Chapter 131: The wizards crash the wedding!


The first two days after the attack of the shadows all classes were cancelled. Giving the students the time that they needed to get over it. Jason didn't leave his apartment at all. He stayed in, plotting against the whole of Magix. He needed a few more things for his plans to be set into motion.

A visit to the sky kingdom was no longer avoidable, it was time to go gather the dust of scattered time. But he needed to do some abominable evil to get it, the trouble was… the others couldn't find out that he indeed had turned dark. So Jason paced around his apartment thinking about how to deal with it, when someone knocked on his door.

"Jason? It's Jarred! We haven't seen you since the attack. Are you okay in there?" Jarred said through the door.

"Just go in!" Matt told Jarred.

"Yeah! Come in!" Jason said as he waved his hands around the room as shadows cast an illusion over the apartment hiding the compendium of creatures and a bunch of papers, which had details on them about possible solutions to get the dust of scattered time. The door opened and Matt and Jarred came in. "Dude!" Matt sighed "You need to get out more!"

"I don't have time for that!" Jason replied as he walked over his "friends".

Jarred looked at the door leading to Liz's room. "Is that Liz her room?" He asked out of curiosity.

"Yeah!" Jason replied as he hurried to get between Jarred and the door.

"Can I have a look?" Jarred asked.

"It's locked!" Jason hurried. "Sealed shut! With magic!"

"So we'll just break the spell!" Jarred laughed. "Come on get out of the way!"

"HEY!" Jason snarled. "Think about her privacy will you!"

"Okay!' Jarred obviously felt attacked. "It's not like she lives here anymore!"

"I don't care! I don't go snooping around in your room too!" Jason said angrily.

"He's got a point, Jarred!" Matt whispered

"Fine!" Jarred snarled back.

"Jarred!" Matt repeated firmly.

"Fine! Fine!" Jarred said shaking it off. "I'm here to officially invite you to my wedding tomorrow!"

"Tomorrow?" Jason asked. "That's a bit… soon! Don't you need to arrange stuff?"

"Well we did!" Jarred answered.


"He arranged it when you were gone!" Matt explained.

"Oh really!" Jason snapped again. "You must have been very busy looking for me than!"

"Well we were!" Jarred smiled. "I just combined it!"

"Get… the… fuck… out!" Jason screamed. "NOW!"

"No need to get mad!" Jarred snarled.

"Once again he's got a point!" Matt said to Jarred. "Now you'll better go Jarred!"

"Fine!" Jarred turned around and walked out on them.

"You too Matt! I want to be alone right now!" Jason whispered as he gave Matt a hug.

"Wow… what about boundaries?" Matt asked, clearly confused by the sudden hug.

"I'm sorry for snapping at you that day!" Jason whispered.

"It's okay!" Matt smiled. "Besides I have been meaning to ask you!"

"What?" Jason asked with a faint smile. "What did you mean to ask me?"

"Do you perhaps want to be my… date for the wedding?" Matt blushed, not making any eye contact with Jason out of shame.

"Your date?" Jason repeated. He was flattered. "Finally! After all these years you asked!" He laughed. "Off course! I'd love to!"

"Really?" Matt laughed. "Great! I'll see you tomorrow?"

"Tomorrow it is!" Jason smiled back.

"I'll pick you up!" Matt said as he walked to the door.

"Perfect!" Jason laughed as Matt closed the door behind him. The moment that the door was closed Jason turned around immediately and waved his arms again. The pages and the compendium of creatures were there again after the shadows passed.

"THAT'S IT!" Jason almost yelled out as it hit him. "That's the solution! If I summon them from their prison the evil energy that they emit shall scatter the time walls almost instantly! And their summoning will restore the circle! Then I just need to snatch it from them!" Jason smiled wickedly. "This really is perfect! And I know the perfect spell to summon the three surviving members!" He rushed into Liz's old room and immediately started to prepare the spell.


The next morning at 9 Matt was standing at Jason's front door in a white suit. He knocked twice. "Jason! Are you ready?" He asked.

The door opened and Jason stepped out wearing a white tuxedo as well. "Does this answer your question?"

"You look… amazing!" Matt smiled. Causing Jason to blush. "Oh shut up!" Jason joked back at him. "Let's go to the sky kingdom shall we?"
Matt nodded. As Jason opened a portal which took them there. They were now standing in the courtyard of the sky kingdom royal palace. It was covered with all kinds of ribbons and magical orbs were shining all over the place. Flowers where everywhere. It even rained rose petals.

"This is… beautiful" Jason smiled.
"But not as beautiful as you!" Matt said, kissing Jason's hand.
"Excuse me!" Jason whispered. "I need to go to the bathroom. Be right back" He winked at Matt before walking off.


Jason entered the palace and ran up the stairs to the balcony overlooking the courtyard. There he kneeled to stay out of sight. He snapped his fingers and a potion appeared in front of him. He removed the bottle cap from the vail and started to pour the black goo out as he chanted a spell.

"What once was four,
is four no more!
Ogron! Anagan! Gantlos!
I summon thee and set you free!
Make the forces of good flee!"

When he finished the incantation the goo turned into a rune, which started to gather energy. As Jason returned to Matt in the courtyard. Judging by the amount of people the wedding was about to start.

"I'm back!" He smiled at Matt.
"So, I noticed!" He winked back at Jason. "Let's go take our seats!" He grabbed Jason's hand and guided him to some seats. They were seated behind the Winx and Daphne and next to Ramona, Lucy, Arthur, Joanne, Paige and even Liz was there. Jason greeted them all.

Suddenly the wedding song started to play. Jarred was already waiting at the altar, as all faces turned to the back. Where Kara was standing in the most beautiful white wedding dress that Jason had ever seen. "Oh Kara…" He thought to himself. "You look stunning. I'm so sorry for what's yet to come!"

She walked towards Jarred with such refined elegance. The priest was waiting for her. As she reached them, he started the ceremony. And even though the darkness had corrupted and changed Jason, he still felt touch by the spectacle, but not for long…

"Do you Jarred, take Kara to be your lawfully wedded wife?" The priest asked Jarred who answered with a firm "I do!"
"And do you Kara take Jarred to be your lawfully wedded husband?"
Kara whipped away her happy tears and answered "I do!"

"Then I now pronounce you husband and wife! You may kiss the bride!"
Jarred and Kara's lips closed in on each other, and just when they were about to touch each other all hell broke loose.

A black wave of energy shot through the courtyard, knocking all people on the floor. The crowd looked up to the balcony where a pillar of black energy was now shooting into the sky. Jason felt the energy radiating and growing.
People panicked and ran out of the courtyard. Some ran inside and some fainted.

The energy beam turned into three black orbs which descended into the courtyard.

The three orbs landed on the altar and started to change form. Revealing themselves as Ogron, Anagan and Gantlos the three surviving members of the wizards of the black circle.
"Well hello there!" Ogron smiled.
A purple small orb descended from the sky with a loud crashing noise as the sky cracked up, and pieces of the sky rained down in the form of blue crystal shards. Jason took one of the shards and put it in his pockets without anyone noticing.

The tiny orb turned into a purple ring.

"Ah!" Ogron smiled. "So the black circle was reborn! How convenient."

"NO!" Bloom jumped up. "MAGIC WINX BUTTERFLIX!"
Jason joined their transformation and together the seven of them attacked the wizards, before they could grab the black circle. While the Winx engaged in battle Jason flew over to the black circle ring and caught it, then put it around his right index finger. "I'll keep his one safe! I'll be able to handle it without letting it corrupt me!" He shouted.

"Okay!" Bloom answered. "WINX CONVERGE!" The winx joined hands and Jason joined as well. The seven of them focussed their magic on the wizards and with one magic blast they froze the wizards of the black circle and caused them to fall through a portal back into the omega dimension.
The winx turned to Jason, just to see the black circle vanish from around his finger in a small black cloudy shadow.

"The black circle!" Tecna stated. "It vanished with the wizards."

But the thing was, the circle didn't vanish with the wizards. Jason had sent it to his secret lair at Alfea. The others just blamed the wizards, which was very convenient for Jason.

"Oh no!" Jarred snarled as he helped Kara get up on her feet. "Our wedding is ruined!"

"Ow honey!" Kara smiled, as she kissed him full on the lips. "I'll have you know that I had a total blast!" she joked, causing the entire courtyard to laugh.

"Now how did the wizards escape the omega dimension?" Bloom wondered.

"Maybe they woke up?" Jason asked. "The trix managed to escape from there too I heard."

"That's possible…" Tecna whispered. "Although the chance is only one in a hundred… but it's possible!"

"OKAY FOLKS!" Kara yelled. "TIME TO PARTY!"

"Oh yes! I deserved a party! After all I gained two items today!" Jason thought to himself as he dragged Matt to the dance floor.

To be continued in Chapter 132: Remorse