Alexis I agree but I think I remember him saying to specific things one he turns down everyone and two he uses Yoshii's name as a back up when he turns down people.

Sigh Agreed everyone's Bisexual but my god if I had a choice between a nice beautiful boy a chick who could kill me with cooking and some who would break my spin in eight places at the same time because it's their way of saying I love you sorry I'm going to lie and say I'm gay and go straight for Hideyoshi.

Also Hideyoshi is not the seme I wrote two chapters for that reason.

Terror Angry actually Akira wouldn't be pissed because she enforced it later in the series. Also when she first met him in the series she actually straight out said his a dude even though Yoshi fought to say his a girl.

Rage He most definitely is bi but for the sake of this story I made his door swing only one way.

So lets finally finish this story and I'll see how my brain turns out the ending.

Hideyoshi turns to Akihisa while blushing speaks "Sorry about what happen at the last trial Akihisa." Akihisa sighs "The fact that the new system made our avatars has minds of their own and attempted to make out with each other. All the while Kubo flat out admitting his feelings to me while his avatar was playing dirty and trying to make out with my avatar in hopes it would persuade me to leave you. Yeah I feel sorry for myself."

Hideyoshi puts his thumbs together "You make it sound worse that way." Akihisa puts a big smile on "If you were in my shoes Hideyoshi wouldn't you do the same?" Hideyoshi puts his finger to his chin "I wouldn't say I would trick Kubo into summoning his avatar to find out why he was calling you 'His Aki' i would use my superior acting skills to make Kubo spill the beans but..."

Hideyoshi places a quick kiss on Akihisa cheek while cuddling him "I do admit the way you picked up your avatar made you look like a great father figure." Akihisa turns bright red blowing steam out of his ears while he shakes his hands in embarrassment "I was only protecting myself god knows what could of happened if I kept experiencing what my avatar was experiencing."

Hideyoshi whispers "Passing out from pleasure making it look lake you came to school wearing extra white pants... Yeah!" Akihisa turns to Hideyoshi "What did you say?" Hideyoshi responds "Nothing Akihisa" Akihisa looks at the sky as Hideyoshi continues "What you thinking about Aki"

Akihisa looks down "I wonder what the future holds for us?" Hideyoshi sits up looking at Akihisa "Let me grab my crystal ball and find out for you." Akihisa looks at Hideyoshi "Hideyoshi making a sarcastic joke that's new and besides..." Akihisa looks up "that was a rhetorical question."

Hideyoshi lies down on Akihisa lap while looking up at him "Well your guess is as good as the person next to you but wouldn't that make life boring knowing what was going to happen." Akihisa looks down "At least it would make tests easier"

Hideyoshi smiles "Oh course you would be the first one to abuse that" Akihisa shrugs his shoulders while stroking Hideyoshi's hair "Well just saying I would" just then an exam answer sheet flies by Hideyoshi speaks "Don't even think about moving to grab it." Akihisa sighs "It was obviously a trap why else would it fly by after our discussion."

Hideyoshi smiles "Back a little bit to an older topic I wonder what you would be like as a father." Akihisa laughs "A crappy one I barely eat anything proper it's only thanks to my sister I eat actually food only when I cook. Oh god the old memories of when she brought these entire boxes of energy drink cans of multiple flavours and I had to drink about 40 of them a day."

Hideyoshi laughs "Yeah I remember that it looked like you were smuggling in energy drinks to class, however that aside you are a great cook" Akihisa smiles "Only because my mum and sister couldn't cook for peanuts."

Hideyoshi comments "Be thankful your sister isn't Himeji" Akihisa goes pale white "Do not remind me! Anyway what happened to you? Didn't you say you have a steel Stomach?" Hideyoshi sighs "Even the Great and Mighty Hideyoshi Kinoshita has to fallen to Himeji's cooking."

Akihisa smiles "We all have weakness in something but tell you what, if we have a family together I'll gladly be your strength if you can be mine." Hideyoshi looks at Akihisa "it's like you leave it open for discussion fix your wording Akihisa not if more like when. I would say the possibility of a future together is very high."

Akihisa looks at Hideyoshi sharing a sweet passionate kiss "I'll gladly be yours and you can be mine."

Alright all done can't think of anything better than this. It's like a sweet reminiscing moment when you sit with your lover and talk about all the shit that happens in the past. Like that moment when you deciding to skied down a two story flight of stairs with a blanket because you weren't watching what you were doing, just me? OK.

I tried something different hope you like the ending.