Disclaimer: I don't own The Internship.

Oh great. Stuart thought, looking at the large group of kids vying for an internship at Google. It looked like Graham had thrown up all over them. Noses pointed high in the air, no definition of 'casual-wear', and a consistant look of super- OH SHIT. There standing before him, was a face he hadn't planned on seeing again. The now all-too-common-acting man of the hour. As if he knew exactly where Stuart would be, he looked up durectly at him and smirked. Arrogant asshole. After the speach (that both didn't seem to be paying attention to) was over, he kept staring, brushing off all and any offers of only a few people remained. What is he doing?

And then it hit him.

There obviously weren't teachers for every group, this was an attempt at a more independent group effort, but ofcourse they just had to have a guide for the kids considered 'left-over'. And that's where Stuart came in. And apparentally, that's where Graham was deciding to include himself too. But why?

He was struck out of his musings as he was tapped roughly on the shoulder, and looked at expectantly. Graham was still waiting for him, smirk, lifted eyebrows, and all. After receiving a hurry-up-you-idiot glare, he cleared his throat and took as he took a step forward, only the eyes of the rag tags extras on him, the only one's to currently notice him.

Without looking back he walked up the steps past the groups and called out:

"Leftovers, come with me!" with a sense of familiarity, gesturing to them with his right hand lifted. they all followed like eager lost puppies. All except Graham, acting as though he was king of the fucking world, taking his sweet time in making his way to the group. No surprise there. Finally get to the leftovers room- the room he had come to both despise and be fond towards- and took the immediately closest seat.

"Okay newbies-" And Graham, he internalized "-you are assigned your first task. We want you to create something. The only requirement is it has to be running on a form of electricity." As they looked on with relief, he grinned. "But-" this had them groaning. "It has to be made from the supplies within this room, anything here, but only here." he finished, gesturing to the room. "And… Go!" They were scattering like ants, scrambling around opening drawers, pulling out supllies and setting them on the table, finding only highlighters, protractors, and pencils. While searching for better utilities, a loud 'snap' boomed through the room. The group turned to see Graham holding a smashed open computer.

"What you idiots? He said anything in the room, and we need wires." The accented boy snapped. This got the group going, a mousy looking young boy ripping chunks of wood and legs of the desk with a metal chair. With a battle cry, a larger girl all but ripped the white board off the wall, using a curved metal pointer as a crowbar. And of course, there was the master mind himself, eyes crinkled with a smug victory as he pulled wires from their piles, here and there taping some together.

Hmm… maybe he is learning Stuart mused, staring at the smooth expanse of the boys face. He nearly reared back thoughwhen he saw the dark amused eyes looking back at him. Fighting to keep composure, he turned his look to a glare and turned them quickly downcast, trying to act like he didn't feel the blush creeping up his neck.

Out of the corner of his eye, he could almost swear the boy was staring at him now. But he wouldn't. I mean, why would he?

Author's Note: I'm back! Okay so I know the chapter is short, but I have a really long plan for the next chapter, so don't you worry! Also, I am updating all of my stories today! Woo! Anyway, so yeah, I think I like my new female OC. :3

Have a rockin' day


Question Of The Day: Any ideas or names for the four OC's I'm gonna have (including my already existent male and female characters)?