At Liz's feast

I greeted them as they arrived at my house, we decided to have a get together to catch up and what's new and Share some memories. I've missed them all so much but one person has been running through my mind ever since victorious. What people don't know though is that we have been texting and every time I see the name on my screen i get the brightest smile you couldn't possibly imagine.
"what's up Leon"
"Hey Avan"
"And here's my little boy, Mathew"
They all replied with 'hi's and hello's'
It's sad Ariana couldn't make it today but I guess her music schedule is tight so I understand. That's not why my face suddenly dropped though, it's not gonna be the same. She needs to be here, how can we possibly share memories when Victoria isn't here. Yes I have a little thing for Victoria..okay a big thing, it's just the first Time I saw her I was drowning in her eyes. I miss her.
We all sat down, smiling and joking, Hey, I might as well put a smile on my face for my guests sake. I go off into the kitchen when Avan follows close behind to get a drink from the fridge.
"Hey liz, what's up"
I tried my best to keep the smile on my face but I remember that Avan is Vic's best friend. Why does almost everything remind me of her?.
"Oh you know just getting the food, nothing much" I hope that gets rid of him. Wrong.
"C'mon liz, I said what's up, not what are you doing"
Okay that was good, this guy is good, but I really can't tell Victoria's best friend can I? I mean what if he tells and Victoria never speaks to me again. I mean I'm pretty sure I'm not her type, she's as straight as an arrow. But then again when I watched victorious I noticed her looking at me more than she should and trust me, that's not in the script. Ugh why does this have to be confusing?.
"Err...liz? Are you ok?"
Oh great my eyes are tearing up and he clearly noticed. Quick think fast liz. C'mon'
"'s the...err...onions" oh really liz? The onions?
"Oh okay well I'm gonna head back to the other guys, but if you need anything then give me a shout"
"Yeah sure, thanks i'll be okay"
Avan is so nice but I don't know if I'll be able to trust him with my secret. Like what if it accidentally slips out his mouth or he tries to be Cupid and screws everything up?
As I bring the food to my guests I pass the fridge which is decorated in pictures. The one at the very top stands out more than the others, it's me and Victoria at the kids choice awards. She looked perfect in her pink jacket and that white shirt that made her b..."oh my god, sorry dani" damn I was so far into my thoughts I just walked into dani. Damn I've got it hard.
"Hey it's all good, you alright? You've gone really red"
Red! Why would I go red? Then I just remembered what I was thinking about before I bumped into dani. I can't think like that, not with guests here anyway. No! Not ever, she's not mine to think about. But she's so sex-no I can't, I have to get over it. She's not mine, she never will, she can have anyone, why would she pick me?
"Liz, what's wrong? Why are you crying?"
What is talking abo- why am I crying? No I can't cry in front of everyone. I just need air. Yeah, air.
"Errr...I think it's the onion lingering in the air. I'm gonna stand outside for a minute" jeez you and your onion excuses. What would you do if they never existed?
"I'm coming with you. It's not the onions otherwise Matt would be crying his eyes out, you know how he gets" damn why does she have to be right. Well I guess there's no way out of this one is there.
"Okay we'll talk in the back garden"
Me and dani walk into my back garden and we just sink into my garden swing and that's when I'm about to open my mouth and tell her, when her phone rings. I don't know whether to feel grateful or gutted.
"Oh it's Victoria, um I'll just take this then can we carry on?" Victoria is calling dani? I feel a sting of jealousy. We hardly ever speak on the Phone, only text. I miss the sound of her voice but it's rude if I ask dani to put her on speaker phone.
"Y-yeah. I'll just go inside while you speak to v-Vic" since when do I stutter? What is happening?.