Deadly Secrets
by: Elizabeth Lupin

Disclaimer: I do NOT own any of these characters, except Elizabeth Lupin and maybe Mrs. Lupin, I don't know. Anyway, the rest of the characters are sole property of JK Rowling. In other words, please don't sue me. :-)


"Oh com'on Remus. You have to come."

"I'm sorry, Elizabeth, I just can't."

"That's what you say everytime. Just this once, PLEASE!"

"I would, if I could, but I just can't. Period"

*HMPH* "FINE. I guess your not my favorite big brother anymore."

Elizabeth Lupin stood up from the table in which she sat. Her crystal blue eyes narrowed as she glared at her brother. Eighteen year old Remus Lupin sat quietly at the small kitchen table. He could feel the intense stare he was recieving from across the table. Looking up, he met the cold insolent expression livid on his little sister's face. He hated upsetting his sister. They've always had a great sibling relationship, even though there was a seven year difference between them. They knew everything about one another, well, almost everything. There was one secret Elizabeth didn't know about him and Remus was determined she would never find out, well as least till she was older.

"I'm so sorry Elizabeth," Remus sadly said, "I just can't"

The conversation was suddenly interupted by a soft femine voice.

"Elizabeth...Elizabeth it's time to go. Grandma's waiting."

Standing posed in the dark doorway, Mrs. Lupin leaned up against the oak frame leading into the kitchen.

"Mum, tell Remus he has to come."

"Remus can't. He has other plans," she said as she step into the room.

Elizabeth let out a grunt of frustration.

"He never comes with me to grandma's house. It's SOOO boring and her house ALWAYS smells like rotting bat wings, YUCK!" Elizabeth wined, wrinkling her nose and shaking her head in disgust.

"Well, like I always say, "What does not kill you, only makes you stronger," Mrs. Lupin stated, placing her hands on the sides of her daughter's round face and placing a light peck on her forehead "Now go, before I have to get violent."

Elizabeth sighed and stocked into the living room.

"Hey Liz"

"What."Elizabeth said, wheeling around on heels.

"Since you recieved your first letter from Hogwarts, and since I can't enjoy a lovely week at Grandma's, how about, once you get back, we go to Diagon Alley together and pick up our school supplies. Just me and you"

Elizabeth looked apprehensively at her brother.

"Even getting my wand."

"Even getting your wand"

Elizabeth squealed with delight and ran over to him, wrapping her thin arms around his waist. He was a whole body taller than she was.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you.."

"Your welcome. No go," Remus pointed at the fireplace "Before Grandma gets worried."

Elizabeth let go of her brother and skipped happily into the living room. Picking up her bag, she place a hand into the Floo Powder jar sitting on the fireplace mantel. After pulling a big handfull, she threw it in and Remus watched as his sister disappeared into the giant flames.

"That was a very nice thing you did, Remus," Mrs. Lupin said, "She absolutely adores you."

"Yea, I know." he said dejectedly.

"What's the matter?"

"Do you think we should tell her.."

"Tell her what?"

Remus walked into the dark living room and stood next to the blazing fire in which Elizabeth just disappeared through. His head hung in disgust.

"You know...about me..." he said, looking up into his mothers blue eyes.

Mrs. Lupin quickly stood next to her son. Placing a hand on his shoulder, she said

"I don't think that is a good idea. Not now. She hasn't lost her childhood innocence, yet. In a couple of years."

Remus sighed and steped out of his mothers embrace.

"You don't understand, Liz is a VERY smart girl. I think she can handle it."

"I know that she is smart, but I don't think she would be able to hand something like this, she's only 11."

Remus threw his long arms up in the air.

"I lost my innocence when I was 5. Nobody was looking out from my sanity than."

Mrs. Lupin wrapped her arms around her waist.

Suddenly a loud, deep chime broke the silence.

"Crap, I gotta go." Remus stated, heading toward the front door.


Remus turned toward his mother. Tears filled her eyes and fell gracefully down her thin face.

"I'm sorry."

"Oh damn..." he said under his breath. Walking over to his emotional mother, he engulfed her.

"I didn't mean it that way. I don't blame you, dad, or anyone. It was just a sudden freak accident. It's alright."

The clock chimed again. The sky outside was darkening at an alarming rate.

"You gotta go, Remus. Go." Mrs. Lupin said pulling away from her son.

Remus hesitated.

"GO!" Mrs. Lupin stated wiping tears off cheek.

Remus took the cue and hurried out the front door. By this time, the entire sky was a deep, navy blue. Stars twinkled brightly. A small bit of the moon shown over the horizen. Running, Remus looked back. His mother stood in the door way,

"REMUS, be careful. I love you."

Remus stoped,

"Love you too, mum."

Turning he ran for the horizen. More of the moon shown, and he could feel something sturing inside of him. Finally after what seemed like an entirely, the full moon had risen and, shilohetted against it, a black, dog like creature reared it's head.

"Goodnight, Remus." Mrs. Lupin sighed as she slowly closed the door.

ATTN: What did you think. R/R! It's one of my first stories, so please be kind.:-)