Hi! This is my first fanfic ever so I would love any positive or negative advice really!

Review, favorite, follow


Despite my struggling, the shadow held me tightly to its form after the bloody thing carried me away from Prom. Now we were flying through moist June air. Before I could start complaining we darted up farther into the sky at amazing speed, to my utter horror, though I didn't scream, I knew better. There was a blinding light and then we were calmly soaring through the clear blanket of sky over brilliant blue water. Water that I knew could only be found surrounding a certain island, that housed a certain cocky, immortal jack-ass.


Not before long, I felt the shadows cold grasp disappear as it flew higher, leaving me to plummet towards the sand. I still didn't scream though, I knew the were at least a dozen people watching my arrival, and showing fear would only make this harder.

The impact of landing on the sand wasn't as bad as I had remembered it, I must have done it too many times. He always did need something, or one of the boys, or the drunken parents of the Lost Ones trying desperately to get their 'precious' boys back.

God, I hated my job sometimes.

Groaning, I slammed my back against the sand, not caring about ruining the dress, and silently cursed myself for letting this happen again.

"Always there to run the fun," I muttered, bouncing up from the sand. Brushing off the sand from my dress I turned towards the tree where I knew lost boys would be hiding. Same like last time, three of them walked out of the trees in a herd. Rolling my eyes I started walking into the jungle, I could find the camp right? Tinkerbell's hut at the very least.

"Hey girl! We're do you think you're going?" I heard one often yell after me as I struggled through the sand in my pumps. I ignored them and continued on, breaking through the trees into the jungle that I was sure I would get lost in.

"Girl, STOP!" They were next to me now, though I paid them no attention. One of the taller ones gripped my arm tightly, that was when I snapped.

"Listen boy," I hissed yanking my arm out of his grip and backed him against a tree. "First that shadow thing takes me from the Gazebo, leaving my date staring at it, scarred for life, on friggin' prom night! So don't give me any of your over-rehearsed 'Welcome to Neverland' bullshit!"

"You know where you are?" One of the other boys asked.

"Duh, where else would that damn shadow take me? Now please if you would be so kind, can you take me to your camp so I can find out why I've been summoned to this bloody island?" I almost whimpered. I never felt safe here, this is the one place where I was weakened by my past, where unwanted emotions resurfaced and smacked me in the face. I hated coming here. But damn, my job required it.

"As the lady commands," the oldest smirked at me.

Rolling my eyes I let them guide me through the forest, the oldest picking me up at the waist to get over fallen logs. The way they changed directions so swiftly and expertly you'd of thought there were signs directing the way. I was sure that Pan had told them that someone was coming tonight. That must have been why the boys had not tied my hands, they didn't need to. I knew better than to try and hide on his island.

I could hear the lost boys before we even got close. Chanting, stomping their feet, yelling, clearly they were celebrating something.


The thick smell of fire smoke surrounded me as the trees spread out more, surrounding a clearing. I could see the infamous figures dancing around the fire to the sweet sound of a pan flute that still, after all this time, continued to make my mind swim and my eyes haze over.

"Don't try anything, girl" The tallest whispered in my ear before we broke the trees.

"Wouldn't dream of it, boy." I bit back, walking ahead and breaking through the trees.

One at a time, each Lost Boy stopped to stare at me. Awkwardly, I kept walking, though I could feel my face growing redder with each unsteady step towards the center of the camp, where the one and only Peter Pan stood waiting for me with a smirk on his face, and a pan flute in hand.