Chapter 1- Initiate

The lanky boy squeezed his body through the bunch of strangers (which is rare for him since his thin body can slip through almost anything) that congested the bar he was performing live in along with his small, portable keyboard. He was lucky enough to land a temporary gig on the weekends here just a few blocks from his house.

Technically, his mom's house and she was cheery when she heard the news of his job and considering that it wasn't far from home but she worried a bit that it was held at a bar and feared that his son would get caught in some sort of trouble with others and get hurt.

She always knew that her little boy would just go with what anyone says. But she kept in mind that her son was still smart even after the accident when he was a kid affected his way of thinking. His father congratulated him too but didn't have much thought as his wife did. Just proud that his son was taking a step further in his music career.

Stuart waited in a small empty space not too far from the stage and waited until he was announced to be on stage. The bar smelt of heavy alcohol, was noisy and full of chatter but he stood quietly since he wasn't sure how to start a conversation with someone at the moment. He took a small glance around the bar and noticed that there was a small crowd of birds, giggling, and appeared to be circling someone.

He didn't put too much attention to it since the building dimmed the lights a bit and there was a spotlight focused on a person on the stage and his attention drew towards that instead. Not many people were interested at first and so they didn't bother to face the stage.

The man said a few sentences and then Stuart caught the last few bits which was him being called to the stage. The boy was eager and smiled a toothy grin when he was on center stage. "Looks like it's time foh me tah be on stage!" He was gaining more audience when he stepped up since he saw more faces that were drawed to the stage.

Maybe because in the corner of the people's eyes Stuart's striking blue hair caught their eye. He didn't care since he was already used to everyone stare and question at his unusual hair color. Either way he was glad to have gained more faces. Stu laid his keyboard on a sleek black mini table that was set for him and sat himself on a stool that had a comfortable red cushion.

His pale fingers gingerly pressed the keys down and started playing the starting tune of Hey Jude. His mouth opened and sung in the microphone, "Hey Jude, don't make it bad. Take a sad song and make it better…" Stuart's voice had everyone focused on him by then. His voice gave a certain vibe that everyone in the room seemed to love. Including the one who was circled with birds.

The one being encircled was a man that looked like he was in his late twenties. He had black, greasy hair and a fringe that covered half his eyes, which were also mismatched. One dark brown and one a crimson red. Stu looked over his way and noticed that he was also in a bit of surprise. But the stranger quickly lost that face and just plainly looked at him performing.

It made Stu tense up a little but still continued his performance smoothly.

"…na, na, hey Jude.." Stu finished the last line and he was rewarded with cheers and claps. Stu beamed brightly and looked over to where the stranger was and he found the place he was in was all empty. The man left. Including all the birds that hanged around him too.

His smile crooked a bit but already paid no more attention to it already. He took his keyboard with him and he stepped down the platform. The bluenette headed for the exit and with his small trip there he was being serenaded with cheers still. He pushed the glass door with his free hand and headed back home.

I wonda when I see tha bloke again, Stu thought and was more than ready for his performance tomorrow. But it's strange. He was going to perform for a person he doesn't know. Yet.