So, this is kind of a complete AU crossover. It takes place after Jack becomes a Guardian but also as if the events of Frozen didn't take place. It'll make sense, I promise.

Bear with me.

Cute stuff.

I'm a total ElsaxJack shipper.

"Kris, you don't think this is really going to work, do you?" Jack asked as he stepped in time next to his friend Kristoff. Every time his bare foot touched the ground a swirl of frost layered the dirt elegantly. He was used to the icy tingling sensation now.

"I don't know. Anna seems to think so." Kristoff shrugged his shoulder and pulled his reluctant reindeer, named Sven, along his side.

"You've been hanging around this Anna quite a bit lately. Is there anything I should know?" Jack's tone held suspicion but mostly a bit of teasing in his voice. Kris immediately went to shove the white haired boy but he had shot up into the air with an icy breeze.

"No! Well, maybe. I don't know. She's really cute, I guess." A faint blush covered his fair cheeks.

"Sure she is. So, wait, remind me what I'm supposed to do again?" Jack asked as he joined Kristoff's side again.

"Well, you see, Elsa has been struggling lately." Kristoff started but Jack, being impatient, interrupted.

"Struggling how?" His voice was full of concern. No, he has never met the girl but he has heard stories of the Arendelle princess'. The mountains near the kingdom were some of his favorites to spend time in so he caught gossip every once and a while. "Does this have anything to do with what happened to their parents?" He asked trying to make a connection.

"Well, sort of. You see, Elsa has always struggled with this but what happened to her parents kind of made everything even worse. She hasn't come out of her room in days and Anna isn't sure if Elsa's even been eating the food that she leaves her. We're just worried and I told Anna that you might be able to help with her. You might be able to connect with her."

"Well, you know me, Mr. Social-able, I'm glad to do what I can. I just, will she even be able to see me?" The question came out hesitantly. Kris knew of Jack's biggest fear and he immediately threw a smile at him.

"I assure you that she will." He chuckled. "You see, she has these abilities that you might find interesting." Kristoff started but suddenly, a large snowball hit him square on the nose. Jack immediately scanned the area for an intruder but he was surprised to see a snowball heading directly towards his own head.

"Gotcha!" A young lady jumped out from behind two thick bushes. Her amber locks were tucked into a thick braid that rest over her left shoulder.

"Wait for it," Jack mumbled as he touched his staff to the ground. A patch of ice slithered along the ground until it reached the girl's feet. Baffled at the sight, and due to her lack of gracefulness, the girl immediately lost her balance and plopped down onto her bottom. Jack's laughter echoed with Sven's reindeer chuckle as Kristoff ran to the girl's side.

"Anna, are you okay?"

"Kris, you really think a little fall is going to break me?" She giggled as she kissed his cheek for the thoughtful gesture. "Now, let's talk about," She let out a short sigh. "Him." She poked her head around Kristoff and directed her glare towards Jack.

"What? I thought it was great." Jack's wild smile forced Anna to reflect the emotion.

"So, this is Jack?" Anna asked cautiously.

"The one and only." He slid along the ice to meet the two. When she reached out a hand to greet him Kristoff stepped in.

"Anna, this is Jack Frost. Jack, this is Princess Anna of Arendelle." The broad shouldered young man smiled down at the princess. "What?" He asked immediately when she was staring up at Jack suspiciously.

"I just thought he'd look different." She shrugged one shoulder and met Kristoff's gaze.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Jack almost felt offended but Anna burst into laughter.

"Well, you can't say that you wouldn't imagine Jack Frost to look something more like a snowman than a handsome young man with a tussled haircut!" Jack was taken aback by the comment, suddenly insecure about his hair.

"It's windblown." He muffled as he attempted to brush it down.

"Guys, matter at hand?" Kristoff's annoyance was slightly veiled. He may or may not have been slightly jealous that Anna openly admit Jack was handsome.

"Yes! Jack, you're going to love Elsa! She's intelligent, sweet, funny, and she loves chocolate!" Anna giggled as they began walking towards the small town.

"I think you just described yourself." Kristoff whispered and Anna playfully bumped him.

"Wait, I wasn't aware that this was a blind date." Jack was suddenly nervous. He looked down at his outfit, he still looked the same as before but a part of him wished he had something nicer to meet the Princess in.

"Oh, no, it's not!" Anna immediately assured him. "I just know that you're going to like her once you get to know her." Anna's phrase faded towards the end.

"Once I get to know her?" Jack felt the uneasiness in Anna's voice.

"Well, she can give the cold shoulder to people that try to invade." Anna didn't appreciate Kristoff's pun.

"Listen, she's a great girl but she has a hard time getting close to people. She doesn't feel comfortable with trusting people." Anna crossed her arms over her chest. She didn't like talking about her sister this way. Anna knew that she needed to do whatever she could to help Elsa, though.

"Wait, then why are you bringing a complete stranger in to help? Why don't you just help her, Anna?" Jack asked Anna but when she didn't answer he looked towards Kristoff. Kristoff's scowl didn't answer Jack's question but it was all he was going to get for now.

All Jack knew was that he was going to meet a very temperamental girl who probably wasn't going to open up to him very much even though there was a possibility that she was going to like him. He really hoped that this was going to work. The fact that Anna didn't answer his last question just showed him that this meant a lot to the younger princess. No, Jack wasn't the most heroic type, heck he didn't have a heroic bone in his body, but he was loyal.

He remembered what North, or some call him Santa Claus, said about becoming a guardian: find your center. Jack eventually did find his but he wasn't sure how that was going to help him in situations like these. Maybe it would come in handy but he really wished some of the other Guardians were here to help him. Bunny would have been able to help in this situation and maybe even the Tooth Fairy would be able to. He almost entertained the thought of going to get them. This seemed like it was going to be a tough situation. He was ready to help, nonetheless.

"This is Arendelle." Anna motioned to the town once the trail opened up. Nestled in a wide valley, a small town sat on the edge of a bay. Yes, it was all very small but it was quaint and warm and welcoming. Jack felt a quizzical smile appear on his face.

"Homey," He thought ironically. The three walked down into the town and made their way to the castle. Jack soaked in the smell of the freshly made bread in the bakeries, the shouts of men from the port, and the lovely song echoing from the main square. He hasn't been to a town in a very long time and he couldn't help but feel the need to embrace it.

"This is where you grew up?" Jack asked curiously as they walked.

"I did but Kristoff didn't." Anna answered as she led the three.

"You seem like an independent kiddo, are you the heir to the throne?" Jack tried to make conversation but Anna laughed at his question.

"No way! Are you kidding me? If they put that crown on me the town would collapse in one day." She giggled as Jack smiled over at Kristoff.

"Don't let her fool you. She's a great leader." Anna raised an eyebrow at Kristoff but he pretended to ignore it.

"So, how long have you two been together?" Jack asked nonchalantly as he observed the cobblestone streets.

"Together?" They both asked simultaneously.

"We're not…." Kristoff started but was too flustered to speak.

"Together or anything like that." Anna finished his sentence trying to hide her blush.

"No, it's just…." Kristoff tried again but failed.

"Just good friends." Anna took a long breath and smiled big.

"Ahh, I see." Jack gave Anna a suspicious grin. She shared a look of, I'm trying, with Jack and all he could do was burst out laughing.

"Well, I can assure you that my buddy Kris will make a best "good friend" that you'll ever have. He has wonderful taste in—" he stopped himself from saying flowers. "Ice and he knows how to make a mean brownie." Jack wrapped his arm around Kristoff.

"Get off of me." Kristoff rolled his eyes.

"I'm just saying. She's lucky to have you as a good friend." Jack gave a smug smile when he noticed neither of them would look at him. He was very proud, actually.

"Okay, now, first we have to think of a way to get her to open her door for you." Anna was starting a game plan in her head as they walked up the large staircase in the main foyer.

"She still hasn't come out yet?" Kristoff asked and Anna gave a sullen pout.

"What if I just use my icy charm?" Jack's sarcasm wasn't noted.

"What if he just knocks?" Kristoff suggest simply.

"Kris, you don't think I've tried that?" Anna's voice was devoid of hope.

"Listen, Anna. I have an idea, don't worry." Jack rest a hand on Anna's shoulder as the three continued down the long hallway.

"I just don't want to lose her again." She mumbled. Immediately both boys did their best to console her. Kristoff couldn't bear to see her without a smile and Jack hated seeing anyone feeling hopeless.

"It'll be okay. She has you who won't stop at anything to help her help herself." Kristoff's words echoed down the empty hallway as the stopped in front of Elsa's room. The three of them looked up at the tall door each with their own fear.

Anna was terrified that Elsa wasn't going to open or even answer her again. She has been trying for days but Elsa just didn't want anything to do with anyone. On one hand, Anna understood because Elsa may not be able to control her abilities. Then again, Anna doesn't understand why she just won't let anyone help her. They've done it before, why not again?

Kristoff hated the idea of the two sisters being separated like this. It wasn't natural for them because they were best friends. He knew that Elsa's abilities were dangerous but they've worked with worse. They've helped her many times. He understood why she was scared but, like Anna, he just didn't understand why she wouldn't let anyone in.

Jack was nervous but he was also excited. He loved the idea of helping someone through a tough situation. Not only because he loved seeing people smiling and laughing but due to the fact that this was going to truly help someone. It wasn't just important because Anna was sad or that Arendelle couldn't have a sad princess but because Elsa was struggling. He wanted to help her because he couldn't bear the idea of someone struggling so badly that they have to lock themselves away in order to protect the ones they love. No, he wasn't okay with that.

"Elsa?" Anna's voice was small as she stepped up to the door. "Elsa, open up, please. We have a friend who would like to meet you." Anna's voice sounded like a small child's, it shivered with fear.

"Go away, Anna." Elsa's voice was sharp but Anna could tell that her sister had been crying.

"Elsa, we just want to help." Anna's voice cracked as she wrapped her arms around herself for comfort.

When there was no sound in response, Anna turned to Jack hesitantly. She blinked up at him and he nodded once knowing that it was his turn. The young man stepped up to the door and before he knocked on the door he studied it. When he saw two shadows ever so slightly peeking from underneath the door, Jack knew that Elsa was standing in front of the door.

Jack squatted down in front of the door and gently tapped the ground with the end of his staff. It wasn't very much but, like when he met Anna, a beautifully intricate frost design swirled under the door. Kristoff motioned to Anna that it was their time to leave and to let Jack do what he can. Anna reluctantly followed but Jack gave her a confident reassuring smile.

A small gasp came from Elsa inside the room. Jack didn't know what to expect from here but at least he knew that she saw it.

"Who's there?" Elsa's voice was small as she stepped up to the door.

"My name is Jack and I'm a friend of Anna's." Jack kept his voice soft when he responded to her.

"Did you just do that?" She asked hesitantly.

"Yeah," Jack gave a small chuckle. "I like ice." He admit with a shrug even though no one would see. To his shock, he heard a small giggle come from within the room. He looked down the hall to make sure that it wasn't Anna and he was elated to know that it was Elsa.

"Can you show me more?" Her voice sounded strange to him. It was almost as if she was pleading in a way but her voice was too curious.

"Yeah, I mean, it is pretty cool." Both of them laughed at his horrible pun. "You're gunna have to open the door, though." He whispered so that only she would hear. His heart sank when she became silent again and the door didn't budge. "It's okay, take your time." He reassured her even though he knew that he probably blew it.

That wasn't the case, though. Elsa's gaze bore into the silver doorknob that she was reaching for.

"Don't feel." She whispered breathlessly to herself as her fingers dangled centimeters away from the metal. Her stomach knotted and her head told her to run away from the door, again. She couldn't though, who was this person that was able to do what she did? Her parents had vaguely told her that it happened to people before but it couldn't be.

Her parents.

Right as her hand reached the handle, the thought of her parents caused the ice to shoot into the metal. In fright, she quickly pulled her hand back, afraid of what she might do.

I could hurt them, She thought with worry.

"Elsa, I can open it if you want me to." Jack's voice was soft and reassuring. She took a sharp breath, ready to respond, but she was afraid.

"It's too dangerous for you." She finally was able to admit as she turned her back away from the door.

"Elsa, I can assure you that nothing you do will hurt me." He spoke with confidence as he reached for the handle. "May I come in?" He asked once more.

"You're not going to like what you find." Her voice was cold as she crossed her arms over her belly to hug herself. The motion was involuntarily shared between the two sisters; their movements were a lot alike.

Suddenly, Elsa heard the door latch release and the hinges squeaked in outcry against the sudden motion. She was afraid to turn around to see who this person was. Jack, he must have been very brave to come see her. What kind of person he must be to be able to do that. Elsa's curiosity got the best of her as she slowly turned to greet the intruder.

"Hi," Jack gave a warm smile when Elsa met his eyes. She couldn't help but stare at him in both wonder and confusion. She had never met anyone that looked like him or even sounded like him. His voice was low and smooth even though he had a slight boyish charm to him. His hoody matched the color of her eyes and she couldn't help but notice that there was frost on it. The white hair almost matched his pale skin even though his cheeks were slightly pink.

"Can you do it again?" She asked suspiciously but was caught off guard when he raised his staff up. "What is that?"

"It's an ice device." He said as he reached it out and tapped the chair in front of her armoire. The area where the staff touched was immediately covered in a beautiful design that made Elsa gasp once more.

"An ice device." She whispered in awe of the contraption. "How does it work? Is it magic? Is it cursed?" She stepped forward to reach for it but once she grabbed it, the staff was covered in ice.

"Whoa!" Jack gasped in shock as he jumped back. Elsa met his gaze, terrified, and quickly retreated farther into the room. That's when Jack saw the battle zone that she had been living in. Ice patches were scattered across the room and even her bed and curtains were frozen stiff. Jack wasn't exactly sure why Anna or Kristoff didn't tell him about this but he was too shocked to be upset at them.

"I'm so sorry! Please, don't be afraid! I can control it. I just," Suddenly when she bumped into her wardrobe it froze shut and the ice burst onto the walls. Even though Elsa was panicking, Jack saw nothing to panic about. He quickly stepped towards her, she was still mumbling apologies, and took her hands softly- yet confidently.

"Elsa, relax." He whispered as he looked directly into her eyes. At first she tried to pull away in fear of what her curse would do to him. Then, when she saw that he was not harmed by her powers she was able to stare in awe down at their hands.

"But how?" She whispered, slightly afraid. He wasn't in pain from the ice but it was leaving beautiful designs on his pale skin.

"I'm Jack Frost." His gentle smile was somehow very comforting.

"Jack Frost?" She raised an eyebrow suspiciously. He looked down at their hands, slightly afraid of the look she was giving him, and smiled at the frost designs that were appearing on his skin. They tingled slightly but differently than what he was used to. No, they didn't feel cold but as the frost trickled up his skin he felt warm. If that were possible.

"In the flesh." He chuckled as he met her gaze again.

"I didn't think you were real." She admit observing his every detail now that she was closer to him. She couldn't help but get caught by his gaze every time his eyes flicked down at her. His eyes were intense even though they were as simple as anyone else's. That wasn't the case, though. He wasn't like anyone else. He was like her. She was able to touch him without hurting him. The most important thing was the fact that he could control what he can do.

"Well, evidently you did." He shot out without thinking.

"What?" She thought she should be offended but a small smile turned her lips up.

"Well, if you don't believe in me you won't see me. So, someone's heard of me."

"Well, no one told me that Jack Frost has an ego the size of the moon." She dished it right back to him.

"Oh, no one is worse than the moon. Have you heard that guy? Oh wait, he's too full of himself to say anything to anyone!" He rolled his eyes, mostly babbling about nothing.

"So, you know you can let go of my hands now?" Elsa asked with a small smile. Jack immediately let go and tried to hide the very faint blush that covered his cheeks.

"Sorry, I just wanted to make sure that you were okay."

"Thank you." She stated as she watched him observe her room. He was very curious and she couldn't help but admire that about him.

"So, you…" He wasn't sure what to say. "And ice." He finished strong but felt relieved when it made her giggle.

"Yes, it is a curse that I was born with. I've been able to hide it mostly but it gets worse when I get caught off guard." She admit as she looked down at her hands. She tied her fingers together and tried to hide her nerves.

"Like when Jack Frost busts down your door?" He asked as he stepped over to the frozen curtains. The fabric was frozen solid but they had beautiful designs in them that slightly resembled his own work.

"Kind of like that." She admit slowly. "May I ask how my sister would know Jack Frost?"

"Well, Kris and I have been friends for quite some time." He explained as he touched the frozen curtains. Somehow, the ice fell away from the fabric and returned to its normal self.

"Who is Kris?" Elsa's protectiveness revealed itself.

"He is her other ice friend." Jack couldn't help but chuckle.

"When did that happen?" Elsa's brow crinkled in frustration.

"They met a few days ago. Don't worry, Kris is too incompetent in this area to do anything but compliment her subtly." He reassured her but she still looked worried. "What is it, Elsa?" He stepped towards her but made sure to not get too close. He didn't want to scare her.

"I can't stay in here forever. Jack, help me hide it. Please? I can't go on knowing that I am choosing to ignore my sister and missing the most wonderful years of her life. I need to be able to hide it confidently." Her eyes looked devoid of hope and her words were almost harsh coming out of her mouth. Jack was taken aback by the sudden cold tone that came from the girl. He knew that she was holding a lot over herself but he didn't expect this.

"Okay, I'll help you." His words softened her face, slightly. "Under one condition."

"What?" Elsa was caught off guard by his own words.

"I think I know the reason why you've had such a hard time trying to keep your abilities,"

"Curse." She interjected.

"Powers," He raised an eyebrow. "At bay." She crossed her arms in anticipation. "You see, when I first became what I am, I had no idea what I was going to do. First of all, everything I touched turned to ice and everyone I saw just looked right through me. But when I learned not how to control it but to have fun with it is when I learned how to use it for good." He explained as he let a blast of ice go from his hand. It spread across the room and released into beautiful snowflakes.

"Fun?" The word left Elsa's mouth as if it were blasphemy.

"Yes, fun. Have you heard of it?" He said as he gently took her hand and led her towards the door.

"Jack, no." She quickly pulled her hand away. With one shake of her head she stepped back and crossed her arms over herself.

"Elsa, do you trust me?" Jack's tone was stern.

"Not really," She mumbled but Jack's expression melted into a soft laugh.

"I don't know why I asked that. Anna said you wouldn't." He took his statement lightly but it hurt Elsa more than he knew.

"I think it's time for you to leave, Mr. Frost." She one solid sigh leave her body.

"Elsa, wait." He stepped towards her but she was faster than him. In one movement, Elsa threw her hand up, sent a blast of ice towards Jack, and forced him out of the room. The blast didn't hurt him but it was enough to shut him out.

"Elsa, no." Jack refused but she closed the door in his face. "Elsa, I just want to help you!" He admit with frustration.

Jack wanted to punch something even though he knew it probably just make the situation worse. He leaned against the door frame, hoping that she would open it once more. His patience was to no avail. It turned nightfall before he finally decided that she did not want anything to do with him.

Looking back he knows that what he said wasn't in the best taste. Of course, he didn't think about it in the moment. How could he have known? The guilt washed through him several times over while thinking of what he could have done better.

"It's not your fault, Jack." Kris said as the three sat at the dinner table. Even though Jack didn't eat he was too uneasy to even fantasize the idea.

"Yeah, it kind of is. Of all things to say." He let his hand fall to the table with a thud.

"Jack, trust me, she's heard worse." Anna sighed as she took a sip of her water.

"What do you mean?" Jack asked and Kristoff wondered the same thing.

"Well, people haven't exactly been the most compassionate in this time. I mean, just because we're princess' doesn't mean we don't have feelings." She grumbled as both boys listened intently. "Have courage, it'll get better." She mocked the phrases they used.

"It isn't their fault, I know. Not everyone knows what it is like to lose a loved one. In Elsa's case, to learn that your parent's ship capsized when you're already so deeply hurting is almost earth shattering. I can't imagine the pain that she is going through." With a shuddering breath she placed her hands steadily on the table.

"You're handling it quite well." Kristoff admit reassuringly.

"I just," She closed her fists in frustration. "If only Elsa was able to get over the barrier that is holding her back. It's the curse. If she was able to hold it back then she would able to talk. Then she would be able to just let it go." She blinked back tears from her big blue-green eyes.

"Wait a second," Jack though for a moment. "She needs to let it go. Elsa needs a release. A healthy one, I mean. You see, she's in her room all day blasting icicles at her curtains and furniture when she can be doing it in a healthy way outside in the open. That's her problem. She needs to be able to work with it rather than trying to hide it." He said with confidence as she sat forward in thought.

"If only there was a way that we could get her to try or to even think of that. I know that she won't want to. It's against everything that she knows and against everything she was taught. It'll work, though. I know it!" His brow was wrinkled in frustration.

"Jack," Kristoff whispered. Jack looked up to see Kristoff and Anna staring behind him. He turned and Elsa was standing there with her arms crossed over herself. Her hair had been re-braided, like she had bathed, and she was wearing a beautiful dress that was similar to the one Anna wore.

"Elsa," Anna's eyes moistened.

"I've realized that I'm a little hungry." She admit sheepishly as Kristoff immediately stood up. He pulled out a chair that was next to Anna's and allowed her to sit down. While pushing her chair in, Kristoff shared a smile with Anna who was more than overjoyed at the moment.

"Elsa, you look so beautiful." Anna smiled as she gazed at her sister. Elsa blushed slightly as she met her sister's moistened eyes.

"You should fix my braid later. I think I did it wrong." Elsa whispered as she played with Anna's hair.

"Of course I will." Anna's giggle was involuntary.

"Jack, I'm sorry about earlier." Elsa admit immediately. "I don't know what came over me."

"It's okay. I've given the cold shoulder once, or twice, also." He grinned and a small giggle escaped her mouth along with everyone else's'.

"If you don't mind, I'd like to try again." Her eyes hesitantly met his. He was surprised by her request but he nodded before the words left his mouth.

"Of course," He shared a smile with Anna. "The fun?"

"I would like to try to have fun. I've missed it." She gently took Anna's hand and confidently held it when no ice was released.

"You'll have a blast." Jack reassured her confidently.