chapter 6:

"I can not believe they're making us go camping." Tee complained. "I mean, I love the, um, wild," She hesitated. "But I can't spend four days there!"

Carmen didn't even bother trying to be excited as we walked down the hallway, away from Poppy and Samantha's room. Mike and Gina had ushered us all out so they could try and figure out what had happened.

"Hey Liam," Gus started. "Where's your t-shirt?"

Liam's eyes widened. I remembered that I was wearing it, leaving Liam shirtless.

Johnny looked around, his eyes settling on the white t-shirt I wore. I panicked, but before I could say anything , Johnny had opened his mouth and blurted out, "Elektra's wearing it!"

I groaned as everybody turned to look at me. I pouted and looked at Liam for help. He laughed at me.

"Shut up, you wankers."

When we got to the living room, we all sat down, everyone talking about the new arrivals and camping.

After a while, Mike and Gina came down, Poppy and Samantha behind them.

"Guys, listen up!" Mike clapped his hands together as everyone sat down. He and Gina remained standing.

"We really need to get another sofa or two," I commented, observing the way everyone was squashed onto chairs and sofa's and in my case, pool tables. Mike glared at me.

"Quiet," He warned me.

"We know some of you aren't exited about going camping, but we're doing it no matter what, okay?" Gina looked at Johnny pointedly. He wasn't happy about going camping.

"Lily, you're due to be staying here when we go camping, so you're coming too." Carmen and Lily high-fived. Tee was sat next to them and always looked really awkward. I felt kind of bad for her, because she was a little bit distanced from them, despite being the same age as the two. At least she had Tyler now- those two were together a lot, always laughing and plotting. She'd begun to drift away from Carmen and Lily's sense of style, which was pink, purple, cardigans and frilly shirts, and had got her own style- shorts, t-shirts, vest tops, long cardigans and converse. She seemed to prefer the colours blue, black and cream too.

"We have some rules and information for you." Everyone groaned.

"First, the tents are big enough for three people. Four if you're little." Mike said. Gina took the sheet of him.

"Boys and girls do not share tents if you are Year 10 or above," I groaned. That meant I'd either be stuck with Poppy and Samantha or Sapphire. I know I'd pick Sapphire.

"Get into your groups now, so I can write them down."

"Lily!" Carmen grabbed Lily's hand. Tee went to sit next them, but Carmen called Poppy over and Tee awkwardly changed direction over to me. Lily looked at her apologetically.

"Want to share?" I offered, saving her the emarrassment. She nodded gratefully.

"Thanks." She said. I smiled, which was very unusual for me.

"No problem. I hope you know we may have to share with Samantha, though." She grimaced.

"After a minute, Mike clapped his hands and we all quietened. He asked us all who we were sharing a tent with.

Lily, Carmen and Poppy were in one tent. Johnny, Tyler and Toby were in another, and Liam, Rick and Frank shared one. Sapphire was rooming (tenting?) with Harry and Luke, and I was with Tee and Samantha.

"But Mike, can't I go in with Liam and Frank?" Samantha whined, pouting. I rolled my eyes.

"The boys and girls can't share a tent, stupid. Weren't you listening?"

"We leave on Thursday and we'll be there until Monday." Mike informed us. "We're going to town today to get school supplies, as you won't have time to go after the trip." It was Tuesday, so that meant I had tomorrow to pack and laze around.

Mike gave us all a sheet of paper, and written on it was everything we needed to pack and everything we couldn't.

"Put these in your rooms, get ready and come back down so we can go shopping." Gina ordered. We obeyed and walked upstairs.

When I got to my room, I slammed the paper down on the bed and pulled out some clothes from my wardrobe. Liam walked in.

"I'm going to get ready," I told him,before walking into the bathroom and locking the door behind me.

"Can I go back and change?" I begged. My black skinny jeans felt like they were burning my legs off. I wouldn't be surprised if they were.

"No!" Mike shouted, for the fourth time in half an hour.

"You can buy some shorts and change into them in the toilets," Tee offered. I smiled gratefully.

"Thanks, Tee." She smiled back before shoving her headphones back in and nodding her head to the music.

I did as she said, buying a pair of denim shorts in Primark. I went into the ladies toilets and changed, grateful that I had decided to shave my legs this morning.

As soon as I stepped back out into the street, the sun made my legs a blindingly bright shade of white, and I actually saw a few people sheilding their eyes. I smirked, walking towards the group.

"Look into the light," Johnny said dramtically, gripping the sides of Toby's head and making the Scottish boy look at me.

"Shut up, Johnny." He poked his tongue out at me like the mature 13 year old he was. I rolled my eyes.

"Can we just get going?" I asked, and soon our arms were laden with shopping bags, mostly school stuff- but in Carmen, Esme, Samantha and Tee's case, there were a few bags containing clothes too.

"Okay, you can do what you want around town for half an hour, but I expect you all back here in time!" Mike announced. I looked at my phone as the others left. I had until 1:40. I can manage that.

By the time I got to the small Costa on the main street, everyone was back and my arms were dropping every five seconds with all the bags I was carrying.

"Wait for us!"

Well, almost everyone. Carmen and Samantha ran up to us as Mike slid the van's doors open. We all piled in, trodding on each others feet and bumping our heads on the ceiling.

I cursed as I fell into a seat at the back. Piling my bags onto the seat next to me, I let my head loll back as the van slowly picked up speed.

The ride back was noisy. Carmen was sat in front of me, and I could hear her incessant yapping to Samantha and Poppy all the bloody time.

Then the boys were sorting some bet or telling sexist jokes and were so loud that even when they were quiet I could hear the ringing left from their shouts.

I had also started to really need a piss.

When we got back, I was the first off the minibus, and waited impaitently by the door while Mike unlocked the door.

I was also the first one inside, but I had to race Johnny for the bathroom. I won, and when I had finished, I waited a little while before opening the door, only to find that Johnny hadn't been able to wait and had pissed outside instead.

I went downstairs, immediately spotting my bags on the sofa...with Carmen's face in them.

"OI!" I yelled, stomping over and tugging the bags out of her and Poppy's grasp. "What do you think you're doing?" I demanded. Carmen looked guiltily at a smug Poppy.

"What does it matter to you?" She asked, looking proud of herself for coming up with a sentence that seemed like a good comeback. I looked at her, in complete awe that she could be such a plonker.

"They're my fucking bags, you dipshit." I told her slowly, as if I were explaining something to a two year old.

"Erm," She looked down. I snorted and took my bags to my room before Mike shouted that lunch was ready. I stomped downstairs, sitting down and tucking in.

After lunch, I went back into my room, to see my Liam looking through my bags. I slapped the backs of his head lightly.

"What are you doing?" I narrowed my eyes.

"I though they were mine?" He tried. I looked pointedly at a bag from Victoria's Secret.

"Right," I said slowly. I picked up the bags and tipped them upisode down, until everything wa on the bed.

"So are these yours?" I asked, holding up a box of tampons. Liam flushed pink and shook his head.

"What about these?" I shook a packet of pink women's razors. He shook his head again.

"And this?" I held up a red bra. He smirked."Sexy, but no."

"Elektra!" The door swung open as I ran at Liam and shoved the bra in his face.

"Elektra!" I turned to face Luke and smiled at his cute little face.

"Yeah, Luke?"

"Somebody's at the door for you!" He ran back out and downstairs. I put the bra back on the bed.

"Come on," I said, pulling him downstairs.

But sitting in the armchair, surrounded by the other kids, was my sister.

thanks you so much for all the great reviews i really do appreciate it. sorry for the slow update, but i didn't really have time to finish this chapter until today. and my parents got a letter home about y attendance, punctuality and organisation, so i may have to start getting up a 5:45 am to go to some breakfast club thing, which means i'll be really i plan on updating weekly at least, and i dont plan on going to this stupid club thing.

thank you for reading! kia xo