Elektra's POV:

"So this is the town!"


I think Mike sensed my sarcasm, because he rolled his eyes at me before turning to answer a question from Gus about onesies.

Don't ask, you don't wanna know.

From the corner of my eye, I saw Liam and Frank whispering to each other. Plotters.

"What are you two doing, then?" I turned and smirked at them. Frank lifted his gaze to me, his expression defeated. Liam wasn't going that easily, though.

"What you on about?" He asked, feigning confusion. I crossed my arms.

"Give it up, Liam. I heard you and Frank this morning." I laughed at his face. "I'm coming, too."

"Oh, no you're not!" Liam protested loudly, making some of the other kids stare as we walked past Lush. I watched as Mike, Gina and the others loudly made their way into the shop. It was only when we were a good distance away from the shop that I punched Frank's arm and said, "Well, I have to come now."

I gestured around at the empty street, laughing. Liam finally gave in. "Fine," He said. "But-"

"LIAM!" He was cut off by a high pitched voice. We turned around and upon seeing a short blonde girl standing at the top of the road, Liam and Frank immediately turned back and walked faster in the direction we were going- right towards the high street, and away from the girl. I rushed after them, demanding to know what was going on.

"That's Poppy," Frank said. I looked at him as we speedwalked, waiting for an explanation.

"She's obsessed with me!" Liam exclaimed quickly, sighing in relief when we finally made to the high street and his behind a little corner.

"She's obsessed with you?" I laughed. Liam glared at me.

"Yeah, everytime I see her she tried to et me to go out with her, she knows my birthday, my name..I didn't give that away-"

"Hey, Liam."

The horror on his face was visible and he turned to me, a panicked look on his face.

"Er, hi Poppy." The girl smiled. I couldn't help but think she looked sinister.

"So, how about a drink sometime?"

"Poppy, I told you I have a girlfriend. And I don't like you like that."

He doesn't like you at all, I thought mentally. It was only when Poppy glowered at me I realised I had said it out loud.

I smiled awkwardly. She faced Liam again.

"Well, she's not here, and she won't know."

"Actually, she is here." Liam managed to get out. He looked around for any of the DG kids, but they were probably all still in Lush. Damn, where's Lily when you need her?

"Oh, really? Where?" Poppy smirked. Liam looked at me for one second. It was apologetic and desperate. My face contorted and just as I opened my mouth, Liam pointed at me and said, "Her."

"So then this girl was like 'Where's your girlfriend then?' and Liam told her it was Elektra!"

Frank burst out laughing again. He'd only just composed hismelf enough to get that last bit out.

"Frank, stop." Liam groaned. I laughed.

"You're part of it too," Liam growled, shifting on the sofa so his legs were on the coffee table. I rolled my eyes and put mine in his lap.

"But I didn't tell her my enemy was my girlfriend, did I?" Liam looked at my legs and tried to shove them off, but I wouldn't budge.

"Well, we're never going to see her again, are we?" He said. "No worries."

I calmed down a bit. Frank and Johnny continued playing pool, as Gus took notes.

I rested my head on the pillow behind me, noticing Liam was doing the same. The doorbell rang.

"I'll get it!" Tee yelled over the noise, jumping up from her spot next to Carmen and rushing out to get the door.

I was teasing Liam about Poppy when Tee and Mike stepped in, followed by two figures. One was a young boy, around three years old, and the other was a girl, with long blonde hair. I could have sworn I aw that outfit already today.

And then the girl looked up, and me and Liam groaned simultaneously.


Liam grabbed a cushion and covered his face with it. I followed his lead and did it too, hoping Tee wouldn't introduce us.

"Everyone, this is Poppy and Luke!" Tee exclaimed, getting us all to hush up. I slumped further on the sofa, not realising my bum was pressed against Liam's legs until he lightly slapped it. I nearly screamed.

"Poppy, Luke, these are the Dumping Ground kids."

"Dumping Ground?" I heard Poppy ask, her posh voice full of disdain.

"Yeah, it's the nickname for Elmtree House, because this is where you get dumped if you're not wanted." Sapphire answered bluntly. Harry giggled quietly.

"Anyway." Tee got back on track. "Poppy, Luke, that's Carmen in the pink and Lily in the purple." I assumed she was pointing. "That's Rick in the striped shirt, and Tyler's the one with the afro."

"Um, Frank's by the window with the pool cue, that's my brother Johnny in the blue. Toby's upstairs, you'll meet him at dinner. Gus is the one with the notpad over there, that's Sapphire and Harry and Jeff-"


"The teddy giraffe. On the sofa are Liam and Elektra. Guys, take the pillows off your heads!" We reluctantly put them down.

"Oh!" Poppy gasped. "I know Liam, we're friends!" Tee looked at Liam uncertainly.

"No, we're not." Liam said. "Don't lie. Remember when you told your friend I was your boyfriend? You're one friend short now, ain't ya?"

Everyone sniggered as Poppy turned bright pink.

"Oh, there's your girlfriend!" She pointed at me.

"Point at me again, and you won't have a finger to point with anymore." I threatened.

"Girlfriend?" Johnny asked.

"Remember the story Frank was just telling you?" Liam asked. Everyone nodded. "Meet Poppy." I finished or him, pointing at the blonde.

It silent for all of two seconds, before the sounds of laughing filled the house. I rolled my eyes. "I'm going."

"Yeah, me too." Liam stood up with me and we made our way out of the room. I heard Frank saying Liam was my boyfriend. The others were making sounds of agreement.


When me and Liam got to my room, my bed had been shoved over to make room for another bed. One with bright pink covers that clashed painfully with my blue walls and normal furniture.

"She's moving in?" I asked, horrified.

"MIKE!" I stomped downstairs, Liam hot behind me. I saw Gina in the hallway and she had obviously sussed what I was mad about, as she looke at me pitifully.

"She has nowhere else to sleep. All the girls rooms are taken and-"

"I really can not deal with her in my room right now. I want her out." I said, storming past her.


"Elektra, babes, clam down-"

"I'm not staying in a room with her." I turned around to face Gina, my face determined.

"Then move out."

"WHAT?!" I turned to see Gus standing in the doorway. "Elektra can't go- who will save the people she attacks?" He pointedly looked at Liam.

Gina looked confused for a seond, before laughing. "No, Gus. I meant Elektra can go and stay in a different room. She doesn't like Poppy." Gina assured him, and he scribbled omething down in his notebook before walking back to the living room.

"Why would I move out?" I asked.

"Because we can't put her anywhere else." Gina explained. "Lily's in with Carmen for her respite care, Gus can't share his room, Luke's been put in Harry's room, and you know how Sapphire is about sharing. Johnny and Toby share."

"So you shove her in my room?" I shout. "Put her in with Frank or Liam, I'm sure she'll enjoy it."

"They're opposite gender and the same age." Gina told me.


"You know what Liam's like," Gina said.

"Oi!" I suddenly remembered Liam was there.

"What if I shared with Liam, then? Would I be allowed?" Gina thought for a moment. I was beginning to regret asking. I wasn't suggesting I move in with Liam, but that's what Gina was taking it as. Shit.

"Maybe. I know there's hardly any chance of you two being like...that, so I guess you can, Elektra." She smiled, amused, before walking away.

"I wasn't being serious-" I called after her, but she just chuckled.

"Start moving your stuff in!"

a/n: please reveiw! i really like this pairing so i thought i'd make a fic about them. Can i get three reviews before uploading the next chapter? i really hate doing this but i like reviews, so...

i know i sound like a bit of a bitch.

kia xo