Author's Note: Chapter Three is here! Three chapters in three days?! :O

Warning! Explicit sexual content in this chapter. Don't like don't read and don't hate. Leave it for those that like it to enjoy it. The explicit stuff will be separated by the long underline things (the one that appears in the middle of the chapter) for those that may wish to skip over it (just in case guys). :P

Chapter Three

It was dark now and getting chillier outside as Lilly slowly made her way back to the den she shared with her mate Garth. Lilly was unbelievably nervous for this. Dominating Garth? If she thought about it for too long, it really was a crazy idea, but Eva had told her not to overthink it and just to get in her den and have fun. But then again Eva had also suggested Lilly try other kinky sexual things, such as using a reed on Garth to "…make him feel more like a female, if you know what I mean…" Eva's words had been. Lilly thought that was just going too far.

Lilly and Eva had chosen several fresh, strong vines and made nooses on them for restraining Garth when he tried to resist. These were carried in Lilly's maw, and she thought tying up her big alpha would be the best part although probably the hardest. Her plan was to tie Garth down first. Eva had emphasized time and time again earlier that day that Lilly would be in charge and she should be nearly relentless until Garth agrees that is the way things are going to be. After that Garth could have some freedom, if his mistress chose so.

The moment of truth arrived as Lilly softly slipped into her den. She looked around and Garth immediately noticed her. There was no doubt he was a little worried about Lilly since she had been gone all day.

"There you are!" Garth exclaimed as he ran up to his mate and licked her cheek. "I went looking for you shortly after you left but couldn't find you anywhere! I was going to get some alphas to look for you if you didn't return by nightfall!" Garth nuzzled his mate lovingly, and then he looked at her maw and saw she was holding some strangely tied vines. So she's missing all day and comes back with vines… strange, Garth thought silently.

"Yeah," Lilly dropped the vines to speak, "I just needed a walk and then I ended up bumping into a friend and got busy with her." She flipped her hair back out of her eyes. The sight of her eyes after a long day might be enough to get Garth to sit still long enough for her to restrain him. With a warm smile, she focused her attention fully on Garth to see what he might do next.

Garth grinned. "Oh alright Lills, I understand," he replied. "So are you tired and ready to sleep? I'm pretty beat."

Here we go… Lilly saw an opportunity to start taking a more dominant tone, and she seized it. "I'm not sleepy yet, so we'll go to bed when 'I' am tired and when 'I' so choose," Lilly firmly stated, digging her paws into the dirt to show firmness.

Cocking his head sideways in curiosity, Garth slowly returned with a slow "Oh….kay?"

Everything was going great so far, and here was another opportunity for Lilly! "Don't you mean, 'Yes ma'am' or "Yes my mistress?'" Lilly inquired.

Garth cocked his head again but this time in the opposite direction. He shook it off. "Okay Lilly, what's going on?"

"Do not answer my questions with questions of your own!" Lilly exclaimed. She was gaining confidence fast, and having fun with this now. It was time to turn her mate into nothing but her personal sex plaything.

Meanwhile, Garth did not seem to be catching on. He was convinced Lilly was just playing around and was getting a little tired of her attitude towards him. "Lilly, seriously now, what's going on?" Seconds later, he found himself pinned on his back to the ground, and looking up at Lilly.

"I'll show you just how serious I am, you omega!" Lilly growled into Garth's face, using the term "omega" to begin humiliating her male plaything. She smirked and used her paw to brush his wolf mane gently. Then she pulled on it, causing Garth to yelp in pain. With Garth stunned, off guard, and rubbing his head soothingly, Lilly darted over to the already noosed vines. She slid one noose over a root that poked out from the ground as an anchor, and the other noose over Garth's paw. When she tied it off and tightened it, the end result was Garth's paw was held down fast and tight to his side. He was unable to move it. She seized his other paw, the one he was using to rub his own head, and did the same thing. She now had Garth tied down, lying on his back, and held fast by the very structures of the den. And she was looking very much like an alpha in control.

Garth was shocked and in awe at how quickly his omega mate had tied him down. He struggled against his bonds, wriggling and talking, "Hey, I can't move! These are tight!"

Lilly rolled her eyes, exaggerating the motion so Garth could see her plainly. "You're funny, my little puppy," Lilly sarcastically said. "If you be a good puppy, I won't have to tie you down anymore."

"A good puppy?" the confused male asked. He strained and looked over at Lilly. She was down by his waist, sitting by his hip and making herself comfortable. She put a paw on it and gently started rubbing. Garth had to admit to himself, he was actually enjoying how Lilly took charge. When she tied him down, he could have easily fought her off with his strength before the bonds were tied, but he was curious and his mind was racing now with fantasies and ideas of what she might do to him. As she began to massage his hip with her paw, Garth's member began to arise from its sheath. Garth loved whenever Lilly touched his hips. It was one of his hotspots.

Lilly nodded. "Yes Garth, you belong to me now. You're my puppy and my slave." Her paw worked further across his waist and she gently began to fondle with his balls.

Garth actually started to pant a little when Lilly called him her slave. As his new mistress rubbed his balls, his cock began to grow and extend until it had reached its full size. Garth's hormones were raging and he wanted so badly to be allowed to please his mistress. He felt Lilly's soft paws gently began to stroke, caress, and massage his cock. But why not have some fun with Lilly? Garth put a smirk on and said to Lilly, "I don't have to take anything from you! You're an omega!"

A loud growl raged in Lilly's throat as she squeezed Garth's cock hard and softly used her claws to poke it. She released her grip and then firmly flicked the shaft. Next she crawled up and laid herself on Garth's chest so she could look him down in the eye. She continued using her back paws to squeeze and toy with Garth's cock. With a growl, Lilly spoke, "You are my slave! You belong to me and exist only for my pleasure!"

Garth was in pain from Lilly using her claws on the most sensitive area of his body, but his desire to have his dark fantasy of Lilly dominating him entirely prevailed, and so he continued to test the boundaries. "I am NOT your slave, and nothing you do will ever convince me I am!" Garth put a proud smirk on.

But Lilly was not going to take it from Garth. She was dominant. She was in charge. That was how it was going to be. "Very well, slave. I will show you how low and weak you are!" With that, Lilly very gently used her foot to kick Garth's balls, gentle enough so she would not damage his gear, but firm enough to let him know who the boss was.

Garth yelped loudly now in pain, but he wanted full domination, so he continued and struggled against his vine bonds, "You can't make me your servant! You're too… WEAK!" Garth hoped Lilly would get angry in her new dominant character and would punish him. He seemed to like punishments better than he thought he would have. They were humiliating, and he did not get a dose of humiliation very often.

Since hurting Garth's genitals by itself was not enough, Lilly decided to slap Garth's muzzle while kicking his cock. Garth howled in pain this time. Lilly had him right where she wanted him now. She remained silent while Garth writhed in pain below her.

"Okay, okay, mistress!" Garth whined submissively. "I'm sorry! I'm your slave!"

Lilly smirked, "I can't hear you, all I hear is a little weak puppy whining."

"I am your weak little puppy," Garth dipped his head in respect. "Please don't hurt your servant."

"Good boy, my little puppy," Lilly said seductively and rewarded him with a kiss on his nose.

Garth panted and began to drool a little. Lilly was his mistress, and this was not a dream. His dark fantasy had become a reality. Garth's cock throbbed and he slowly pushed it against Lilly's waist, gently rubbing it back and forth. All Garth wanted was more of Lilly now. He leaned up and kissed Lilly deeply on her lips. Lilly returned his kiss and ran her paw soothingly over where she had slapped him. She hugged him close by wrapping her paws under his shoulders and pressed her heart against his, sending passionate, unconditional love straight through every nerve in both of their bodies. Garth surrendered his tongue to Lilly and she gently pulled it in her mouth and toyed with it. They both moaned in pleasure as Garth continued to grind his erect and now pulsing member against Lilly's clit. Garth finally broke the kiss but only long enough to ask, "Can I come inside my mistress now?"

Lilly smiled warmly and nodded. "Yes, but you have to remember who the slave is and who the mistress is."

Garth agreed and kissed Lilly deeply again. He pressed his throbbing cock up against Lilly's pussy and slowly slid himself inside, thoroughly enjoying the feeling of her tight pussy wrapped over his cock. "I love my mistress…" he moaned in pleasure as his eyes closed and he broke the kiss, resting his body down under Lilly.

Lilly giggled and kissed Garth's eyelids softly. "I love my puppy, I'm so glad I enslaved him." She giggled and hugged herself down on top of Garth as he swelled inside her and locked them together. "If you're good and remember your place, slave, you can have the freedom of your paws back."

Garth nodded and reopened his eyes, "Yes please mistress. I promise to use them for your pleasure."

Giggling, Lilly loosed the nooses on Garth's vines and released his paws from their prison. Garth immediately wrapped his paws over her neck and gently hugged her on top of him, kissing her yet again. Lilly whispered against Garth's lips, "You may thrust in me, my slave."

Lilly's "slave" nodded and started to thrust his cock inside of her, enjoying every second of pleasure he got as his cock rubbed inside against the walls of Lilly's pussy. Both the wolves moaned and kept kissing each other. Neither said a word, they simply enjoyed each other's bodies connected together. About five minutes later, Lilly said firmly and sweetly, "Release your cum, slave."

"Yes mistress…" Garth moaned as he thrust once more inside Lilly and then bowed his head to her as his seed spurt from his cock and into her tight pussy. He felt her warm liquids rushing around all over his cock. He could not help but buck his hips as his orgasm came. He fell back on the ground, panting, sweating, and loving the feeling of his mate being dominant over him.

Lilly fell on top of Garth and kissed his face all over during their orgasm. When they had finished, she held Garth's paws gently and said, "Garthy, I love you so much. Please be my mate forever and ever."

Garth smiled, his body feeling pleasured and weakened from his orgasm. He wrapped his paws snugly over Lilly and held her close to his chest. As he drifted to sleep, he mumbled softly, "I promise I will. I love you Lilly."

And with that, the two wolves slept in each other's arms. They remained interlocked until Garth's cock had shrunk down enough to separate them. They were so in love and never wanted to be apart from each other.

Garth and Lilly had learned that it is important to be direct in communication in any relationship. They were lucky though that everything ended well and they got to learn the easy way. Hopefully, they will continue to grow closer in their relationship and will remain happy together for all eternity.

Author's Note: Well it looks like that's all for Dominant Omega, Submissive Alpha. :D Hope you guys enjoyed it and even caught on to that little lesson at the end, and I hope you get to learn it the easy way if you haven't already, like Garth and Lilly did. :P It's not fun the hard way, trust me. But enough with that.

I had two goals for this story. The first goal was to teach the lesson on communication. The second was to make every horny male that may have read this wish he was Garth. :3 Did I succeed on either? Why don't you review and let me know? :D

On a side note, I am rather ashamed to say I have not seen Alpha and Omega 2… :O Yeah I need to watch that soon… I'm busy though! And for now I choose writing over watching a sequel that no one seems to like anyway. :D

Special thanks to Crowwolf, the guy whom this story is dedicated to. And also thanks for Eva. :3 *salutes*

Thanks for reading! See you all… whenever I update again? Hopefully soon… maybe this week.

Love you guys!

This has been a Humphrey Loves Kate Production