notes: Okay so guys i had to update since you guys politely BOMBARDED me with UPDATE NOWS. Well not politely. I feel threatened since you guys almost killed with the UPDATE NOWS...just kidding i lav u all!

A Special Note to those who read my cousin Bubble Shine's fanfiction, This Is Life, her internet is reeaaaaally paaaaainfully slow so we'll try to update as fast as we can. my internet is completely fine...BUT SCHOOL IS KILLLIIIING ME WITH HOMEWORK AND TESTS! UGGGHH but guys don't worry i'll update the last chapter before i literally die again..

Thanks for sticking with this story despite my incredibly long absence. You guys a really the best. Also thanks for reading! SO this is the finale!

The Five Notes In My Locker




Fifth and Final Note

"I don't know, Gray." I confessed to him. It made me feel worthlessly pathetic to tell him, out of all people, my helplessness in this situation. Gray furrowed his eyebrows at me, "what's there not to get Natsu. Just do what you feel is right."

"Alright," I snapped. "She might've kept a letter for me." I turned around to face my locker. Gulping, I opened the locker door, and took the strawberry smelling paper into my hands.

Dear ND,

Go to the Sakura Tree.

From, L.

This is it, I thought. I grabbed my bag and turned to Gray. I nodded at him, and he knew immediately. "Good luck, dude."


Everything was in slow motion. Ew, I thought. Feels like I'm in some lame chick flick. I saw the Sakura Tree in the distance and all questions in my head began pouring down on me.

Are you sure?


What if she's someone you care about?

I care about Lucy more.

Are you ready for this?

To be honest, not really.

Holding my breath, I ran towards the tree. I saw a girl. She was looking the other way and I couldn't see her face. That's when I saw it and reality smacked me with stone brick.

The blond hair.

All this time it was Lucy, and I had no idea? All this time our friendship was on the line and I didn't know. I realized. The strawberry aroma! It was Lucy's lotion! The way she looked at me when I read the letters!

It was all Lucy!

I was speechless. Unable to utter a coherent sentence. She turned around at me and blushed deeply.

"It was me, Natsu." She said softly.

I wasn't ready to say anything so I grabbed her face and crushed our lips together. Lucy squeaked and gasped, but she kissed back. It was sweet like nothing I ever felt before. Lucy hugged me after we broke off the kiss. She was flaming red.

"What was that?" She muttered.

"I like you, Lucy." I chuckled. "I like, like like you."

"Oh Okay." She said, a little bit confused.

"You know what, I'll show you," I smashed our lips together again.

One Week Later


"Natsu!" I groaned and sat up. It was 6am in the morning. Who the fuck is that?

Another crash, and a average sized pebble smacked my face. I smirked slowly.

"Natsu-Nii! Your girlfriend's here!" Wendy yelled, as she walked near my door.

"I'll be right there!"

My name's Natsu Dragneel and let me tell you, love is totally crazy! You may not know it, but it just might your crazy bestfriend who you had no idea was capable of even feeling love.

note: sorry if it was weird but hey i sadly stopped reading/watching ft. i started watching Teen Wolf and it really caught my interest.. anyway leave a review and im terribly sorry for not updating! feeling so accomplished since i finally finished writing this!