Part 1/3 :D

It's been exactly 4 days after the Great Thaw and everything return back to the way it was for everyone. Well everyone expect one. This one particular person felt like that there was something still a mystery in their life and it was leaving them restless. They then came to conclusion that need to go see someone and that someone was the trolls. That night, the person slipped off into the night with an hooded cape and an horse to go find the trolls.

After a while, the person with the hooded cape and their horse came across an area where there was a bunch of rocks. Somehow, the person with the hooded cape knew that they weren't any normal rocks. The person got off their horse and made their way to the center of the area. When they got to the center, they then said "Hello, I came here to see Pabbie"

Suddenly, the ground began to shake a little and the rocks started to roll and morphed into trolls. They all circled around the person, making it impossible to get out while two of the trolls rolled up to the person.

"Who are you and what do you want with Grand Pabbie?" An male troll named Cliff asked defensively, as he tried to eye the person.

The person pulled back their hood, revealing themselves to be

"Princess Anna!" An female troll named Bulda exclaimed out loud, causing a lot of the trolls to muttered among themselves in shock

"It's the Princess!"

"The Princess!"

"What's she doing here?"

Seeming to hear what one of the trolls said, Anna repeated, with an projected voice, what she said earlier "I came here to see Pabbie" She then looks around with anticipation "Is he here?"

Before any of the trolls got to responded, Pabbie came rolling over to Anna, making everyone quickly moved out of the way.

"Princess Anna! What brings you here at this hour?" Pabbie asked with curiosity in his voice. He wondered what was so important that the Princess needed to see him for that made her come at this time of night.

"I.." Anna hesitated for a moment but decided to come straight out with it. "I..want to remember everything that happened the day..the day you took my memories away"

Pabbie's eyes widen in shock and everyone gasped!

Uh oh! Cliffhanger! So what do you guys think? Well I think I have an guess. You're probably wondering how does Anna knows that her memories got taken way the day of the incident? Well you will have to just wait and find :D