pleas enjoy this :3
IMAGINE…Sherlock's old pal, The Doctor, surprising you at your wedding
Brooke smiled as she looked around the room, she noticed John talking to one of the bride's maid's and she mentally decided to see if she could set the two up. Mary was a good friend and she thought the two would be cute together and she knew if his ex's and how they were with Sherlock so she just wanted one of his girlfriends to get along with her husband. She then jumped lightly seeing her now husband, she gave him a smile and lent into him once he gave her a kiss to her head. Sherlock placed his hand against her hip as he pressed his lips against the side of her head, his eyes followed to where her's was. A small smirk formed against his face as he looked down at her taking in the small pink staining her cheek's which now was matching her Bouquet.
Sherlock let out a small chuckle as he made her face him, small wisp's of blonde hair falling in front of her eyes. "Scheming are you my little bride that's very naughty of you." She then fully face him, her lips forming into a small pout, rolling her eyes she gave him a half smile then let her eyes go back to John and Mary.
"I'm Hardly Scheming when I'm trying to set up two friends,besides I'm not forcing them to do anything" She claimed playing with her Rose Gold wedding was happy that her heel's gave her a few inches so she could kiss him properly since she was only 5'3. Placing her lips against his in for a small kiss she pulled away. "Now, go get a drink for yourself I have guest to greet and maybe I can try to get Molly and Greg together. "She muttered to herself and picked up the edge of her dress the walked off to the bride's and grooms men's table.
Sherlock let the smile come to his lip's as he grabbed a champagne flute and studied the liquid. He knew that it was a shock to John when he told the man that he wanted to ask for Brooke's hand in was too since he was such a stubborn man and always stated that he would never let his heart rule over him. Though he moment he laid his eye's on the blonde he could not help but be fascinated,he was drawn to her and he never figured out why. He figured her out in an instant but he found himself going back to her, even telling her to live in the flat below them and inviting her on cases. Before he even knew it he was falling for her,trying to think on how to tell her and if it was not for his good friend the Doctor.( Not John) he mentally added this wedding would not be happening because he would have never asked her out.
Blinking out of his memory his smile slipped off of his face as he raised the glass in the air for a mock toast. "Here is to you Doctor, where ever you are."Just as he was about to take a sip he heard the familiar whirling of that same blue box which held that strange man. He watched as that old police box appeared, he ignored the shocked gasp's and missed how the glass slipped out of his hand and smashed to the ground. He made his way over to it just in time to see a tall man peak his head out.
He noticed that he was wearing a tailored suit with a red rose pinned to the pocket followed by a large black top hat upon his messy brown hair. The tall man stepped out as he looked around, a smile quickly grew across his face though it grew more once it locked on Sherlock's shocked face. " Ahh awedding! Love weddings. Wouldn't miss it for the world, Sherlock."
"Doctor"Sherlock tipped his head though he noticed that John and Sherlock appeared at his side. John held the smile on his face shaking the man's hand though Brooke's held a look of confusion on her.
"Ah who is he and why is their a Blue Police Box on our dance floor, Sherlock?" Brooke's voice held a small lace of panic.
"This is the Doctor, Eleventh reincarnation to be exact and he's and old friend. "Sherlock gave her a grin though it was wiped off once he noticed the tall man grab hold of her hand.
Eleven ignored the whispers around him though he gave the woman a charming smile. "Don;t tell me, this is the beautiful bride" He gave her hand a small kiss though he dropped her hand hearing a throat clearing. "I've heard so much about not worry all good things!" He looked around the room still smiling. "Hello all now do tell me have you cut the cake?"