AN: One reader asked if this was a Golden Snow story and I just want to let you guys know that I had no idea that was even a ship, and that its not.


She walked into my classroom. Blonde curls lighting up the room.

"Emma" The name rolled off my tongue, it tasted sweet like candy. I smiled.

I was looking forward to seeing this mysterious little girl again.

She looks up at me, books overwhelming her arms.

"HI, Miss Blanchard" as she looks up to greet me and then finds her seat near the back.

She gets here a bit earlier than the other students and I find myself in a comforting silence preparing for the heard of pupils to arrive. When they do I notice that no one talks to Emma. No one except a boy named Killian Jones. I watch as he smiles at her, compliments her shoes and takes a seat next to her. My heart warms and hopefully she has made a long time friend.

My lecture starts out pretty normal. I open a slideshow on World War 1 as the children take notes.

I always enjoy throwing out fun questions to see if anyone could guess them. I ask a question and as students look around unsure of an answer I hear a voice perk up. Its Emma and its correct. She asks me a question about the time and im shocked that she would know the answer, as none of the other students do. We hold eye contact for a split second. I smile. Then turn back around to finish up with the rest of class.

The bell rings and the students are dismissed to their next class. Im disappointed to watch her go. Wishing for her presence to linger just a bit longer.

As the final bell rung ending the day I am looking forward to heading home and taking a nice nap. As I walk to my apartment I notice a argument between Madame Mayor and Mr. Gold. Regina seems to be furious at Mr. Gold and I wonder what the fight could be about. I walk closer to them on my way home and when I do, Regina sneers at me and they both get quiet and begin acting strange.

I wonder what they were talking about?

Its been a long day and im thankful to be coming home and getting some sleep. As im about to put my head on my pillow I glance out the window and notice the big clock tower above the Library tick past 8:15. Funny I don't ever remember it reading 8:16 before. I shrug it off and close my eyes.