There's always a moment when the reality of a situation hits you. A point where you can no longer deny the truth and it dawns on you that- Shit. This is really happening. You blink, but what you are seeing doesn't vanish from your view like you hoped. It only gets stronger, more real, and mocks you for thinking that would work. It obscures your vision, hovers in front of your eyes, smirking...
Now what?, it asks.
-[When Hope Crumbles]-
Makoto Naegi's face paled as he walked further and further into the ruined city that he once lived in. Though Naegi is sure the shock must be great for his classmates as well, he is the only one who has regained his memories of their missing two years besides Ikusaba. He remembers the descent into chaos following Mankind's Most Despairingly Maleficent and Monstrous Malefaction, the terror that pervaded the air and his continued fear that his family is dead. Its all coming back to him.
Naegi turns his head to see that everyone is affected by what they see around them. Fujisaki sobs quietly with Asahina as they both clutch Oogami, who is struggling to keep her breathing under control.
Oowada keeps muttering "Fuck!"under his breath as he walks beside Ishimaru, who is similarly repeating th word: "Unacceptable...", and Hagakure, who is mumbling something about aliens. Yamada and Fukawa look like scared rabbits, but they are not the only ones; both Kuwata and Maizono have looked like that since exiting Hope's Peak Academy. Even the Stoic Trio look unnerved: Celes is looking paler than usual (which is saying something), Togami is clenching his fists so hard his knuckles are white, and Kirigiri's eyes are empty, looking around, seemingly overwhelmed. Only Ikusaba is calm, looking casually around, still under her Enoshima wig. It occurs to Naegi that this is her element; a war-torn battlefield with danger lurking around every corner is where she feels at home.
What is he doing here?; Naegi thinks inside his head He is even less suited to deal with this than the rest of these Super Duper High School Levels. He is a normal guy, average in everything he does. His only real talents being his luck and hope. Just because he is lucky doesn't mean he has good luck, just that luck is attracted to him, bad luck as often as good. And hope, ahhhh hope! He feels the weight of responsibility that the was saddled on him by being hopeful. Their expectations of him to always be kind and upbeat, a source of optimism for the group. To be the anchor for everyone around him.
They forced me into this role; Naegi can't help but think, So no matter how despair-inducing things look, good-ol' Naegi will be there to cheer you up! So feel free to be as angry or tired or sad or show any other human emotion at all, because its okay, Naegi will always be upbeat and happy! Naegi will help us! Naegi will listen to us! Naegi will-
"Naegi." A voice shook him from his thoughts. Naegi realizes that the others had stopped walking a while back, putting a rather large gap between them and him in the street.
"Huh? Oh, what is it Togami-kun?" I don't want them to see me like this. Naegi, the eternal optimist, bitter at his friends over nothing.
"We are stopping for the night. Ikusaba and Oogami are scouting the are looking for a place to rest that's not completely ransacked."
"Oh. Well alright then." It's fine. They are my friends, after all. I would do anything to help them. Naegi walked over to where his tired classmates were sitting in an alley between two shells of what once were buildings and plopped down without another word.
-[When Hope Crumbles]-
Ikusaba and Oogami returned with good news and bad news.
"We found an abandoned apartment building that was mostly intact." Oogami reports. "It was destroyed from the second floor up but the first floor still has habitable rooms. They even have locks on the doors and windows. But..."
"What is it?" Togami asks, turning to Ikusaba.
"We are being followed." Ikusaba replies, taking her wig off.
They decided to split into two groups. One would be led by Oogami and the other by Ikusaba, as they were the only ones who knew the location of the apartment building. The plan was to lose their pursuer by splitting up and meet at the building after nightfall. Naegi ended up in Ikusaba's group, and together with Togami, Asahina, Yamada, Celes, Fukawa and Oowada they set off. The sun was beginning to sink below the horizon as they neared their destination, and all was going according to plan.
Then Oowada broke the silence.
"Man, this is so fucked up.", he said, stretching his arms. "How did we ever let it come this far without stopping it? Its like we didn't even notice it happening until it was too late."
A rational statement, followed by a reasonable question. But it wasn't rhetorical, he wanted a response, from Naegi to be precise.
"Yo Naegi. You listen' to me?"
"Huh?", said Naegi, startled. "Oh, sorry Oowada-kun. I was just...thinking."
"Are you okay Naegi-kun?", asked Asahina with a concerned look on her face. "You have been looking down since this morning."
"I am fine Asahina-san, thanks for your concern. I have just been feeling a bit...depressed lately."
"You? Depressed? That's a laugh!" Oowada promptly tilted back his head and laughed. "That's not like you! What do you have to be depressed over?"
"I-I am worried about my family and-"
"Eh? Did you think we weren't?" Oowada had a dangerous glint in his eye. "I am worried about my brothers in Crazy Diamond, but you don't see me complain'."
They had stopped walking.
"W-Well no, its not just that-"
"Maybe your dreams for the future were shattered in an instant?", Celes asked, hand over her mouth.
"No, but-"
"Or your esteemed family's corporation was crushed and reduced to the rubble that you plebeians walk on?", Togami interjected.
"Do you see Naegi? You have no right to be depressed. We are all dealing with problems, most far greater than your pathetic ones."
"H-Hang on Togami-kun, that's not fair-"
"No, its fine Asahina-san.", Naegi said, putting on a big smile as he looked at her. "They are right. We all have problems to deal with..."
Ikusaba looked away from them, seemingly deep in thought. "...Come on. We should keep moving."
-[When Hope Crumbles]-
They made it to the apartment building without any further incidents and slipped in under the cover of darkness. Ikusaba did not detect anyone nearby, so they waited in silence of the foyer of the building for Oogami and her group to show up. Approximately a half-hour later, Oogami's group arrived.
"I apologize for our being late.", Oogami said. "There were looters in Monokuma masks in the area so we traveled a couple of blocks over to avoid them."
"At least you all are safe Sakura-chan.", said Asahina with a smile.
"We should all get some rest. But we should probably have someone stand guard throughout the night.", Kirigiri suggested.
"...I will take first watch.", Ikusaba said, speaking up. "I do not feel very tired."
'Then I shall take the next shift." replied Oogami as she stood. "Come wake me when you are tired, Ikusaba-dono."
"Well I certainly am tired!" Naegi said, stretching. "And my injury kinda hurts from walking so much today. I think I am going to turn in early. Goodnight you guys!" Naegi turned and began walking towards the apartment rooms.
"Naegi-dono. Are you feeling alright?", Oogami asked.
"...I'm fine. Don't worry about it.", Naegi said, not looking back as he walked down the hall and disappeared into the dark.
It wasn't until the next morning that they found no one was on watch.
It wasn't until the next morning that they realized that Ikusaba and Naegi were gone.
It wasn't until the next morning that despair began to set in.
Part 1: Hope's Depression End.