Got bored. This happened. *Grins*

Soul x Kid

Sweet Dreams

I had been sitting on the couch, debating whether or not to try and sneak a snack in before I went to bed or just wait until morning for food, when the bedroom door opened. Kid walked out and shut the door quietly behind him. Mind you, this was at 11:30 at night on a Monday. It was very unlike him to be up after 8:00 on any night (except Fridays and Saturdays, which we spent having fun or fucking), especially Mondays. He looked really tired. "What are you doin' up, Kiddo?" I asked, standing up to meet him in the middle of the room. I kissed the side of his head and looked down at his small, but firm build and smiled. He leaned into my chest and sighed. "I'm tired, Soul. And it's cold in the bed without you there too." he whispered into my chest. "Ah…you're so warm. Won't you come to bed as well?" he whispered. "Sure." I whispered back, into his hair. "Will you…will you carry me?" He asked it so softly, I almost didn't hear him. I chuckled and put both of my hands on either of his thighs. "Yeah. Jump on three, ne?" He nodded. "One…two…three." I hauled him up by his thighs as he jumped up slightly to help me get him up. I kept one hand under his left thigh and I had my other palm splayed across his back, keeping him still. "A'ight. Let's go to bed now, ne, Kid?" he nodded slightly into my neck and I smiled.

Opening our bedroom door, I pulled back the covers with the hand that had been on his thigh (since he was clinging pretty tightly, I figured he wouldn't drop) and tried to lay him back down in the bed. He wouldn't let go of me and, instead, yanked me down beside him. I chuckled and kissed the top of his head before moving so I could whisper in his ear. "We can't leave the lights on all night. Let me up so I can turn everything off and shut the door, okay?" he nodded, his grip loosening and I got out of bed once again. After I was done with the lights (and a donut) I brushed my teeth again, stripped my shirt off, and slipped back into bed beside a now snoring Kid. "You really were tired, huh?" I whispered. I pulled the blankets over us both, pulling him closer as he cuddled into my chest. "Good night Kiddo. Sweet dreams." I whispered, kissing his forehead before drifting off myself.