Elsanna. DISCLAIMER. Incest.

Elsa was having a rather calm day. Too calm. She missed her sister, and Anna was at Kristoff's place. Probably watching his house while Kristoff was working. Elsa decided to go see her. With a wave of her hand, a sled and 2 reindeer of ice we're pulling her towards Kristoff's cabin.

She stopped at the forest and turned it to an iced wonderland. Afterwards, Elsa continued on through. When she arrived, she heard Anna's beautiful voice, singing sweet nothings while cleaning up her lunch. Elsa knocked lightly. "Anna, it's me Elsa!" "Coming!" She replied. The door opened with a creak. Elsa entered the wooden house. She was immediately greeted with an embrace, causing her cheeks to turn an ever so light shade of pink. "Good afternoon, Anna." Elsa greeted," I just wanted to come by, say hello." "Hey, Elsa! Want to go do something?" Anna asked. 'Do I? I am bored after all' The pair walked outside and pondered about what they should do. "We could go to the forest and play?" Anna suggested. Elsa nodded they walked to the forest. It was absolutely beautiful. Elsa glanced at Anna. Her blue eyes sparkling in the sunlight, her mouth agape at the sight before her, cheeks rosy pink. Anna turned and saw Elsa staring at her. She gave Elsa one of her famous smiles. Elsa quickly turned away and blushed. "Well, let's play!" Anna exclaimed.

The two rolled in the snow, laughing and playing, like they always used to. They started a tickle fight, Anna finding all of Elsa's ticklish spots, dominating. "Okay, okay! You win!" Elsa exclaimed, gasping for breath, defeated. Elsa lied down, and Anna climbed onto her lap. She was very light. The ginger lied down on Elsa's abdomen, her head against her sister's chest. "Anna..." Elsa sighed. Anna listened to the soft beating of Elsa's heart. She nuzzled Elsa's neck and drifted off to sleep. Elsa was blushing hard, her cheeks hot. Anna was very warm. 'So this is heat... I like it.' She kissed Anna's forehead and closed her eyes, wrapping her arms around her sister in a warm embrace, eventually dozing off.

Anna awoke to her sisters breathing, cold. She snuggled into Elsa's breast for warmth, a cool wind sent a shiver up her spine. Elsa awoke to shivering. Wait. Shivering? She looked down and saw her sister snuggled into her chest, shivering from the cold gusts of wind. Elsa immediately blushed. She then remembered how cold Anna was. "Anna!" Elsa sat up and hugged her sister, sharing her warmth. "Thanks, Elsa..." Anna said. She then looked up at Elsa, and kissed her cheek. "Uh, you're welcome." Elsa replied, a blush creeping up on her cheeks. Elsa looked down at her sister and thought about her. Perfect curves, her smile, her eyes, and her laugh, god her laugh. It was like light after thousands of years of darkness. She loved her sister. Not like siblings should love. Like the way lovers love.

Its wrong. But it felt so right, to love her sister the way she did. Sometimes she would have dreams about them two, up against a wall, loving each other, but would wake up and go wash her face and try to forget about it. While Elsa was lost in thought Anna took this opportunity to hug her sister. "What's wrong Els?" Elsa shook her head and smiled. "Nothing at all, Anna." Elsa lied. "Liar!" Anna countered. She tackled her sister to the floor and began tickling her. "Anna! Stop! HAHAHA!" Elsa begged. Anna stated,"I am the master of tickling!" Her and Elsa howled with laughter. Elsa looked over to her sister clenching her sides, gasping for breath. She herself was doing the same. She stood up and walked over to her sister, and helped her up off the floor. Anna grabbed her arm and pulled Elsa into a tight embrace. "Thanks Elsa I needed to go play with you." "I can say the same." Elsa replied. Anna pulled away but Elsa hung on to her arms. "Yes?" Anna asked her. "Anna I..." She trailed off. "You can talk to me Elsa." Anna said, her voice soothing. Elsa tightly hugged Anna. "I love you Anna!" Elsa admitted. "Aw... I love you too sis." Elsa whispered into Anna's ear, "But not the way I love you..." Elsa sat down and pulled her sister into her lap. She wrapped her arms around Anna's waist.

Anna blushed at her sister's actions. "W-What to you m-mean?" She chattered, as the temperature around them was dropping. "I love you not like sisters, Anna, I love you as lovers do. You see it began when we were kids, about 10 and 13, I just loved the way you smiled, even though I shut you out. You were so alone...still I watched you from corners and would sneak around the castle to see you laugh while talking to paintings or statues, and it made me think, all these years that could've been me..." Elsa trailed off, tears falling from her eyes onto Anna's sweater. "Elsa it's okay! Really! The past is the past, I'm over that." Anna said, trying to calm down Elsa. Elsa embraced Anna, with a tight grip, a muffled 'Thank you...', was all the Queen could muster. Elsa let go and took a moment to look at Anna's petite frame, admiring her curves. She then leaned forward and took Anna by surprise with a kiss. Not to the cheek, no. But a passionate kiss full of love, on the lips. Elsa opened her eyes and immediately pulled back. Anna placed 2 digits to her lips, her face matching that of a strawberry. "Anna, I-I...uh..." Elsa stuttered. "No, no, it's alright..." Anna replied reassuringly. "Actually, I uh, kind of liked it..." She said looking away.

Elsa took in the sight before her. Anna blushing, holding her arm, hips to the right, a scarlet blush painted to her cheeks. Elsa cupped her cheeks and kissed her again. This time, with more force. Anna felt her sister's tongue lick her bottom lip, asking for entrance, to which she happily obliged. The kiss became heated, their tongues fighting for dominance. Anna pulled away gasping for breath, Elsa the same. Elsa bit her lip, placing her palms on Anna's hips. "You're so beautiful..." Anna complimented, as she wrapped her arms around Elsa's neck. "You're beautifuler..." Elsa responded, mimicking her vocabulary, as it was said at the coronation.

They were blushing. Anna pushed Elsa to the ground. She climbed onto her lap. Anna leaned down and nipped Elsa's neck eliciting a moan. She left kisses along Elsa's jawline. "Anna..." Elsa moaned. Anna licked her ivory flesh, tasting it, savoring the cold, enjoying the taste. "You taste good..." Anna whispered into Elsa's ear. Elsa blushed, finding that containing her moans was a lot harder with Anna touching her like this. "Nnh... Anna...D-Don't stop..." She begged. It felt good to be touched, licked, loved by her own sister, even if it was wrong. Anna began sucking on a part of her neck, leaving a small mark. She licked Elsa's lips, kissing her forcefully. Anna released her and took of her sweater, as she felt hot. Elsa took this sudden pause as an opportunity to get revenge.

She left kisses along Anna's jaw, moving to her neck. Elsa tasted her sister's flesh, licked it, and felt the silkiness of it. Anna shuddered under Elsa's touch. Elsa moved her hands low to her bottom and gave it a light squeeze. Anna squeaked. "You're too cute." Elsa teased. Anna groped one of Elsa's breasts and watched her sister moan. "You're so sensitive, Elsa deary." She taunted back. "S-Shut up..." Elsa breathed. Anna giggled. She pushed Elsa to the floor. Anna pecked her lips once more, drawing circles around Elsa's breasts. Elsa looked down blushing, trying to stifle a moan. Anna grabbed one through Elsa's top and began massaging it.

"A-Anna..." Elsa stuttered, moaning. Anna moved her thigh to in between Elsa's inner thighs, and rubbed her leg against Elsa's groin. "Nnh!" The queen moaned. Anna shut her up with a kiss. Elsa wanted to retaliate, but Anna had her in a rather... compromising state. Kind of hard to move, believe me. The queen gathered her strength and took off her sister's top. "But Elsa! It's so c-cold..." She said, covering her breasts. "You don't have to hide from me..." Elsa stated. Anna put her arms down cautiously, scared. Elsa pulled her sister into a hug. "You're beautiful Anna..." She said. She pulled Anna into a loving kiss. "Thanks Els..." Anna whispered.

Anna continued to tease and pleasure Elsa, rub her groin, lick her neck, and continuously peck her lips, over and over. Anna told Elsa to take off her top, and with a wave, it was gone. She leaned down and licked Elsa's hard nub, watching for a reaction. Elsa bit her lip, lowering her hands to Anna's braids and played with them. Anna went lower tracing Elsa's stomach with her tongue. Again she went lower. "Now take off the rest." She demanded. Elsa waved and again the dress dissolved, along with everything underneath. Elsa blushed crimson as Anna parted her thighs. She was wet with excitement, lust, and suspense. "You ready?" Asked Anna. Elsa sucked in a breath. Her sister sniffed her arousal. "It smells sweet, wonder if it'll taste the same. Eh, Elsa?" Anna smirked.

Anna nipped her inner thighs, leaving little marks, showing to anybody that Elsa was hers. She stroked Elsa's pink folds with finger. Elsa moaned,"A-Anna..." She spread her thighs more, giving Anna more access. Anna kissed her sisters slit, causing Elsa to squeak. She shoved her tongue in, stroking her sister's walls with her hot tongue. "Ah! Mmh!" Elsa moaned, covering her mouth. Anna licked her clit, teasing the little bead. "S-Stop teasing!" Elsa breathed. The way her sister licked her was captivating, and it was driving her mad. She would ask her sister later how she learned to do that. Anna licked a specific spot that made her go insane. "Nyah~!" She squeaked, grabbing her sisters head, gripping her locks almost painfully. Elsa came, her juices flowing like a river. Anna lapped it up, not wasting any. "Heh..." Anna chuckled. She kissed her sister forcing her tongue into her mouth, letting Elsa taste herself. Elsa clenched her eyes, the taste and smell were... Surprisingly delicious. "Did you like it?" Anna asked, a mischievous smile on her face. "Y-Yeah..." Elsa whispered, blushing.