the Lotus Eater. If Diana was going to address the public, she wanted it to be from one of her few real friends. Lois wouldn't necessarily go soft on her, but Diana could trust her to be fair and tell the truth.
"Are you sure you don't want me to be there with you?" Erik asked with concern.
"I'll be fine," she replied. "I'll take Anya with me as well. She's been cooped up here too long."
Diana gently lifted Anya out of Erik's lap. She stirred sleepily and rubbed her eyes. Tenderly, Diana rubbed the little girl's back and clasped another hand on the girl's shoulder. Diana's eyes then found Erik and he whispered to her.
"Babe, we still need to have that talk about you and your mother's offer and the wedding…"
"We will after the interview, I promise this time," Diana assured curtly. Unconsciously, she found herself looking at Shayera, who pretended she didn't notice or care what Diana and Erik had just said. Diana then led Anya off of the couch and towards the door.
"I'll walk out with you," Shayera chimed in. "It was good to see you Erik."
Diana left the room with Anya in tow before Shayera placed a hand on her shoulder. Glancing back, Diana stared at Shyaera's sharp green eyes.
"Are you sure you still want to do this?" Shayera asked. "The League already got rid of your suspension and the UN's about to bow at your feet."
Out of all Diana's friends, Shayera was the only person in the world that Diana had confided in what she planned to really do today. In response to Shayera's question, Diana nodded with confidence. It was the first time in a long time she felt so sure about something. Giving a sigh, Shayera gave Diana a sad smile.
"A lot of people are going to be shocked. Some may even be disappointed or heartbroken," the winged heroine said pointedly.
"I know," Diana acknowledged regretfully. "But it is something I need to do."
"Good luck," Shayera encouraged and she and Diana embraced each other tightly. "I still expect you to be around for when my next kid comes."
"Alright, just let me turn this on," Lois said as she clicked the tape recorder and sat in her chair with her notepad and pen ready. "Are you sure you're ready to do this?"
"I am sure," Diana nodded with trepidation. Anya sat on the couch next to Diana, clutching her arm tightly.
"Alright," Lois muttered. "Here it goes. Madame Ambassador, how does it feel to be vindicated of the accusations leveled at you these past few months by the recent events related to the Crimson Flame?"
"I'm not here to talk about that," Diana replied bluntly.
"You-er what?" Lois asked with mild surprise as an eyebrow shot up over a violet eye. Even when shocked these days, Lois usually did a good job of keeping her cool.
"I'm not going to talk about the Crimson Flame, Zara, Kasnia, or Audrey today. Most of the relevant information the public needs to know is already common knowledge. They don't need to know anything else."
"Alright, fair enough," Lois accepted. "What do you want to talk about then? Why come to me?"
"Because I want you to be the one to publish my public announcement that I'm resigning my ambassadorship."
That statement did manage to elicit a more animated response from Lois. She almost dropped her notepad right there and looked at Diana in disbelief.
"You're resigning?"
"Additionally, I'm resigning from the Justice League as well," Diana pressed on coolly. Lois looked like she had just been punched in the face.
"Honey, what are-"
"I've already talked to your husband about me leaving the League right before I came here. He's waiting for you to publish my announcements before he tells the rest of the League."
"Diana," Lois replied. "This is just-"
"I'll explain in detail to you and your husband one day why," Diana promised. "Just not right now. I do, however, need to let the world know I will be leaving the UN and the Justice League sooner than later. Can't have the public still think I represent Themyscira or the Justice League officially when I don't."
Lois looked like she wanted to protest or say something, but for once, the ace reporter seemed at a loss for words. In defeat, Lois's body language relaxed and she let out a sigh.
"Alright, you win. I'll be sure to write a good article that mentions the highlights of your ambassadorship and your time on the Justice League. You still deserve some recognition."
"There's one more thing Lois," Diana added, before looking at Anya. She then looked back at Lois.
"Agent Faraday of the U.S. Government owes me a favor. He managed to pull some strings for me. Anya won't be put in the foster care system. She's been fast-tracked to be legally adopted."
"Are you resigning to take care of her?" Lois asked.
"No," Diana dismissed. "Where I'm going, I can't have Anya with me."
"Where?" Lois asked curiously, the pen twitching in her hand.
"Everywhere," Diana replied cryptically, but truthfully. "It will make sense soon, I assure you. However, I can't rob Anya of a happy and normal life. She deserves to finally have some stability and the love from two good parents who just wanted a child of their own."
It dawned onto Lois what Diana was getting at.
"Diana, you don't mean-"
"Anya likes you and you dote on her," Diana pointed out. "And Clark will make a great father. It's in his blood. The two of you have been trying hard to adopt a child. I couldn't think of a better couple to raise Anya and give her the love she deserves.
"Diana this is crazy-I-"
Diana stood up.
"Just be careful with having a lot of electronics around her," Diana warned. She then looked at Anya and got on a knee. Anya already knew what was happening because Diana had told her a long time ago. The girl may not have been able to speak, but she understood when Diana told her she would take her to her real home soon. Anya held onto Diana and Diana knew both of them had tears in their eyes.
"I promised to keep you safe," Diana reminded. "Lois and Clark will continue that promise for me."
She then backed away to wipe a tear and saw a dumbfounded Lois. Diana then led Anya to the reporter. Anya looked at Lois questioningly, before running up to hug her leg. Lois melted like butter and smiled happily before bending over to hug Anya. The reporter looked up at Diana and the Amazon could tell Lois was trying to not break down in front of her.
"Thank you-thank you Diana."
Diana smiled and turned around to see herself out. As she reached the apartment door, she heard Lois ask one more question.
"Have you talked to Erik about this at all? What did he have to say?"
Diana looked down at her engagement ring and rubbed it.
"That's another thing I need to take care of," Diana admitted ruefully.
Gotham City
Bruce sat next to the hospital bed with his back stiff and straight. His hands clenched the cane tightly. Stephanie's unconscious body remained lying there as it had been the last few weeks. The doctors had to force her into a coma to help treat her, but for some reason they couldn't get her to wake up again. No one in the hospital was sure if she would ever wake up now. For the past month, Bruce had stopped by every day to stay at Stephanie's side for hours, only leaving to go home to change and get something to eat. Sometimes his vigils would last longer than a day.
"Sooo, I've noticed the past week you don't seem to be using as many pills as you used to…" Gordon mentioned while he sat next to Bruce. Sometimes, the retired commissioner would come to check in on Stephanie as well, but Bruce felt like he was always there to really check on him instead.
"Pain has become manageable," Bruce admitted gruffly while he rubbed his cane. That was partly true. He still used the pills sparingly, but the worry over Stephanie's health seemed to numb everything more than any drug or alcohol could. Deciding he should try to break the awkward silence like Gordon was attempting, Bruce spoke again.
"Salvage teams recovered the missiles along with the remains of Audrey and Deathstroke. He is dead finally."
Unfortunately, that didn't seem to spark any conversation and failed like Gordon's attempt. The two men just sat in solemn silence and stared at Stephanie's lifeless body. After what felt like an hour, Gordon spoke again.
"Bruce, you could use some rest. Maybe go home and-"
"I'm fine," Bruce snapped.
"Fair enough," Gordon relented. He then turned to look at Bruce, who still stared at Stephanie.
"The public and police are aware there's been a lack of a Batman or Batwoman sightings the last few weeks. Gotham seems to be holding its breath right now and waiting, but crime is starting to rise again. Everyone wants to know if the Bat still protects the city at night."
"I'll cross that bridge when I get to it," Bruce muttered.
"That's fine and all, but what side of the bridge are you going to end up on?"
Bruce turned to glance at Gordon finally and didn't say anything. Not because he wanted to say nothing, but because he didn't know what to say. Gordon seemed to sense his uncertainty and then made a dramatic show to check his watch and yawn.
"I know it's only the afternoon, but I didn't get much sleep last night. Call me if you need anything. I'll be back tomorrow morning."
Shaking slightly, Gordon put on his coat and slowly walked out of the hospital. The door clicked and Bruce found himself alone and in solitude again. He was grateful Gordon was one of the few people who knew when to leave him alone. Bruce's stiff posture slackened and he bowed his head over the cane's handle. He then let out a deep breath and cried. For a while, he just sobbed to himself. Looking back up at the ceiling with red and watery eyes, he did something he had not done in a lifetime.
"I still don't think you're real," he admitted. "But if you're there, please help her."
He then lowered his head again and continued to pray out loud.
"I've done a lot of things in my life. Some good, some bad, and some I'm just not sure if it was right or wrong. I'll answer for my mistakes and regrets later. Just please, don't punish her for my failings. Please let her live. She deserves it more than me."
Shuddering slightly, he continued.
"She-she was the only one there for me when I was at the darkest point of my life. Maybe you put her in my life on purpose, maybe it was destiny, or maybe it was just a giant cosmic coincidence. It doesn't matter. She was the only thing that stopped me from completely losing myself. I'm still alive because of her."
He then looked back upwards and spoke from the heart.
"But most of all, she's my daughter. She is the only family I have left. Take me instead, but please don't take her away from me too."
He then lowered his head once more and shook in disbelief. Groveling to the heavens wasn't going to do any good. What a fool he was to think otherwise.
"No, please don't stop. You were on a roll there," whispered a weak, but snarky voice. Bruce jumped up to find Stephanie with half closed eyes staring back at him with a smirk. He noticed her eyes had teared up as well.
"Stephanie!" Bruce gasped and he rushed over to the bed and embraced her tightly.
"Are you actually crying?" she taunted in a hoarse voice. Bruce ignored the jab and held onto her.
"How-how long have you been awake?" he asked.
"Long enough. Does this mean you're putting me in the will now?"
Bruce laughed hugged Stephanie tightly. He didn't let go of her for a long time, even when the doctors came in and wanted to run some tests on her.
Diana deliberately walked slowly up the steps of her embassy. The window Deathstroke had broken to stage his break-in had long since been repaired. It looked as if nothing had happened, just like the flawless skin on Diana's completely healed arm. But just like her arm, the memories still revealed the truth of what had actually happened. No amount of repair or accelerated healing could cover the past up. Closing her eyes, she pulled her keys out slowly and unlocked the door to let herself in. She opened her eyes just in time to see Erik jumping to his feet in alarm.
"Di! What's going on? The news said you quit-"
"I resigned," Diana emphasized. "There's a difference."
Erik stuttered before shaking his head.
"Okay, you resigned your ambassadorship. Why didn't-"
"I also resigned from the Justice League," Diana pointed out.
"I'm aware of that too," Erik mentioned with annoyance. "I want to know why you didn't tell me this and I had to find out because it was trending on social media?"
Diana didn't answer and stared at him. Erik looked lost and even slightly angry.
"Does this mean you're accepting your mother's offer to take the crown?" he asked with hurt in his eyes.
"I understand why you think that is what this is about," Diana noted in a softer tone. Her retort befuddled Erik and he stammered over his next few words before realizing Diana was alone.
"Where-where's Anya?"
"She's with Lois," Diana revealed. "By the end of the week, she'll be legally adopted by Lois and Clark."
"I thought we could've adopted her though. We could've done it before or after the wedding."
Diana cringed at that last word. She had tried to stall and drag her feet so long on this, but a part of her felt like she wasn't the only one who had stalled. With regret and fear, Diana began to start the hardest thing she had ever done in her life so far.
"I promised you we would finally have an honest talk when I got back. We are having it now."
Erik's shoulders lowered and his hands shook slightly. His lips trembled slightly before he spoke again.
"You're right," he admitted. He then fell back into the seat and looked at the ground, folding his hands. Diana expected him to speak some more. When he didn't and seemed intent at staring at the carpet, she walked over and took a seat across from him. Unlike Erik, she decided to not look at the floor, but straight at him. Finally, Erik dropped his hands and jerked up to stare back at her.
"So you are going to take the crown after all," Erik surmised. "I want you to know Diana, no matter what I say afterwards, I understand why you're doing it."
"Erik," Diana muttered with regret. "I'm not taking my mother's crown."
Confused, Erik looked at her as if she had started speaking in an alien language.
"Then-then why-"
"Erik, what we're going to talk about goes deeper than my mother's offer to take the throne in Themyscira."
Diana then looked to the side to stare at the fireplace that remained unlit. It appeared hollow and somewhat gaping like a wound.
"Ever since you proposed to me, I've felt this doubt the entire time. I've always felt like I was stuck between two decisions, or in the middle of a bridge and unsure which side of the river I should end up on."
She then turned to stare back at Erik, who eyed her intently.
"I first thought I was torn between love and duty, but I realized that the doubt and indecisiveness wasn't me just being unsure of my future. They were warning signs that should've raised alarm bells for me. If I couldn't muster the courage to make a decision about us when I was still happy and feeling complete, how could I have been right for you? If I had been right for you, I should've shown you the same loyalty as you showed me. I should've been honest and open with you right away, not keeping secrets and remaining unsure."
"I don't care Di. I love you and-"
Diana held up a hand to indicate him to stop talking.
"My mistake was ignoring the warning signs. Your mistake was thinking you loved me."
The remark made Erik look like he had been attacked by her. Rage and confusion flared his eyes briefly before they were overcome by grief.
"Diana, what-"
"You only loved the person you thought I was. Not the person who I really am. You loved the part of me that thought my mission was over and that I was done fighting, ready to lay back and be content with the pleasures of life."
"But you never did stop fighting," Erik countered. "You still were a fighter. Whether on the League or in the UN, you always would fight for what's right. It's why I fell in love with you!"
This time, Diana couldn't hold back the tears.
"Erik, please stop. Don't make this harder than it already is."
"No! I refuse to let you try to sell yourself short. You act like you were weak and just sitting around doing nothing. That's not true! You were an ambassador who stood as an inspiration to the world. You can still do that. We can go back to that."
"And that's another example of you not really loving who I really am," Diana cut in like a knife. That stopped Erik from ranting. Diana almost wanted to stop and compose herself, but she couldn't stall it any longer.
"All this time together Erik, you thought you loved the real me, but you never really knew or understood me. I wasn't my true self as Diana the Ambassador the last decade. That isn't who I really am. To be fair, I didn't realize that either until recently."
Erik didn't say anything and just looked like a man who not only had his heart broken, but his mind damaged as well.
"I wasn't me. I became a politician, a media personality, and a celebrity. I turned a blind eye to bad things or allowed them to happen in order to promote this gilded Era of Peace as well as my personal image. I compromised who I was for political victories and comforted myself with needless things like glowing reviews from the entertainment press or the best gowns from world renowned designers. I exchanged my principles and virtues for vanity projects and virtue signals."
Diana then looked back at the fireplace and stared at her reflection in the giant mirror above the mantle.
"Zara and even Godfrey were right; I was a fraud. I acted like a hero, even though my mission was not over. My whole legacy has been a lie. Only thing I can do now is make it right and be my true self again."
"And what is that?"
"Not the woman you proposed to," Diana admitted bluntly as she tearfully removed the ring and placed it on the coffee table.
"Diana, maybe you're right…but, we can still make it work. I still love you. I can grow to love you even…"
"Erik," Diana begged and stood up. "Please don't."
Erik stood up as well. Diana then walked over to him and placed a gentle, tender hand on his chest while she looked into his eyes. She owed him that at least.
"I wish we could be together. I really do wish we loved each other as much as you think, but it's not real. Deep down, a part of you knows that to be true as well. This happy life that we thought we could have, it isn't what my life is supposed to be. My only regret is it took me so long to realize this and that I had to break the heart of the one man who didn't deserve it."
She then kissed him on the cheek and turned around, hoping he would leave soon. The sound of his feet moving away from her and the ring being dragged off the table indicated he was leaving, albeit reluctantly. When she heard the door open, she turned back around and saw he had been staring at her.
"I really do hope you find a woman that is actually worthy of the love you can give," Diana admitted truthfully. Surprisingly, despite the pain in his eyes, Erik seemed to believe in the sincerity of her wish.
"I just need to ask one thing," Erik admitted. "And then I'll be gone."
Diana felt a little nervous, but nodded at his request.
"I won't lie to you Erik. Never again."
Erik hesitated before asking his question.
"You said I never really knew the real you. Who are you really then?"
Diana looked back at him and didn't flinch or drop her gaze when she admitted the truth.
"I'm not Diana, Ambassador of Themyscira. Nor am I Diana, Princess of Amazons. And I'm definitely not Diana, founding member of the Justice League. I am really only one person, and that is Wonder Woman."
Erik nodded sadly as if he understood what she meant before exiting the room, leaving Diana alone to herself. She looked around and wanted to just go lay on her couch and cry, but she knew she had a lot of work that needed to be done.
Gotham City
The sun was setting by the time Bruce had pulled up into his own driveway and had entered his manor. He limped into the main den as he finished his call on the phone with Gordon.
"Doctors say she could come home as early as next week."
"I'm glad to hear. I definitely look forward to seeing her tomorrow."
"I do too. Thanks for helping out Jim," Bruce admitted and then he hung up. He laid his cane against the couch and realized his place was unusually cold. Hobbling over, he went to the fireplace and started one in less than two minutes. The flames roared to life instantly. He then grabbed a remote and turned the television on. It was on the local news channel.
"Police say the suspect is armed and clearly dangerous. He has barricaded himself in the room with at least four child hostages and refuses negotiations."
Bruce grimaced uncomfortably and turned down the volume. What Gordon said earlier in the hospital was true. Gotham seemed to want to test the boundaries to see if the symbol of the Bat still flew into the night. He tried to focus his attention on the fireplace when he felt the familiar twitch. Bruce hadn't had a drink for a long time and that yearning was there too, but his body ached for something more. Reaching into his pocket, he pulled out the pill bottle and stared at it. He hadn't really used them as frequently as he did in the past. In fact, he hadn't used them at all today. The euphoria over Stephanie waking up made him forget about them. And yet, the temptation to open the bottle and take them lingered. He suddenly felt like he needed that more than anything else. Before he could reach his other hand to open the bottle, someone cleared their throat. Whipping around, he found Diana standing on the other side of the den with a small, but kind smile.
"Hello Bruce," she greeted cautiously. She wore some nice winter clothes that indicated to Bruce she probably flew her jet here instead of flying herself. Bruce stared at her and quickly put the bottle back in his pocket. Diana didn't give any indication she had seen it and looked back at him.
"I let myself in. I hope you don't mind," she confessed.
"Not like I could've stopped you," he replied back with his own smirk. She brightened a little at that.
"I couldn't help but overhear that Stephanie has woken up. I am so relieved for both of you. I pray to my gods she'll make a full recovery."
"Stephanie's tough," Bruce acknowledged. "She'll be back stronger than before."
"Does that mean the Bat will also be back in Gotham?" Diana asked pointedly. Bruce didn't reply to that. Instead, he just quietly stared back at her. Diana glanced at the television behind him before looking back at him.
"I've noticed no one has seen the Batman lately in Gotham," she mentioned. "Does that mean you're done with your mission?"
In spite of himself, Bruce found his tongue slipping to reveal what was on his mind.
"I don't know."
Diana nodded sympathetically.
"I won't tell you what you should do. It is your decision to make and yours alone."
The Amazon then walked around the den to examine the room as if she were a realtor appraising it.
"I always liked this room," she admitted. "It was a lot more welcoming than the cave."
"Forgive me for being blunt Diana, but why are you here?" Bruce asked. Diana looked back over to stare at him.
"I, like you, am not quite sure of my future either," she revealed. "Have you heard I resigned my ambassador post as well as my membership on the League?"
"Thought I heard something about that on the radio."
"You probably didn't also hear that I ended my engagement with Erik though."
Out of all the things Diana could've said to surprise him, that was the last thing Bruce expected.
Diana had resumed her examination of the room as if Bruce wasn't there. When she spoke again, she seemed to intently stare at the grandfather clock that hid the secret entrance to the cave.
"Do you remember my favorite flower Bruce?"
"My favorite flower," she repeated before turning around to make eye contact with him. "Do you still remember it?"
Bruce paused due to the rather random nature of the question before reflecting on a memory during Valentine's Day a long time ago.
"Stargazer Lilies," he answered. Diana nodded before speaking again.
"Do you know why they are my favorite?"
Bruce couldn't answer that one and just patiently waited for her to reply. Diana seemed to enjoy his inability to answer that question before she continued talking.
"They were a relatively new flower to Man's World, just like how I was. And yet, despite them being rather new, they symbolize optimism for the future. It always amazed me how Man's World, despite its cruelty and proclivity for war and self-destruction, could create such a beautiful flower with so much deep meaning that resonated with me personally. The stargazer represents hope and a promise of a better tomorrow, just like what the mission of Wonder Woman is truly supposed to be."
She then walked across the room towards him. She was now only a yard away from him.
"That's why I'm leaving the UN, the League, and even Erik. Wonder Woman doesn't belong with any of them really anymore. Wonder Woman can't be satisfied and content with a happy life and shallow political victories when she promises a better world for everyone; a world of peace and love."
Diana then flinched uncomfortably as if she was confessing her sins to Bruce for absolution. She then glanced at the flames in the fireplace instead of looking directly at Bruce.
"It took me a while, but I realized to be Wonder Woman, I can't play politics or be a celebrity. I can't even be on the Justice League in this day and age without compromising my mission and who I really am. The Justice League constrains me and I personally have strayed away from my true self this last decade. I didn't realize that and no one on the League did either; except you Bruce."
Adjusting her gaze so now that her deep cerulean eyes stared back at him, Diana gave a little laugh.
"But then again, you were always the first to realize something before anyone else."
"Don't sell yourself short Diana. Deep down, you always knew who you truly were. It just took you a while to remember."
"I guess we both took the long way back in remembering who we really are supposed to be," Diana pointed out.
Bruce gave his own small smile at that.
"I'll admit Bruce, I owe it all to you," Diana acknowledged. "Two months ago, I had almost forgotten about you and didn't realize how important you were for my life; but I know better now. Bringing you back in my life made me recognize a lot of things. You may not believe in my dreams and my goals, but you know what it's like to fight for something that others deem impossible. You know what it's like to battle for something because it is the right thing to do, the odds be damned. If it takes our whole lives to fight for it and we don't live to see the victory, at least we went all out for it. No one else on the League understood that but you and me."
She took another step closer to him and Bruce felt his heart twitch slightly.
"And that's why I think you are one of the few people who understands why I'm resigning and leaving the League and declining my ambassadorship. Clark, the others, the UN, even Erik won't get it. I can't be achieving my mission while living comfortably in an ivory tower and playing politics. I need to be committed to the long haul. I can inspire people and the world to be better and believe in my dream by being on the ground rather than from on high."
"I'll admit," Bruce croaked, finally speaking with his own wry smirk. "You do seem to have that effect of inspiring people. It's a rather uncanny ability of yours to somehow bring out the best in everyone you interact with."
Diana seemed amused and pleased with that compliment and nodded.
"I agree. It's also why I'm forfeiting my claim to the Themysciran throne."
Swallowing in mild surprise, Bruce coughed slightly.
"You abdicated your royal title?"
"I already said I can't be constrained by politics. Becoming a queen would shackle me even more than the League or the ambassadorship has. I am supposed to lead, not rule or play politics. The last ten years I've been imprisoned by concern over my public and political image, but you have helped set me free to be myself Bruce. I am my own woman once more and will be for the rest of my life. I won't let someone convince me to compromise who I am or what I fight for ever again."
After her proclamation, Bruce didn't say anything right away and just stared at Diana who looked proud of herself at the moment. Bruce couldn't also help but feel a sense of pride for her as well.
"So, what's next for you?" he asked curiously.
"Truthfully," Diana admitted, slightly staining the proud look on her face with a linger of doubt. "I'm not exactly sure yet. I do know that I, like most of the world, have ignored a lot of injustices lately. I hope I can redeem myself and my mission by addressing a lot of these problems that the UN and others don't want to deal with for fear of causing political backlash. There's plenty of problems from human trafficking to poisoned water that I can probably seek to fix since no one else will. I won't wait for politics or approval from the Justice League to do the right thing. I fight for justice not because someone told me to or because it makes someone or something look good, but because I believe in it."
Diana then closed the gap and to Bruce's surprise, he found her giving him a quick, chaste kiss on his lips before embracing him tightly. Bruce still a little stunned, put his arms around her as well.
"Thank you, Bruce," he heard her whispering in his ear. "For everything."
She then backed away and with a knowing smile, she looked down at his pocket.
"For what it's worth, you don't need those things to get yourself through the day. All you need is to be yourself again. You are like me because you know that fighting for something is better than living for nothing."
She then turned around to walk away, indicating she was leaving. Bruce almost let her go without saying anything, but just as she opened the door, he called out for her.
"Diana," he said without shouting. His baritone voice echoed enough that it resonated throughout the den and foyer.
"Yes?" she asked, turning around to look at him with mild curiosity.
"You said you needed me to help remind you of the better person you're supposed to be."
"And?" Diana asked, as if she knew and expected what he would say next. Bruce could only give her a satisfied and grateful smile back at her in response.
"It looks like you did the same thing for me," he admitted. Diana nodded happily.
"Goodbye Bruce. Just know this, I'll always be there for you if you need my help to remind you who you are again."
"And I will as well," Bruce promised.
"Good luck," Diana expressed. And then she turned around and exited the manor, leaving Bruce to himself.
Diana's feet crackled on the gravel as she made her way to where she had parked her invisible jet. When she was about ten feet away, she closed her eyes and spun around. She felt the familiar, warm feeling and opened her eyes to see herself in her full Wonder Woman regalia, with her lasso at her side. For the first time in a long time, she felt completely whole again.
"Let's go," Wonder Woman said to herself. She then entered the invisible jet, deciding to set a course for a small African country that she had learned was dealing with a bandit recruiting child soldiers. UN seemed deadlocked on what to do next, but she knew she could fix it herself. She wasn't a bureaucrat or a false idol. She was Wonder Woman.
Bruce stared at where Diana had left for the longest time. He found himself replaying their conversation in his head multiple times, long after the sun had set and dusk had fully settled in. Something caught his attention out of the corner of his eyes and he turned around to find the news broadcast still showed the hostage situation. He turned the volume up.
"Police are scrambling to try to find a solution, but so far, nothing seems to have dissuade the suspect. Can anyone rescue these kids before this madman hurts them even more?"
Bruce turned off the television and looked out the window to see the Batsignal shining bright above the skyline. His leg tingled a bit and he pulled the pills out of his pocket again. He then turned to look back at the window to watch the Batsignal before staring down into the fireplace. Clenching the bottle tightly, he looked down to examine it.
"Fighting for something is better than living for nothing," Diana's voice echoed in his head. He looked back into the hearth in determination and then he cast the bottle into the fire. The fireplace sparked as the flames began to consume and melt the plastic bottle with the pills. With a satisfied smile, he turned around and started to head towards the grandfather clock. If he hurried, the Batplane could take him near the site of the hostage scene in less than fifteen minutes.
The clock slid open and he went down the steps into the cave as the secret door clicked shut behind him, leaving the prescription bottle and the painkillers to slowly be consumed by the calm, roaring flames.
And that's a wrap. I'm sure it may have not been the ending some of you wanted or hoped for, but it is the ending that story needed and that's what really matters. Not to say I won't re-visit Diana, Bruce, and Stephanie in this continuity in the future, but this particular story is over now. Thank you so much for sticking by with it after all these years. I didn't anticipate it would take me over five years to complete, which is why I'm always grateful for the loyal readers. And of course, I have to be extremely grateful for MTVCCV for helping me write this story. If anyone deserves as much credit for writing this, it is him. Thank you for your time and please review.
And as my usual custom, here is my closing credits at the end of the story.
Diana of Themyscira/Wonder Woman
Bruce Wayne/Batman
Timothy Drake/Slade Wilson/Deathstroke
Stephanie Brown/Batwoman
Erik Bronson
Special Agent King Faraday
Maxwell Lord
Shayera Hol/Hawkgirl
Lois Lane
G. Gordon Godfrey
Ra's al Ghul
Clark Kent/Superman
President Dragovic
James Gordon
with Colonel Vox,
and Etta Candy/Audrey Horvat/Cyber