
Chapter 3

Daphne had a doctors appointment that afternoon, so her mom came to pick her up early, which left Fred to ride the bus home, alone. When he walked in the front door, he found his mother cooking spaghetti, his favourite meal. "So?" his mom asked. "Did she like it?"

"She loved it, but I never told her I gave it to her." Fred stated glumly.

"Awwww, honey, I'm sorry." said Mrs. Jones, while straining the pasta into a colander. Steam arose from the hot noodles, and after she spooned them onto a plate and plopped marinara sauce on, she handed the plate to Fred.

"Eat up!" the plump woman stated.

Bringing his plate to the preset table, Fred got up on a chair and speared the tasty dish with his fork. Mom always made the best spaghetti for him. Suddenly the front door opened, Fred's dad walking in.

"I'm home!" he declared, setting down his briefcase and hanging his jacket on the hook.

"Hi sweetheart," said Mrs. Jones, kissing her husband on the cheek, and nodding towards their son, twirling spaghetti on his fork absentmindedly.

"Hey, champ! How'd it go with the girl today?" his dad asked, interest in his voice. Fred continued to look down at his plate, not wanting to talk. Mr. Jones glanced at his wife, a worried expression written on his face.

Lowering her voice, she quietly told him that things hadn't gone so well with Daphne.

Finishing his plate, Fred got up from the table, picking up his clean plate and after giving it to his mother, went upstairs to his room.

At the Blake residence, Daphne was showing her mother the necklace that she found in her cubby.

"It's a beautiful necklace, Daphne," Mrs. Blake said, holding the sparkling pendant.

"It was in my cubby at school!" the 5 year old exclaimed.

"Well, whoever gave you this must adore you, honey!"

Daphne's cheeks turned scarlet as she took notice to her shoes.

"Yeah, I guess so... Can you put it on me please?"

"Of course I can! Come here."

Daphne walked over to her and handed her the necklace. Reaching her hands around her daughter's neck, she clasped it together.

"Okay sweetie! Time for bed now. Let's go get your nightgown on and all tucked in!" She led her daughter by the hand, going up the spiral staircase to her room. All tucked in and a kiss on the forehead, Daphne drifted off to sleep wondering who gave her the necklace.